Questions tagged [autobahn]

Questions related to the Autobahn WebSocket/WAMP open-source frameworks and libraries.

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9 votes
1 answer

Websocket paused when android app goes to background

My android app starts a service that opens a websocket to communicate to a remote server. The service spawns a thread whose run method looks like this. public void run() { try { ...
Chu Bun's user avatar
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sendMessage from outside in autobahn running in separate thread

I want to call sendMessage method from outside of MyServerProtocol class and send a message to connected clients. I use threading to do this. When I use this code : from autobahn.twisted.websocket ...
alireza's user avatar
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22 votes
3 answers

Python - Running Autobahn|Python asyncio websocket server in a separate subprocess or thread

I have a tkinter based GUI program running in Python 3.4.1. I have several threads running in the program to get JSON data from various urls. I am wanting to add some WebSocket functionality to be ...
user2662241's user avatar
6 votes
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How to send Autobahn/Twisted WAMP message from outside of protocol?

I am following the basic wamp pubsub examples in the github code: This example publishes messages from within the class: class Component(ApplicationSession): """ An application component that ...
hazzey's user avatar
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Connecting to Poloniex Push-API

I want to connect to the Push API of Poloniex. On their page they write the following: In order to use the push API, connect to wss:// and subscribe to the desired feed. wss = ...
Bobface's user avatar
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Trial unittests using Autobahn WebSocket

I'm trying to write unittests for my application that uses Autobahn. I want to test my controllers which gets received data from protocol, parses it and reacts to it. But when my test comes to a ...
Rafał Łużyński's user avatar
4 votes
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Running several ApplicationSessions non-blockingly using autbahn.asyncio.wamp

I'm trying to run two autobahn.asyncio.wamp.ApplicationSessions in python at the same time. Previously, I did this using a modification of the autobahn library as suggested in this post's answer. I ...
deepbrook's user avatar
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Websockets and cookies in Android

I am developing an Android application and I need a Websockets framework that allows me to send cookies in the first connection of the Websocket(not in each message). I've tried Autobahn and Java-...
user avatar
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4 answers

Reading Messages on Poloniex Trollbox with Python autbahn or other socket module?

Poloniex doesn't return every message to my socket. I read the messages with the following code and sometimes I get continuous message numbers, but sometimes there are like 10 messages missing: from ...
sunwarr10r's user avatar
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sendMessage from outside in autobahn running in separate thread by using "asyncio"

I want to call sendMessage method from outside of MyServerProtocol class and send a message to the server. The answare is very similar to this but i need to use asyncio instead of twisted. Cane ...
Buckler's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Autobahn sending user specific and broadcast messages from external application

Totally new to websockets. I am having a bit of trouble understanding how to interact with python Autobahn / twisted from another application and cannot seem to find any useful examples. I have a ...
someuser's user avatar
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8 votes
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How to add PyPi dependencies to DEB package

I created some python app using autobahn and packaged it using baazar builddeb. In python file I added requires tag with all the required dependencies. Is it possible to tell debian package ...
marcinpz's user avatar
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7 votes
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Websocket multiple Channels vs. One Channel + Server Side handling [GroupChat]

Let's say we want to create private chat rooms, where user can chat in small groups. A user can join multiple / x groups. In each case, I need to create a unique group on the server and subscribe user ...
user3746259's user avatar
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5 votes
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Poloniex Push WAMP API through Autobahn dropping connection to peer tcp

I tried to connect to the Push API in poloniex using python and followed the instructions on the answer here: How to connect to websocket api using a python library However I keep ...
James Pinkerton's user avatar
5 votes
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Autobahn cannot import name error

I have installed twisted and Autobahn websocket by using pip install twisted pip install autobahn But when I import any of the factories from Autobahn, I get the cannot import name error. >&...
crazydiv's user avatar
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4 answers

Autobahn websocket issue while running with twistd using tac file

I have a WebSocket server implemented using autobahn WebSocket framework using twisted. WebSocket server runs fine when the program ran with python. But if I run this using twistd server runner by ...
Bill Goldberg's user avatar
3 votes
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How to use with django?

Need for websockets in my project. Found out crossplatform solution but only tutorial for pure python is available. How to use autobahn as chat server in django project?
V V's user avatar
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How to set logging level in twisted?

I am using autobahn package with twisted which shows debug message for me every connect to websocket. I tried to switch logging level to info but had no success: import logging logging.basicConfig(...
kalombo's user avatar
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How create a python application with two thread each which has a autobahn application

I have not found any solution for my problem. I need to create a python application with two thread, each of which is connected to a WAMP Router using autobahn library. Follow I write the code of my ...
alotronto's user avatar
3 votes
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Real time chat in PHP +Redis +Pub/Sub +WebSockets (+NodeJS)

I want to develop real time chat with channels and these are my needs: PHP backend to manage site Redis as session and data primary storage Pub/Sub to send messages only to channel's interested users ...
andrzej1_1's user avatar
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Integrate Autobahn|Python with aiohttp

I'm trying to integrate an aiohttp web server into a Crossbar+Autobahn system architecture. More in detail, when the aiohttp server receive a certain API call, it has to publish a message to a ...
gmanzoli's user avatar
2 votes
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Python websocket server-client (PubSub) Restreamer

I'm, getting WebSocket data from a website, code is written in python and uses autobahn, twisted, threading for WebSocket handling. The process follows ws.subscribe(<list>) for subscribing to ...
Dr.PB's user avatar
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Adding WSS to Websocket/Autobahn/WAMP/Twisted

