Questions tagged [aws-sdk-js]

The official AWS SDK for JavaScript provides an API to many AWS services, including: S3, SNS, SQS, EC2, Route53, etc... This library can be used in front-end Javascript which is executed in the browser as well as in NodeJS.

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7 votes
2 answers

specifying the signature version of s3 client in aws sdk version 3

In aws-sdk v2 for javascript, we instantiate s3 client using: var s3 = new AWS.S3({ accessKeyId: 'YOUR-ACCESSKEYID' , secretAccessKey: 'YOUR-SECRETACCESSKEY' , ...
0 votes
0 answers

How do I test the values used to instantiate an aws client?

I am updating a class typescript module to start using v3 of the aws-sdk. In one of the methods I have the lines: const eventBridgeClient = new EventBridgeClient({ region: this.region }) const ...
2 votes
1 answer

how to access properties of promise that resolves two types

In my typescript/node code, I am following an example at, where I have a line as follows: const { VersionId } = ...
6 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between @aws-sdk/client-ses and @aws-sdk/client-sesv2?

AWS's SDK for JavaScript version 3 seems to have 2 different clients for Simple Email Service (SES). I realized I have been using @aws-sdk/client-sesv2 but: The actual doc on their GitHub repos is ...
1 vote
1 answer

DynamoDB: Using SET on an UpdateExpression to increment a field is not working

I'm following the AWS docs in order to implement a lambda to increase the value of a field with an scalar value in DynamoDB. In my case I'm using NodeJS SDK v3, but the docs redirect you to this page ...
8 votes
2 answers

Cloudformation deploy aws sdk for javascript

Looking at the AWS sdk for Javascript, it appears we can only create stacks but i'm looking of a way to deploy a stack. How would I do that with the provided sdk; this is what they currently have: ...
2 votes
3 answers

Getting credentials for logged in user via Amplify Auth

I am using AWS Amplify for a ReactJS application. The only two functional areas I am using from Amplify are Authentication and Hosting. These two are working fine, and a Cognito user pool associated ...
0 votes
1 answer

AWS JavaScript SDK v3 : SignatureDoesNotMatch : The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided

I'm trying to setup a node.js app that will upload files to an S3 bucket. I keep getting this error: SignatureDoesNotMatch : The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you ...
0 votes
0 answers

Creating cloudfront url for s3 static site from nodejs AWS-SDK

Creating cloudfront url for s3 static site from nodejs AWS-SDK Here is the reference It is long form ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is this a safe way to use aws-sdk on client side?

I have read different opinions so I'd like expert ones. My question is basic: If I create a react app (only client side), from where I'm planning to read a s3 object, is the following a safe approach ...
0 votes
0 answers

aws-sdk v2 to v3 migration question - IniLoader [duplicate]

I am doing an 'aws-sdk' v2 > v3 migration and I'm trying to find the v3 equivalent of the following v2 code: const profiles = Object.keys((new AWS.IniLoader()).loadFrom({}); The closest thing I ...
0 votes
0 answers

DynamoDB documentClient.transactWrite throws ValidationException, but the datatype is correct

I rewrote some code to take advantage of the transaction API. When I try to update an object containing product information I get the following error: ValidationException: ExpressionAttributeValues ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to get a credential-provider that runs from another AWS IAM User

The AWS account I work in has 2 main IAM users: User A has most of the important execution permissions (Lambda, SecretsManager, API GateWay...) User B has only 1 permission: AssumeRole to targetRole, ...
0 votes
0 answers

aws js sdk -- unable to get local issuer certificate in local node script, but works just fine with aws cli

I am writing a helper to enable running a lambda function locally. There are DynamoDB and other calls to AWS services in this function. When I run my script, the aws-sdk says it cannot get the local ...
0 votes
0 answers

Error: No value provided for input HTTP label: Bucket while putting a file in S3 with aws-sdv V3

I am getting error Error: No value provided for input HTTP label: Bucket while putting an object ( a file ) in S3 using AWS-SDK V3 apis in a nodejs service. Here is code I am using : const ...
2 votes
2 answers

S3Client throws Readable.toWeb() is not supported error when using transformToWebStream

I am using NodeJS 14 version. I have the following code to download a file from AWS S3 using aws-sdk version 3. static async downloadFromS3(document: Document) { let s3 = new S3Client(...
1 vote
1 answer

Updating aws-sdk v2 to v3 breaks DynamoDB call in Synthetics Canary

Interesting issue after updating to v3. The updated code works fine in tests, locally and in lambdas, but fails when running it within a Synthetics Canary. Might be an easy solution, but haven't found ...
0 votes
1 answer

Getting [TypeError: Cannot read property 'apply' of undefined] - is the AWS V3 SDK compatible with React Native?

