Questions tagged [azure-machine-learning-service]

For questions about Microsoft's cloud-based service for machine learning. Be sure to include in your question the version of azureml-sdk or azureml CLI that you're using and code snippets you may be using.

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Set AzureML Job outputs path to working directory

I am training a computer vision model in AzureML and try setting the outputs directory to match the location of my logs/artifacts, i.e. my execution work dir 'exe/wd'. I code/prototype locally and ...
Niki's user avatar
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Azure ML job rerun if dataset content changed but version is same?

I am wondering whether a Azure ML job, is able to detect that the content of an input dataset has changed if the version stays constant? I could not find documentation on the rerun/recycle criteria. ...
Mahelita's user avatar
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Request sent to Azure ML Service for operation 'submitMLPipelineRun' failed with http status code 'Forbidden'

trigger a pipeline in Data Factory to trigger the pipeline in Azure Machine Learning but failed and receive this error: Request sent to Azure ML Service for operation 'submitMLPipelineRun' failed with ...
DevOps Lover - Hoang An's user avatar
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Stream data from an Azure datastore into datasets object with `from_generator`

I have thousands of images files in an Azure datastore. I'd like to stream them into a datasets object in an AzureML Jupyter notebook instance. I'm using the code below, but it keeps running after 45 ...
matsuo_basho's user avatar
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Register a Pandas Dataframe to Azure Machine Learning: NOT_SUPPORTED_API_USE_ATTEMPT

I have been using the following code to register Pandas dataframes to Azure ML: workspace = Workspace(<subscription_id>, <resource_group>, <workspace_name>) from azureml.core import ...
Irina's user avatar
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Does Azure free student subscription require you to provide credit card details to start using?

I have opted for a student subscription with free 100$ credits in azure. While trying to create a workspace, it says The subscription '46024215-4eb0-4318-8616-865966d1e706' is disabled and therefore ...
ss301's user avatar
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Error when calling CosmosDB from PromptFlow in Azure Machine Learning: "Request failed with status code 400 - NotSupported ConnectionType 0"

Hello Stack Overflow community, I'm working on a project that's part of the Azure Contoso Chat repo, which involves using PromptFlow, a component of Azure Machine Learning, to call CosmosDB. I'm at ...
user24253039's user avatar
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Update Azure Machine Learning Compute Instances with Python SDKv2

At first, I have some terraform code that will deploy compute instances for AML. But there's a lack of update of the terraform code so we can not add the option of schedules and auto shutdown. https://...
BeGreen's user avatar
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Streamclosed when trying to work with image imported from datastore into AzureML notebook

I use the methodology for loading an image from an Azure datastore into an AzureML notebook described in this tutorial. The image loads, but when I try to convert the dictionary that contains the ...
matsuo_basho's user avatar
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Is there any way to use classic and custom components in the same Azure Machine Learning pipeline?

I am trying to migrate a pipeline from Microsoft machine learning studio classic to Azure machine learning. My pipeline which is actually running on Machine Learning Studio Classic and is composed by ...
BostonGeorge97's user avatar
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Azure Machine Learning notebook doesn't change kernel

Even when new environments are created and all packages are installed and when i switch to new environment, it doesn't change the python version rather it uses 3.8.5 only. But my environment is ...
Balamurugan Balakreshnan's user avatar
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Strange Error encountered when running a model on Azure Auto ML

I have been working on a classifier for a few days on Azure Auto ML and when I tried disabling some variables that I do not need, I encountered the below error. I have never encountered this type of ...
Ivan's user avatar
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In Azure ML Studio, how to change Environment to register model as MLmodel?

Using Azure Machine Learning Studio, I ran a job that generated a regression model. I want to use the function 'Responsible AI' to do error analysis. The problem: I cannot register the model type as '...
Braamstruik's user avatar
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Changing display name of pipeline job via rest call to batch endpoint in Azure Machine Learning

I have deployed a pipeline to a batch endpoint in Azure Machine Learning. When I call the REST Api to create a job run a generic job display name is created automatically. How can I modify the job ...
neuhart's user avatar
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MLFlow exception when logging BERT model to Azure ML

I am trying to fine-tune a BERT model on Azure ML. I am using Azure ML Jobs to log the metrics, hyperparameters and models using the Python MLFlow API. But the train method from transformers.Trainer ...
jacob's user avatar
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Importing labels into existing data labelling project fails

I'm encountering an issue with the Azure Machine Learning (Azure ML) service, specifically with importing labels into an existing data labeling project. Despite ensuring the format of the imported ...
Simon De Gheselle's user avatar
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Inbound rules : Azure ML endpoint to Azure VM

