Questions tagged [azure-rest-api]

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How to add a field to a custom made page?

Using this api i try to create a page with a custom field with this api : It create ...
Takadox et compagnie's user avatar
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List Blobs using Azure API Rest returns Forbidden

I'm trying to get the list of blobs inside a folder using the Azure Rest API and I'm getting 403 Forbidden for a problem building the authorization signature for the Shared Key. Here is my source code:...
Johan Pino's user avatar
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Method Not Allowed when using the REST API to update the json view on connections for Logic App

I want using the REST API to update the json view, just like I asked in this post: Since the content in the json view is a lot and dynamic, I want use Get to get the content before modifying it, and ...
Joy's user avatar
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Get the permissions of users with respect to the repositories via the API of ADO

How to get the permissions of users for the repositories via the API of Azure DevOps?
user10434309's user avatar
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Get application permissions from graph rest api

I have a application registered to allow (or not) do CRUD actions in Users. I would like to know if the aplication has those permissions in azure. I have tried using several endpoints (application, ...
pereceptron's user avatar
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How am i supposed to add a field to the layout of a work item?

I try do add a field to a work item using this api : It work (at least it did ...
Takadox et compagnie's user avatar
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How to send a message to a device with self signed certification as authentication in Azure IoT Hub through the REST API

I'm using Golang to send messages to Azure IoT Hub and as we may or may not know, Azure does not have an SDK for Golang. I've found answers on how to do it throughout the REST API using the SAS token ...
Pedro's user avatar
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How to create an Azure DevOps Pipeline via RestAPI and enable

My project's code is on Github, and the CI/CD pipelines are defined in Azure DevOps. The idea is that when a new PR happens, it triggers the CI pipeline in Azure. I've automated the creations of ...
Rodrigo Farias Rezino's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to create Azure devops service connection via code?

I have an azure devops build pipeline and in one of the stages I want to create a service connection. I want "kubernetes" and "dockerregistry" type service connections. How to ...
akshay Sharma's user avatar
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does azure devops support dynamic retrieval of value from 3rd party rest API

Does azure devops support the retrieval of data from rest API and populate that data in the workitem fields I tried writing powershell script to retrieve data from rest API and populate that data in ...
sanand's user avatar
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Server failed to authenticate the request - Azure Queue Storage REST API (PUT Method)

Following this TechCommunity MS Article for Storage Queue Data Migration: From that article, 1st REST API of Listing Queues on Source Storage account is working perfectly. Now, working on the 2nd REST ...
Jashua Criss's user avatar
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How to Create a Userstory from project 1 to project 2 in azure DevOps?

I have diff project in the same organization each team has his own project and i want to automate the creation of userstory from one project to another for exemple if i have Userstory X in Project 1 ...
rewa's user avatar
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How to amend policy associated with Azure APIM APIs or operations with additional policy in automated way

I am trying to have an automated way to amend or apply additional policy on APIs or operations scope of Azure APIM and in my script i am able to read a variable $inbound or $outbound or $backend or $...
Vowneee's user avatar
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How to Retrieve a List of Azure DevOps Repositories Sharing Similar Branch Policies on their Develop Branch?

I'm working with Azure DevOps and have multiple repositories with various branches, each having specific branch policies. Specifically, I want to identify repositories that share the same branch ...
Psycos's user avatar
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Encounter CROS error while trying to get key vault secrets in my Angular app(using Msal.js)

I am trying to get key vault secrets in my Azure account. I am using Msal.js for that. I can successfully log in to my app with azure but while I am trying to get secret. Here is my function to get ...
Süleyman Türker Güner's user avatar
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Azure pipeline rest api is not taking parameters of type list in request body

Lets say I have a build pipeline with following definition: parameters: - name: "BoxNames" displayName: 'List of box names' type: object default: - name1 - ...
akshay Sharma's user avatar
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Azure IoT DPS - Enrollment Group - Create Or Update - Rest API

