Questions tagged [azure]

Microsoft Azure is a Platform as a Service and Infrastructure as a Service cloud computing platform. Use this tag for programming questions concerning Azure. General server help can be obtained at Super User or Server Fault.

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Azure service bus | Re process dead letter messages back to queue | How to receive all messages from dead letter queue?

I want to integrate the processing of messages back to Queue using a Unique Identifier as user inputs. How to fetch all the messages from the dead letter in a single call instead of looping it ...
Avinash Roy's user avatar
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Cannot find an overload for "ExecuteQuery" and the argument count: "1"

strong textCannot find an overload for "ExecuteQuery" and the argument count: "1". At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\AzureRmStorageTable\\AzureRmStorageTableCoreHelper.psm1:369 ...
D2869's user avatar
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how to watch a folder of Azure Storage Explorer BLOB

we have some blob containers in Azure Storage, I would like to have a Dashboard with links to some specific folders e.g. to see at one glance the latest files in a specific folder of the Blob ...
florian.isopp's user avatar
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Can I setup my application deployment with Azure Windows Virtual Desktop(Preview) without azure active directory?

I want to test my application deployment with Azure Windows Virtual Desktop(Preview), but we do not have azure active directory setup in my application azure deployment. As we are doing lift & ...
Garima's user avatar
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Email sending with SendGrid using WebJobs

I'm trying to integrate SendGrid to a .Net 4.5 application using WebJobs. I made the basic configurations required to send a basic email. I'm trying to run and test it in my local machine. I can't ...
Madushan Amarasinghe's user avatar
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How to change the MaxRequestHeadersTotalSize in Azure Web App

I have a web page hosted at Azure Web App using a long HTTP header (+50KB) and causes an error with the following message: The specified CGI application encountered an error and the server ...
Julen's user avatar
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Azure search - Which is the best way to follow API or Portal when there is two data sources one sql on VM & other the blob storage?

We have the following scenario and we need to implement Azure search. We have to finalize the method/work flow of the process. We have two data sources one Sql on VM & other the Blob storage. We ...
Febin's user avatar
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Azure Service bus trigger for function app with session enabled - Node.js

I have a function that is trigged by service bus with session enabled, but I get the error: Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus: It is not possible for an entity that requires sessions to create a non-...
Davide Bracaglia's user avatar
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Azure - Execute some code before each request to Function app

I have created an azure function app and created few functions into it. I wanted to check if the user is authorized to access the route or not (from my DB). I need to check this before the request ...
MILJO JOHN's user avatar
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Get-AzureADExtensionProperty cmd-let doesnt give any output

I am trying to get a collection that contains the extension properties registered with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) through Azure AD Connect. I am using azure powershell command --> Get-...
tester81's user avatar
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Azure Notification Hub example to register a device and receive a notification

I am looking for a Azure Notification Hub example - to register a device (get the token) - and receive a notification (by the token form the register process) Do any one have a practical example in C#...
Micha's user avatar
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SQL server - Aggregate each column with pre-specified aggregation functions - DYNAMICALLY

I have a pretty simple table with an ID, Date, and 20 value columns. Each column and each row can hold different type of data - with different unit of measure - and the ID column defines each fields ...
MRK_S's user avatar
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Azure Durable Function Fan Out Fan In suggestion

I just want to get your opinion regarding on the best approach for my scenario. I have a list of Contacts to process which can be 100 or more. For each contact, it may take less than a minute to be ...
Colline's user avatar
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Is there any option to script the export for an Azure Dashboard?