I created an Azure Machine Learning online deployment with a prompt flow that utilizes a connection to a SQL Server hosted on an Azure VM (different region and resource group). I need to configure ...
ravieway's user avatar
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Azure Machine Learning dataset creation hangs forever

I'm trying to create a Dataset from a datastore using Azure ML, however, the execution hangs forever and never finishes. This is the code I'm running which I've adapted from the Msft documentation: ...
Evandro Pomatti's user avatar
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How i can resolve this i try so many things but i failed to solve?

import torch from diffusers import StableDiffusionPipeline, StableDiffusionImg2ImgPipeline,StableDiffusionInpaintPipelineLegacy, DDIMScheduler, AutoencoderKL from PIL import Image ...
Anupam Gevariya's user avatar
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Azure Machine Learning application logs to application insights with custom dimensions

How can you log custom dimensions to Application Insights from your run or init functions in for Azure Machine Learning inference? While using the basic logger, all logs within init and run ...
Nishikant Jain's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do I create a new environment from a docker image and attach it to a AzureML notebook as a running kernel for interactive development?

I have an AzureML Compute Instance, I need to develop a notebook using a very particular environment built from a docker image. I can't find any way to build the environment from the docker image and ...
9879ypxkj's user avatar
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How to deploy Neural Machine Translation checkpoints on Azure as endpoints and microservice

I find it straightforward to deploy simple Machine Learning models on AzureML after training, as we can serialize the trained model into a single .pkl file, for example. However, for Neural Machine ...
Sakayo Toadoum Sari VII's user avatar
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Azure Blob Storage (WASBS) - How to get permission to access?

I would like to parse a text file on my blob storage container, but I get an error message which says: permission denied when access stream. I guess I have to use an Access keys for my storage account,...
Bubble's user avatar
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Deploying models to web service in private network on Azure Machine Learning

When my Azure Machine Learning workspace is configured in private network and isolated from puclic network, what happens when deploying models to web service? I understand that online(real time) ...
M S's user avatar
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Ressource Conflict "already exists" when using spacy.MLflowLogger.v2

I'm trying to train a spaCy-Model in Azure ML-Studio using a Python Script and Mlflow. This has worked out so far using the following script: import os import argparse import pandas as pd import ...
PowerCoder's user avatar
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Convert MLtable object into a pyspark dataframe

I have a data asset in Azure Machine Learning. I want to convert it into a Pyspark dataframe. In the consume tab of the data asset, I get the code to convert it into a Pandas dataframe. However this ...
Ameya Bhave's user avatar
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Read shapefile from Azure Blob Storage in Azure Machine Learning

I have several shapefiles stored in Azure Blob Storage within my Azure Machine Learning workspace, each comprising the files: file.fix, file.shp, file.dbf, file.prj, and file.shx. I need to directly ...
Vanaclocha's user avatar
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Trying to run a custom base image for creating endpoint in Azure Machine Learning (unable to start container: "runsvdir": not found in $PATH: unknown)

I'm trying to do inference deployment on Azure ML from a model that we have in a custom image. The model can perform inference locally within the custom image container with input and output written ...
XlbrlX's user avatar
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Automatic Swagger generation for Azure ML endpoints with AML SDK V2

Referring to example: I am looking to enhance my ...
Nishikant Jain's user avatar
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Azure Machine Learning SDK V2 changer version of python in Compute Cluster

In SDK V1, I am using a environment for compute cluster with a dockerfile string like this: azureml_env = Environment("my_experiment") azureml_env.python.conda_dependencies = ...
BeGreen's user avatar
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Error deploying Azure Machine Learning Studio Designer inference pipeline: "ImportError with werkzeug.urls" in real-time endpoint

I am using one of the pre-built pipelines in Azure Machine Learning Studio designer, specifically the 'Wide & Deep based Recommendation - Restaurant Rating Prediction' pipeline. I have ...
Zac Chong's user avatar
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What is the best way to containarise model using Azure ML Pipeline

We are migrating from Azure ML Python SDK V1 to V2. I have a requirement to train a model, containerize using a custom Dockerfile, and push it to a container registry. Previously with V1 SDK, I used ...
Murli's user avatar
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Azure machine learning templates in ARM templates

Do ARM templates offer the built-in functionality to create Azure Machine Learning Pipelines? The documentation that I have found describes using the SDK to create Azure ML Pipelines. My searches in ...
CodeMed's user avatar
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resourceId function find resource in different resource group