It Seems Rest API calls are not working for Azure - DPS Enrollment group. No response from the API call in the postman. Followed the below URL
Venkatesh N's user avatar
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Post custom events application insghts using rest api

I'm trying to post custom events in application insights via their REST API. I have created an API key and try below in postmand but its not working using post method https://api.applicationinsights....
kumar's user avatar
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OpenAPI / Swagger 2.0: Default discriminator value

I am using Swagger 2.0 to define our API contract schema where we are planning to use polymorphism with discriminator. I have a parent class (named Animal) and two child class extending Animal for now ...
Amit Kumar's user avatar
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Azure RBAC role assignments list filter on datetime range

I wanted to know if it is possible to list the azure rbac role assignments using Rest Api past 24 hours window. Meaning, I have [Rest Api][1] which results me all current role assignments. But I would ...
Vinny's user avatar
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why we get error when we update an enabled trigger in azure data factory

We are writing rest API to make updates to the azure data factory triggers but we get below error : Resolved [ Status code 400, "{"...
Onki's user avatar
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Azure Table Storage SAS token pagination

I am using Powershell to read data from an Azure Storage Table. I want to use the API directly without any modules. I use a SAS token for authentication. $SASToken = '?sv=2022-11-02&ss=bfqt&...
DawnApproach's user avatar
-1 votes
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Detach disk from virtual machine using the new Azure Resource Manager API

I struggle to port my automated Azure VM management from the old .NET fluent API to the new ARM API (the one in the Azure.ResourceManager.* namespaces). The most important point is detaching a disk ...
John's user avatar
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Azure Cost Management API is not returning the Blob location

I have a PowerShell script that calls the Microsoft Azure API for cost management. I first call:*****5/providers/Microsoft....
Paul Douglas's user avatar
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CosmosDB Rest API Obscure Failure

As per official doc, Wrote code to make Rest API call to fetch one doc(json) from the CosmosDB collection [Code is in the last]. But it is returning - {'code': 'BadRequest', 'message': 'One of the ...
Novice's user avatar
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Cosmos DB REST API not returning data for cross partition query for newly created collection

I've been using the Cosmos DB REST API to query collections, and I've encountered an issue with a specific query when the cross partition is set to true. Strangely, the query works for older ...
KSP's user avatar
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How to get the list of commits between two commits using Azdo rest API

I tried using commits rest api but it's listing the entire commit instead of the expected ones. Used API like this:
Anurag mp's user avatar
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Why does Azure's Role Definitions API return more than Permission struct for a role definition?

I'm using the Azure Go SDK to call the Role Definitions - Get endpoint. The data that comes back confuses me. I see a *Permissions pointer in the response, but it's not by itself. It's in a slice of ...
Matt Welke's user avatar
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Get a list of all Purview Business Assets through REST API endpoint

In order to build an integration between Azure Purview and other third party systems via Azure Logic Apps i need to get a list of all Business Assets GUIDs via the REST API (List which can be seen ...
mo374z's user avatar
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sp_invoke_external_rest_endpoint to Azure Queue results in poisonous message

From Azure SQL using sp_invoke_external_rest_endpoint a message is successfully queued in Azure Queue. The payload is <QueueMessage><MessageText>HelloWorld</MessageText></...
drmssst's user avatar
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Download universal artifact from azure devops using cURL

I would like to download universal/UPack artifact from Azure devops artifactory. I am aware I can use Azure CLI but that means requirement to have Azure CLI installed, which is the very last resort. I ...
MartinZ's user avatar
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How to get the actual cost for a resource group in python?

I am working on connecting with the azure portal and fetch informations like resource groups, tags and cost data. In that I can able to fetch resource groups and tags, but I am stuck on getting the ...
Navi's user avatar
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How do I use the Azure Go SDK to work with role assignments?

