Questions tagged [aspnetboilerplate]

Use this tag to ask questions about the previous ASP.NET Boilerplate, a web applications framework. Bug reports and feature requests should be posted to GitHub. For the successor use [tag:abp]

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Get Typeof Table which is passed as variable

var TemplateGroupList = _templateGTRRepository .GetAll() .Where(x => x.TemplateGroupId == template.Id) .ToList(); var PropertyList = new List<string>(); foreach (var item in ...
Sanjay Kumar Mahato's user avatar
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How to setup benchmarkdotnet in abp boilerplate

I'am trying to setup benchmark to improve/optimise the code in the application, not benchmarking abp itself. Example of benchmarking that i want to monitor: ef query refactoring or using dapper ...
moyomeh's user avatar
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Create custom intereceptor for Abp dynamic C# client proxies

I am to do the following using Abp's dynamic c# client proxies: Register two dynamic client proxies, e.g. one for "FoobarService" and one for "BazbarService" using ...
Karl's user avatar
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Problem when use SignalR with ASP.NET Boilerplate - Connection ID required

I'm creating a SignalR to notify people who are logged in about CRUD events, but I don't understand the ASP.NET Boilerplate documentation very well. What should I do with JS in the final step? I used ...
James Black's user avatar
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How to get the current logged in userID in ABP - Angular?

Version: ABP CLI 8.0.1. I have an option on the website to select an account on the system, I retrieve the account names via the /api/identity/users endpoint like this: getListWithoutSorting = (input: ...
CTtXH's user avatar
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"Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input" when use DataTable in ASP.NET Boilerplate

I followed a code in the ABP Boilerplate framework but got the error "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input". I don't know what return type needs to be returned to display the ...
Khang Khang's user avatar
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Can't create component "" as it has dependencies to be satisfied. ASP.NET Boilerplate ( Version 9 with .NET 8)

I use ABP Boilerplate and .NET8, but when using ABP's DbContext class to query data from the database, I get the error as in the title. I use connection to PostgreSQL ( I changed ...
Khang Khang's user avatar
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Build failed in ASP.NET Boilerplate when connect with PostgreSQL

I use the ASP.NET Boilerplate template version 9.x and .NET 8 but when using the "Add-Migration" template I get the error "doesn't reference Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design. This ...
Nguyễn Khang's user avatar
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Disposing DbContext receiveed from UnitOfWorkManager

I am using .Net Core 3.1 app with aspnet boiler plate template. ABP provides IUnitOfWorkManager. We can either inject IUnitOfWorkManager in the constructor e.g private readonly IUnitOfWorkManager ...
Ask's user avatar
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.NET 8 ASPBoilerplate Demo: CSS Stops Working After Login on Shared Hosting Deployment

I recently downloaded a demo of ASPBoilerplate using .NET 8, structured with MVC. Upon deploying it to shared hosting, an issue arises where the login page displays correctly with CSS styling. However,...
Mahavirsinh Padhiyar's user avatar
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Unable to specify folder in log4net when logging from window service

I am running a .NET Core 3.1 application as a Windows service and have added log4net logging into it. The issue I'm encountering is that it logs to the "C:/Windows/System32/Logs" folder ...
Ask's user avatar
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ASP.Net Boilerplate with .NET 8 and Serilog

We tried to update to ASP.NET Boilerplate to the newest version and .NET 8. This works fine except that we are using Serilog instead of the default logger. We tried to do the hosting with WebHost....
user23464220's user avatar
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Asp net BoilerPlate CreateMultiLingualMap With ProjectTo

I am using boilerplate multilingual mapper but it it does not access the translations when I use AutoMapper Extension Project To it fails to reach translations to get the name so it return ...
Waleed Khaled's user avatar
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How to query the AbpUserAccounts Table

I am trying to query the AbpUserAccounts table but there does not seems to be a way to perform crud operations on AbpUserAccounts. There is a User Manager but all of its functionalities points to ...
adnanazlaan's user avatar
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Navigational property not deleting on update in EF Core

I have an entity in my database with the following properties public class Employee : { public long Id { get; set; } public string EmployeeNumber { get; set; } [...
usama rahman's user avatar
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Can't create component 'Abp.Localization.ApplicationLanguageManager' as it has dependencies to be satisfied

I am getting the following error in BoilerPlate 'Abp.Localization.ApplicationLanguageManager' is waiting for the following dependencies: Service 'Abp.Domain.Repositories.IRepository`1[[Abp....
Hasan's user avatar
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Implement SAML SSO in Aspnetboilerplate with Angular as Frontend

I need to implement SAML SSO authentication in a solution. In documentation not found a way to do or i'm not sure how to do, because i could not found any clear example. ...
Luis Contreras's user avatar
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36 views boilerplate IRepository get all include relationship soft delete wrong paginate and count

I have this code that tries to get all records from Experience including Tenant relationship. public async Task<PagedResultDto<GetExperienceForGuestDto>> GetSearchExperienceForGuest( ...
Dương Việt Hoàng's user avatar
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How to order the available languages in ABP environment?