What needs to be changed in the ARM template below in order to successfully reference an Azure Machine Learning Workspace that exists in a different resource group referred to as otherRG? The breaking ...
CodeMed's user avatar
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Best way to get classification probability from Endpoint deployed from Azure AI Automated ML

I used Azure AI Automated ML to create a classification model, and then deployed an Endpoint from that model. The endpoint gets me back the predicted value, but not the probability. Is there an easy ...
Travis Troyer's user avatar
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How to transfer files from worker node to head node using ray in azureml

attached is the simple script to use ray on AzureML. Here the remote function creates files for each size in the matrix in their respective worker nodes. Any suggestions on how to transfer the files ...
bharat's user avatar
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AzureML Batch endpoint invocation: Failed to load dataset definition with azureml-dataprep==4.12.9

Context Images are uploaded to a folder in Blob storage. An AzureML Data asset is created pointing to that folder, and it is used as data input when invoking a batch inference endpoint in AzureML. The ...
jerorx's user avatar
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Azure Machine Learning Studio - run a single prompt multiple times

Is there any way of running a single prompt flow with the same input multiple times (for example, 100 times) and creating the evaluation metrics based on all of the runs? For example, I want to run a ...
BridonElden's user avatar
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Update the content of a Dataset in AzureML studio

In the execution of a job in my MLOps pipeline, I want to obtain a dataset's content, modify it, and upload the new content, overwriting the old content of the file. Is there any option to do it? I ...
Santiago León's user avatar
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Getting "stream did not contain valid UTF-8" while trying pull in data into a Pandas dataframe in Azure Machine Learning

I have some data stored inside a storage account in Azure. I have created a datastore linking this storage account to the Azure Machine Learning workspace. I have created 2 data assets in the azure ML ...
Ameya Bhave's user avatar
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AML Compute instance and Compute cluster roles rbac

I have a terraform script that will create a compute instance and compute cluster with unique user managed indentity assigned to them. Both of the Managed Indentities have exactly the same Rbac roles. ...
BeGreen's user avatar
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How to select serverless compute as a default in Azure ML Studio Designer

In Microsoft Azure ML Documentation is mentioned: "When using Azure Machine Learning designer, select Serverless as default compute." and "You can also set serverless compute as the ...
Jānis's user avatar
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microsoft recommenders DKN running on Azure ML sturdio

I installed recommenders[gpu] library, and want to run the DKN model on GPU of Azure ML studio. I installed the cudatoolkit=11.2 and cudnn=8.2 according to the provided link
fahim jafari's user avatar
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how to give an azure ML compute cluster access to data lake gen2 storage?

when i try to run an azure ML pipeline that has inside it a connection to datalake storage using compute cluster (python sdk v2), i get an error that the compute cluster doesnt have access to the ...
the programmer's user avatar
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Error "Kernel reset" in Azure ML compute JupyterLab

I first crated and activated a custom environment: conda create --name my_env conda activate my_env Then I installed pip and ipykernel (with conda install ...). Finally, I created a kernel: python -m ...
AmyMueller's user avatar
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i cant trigger azure ml pipeline from synapse because of this error User starting the run is not an owner or assigned user to the Compute Instance

I have a working pipeline in Azure ML and I successfully ran it in Azure ML workspace (notebook) and I published the pipeline so I can use it in synapse analytics, but when I try to trigger the ...
the programmer's user avatar
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create_or_update custom model results in ResourceExistsError

I'm using Azure Machine Learning, where I created a component in Designer that receives a dataset as input, trains a model on an A100 cluster with 4 GPUs, and saves a custom model in a folder. I now ...
lte__'s user avatar
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Azure Machine Learning pin python version on notebook

Looking for a way to use Python 3.10 on a compute resource associated to Azure ML Studio It appears 3.10 is available with ML Studio and we select 3.10 with SDK2 from the kernel selection dropdown but ...
mac's user avatar
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Could not connect to the R session on RStudio server - When running RStudio as a custom app in AML getting this error for after enabled copilot

We've set up RStudio on an Azure Machine Learning (AML) compute instance using a custom application and the rocker/RStudio Docker image. In order to activate copilot functionality, I referred to the ...
Ritesh Zambre's user avatar
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Deploying Azure autoML model locally

I've successfully trained some promising models using Azure AutoML and now I want to deploy them locally. I used simple CSV files as datasets (using Azure ML v1 APIs) to train the model. Afterward, I ...
Emanuel 's user avatar

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