There doesn't seem to be much out there right now on how to properly add WSS support to an Autobahn/Twisted setup. I'm starting with the Crossbar serial2ws example, which shows a WS-based connection ...
sscirrus's user avatar
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Design pattern for getting initial value in pubsub in autobahn

Normally, a publish-subscribe pattern is about fetching content updates. But how do subscribers get initial content that was there before they subscribed for updates? I'm using publish-subscribe ...
Oleksiy's user avatar
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Combining implementation of autobahn websockets, gstreamers and html5 mediaSource API

I am running a websocket server using autobahn|python. on the server side, I also have a gstreamer pipeline running which I am using to capture webm frames using "appsink". The gstreamer pipeline ...
Chetan Naik's user avatar
2 votes
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Override Autobahn/Twisted WebsocketClientProtocol class

I want to override my WebSocketClientFactory class to allow a job queue to be filled by the incoming data. Here's the connection code I am trying factory = WebSocketClientFactory("ws://localhost:...
crazydiv's user avatar
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Connecting to websocket using SocketChannel Android

I have written android app which connects to a websocket server, server app and android app implemented with Autobahn websocket library. I can connect and exchange the messages with server ...
eranga's user avatar
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1 answer

Autobahn with sendMessage using threading and twisted

From this thread (sendMessage from outside in autobahn running in separate thread) I am trying to get the code below working. But I am getting the following error: File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/...
someuser's user avatar
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2 votes
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Websockets: Are Rachet & autobahn from npm compatible?

I'm experimenting with the Ratchet php library. In particular, I've been trying to integrate their push integration demo into a React application. Their demo references a seemingly one-off version of ...
quickshiftin's user avatar
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pass function argument to another component reactjs

I'm using AutobahnJS I don't know how to use the same connection in another component. I decided to make it manually by passing the session argument to another component like this but that's doesn't ...
Laura delgado's user avatar
1 vote
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python websocket failure when run in openshift

I have a autobahn twisted websocket running in python which is working in a dev vm correctly but I have been unable to get working when the server is running in openshift. Here is the shortened code ...
user1601716's user avatar
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How to solve websocket ping timeout?

While running the following piece of code (in theory it should send a value every minute) from __future__ import print_function from twisted.internet.ssl import CertificateOptions options = ...
Bondeaux's user avatar
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Browser client using autobahn.js can not connect to Ratchet Websocket Server

I'm struggling with a problem : I developed a Ratchet Web Socket Server using PHP Ratchet My server is up and listening to port 8082 : require 'vendor/autoload.php'; $loop = ...
Ravi Soni's user avatar
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Calling publish from outside a custom Autobahn WampClientProtocol

How do I call an autobahn/wamp/twisted protocol publish method from outside of the protocol class? I have a custom python autobahn client based on
Gabe's user avatar
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Can autobahn.twisted.wamp.Application do pub/sub?

I would like to use some pub/sub features along with rpc from autobahn.twisted.wamp.Application I'd prefer not to make a ApplicationSession class if I can get by without doing so. Can registered rpc ...
John's user avatar
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How can I implement an interactive websocket client with autobahn asyncio?

I'm trying to implement a websocket/wamp client using autobahn|python and asyncio, and while it's somewhat working, there are parts that have eluded me. What I'm really trying to do is implement WAMP ...
morris's user avatar
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Getting dependencies to load correctly in requirejs (autobahn and whenjs)

I have been stuck on this problem for the past few hours. I'm trying to get autobahnjs and whenjs to be loaded correctly by requirejs. require.config({ paths: { angular: '../...
Flukey's user avatar
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How to get the reactor from ApplicationRunner in autobahnPython

I have an autobahn client using the ApplicationRunner class from autobahn to connect to a WAMP router (crossbar). In the main section it attaches my ApplicationSession class "REScheduler" like this: ...
markop's user avatar
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Where can arbitrary exceptions during WebSocket connections in Autobahn be caught in the Python code?

I have created a Python program that uses Autobahn to make WebSocket connections to a remote host, and receive a data flow over these connections. From time to time, some different exceptions occur ...
QuestionOverflow's user avatar
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How do I send input from python cmd to autobahn websocket client running in the same interpreter?

I'm trying to take input from an interactive prompt via python's cmd library and pass the input to an autobahn websocket client to send up to a websocket server. The cmd loop and the autobahn ...
tomdaq's user avatar
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Websocket stress test with Autobahn Testsuite

I try to do some stress test against my websocket server. On client side I run the following script from this site : import time, sys from twisted.internet import defer, reactor from twisted....
maciekm's user avatar
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Android - Autobahn Websocket sending message error(NullPointerException)

I am working on websocket communication with Autobahn. On the main.class of my app, I set to call 'connect()' when users click a button. // Toggle Button event tButton = (ToggleButton) ...
user2500696's user avatar
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How to asynchronously read data via modbus/TCP and send them to web

I need to receive data from device connected via Ethernet (modbus/TCP) and send it to webpage (maybe using web sockets). I can't find good examples. Now I can connect with driver and print values ...
marcinpz's user avatar
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Logging WAMP worker Trace Back Error

I have been trying to debug Remote Procedure Calls for WAMP (Web Application Messaging Protocol) based python components. For example: Front end (browser)'math.add2', [2, 'two']); ...
Eddie's user avatar
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Autobahn: User status like Online, Offline

Since Autobahn is isolated from the application server, How can we track the online or offline status of the user ?
Kamalakannan J's user avatar
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How to up to date poloniex orderbook via push api (WAMP protocol)

I making software for scalping on To do this, I need to have fresh information about order book. API DOCUMENTATION said about push api. As i understand right it work like that: Use ...
reactorx2015 X's user avatar