Background: I am investigating possible tech stacks for a project, so I am trying a bunch of things I'm not very familiar with. ( rough going, obviously ) I see Amazon recommends Amplify for React ...
12 votes
4 answers

DynamoDB get item TypeScript hell

Can anyone explain how to use GetItemInput type when calling DocumentClient.get ? If I pass in an object of any type get works but if I try and strongly type the params object I get this error: ...
0 votes
0 answers

Getting [Error: Credential is missing] using @aws-sdk/client-verifiedpermissions with AWS Cognito for getting Permissions

I am using the IsAuthorizedWithTokenCommand Command from @aws-sdk/client-verifiedpermissions to get authorization using the identity token generated by cognito, but i am getting the error: ...
0 votes
0 answers

[Error: crypto.getRandomValues() not supported. See]

I'm running into issues when calling the BedrockClientRuntime in my expo emulator. Currently, this is how I am calling the client: const client = new BedrockRuntimeClient({ region: "<...
3 votes
1 answer

AWS -SES: Adding link in my email template

I have to send an email using template through AWS SES. { "Template": { "TemplateName": "resetPasswordEmailTemplate", "SubjectPart": "FBO Hangars- Recover Password", "HtmlPart": "Hi {{name}},\r\n ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to find the aws-sdk version in v3 javascript

I'm aware we can find the current aws-sdk(v2) version in lambda runtime from AWS.VERSION environment variable. In v3, aws-sdk is modularized, is there a way to find the which version of the aws-sdk ...
0 votes
0 answers

Image uploaded to AWS S3 through Node aws-sdk is corrupted

I am uploading an image to aws-s3 with the aws-sdk. The image seems to be sucessfully written to my bucket but, when I download the image through the aws dashboard or using GetObjectCommand, the image ...
0 votes
2 answers

AWS tries to read config from file system

I'm trying to send an email using AWS SES from a Supabase cloud function. I've set up the AWS env variables, but it still tries to read the config from filesystem, which fails 'cause there's no ...
0 votes
0 answers

Why is file AWS_restXML.js included in minified bundle?

I am creating a bundle of a AWS Lambda function that uses @aws-sdk/client-s3. The largest file in the bundle according to is AWS_restXML.js coming in at 143 kb. ...
7 votes
2 answers

ListObjectsV2 - Get only folders in an S3 bucket

I am using AWS S3 JS SDK. I have folders within folders in my S3 bucket and I would like to list only folders at a certain level. This is the structure: bucket/folder1/folder2/folder3a/file1 bucket/...
1 vote
0 answers

aws sdk v3 lib-storage: upload file of 112 GB crash chrome for out of memory

I have bundled "@aws-sdk/lib-storage" and "@aws-sdk/client-s3" with webpack for use it on frontend package.json { "name": "aws-s3-upload", "version&...
4 votes
2 answers

AWS-SDK-S3-Client throws "Error: Resolved credential object is not valid" while executing putObject command

When I am trying to upload a file using aws-sdk-s3-client in nodejs. It throwing an validation error: Error: Resolved credential object is not valid at SignatureV4.validateResolvedCredentials (/api/...
1 vote
1 answer

How to test GetParameter of SSM using aws-sdk-client-mock in typescript

I want to write test case for SSM GetParameterCommand request in typescript. My code looks like: const region = "us-east-1" const awsSSMClient = new SSMClient({ region }) export async ...
14 votes
4 answers

How do I mock AWS S3 GetObjectCommand with jest using the v3 sdk?

Testing an s3 upload? The method to test is export class ProcessData { constructor() {} async process(): Promise<void> { const data = await s3Client.send(new GetObjectCommand(bucket)); ...
1 vote
0 answers

Multer S3 (v3) type error when implementing AWS SDK (v3) - missing properties from type 'S3'

I'm in the process of upgrading my AWS SDK from v2 to v3 (@aws-sdk/client-s3 v3.496.0). This includes upgrading multer-s3 to v3.0.1 to be compatible as stated by their docs. But I'm getting the ...
0 votes
0 answers

Can't fetch ListUsers with CognitoIdentityProviderClient (aws-sdk) and next.js (v14 with /app router)

