Questions tagged [autoresize]

Autoresize refers to a computed dimension of a GUI element which is implicitly recalculated.

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2 votes
0 answers

autoresizingMask changes the size of the UILabel being drawn, just by being set

I have some custom UITableViewCells that are made programmatically as needed, I want these to resize. However, when I add autoresizingMasks to the UILabels in the cells, they all seem to stretch wider ...
Kojiro's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

jQuery dialog width resizing problem

I try to load some HTML code into a jQueryUI dialog by AJAX. The code itself is a list, where rightmost elements should be absolutely positioned so that the list looks like a table with two columns, ...
ktMen's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Auto-Resizing JTextArea

I want my JTextArea to resize itself (expand vertically) when the last line (that the text area's height can offer) is reached and the user wants to start a new line. You know, like the textbox in ...
Halo's user avatar
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1 answer

Adding UIViews with dynamic heights iphone

in my viewcontroller's view i need to add a couple of custom UIView's, i do that in the loadView method so in my custom uiview's drawRect method i add a couple of UILabel's. in my viewcontroller's ...
Andy Jacobs's user avatar
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1 answer

Flex3: How can I make a container resize based on the size of its contents?

FYI, I'm a Flex newbie. I'm trying to create a Flex application that can automatically shrink based on the size of the components that it contains, so that a user can shrink it to a minimal view to ...
Kaypro II's user avatar
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11 votes
6 answers

How to hide a UIView completely when changing orientation?

I want to design a view/view controler that automaticaly shows/hides a subview when in landscape orientation. I want the subview to dissapear completely and other subviews to take up its space. Using ...
Panagiotis Korros's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Silverlight Grid Auto Size not working within canvas

How do you make a grid width 100% inside a canvas? Here's some simple XAML but it doesn't work as expected. <Canvas Background="MediumSlateBlue" Width="Auto" Height="Auto" > <Grid x:Name=...
Matt's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a way to dynamically extend the html5 canvas without clearing what's drawn on it?

see this when the output reaches the bottom of the page, i'd like the canvas to automatically extend so that it can keep going. I tried setting the canvas.height property, but it clears the window. ...
pat's user avatar
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11 votes
6 answers

Measure String inside RichTextBox Control

Can somebody please explain how I would go about measuring the string inside a richtextbox control so that the I can automatically resize the richtextbox control according to its content? Thank you ...
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0 votes
2 answers

button autoresize

Can anyone help me with the small buttons/icons used within the iphone apps. I am fairly new to the app world and trying to make some buttons(viz the tick box) for my app. I am not sure if we should ...
mb08's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

PHP upload and resize image

I am working on a script that uploads a picture using PHP and I wanna make it resize the image to width 180 before saving it. I tried using the WideImage library and ->saveFileTO(...) but when I ...
taabouzeid's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Autoresize UITextView and UIScrollView

I already did several searches on Stack Overflow and Google, but I couldn't find a solution to my problem. I have a Detail View for a product that includes a UIScrollView and a few subviews (...
dennis3484's user avatar
20 votes
5 answers

UIView Autoresizing Resources

I've been working on autoresizing a custom UIView and Apple has very little to say on this. What's more, based on SO feedback, Apple's documentation is actually wrong in some areas. Finally, even ...
David Kanarek's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to auto-resize qt widget?

QT Version: 4.5.2 OS: ubuntu 8.04 I have a trouble with auto-resizing widget, here is an example: alt text As the figure shows, here are two ...
Sibevin Wang's user avatar
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1 answer

Autosizing relative to content view, not superview?

In my iPhone app, I have a UIView inside the content view, and I have some controls inside the UIView. I've set the autosize properties for these controls in Interface Builder, but it seems that they'...
Eamon Ford's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Problem with autoresizing when iPhone is rotated

In my iPhone app, I have a view (let's call it RectangleView) within the content view that I'd like to scale, along with all its subviews, when the iPhone is rotated. So, when the phone is rotated ...
Eamon Ford's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Wrong size of UITableView using autoresizingMask

I have a UITableView which is not being resized properly using autoresizeMask (in iPhone 3.0). The UITableView is inside a UIViewController inside a UINavigationController inside a UITabBarController,...
hpique's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Resizing UINavigationBar on rotation

I have a subclass of UIViewController which handles a UIView. The viewcontroller is presented modally (it slides up from the bottom of the screen). At the top of the view, i have added a navigation ...
MW.'s user avatar
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35 votes
12 answers

How to automatic resize tinyMCE?

I have a TinyMCE that is set over a TextArea, and I want this editor area to ocuppy all the space of its parent div, all times. I have a JS function that get the current space and set the textarea....
igorsantos07's user avatar
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1 answer

Forcing WinForms AutoResize to happen

I have the following structure in a Windows Form: Form (AutoResize = true, AutoSizeMode = GrowAndShrink) FlowLayout (AutoResize = true, AutoSizeMode = GrowAndShrink) GroupBox ...
Thom's user avatar
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1 answer

Odd resizing of controls VB.NET

I have a listbox and a panel. In my forms resize event, my listbox is always form1.width * 0.5 and then the panel is also, but it doesnt work very well. I They overlap at a certain point but in theory,...
jmasterx's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

how is td auto resized in this case?

<body> <table width="100%"> <tr> <td><div>content1 goes here</div></td> <td><div>content2 goes here</div></td> <td><div>...
omg's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Flex TextArea auto-resize behavior - is this possible?

For a multi-line TextArea Flex component, want to be able to keep entering text and have the TextArea auto-resize in the vertical direction so that all the entered text is shown at once. However, ...
RogerV's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Setting proportional image widths for browser resize

If I have an image combined with a style: <img class="test" src="testimage.jpg" /> img.test { width: 50%;} The image resizes to 50% the width of the box containing it, as well as resizing ...
Charlie Kotter's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Automatic image resizing in a CSS flow layout to simulate a html-table layout

I have an image that, depending on the screen resolution, drops down out of sight in my CSS flow layout because I have set its width and height to static values. Is there a way in a CSS flow layout ...
Charlie Kotter's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Auto-sizing body background image to browser window?

i have a jquery script that allows for changing the body background i want to have the background image of the body scaled to the browser window size there is a script called http://www....
vache's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to make iPhone app look right when user is on a phone call or Internet tethering?

The status bar has grown, so parts of my interface get cut off. Any pointers on how to fix this (e.g. using autoresize masks, etc.)? I use Interface Builder for the UI, so everything is .xib's.
Elliot's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Auto-resize custom horizontal scrollbar/slider?

I'm working on a site that scrolls horizontally. I know very little about jQuery and prototype and I got this slider script working as the page scrollbar. When the window is resized smaller, the ...
user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

NSView's autoresizing behavior

I need to understand how NSView autoresizes it's views. I've set everything up in IB and my subviews resize nicely (when I resize my window around with a mouse). However, if I do [myMainView setFrame:]...
411 votes
4 answers

How to get StackPanel's children to fill maximum space downward?

I simply want flowing text on the left, and a help box on the right. The help box should extend all the way to the bottom. If you take out the outer StackPanel below it works great. But for reasons ...
Edward Tanguay's user avatar

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