In Azure, you can create dashboards and export them using a button on the portal. However, there seems to be no option to export the ARM through an API/SDK/CLI. Am I wrong, or is this indeed a gap in ...
Tom Kuijsten's user avatar
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Is it possible for a single webjob to have a timer triggered function as well as a manually triggered function

I am having an existing webjob(V3.0) in .net core that has a function that is invoked by manual trigger, essentially by a webhook. I want to add another function to the same webjob that should be ...
Phaneendra Satyavolu's user avatar
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Generate the token that can be validated against RSA signing key in azure

I am using an Azure B2C custom policy where I want to send an invitation link to the user, with JWT token containing necessary details. I need to create the JWT token in JAVA. Using the jjwt library ...
Foramkumar Parekh's user avatar
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how to get Resource and Resource groups Cost information, from azure rest API'S

I am using Microsoft azure rest API'S to get Information. I want to get Cost Information for Resources and Resource Groups for that subscription. I tried many apis but didn't work.. any help will be ...
prashant k's user avatar
3 votes
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Azurite Blob storage in dockerfile

I'm creating my development environment in Docker and due to need of Azure Storage service I want to use Azurite as local Azure Storage service. When I try to do RUN azurite-blob & it just runs ...
Vrangz's user avatar
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How to "Import App Service Certificate" through Azure CLI (without PFX upload)

We are currently using Azure CLI in order to create resources dynamically from a third party application. Everything goes well, except for importing an app certificate for our dynamically created app ...
Mason's user avatar
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Do all app services on an app service plan share the same cost?

If I set an app service plan to an S2 and there are 2 (or more) app services on it is the cost 146/month or 146/month * 2?
Tija's user avatar
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How to transform .xml file values for dev,uat,prod environments in azure devops?

I know, we can use File transforms and variable substitution Options for .config file dynamic value modifications during release. But I have a .XML file as below <RPSServer> <Sites> &...
chandra sekhar's user avatar
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How to Authenticate Azure Resource API's Interactive using Microsoft.Identity.Client.PublicClientApplication C#

I have an app created by VS's Windows Template Studio. I have the authentication working and I can successfully get a token using the same credentials I use for the Azure portal (Interactive). ...
jlo-gmail's user avatar
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"az login" signs you in to which tenant?

I am trying to understand the default behavior of "az login" command. Suppose I have freshly installed Azure CLI and am doing a login for the first time using the command - az login Now say I belong ...
user3740951's user avatar
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Unable to discover Azure resources using ResourceManagementClient class from Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager.Fluent namespace

I am trying to discover Azure Government resources using below code snippet from .NET SDK class ResourceManagementClient under Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager.Fluent namespace new ...
Rishikesh Jadhav's user avatar
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Azure table storage c# with repository pattern and xUnit

How can I implement a repository pattern using Azure Storage and should it support xUnit test and mock objects? I am working on xUnit test cases and unfortunately I wasn't able to write a unit test ...
Vinod Kumar Kuruba's user avatar
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Cannot use '--build-native-deps' along with '--build' flag

I'm getting the above error from an Azure DevOps pipeline while deploying python code to Azure functions. The pipeline was previously running without errors (last run 12 days ago). The task code is as ...
Duncan's user avatar
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Azure IOT hub transmission fails

I am using the azure IOT sdk in an ESP32-based device to connect to the IOT hub using MQTT, sending messages with QOS 1. When the connection is good, all works exactly as intended. However, when we ...
farhadf's user avatar
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Using Excel as the front end, Azure as the backend

I have a SQL Database on Azure to which I can successfully get connected from within an Excel file. I am using ADO and the connection string uses my own username and password. Since this file will be ...
Ibo's user avatar
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Welcome message not sent from v4 bot published to Azure

When published to Azure, my bot does not show a splash message when a new user opens webchat. It works as expected locally via the emulator. I've replicated this with the "send welcome message to ...
Dino's user avatar
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How do you connect an Azure Function (not an App Service) to an on-premise SQL server via a VPN?

I have a large SQL server hosted in our infrastructure, and an Azure resource set up with VPN access to our servers. I want to create an Azure Function that connects to this SQL server. It's going to ...
Keith's user avatar
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Azure ARM Deployment what is the hostingEnvironment?