How can I use the Azure Go SDK to work with role assignments? For example, how can I use it to list the role assignments that a particular principal has? After consulting its documentation, I was able ...
Matt Welke's user avatar
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Azure Cost Management REST API authorization suddenly stopped working

On October 18th 2023 our server-to-server integration to Azure Cost Management APIs stopped working. We're using a multi-tenant App Registration which has been admin consented to our own and the ...
Teemu Sakari's user avatar
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Entra ID PIM - Powershell + Graph Rest API - create role assignments

I need to create powershell code for adding PIM role assignments on azure subscription scope. I have prepared below presented code: $subscriptionid = "subID" $tenantId = "tenantID" ...
tester81's user avatar
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401 Unauthorised while retrieving keys from Key vault in API

I want to know keys present in Azure Key Vault using API. Referred this document: ( Using this request to get ...
Samdeep's user avatar
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"az network dns zone export" only exports the first 100 recordsets

Setting this question up to self-answer because I lost too much time solving it, and I want to make sure the answer is put out there for future sufferers to find and avoid the same rabbit-hole I went ...
mclayton's user avatar
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Modify the Azure application gateway rule using rest api

I was trying to enable/disable the ApplicationGateway WAF rules using Postman's rest API. I tried to disable the rules 200003 and 200004 using rest API. I was using the below URL for the REST API ...
mystack's user avatar
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Run pipeline using Azure REST API

As I see in the last version of documentation To using this API POST
workmichsem's user avatar
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How to create a query in AzureDevops using API request without having an query-ID

I am trying to create a query in AzureDevops using REST API. I found this in the docs: POST{query}?api-version=7.0 { "name&...
mr_bean's user avatar
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Azure REST API - Get total no. policies given Policy Assignment ID

Is there anyone who knows how I can get the total number of policies for a given Policy Assignment ID using Azure's REST API? I've tried various endpoints but have not been able to get the total count....
Ali Öztürk's user avatar
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Delete Work Item attachments using Azure DevOps REST API

Pull request attachments can be deleted using REST API: But I am not seeing ...
InfiniteLoop's user avatar
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Azure Blob SAS token from APEX

I'm trying to generate correct SAS token to Azure Blob file storage with Salesforce APEX code. I have managed to achieve that in Java but I'm struggling with APEX. When using token generated by APEX I'...
Miłosz's user avatar
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Cherry-picking the same file for the second time, GIT raises it as conflict

I am using the Azure REST API for a cherry-pick operation. Initially, the cherry-pick is successful. However, when new changes are pushed to the same file, and I attempt to perform a cherry-pick ...
Abhishek Singh's user avatar
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Azure DevOps Services RestAPI 7.1 Pull Requests - Get Pull Requests

According to the docs the GitPullRequest object should have a property called commits which is an array of GitCommitRef. Every time I hit the end point, I'm not getting this property. Is there ...
David Meyers's user avatar
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Azure Devops REST API - Add a review comment to a PR

I wanted to add a review comment for a change in a specific file and line within a pull request. I couldn't find the appropriate REST API for this task. I only came across the 'Create Thread Comment' ...
Omer Zidkoni's user avatar
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Variable Group Creation using API in Azure Devops

I am trying to create a variable group in an Azure DevOps project using the REST APIs and Python scripting. The API used is: `POST{organization}/_apis/distributedtask/...
vsk95's user avatar
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Unable to add new page to azure devops work item type- Microsoft.VSTS.WorkItemTypes.Bug using azure devops REST API

I am trying to add custom page to inherited process -> work item type : Bug - Microsoft.VSTS.WorkItemTypes.Bug Reference MS documentation :
Ravi Potdar's user avatar
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Azure REST API throws "WAF Policy does not have any valid Primary Rule Set attached to it." error

The Azure REST API that I'm trying to call to update my WAF policy is throwing an error saying the policy doesn't have any valid primary rule set attached to it. This is the API I'm trying to hit - ...
mr_raya's user avatar
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AZURE: upload attachment over az board workitem

I've a question, I automate so many tasks using the CLI tool az boards work-item relation show az boards work-item show az boards work-item update But now, my doubt is, as part of my automation, I ...
Oscar Arroyo's user avatar

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