I'm using boilerplate (ASP.NET Core MVC & Angular) Languages are already in the database like this: And the result on screen in runtime application is: I'm trying to figure out how to order the ...
Beer Baron's user avatar
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How to avoid multi-threading issue with DbContext in ABP?

I am using aspnet boiler plate with .net core 3.1 project. I've a use case where I need to create separate threads for each service bus topic and then all threads will call a repo to get some data ...
Ask's user avatar
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How I Disable filter MayHaveTenant when i'm using in Unit Test?

I'm write a unit test to validade a specific rule in a AppServiceFile. However in my Service, there are a filter to disable multi-tenant (AbpDataFilters.MayHaveTenant), but when I call this method by ...
Cledson Pacheco's user avatar
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Google Maps Javascript SDK giving CORS Error

I am getting CORS error and I am not able to load google maps. I am using Angular 8. Initial call to load map services is successful, but the next call, it gives error. This is how I am loading the ...
Saiyam Shah's user avatar
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Aspnetboilerplate Encrypt decrypt entity

I am attempting to decrypt and encrypt an entity property based on an attribute. Now i could do this in an application service at the point the DTO is Created or Updated and then on a Get (Read) I can ...
KeithMac's user avatar
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Handling 'Task Was Canceled' Error in ASP.NET Core 6.5 AppService Method

I have a RoomChange method in my ASP.NET Core application (version 6.5) that contains several asynchronous service calls to update the database. Among these calls, one operates within a loop. However, ...
phonemyat's user avatar
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Set base path with IWebHost in .net core

I have a .NET Core 3.1 web project that includes a background service, and I am hosting the project as a Windows service. Currently I am having the following Program.cs file public class Program { ...
Ask's user avatar
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ASP.NET before throw UserFriendlyException insert a log to db

I want to insert a log into the database and throw a UserFriendlyException but it doesn't work as I expect if (isTodayOpen) //today open but time not valid { ...
Chua Hong Yong's user avatar
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How to register AbpModule in .Net 6 Webapp

I've a .net core 3.1 application downloaded using Aspnet boilerplate ( The project is using 5.1.0 version of Abp Nuget packages. I've got different .net core 3.1 class ...
Ask's user avatar
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How to get session value in ASP.NET boilerplate

I am working with an ASP.NET boilerplate 1.5.1 and I need to manage user sessions for some specific functionalities. How can I set up sessions in an ASP.NET Boilerplate application? Once set up, how ...
Smit Patel's user avatar
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when login user tenantId is null, creatoruserId is not auto inserted?

when login user with tenant Id is null, I insert data in table and creator user id is not auto inserted login user id value in core boilerplate 6.5. I'm using multitenancy. I want to auto ...
phonemyat's user avatar
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Aspnet Boilerplate and Vue

I am using the version v8.x of the aspnetboilerplate, including login, register, etc. I have created a new simple entity and that is working fine. Now, I am trying to get the details of a child. For ...
marius's user avatar
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Abp Controller does not show up when using [RemoteService(IsEnabled = false)] on EntityAppService

My custom controller does not show up in swagger. This is my controller: public class ProductController : ShopController { private readonly IProductAppService _productAppService; ...
Mariia Leos's user avatar
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Syncfusion Javascript and Aspnetboilerplate

I am using aspnetboilerplate with JQuery. I want to replace the standard DataTables Grid with Syncfusion's DataGrid in order to test possible replacement. I unfortunately have no luck in getting it ...
pjdupreez's user avatar
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While posting model object, date properties having 'dd-MM-yyyy' value

I'm facing an issue, in aspnetboilerplate ASP.NET Core 7. While posting a model object with a date value having 'dd-MM-yyyy' format. I've tried many options but was unable to resolve the issue. if ...
jishan siddique's user avatar
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Dynamic data load on scroll in HTML Dropdown

I am trying to achieve data load on scroll down in an HTML Dropdown. My code is below. HTML <div class="dropdown d-inline-block"> <!-- Set to display as inline-block --> ...
Abdullah Akhtar's user avatar
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How to Audit only desired methods or classes in Aspnetboilerplate?