I'm attempting to deploy to a new resource group containing an existing app service plan in Azure using an ARM script. If I run the deployment through the Azure Portal UI, it is successful. The issue ...
KSF's user avatar
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Azure Search match against two properties of the same object

I would like to do a query matches against two properties of the same item in a sub-collection. Example: [ { "name": "Person 1", "contacts": [ { "type": "email", "value": "person.1@...
AlexCode's user avatar
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Chatbot deployed on Azure suddenly went down

We have chatbot built with MS Virtual Assistant Template(C#) deployed on Azure platform for enterprise uses. We Keep having an issue with startWebsockAsync in BotController and getting 500 all the ...
JenniLync11's user avatar
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Azure App Service not logging all App Insights dependencies

my team recently migrated from a VM hosted web app to Azure App Services. After doing this migration, I noticed that the dependencies that previously showed up in app insights are no longer being ...
mjkoskinen's user avatar
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Azure - npm not a recognized command

I am getting the following bizarre error on Azure. When I run Kudu it reports the proper version of npm and when I run it from the CMD it runs npm fine. What the heck is going on? Is this some sort ...
Patrick's user avatar
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Azure file systems after autoscale

If I have an App Service that listens for service bus messages and stores a file on the file system as a result of that message, will that file exist on another instance if we horizontally scale the ...
Darthg8r's user avatar
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Swap with preview 'Complete Swap' step restarts production slot

I have Web App with two slots for ASP.NET MVC application. Slots have equal settings. I deploy to "preproduction" slot to check couple of things and warm up application itself. I don't quite ...
Yehor Androsov's user avatar
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How can we reprocess cosmos lease document using Azure Function?

I am new to Azure Function, recently we tried to use CosmosDBTriggered Function that needs to create the lease document, we noticed that when there is something changed in the Cosmos Container, there ...
Drex's user avatar
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Python Azure Data Factory Update Pipeline

I want to use Python to add an activity to a pipeline in Azure Data Factory. With the following code I am replacing the actual activity but not adding a new one: p_name = 'test' act_name = 'Wait4' ...
Catapultaa's user avatar
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ENOENT after publishing to Azure

I'm really hoping someone can shed some light on what is going on here. I am publishing to Azure an Angular 7 / .Net Core 2 application. I am using the provided Azure publish profile in Visual ...
Patrick's user avatar
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Data Load from DB2 to Azure SQL DB

I'm performing data load from on-Prem DB2 system to Azure SQL DB using ADF V2 through Self-hosted IR. SHIR is having direct connectivity/access to both source and target system. For some of the table ...
user1941025's user avatar
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missing python language when i created azure function

I'm new for azure. i just tried to create azure function for python script, but under language list, python language is missing.
Jen's user avatar
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"resource not provisioned in service stamp"

This error appears in the MARS of the server where the backup takes place. The Azure Backup Alert Service at no time sent us a copy failure notice, but for some reason we suddenly ignore the agent ...
jlev's user avatar
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Can I Connect Azure Kubernetes Nodes to My Local Network?

I have a kubernetes service on azure and it has own virtual network.My local network is using pfsense for gateway and has a public ip.Can i define static route between azure and my local network for ...
akuscu's user avatar
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Unauthorized request in Sharepoint API with MSAL token

Background I'm developing a mobile app which authenticate with Azure Active Directory (Microsoft Authentication), and have access to some information in Sharepoint. My first choice was to use Ionic ...
AlexAcc's user avatar
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How to filter AppInsights custom metrics with REST API

I am trying to use REST API for retrieving AppInsights custom metrics and use a filter in the query. The code to create the metric: var telemetry = new MetricTelemetry(); telemetry.Context....
Martin Staufcik's user avatar
4 votes
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Azure Container Instance : Container creation issue

I am currently trying to create a new container on Azure Container Instance, to deploy a .net core app image on it. (I'm a newbie on this techno). I have created a Container Registry on Azure and ...
Roman Lushkin's user avatar
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Auto-configure azure cloud shell

I need that when new users open the initial configuration does not have to be set. Is this possible? All IMGs must be in a storage account that I want How can I do it? Is ...
exitista's user avatar
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Azure function get path of http trigger

I have a http trigger function app which redirects to a version based on the header: public static async Task<IActionResult> Run(HttpRequest req, ILogger log) { var version = req....
Starchand's user avatar
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Azure AD - missing roles claim in the token

I've set up authentication through Azure Active Directory (AAD) and everything works fine (I receive my access and refresh tokens). I've read about app roles and I would like to use them (for ...
Martin's user avatar
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