I have problems fetching users list from Cognito User Pool using aws/sdk. I'm working with next.js with /app router (v14.0.4), aws-amplify (v6.0.10) and @aws-sdk/client-cognito-identity-provider (3....
184 votes
9 answers

Nodejs AWS SDK S3 Generate Presigned URL

I am using the NodeJS AWS SDK to generate a presigned S3 URL. The docs give an example of generating a presigned URL. Here is my exact code (with sensitive info omitted): const AWS = require('aws-...
0 votes
0 answers

When AWS STS credentials expire during upload

I received the sts credential from the server and using it to create an s3 object and upload it. // aws sdk v2 // STS credentials //{aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, aws_session_token, ...
0 votes
0 answers

React Native AWS SDK

I want to store my aws s3 access key id and secret key in my react native app. I am using it to upload files to my s3 bucket using presigned url. What is the best way to store this creds. I stored it ...
0 votes
2 answers

AWS S3 Access and Secret Key management in React Native

I want to store my aws s3 access key and secret key in my react native app. I am storing it in env file and using it via react-native-config. But i received a mail from play console saying the key is ...
0 votes
1 answer

waitUntilInstanceRunning in the AWS JS SDK hangs

I'm writing a small function to start and stop some of our AWS resources outside of office hours, based on this article. Currently my code looks like this - edited for brevity. import { EC2Client, ...
3 votes
3 answers

Decrypting cognito codes with KMS client from aws-sdk-v3

I am following this instruction to implement custom message sender in Cognito All works well with ...
0 votes
1 answer

Cannot see the properties of CognitoUserPool Class from amazon-cognito-identity-js Nuxt3

I am using the amazon-cognito-identity-js library to create a new user in Amazon Cognito, but I cannot view the properties of the class CognitoUserPool. My application is Nuxt3 using Pinia. Steps that ...
0 votes
0 answers

Pricing api for the Aws Savings plan?

I'm currently working on developing an AWS cost calculator. I've managed to retrieve the reserved and on-demand prices using the query API successfully. However, I've encountered an issue as the API ...
3 votes
2 answers

Why does the InvokeModelCommand for AWS Bedrock Cohere model return numbers and not text?

I have a file called bedrock.mjs in AWS Lambda with the below code: import { BedrockRuntimeClient, InvokeModelCommand, } from "@aws-sdk/client-bedrock-runtime" export const ...
1 vote
0 answers

'The provided ARN is invalid' error when locally running a Step Function that calls EventBridge Scheduler

I am running a Step Function using the AWS JS SDK v3 that gets and creates schedules with AWS EventBridge Scheduler. When I run it in the AWS account, I am able to run the step function. However, when ...
2 votes
2 answers

Invoke AWS Lambda into React page using aws-sdk

I have this simple form executed into React page: import React from 'react'; import { Link } from 'react-router-dom'; import {LambdaClient, InvokeCommand, LogType} from "@aws-sdk/client-lambda&...
1 vote
1 answer

AWS S3 Javascript SDK v2 allows for full path but v3 does not. How can I access the files in S3 with a full path?

My application used to use AWS JavaScript SDK v2. In this version I could have a bucket name with slashes. The pattern of this bucket name is: <bucket_name>//. Essentially mocking a folder ...
0 votes
0 answers

What are the implications of AWS SDK for JavaScript (v2) being put into maintenance mode in 2023?

We are using Lambda service to run our JavaScript codebase. We have noticed the following message: ERROR (node:8) NOTE: The AWS SDK for JavaScript (v2) will be put into maintenance mode in 2023 Is ...
0 votes
1 answer

Delete multiple files from digitalocean spaces using aws-sdk/client-s3

I want to delete multiple files from digitaloceans spaces but keep getting errors. Environmental variables are all set My current code: const { S3Client, DeleteObjectsCommand } = require("@aws-...
2 votes
1 answer

Why can't I register one specific version of `@aws-sdk/client-ssm` to my tsyringe container but another version works?

I want to register the @aws-sdk/client-ssm with my my tsyring container like all the other aws services I am using. However when I am using "@aws-sdk/client-ssm": "3.435.0" and ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to create temporary AWS credentials for lambda

This is in response to the post in How to pass aws credentials I am trying to get temporary credentials that aws batch can assume by running a lambda script. When I tested the lambda locally from AWS ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to fetch aws cognito user pool data into website console log ,after successfully logined with microsoft AD

My Workflow is that I redirected my website to AWS Cognito with Microsoft AD for sign-in. So when any user was logging into Microsoft and after successfully login redirected to my website. this is ...

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