In official documentation you can disable all the audit, or disable methods by [DisableAuditing]. But I want to audit only my desired methods or classes. I implement MyCustomAuditStore but there isn't ...
Behzad Shirani's user avatar
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AbpSession tenantid is not getting set

I am using aspnetzero for my development in .net and angular. When I enable the multitenancy in my project than abpsession tenantid is not getting set. It is null. If I disable it than host tenant id ...
Aashima's user avatar
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Can't resolve dependency injection in a new project in boilerplate

I added a new Blazor project in my boilerplate application then add the ASP.NET Core web project reference but I'm unable to resolve the dependency injection. If anyone knows - please help..
Sourav Paria's user avatar
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Problem in receiving SignalR notification in Angular project sent from background worker in .NET Core with aspnetboilerplate

I am working with ASP.NET Boilerplate project for .NET Core and Angular. In my .NET Core project, I have a background worker. My goal is to send notification to the user in every 2 milliseconds. I ...
mnu-nasir's user avatar
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Real time notification form Background Worker in ASP.NET Boilerplate

I am very new in ASP.NET Boilerplate template. I have created a project where frontend is in Angular and Backend is in .NET Core. In my backend I have created a Background Worker using ...
mnu-nasir's user avatar
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Reading appsettings.json key in Entity Framework Core project

I need to read a key (already) defined in Host/MVC [StartUp] project's appsettings.json file in my Entity Framework Core project, a code sample would be very helpful. What I want is, to read a (seed ...
Hammad's user avatar
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create new tenant in multiple tenant

When I create new Tenant in Debug mode and on public api only login dc tenant in correct mode even though connection string configuration to server in app settings is same. Please show me how to fix ...
đức mạnh lương's user avatar
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aspnetboilerplate .net core, multipage web application v8.1.0 file upload

I am trying to build a file upload with the aspnetboilerplate .net core, multi page web application, version 8.1.0. I am getting null in the controller action method. Here is my code: var product = _$...
Ismail Hossen's user avatar
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High memory usage with Aspnet Core + Signalr + EF Core (with Aspnetboilerplate)

I am creating this game server using Aspnetboilerplate, with EFCore, and SignalR. However the server uses around 200MB of memory during startup, and every each call goes up around 2MB of private bytes ...
Orange's user avatar
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Cannot signin in overriden AuthorizationHelper

My goal is to be able to call the methods of the application services marked with AbpAuthorize without being logged in by passing an api key in the header. I've overwritten the default authorization ...
Angel's user avatar
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How ABP framework design its folder structure when it comes to extending an existing module/feature with another module?

I want to know how Abp decides its framework folder structure when it comes to extending an existing module/feature with another module. Honestly, I have little confusion with it. Let me explain it ...
Ismail Yilmaz's user avatar
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App Service stops writing to DB table after throwing exception

Using AspNetBoilerplate. I'm being asked to create a way to provide a user to unsubscribe from a service prior password check which is where I'm stuck. [AbpAuthorize] public class ...
elwholer's user avatar
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How is it chosen which dependency to inject?

Why Abp use CustomAuthorizationHelper in logic to check enabling feature, if Abp use your own IoC? All works fine, but i need to know why is this happening. Using aspnetboilerplate framework. I need ...
FordRelak's user avatar
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Error "No component for supporting the service Abp.AspNetCore.MultiTenancy.DomainTenantResolveContributor was found" when run test function

I working with boilerplate v.5.12.0 The project works fine with Enabling MultiTenancy And now we need to use the unit test function but when I start to run it I get this error for all ...
Radwa's user avatar
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ASPBoilerPlate - The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool

I am having a .net MVC core application running on a AWS ECS linux fargate . There 2 cases are following : MSSQL Database is hosted in same VPC as RDS : In this case everything is working fine. ECS (...
Suman Ghosh's user avatar
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What is the problem while i am trying to run Asp Net BoilerPlate Project ABP

I have found out a video about first configurations and run the ABP project. I have applied instructions of this video step by step but there are some problems on running. For example video created ...
G. ÖZEL's user avatar

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