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Why is this code for finding top view of a binary tree not correct?

The problem is to find the top view of a binary tree. I tried to solve this without using a map or a queue but my code fails for most test cases. I do not understand why. I first found the left view , ...
Heisenberg RandaBhai's user avatar
-8 votes
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Why `heap-use-after-free" (LeetCode 669. Trim a Binary Search Tree) [closed]

669. Trim a Binary Search Tree Given the root of a binary search tree and the lowest and highest boundaries as low and high, trim the tree so that all its elements lies in [low, high]. Trimming the ...
Eric's user avatar
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Is there any concrete reason to prefer `Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)` over `Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)`? [closed]

Consider the following two binary tree definitions: data Tree a = Empty | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) data Tree a = Empty | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a) I know this is a bit of a trivial question, but I am ...
lanf's user avatar
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" heap-use-after-free" error even when I am not accessing the deleted node of a binary tree

I was trying to generate the inorder traversal of a binary tree using O(1) space ie I don't wanna use recursion or any other data structures such as queues or vectors to store the node. Edit: This ...
Manas's user avatar
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What should be the comparison key when I have a coordinate pair binary tree

I want to create a binary tree out of 2d points. What should be the key to be compared for the binary tree?
Newtron Malayalam's user avatar
2 votes
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Diameter of a binary tree - failing case when the longest path doesn't pass through the root

So I'm working on this problem: Given the root of a binary tree, return the length of the diameter of the tree. The diameter of a binary tree is the length of the longest path between any two nodes in ...
ABGR's user avatar
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How Can I Implement a Binary Tree Traversal to Print Nodes in a Specific Order? [duplicate]

I'm working on a project where I need to implement different types of tree traversals (in-order, pre-order, post-order) for a binary tree. I understand the basic structure of a binary tree, but I'm ...
kavindya ranasinghe's user avatar
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There is an error in the non-recursive implementation of the preorder traversal of a binary tree, but there is no problem in debugging

When implementing a preorder traversal of a binary tree using a non-recursive approach, I wrote my own stack. An error occurred during runtime. When I try to debug and find the problem, it runs ...
ShiZiMiao's user avatar
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Recursive insert method on Binary Tree reaches the correct node but it doesn't save data

I'm trying to make a recursive insert method on a binary tree and while the recursive part of the function seems to do the job correctly (I tracked the code step by step with debug option) when time ...
Nico Mcrae's user avatar
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Binary Search Tree Insertion Method in Java [closed]

In the following insert method for a binary search tree (BST), the left side of the tree is being updated correctly, but there is an issue with inserting values on the right side. Despite using the ...
Ezana's user avatar
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Is it possible to find distance between 2 nodes of a generic tree without lowest common ancestor (or path from root)

In case of Binary Trees, It is possible to find the distance between the two nodes without finding the path from the root node or lowest common ancestor. I was wondering if it is possible in the case ...
Jagdeep Kaur's user avatar
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Use of ampersand (&) along with arrow operator (->) for inputting data into a struct in C, is it necessary?

My professor is currently teaching Binary Trees at college and she gave us a program to create a binary tree in C using Linked Lists. However, there was a debate on whether ampersand (&) has to be ...
SpaciousCoder78's user avatar
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Why am I getting "time limit exceeded" error in binary tree level order traversal problem in leetcode?

I'm trying to solve the problem: Binary tree level order traversal problem on LeetCode and I've also tried looking for the answers, but I'm still getting a time limit exceeded (TLE) error. Please help ...
Apoorva Walia's user avatar
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4 answers

Why using else if instead of if here when building a binary tree?

When building the insertion function in binary tree, I use two if statement to track the node( if the value is smaller than the current node,go left;if bigger,go right) . I know the difference between ...
Yi Lin's user avatar
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Construct binary tree from preorder and inorder traversal: wrong tree

I am looking at LeetCode problem 105. Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal: Given two integer arrays preorder and inorder where preorder is the preorder traversal of a binary ...
Yihan Luo's user avatar
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Red Black Tree Black Height Increase after Insertion

I understand that the black height of a RB tree increases after insertion when a red-red violation is propagated to the root, which then gets colored to red then recolored to black, and it causes for ...
iSkull's user avatar
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How to represent an algebraic expressions tree in a non-ambiguous way?

I have some physical model that needs to be represented as an algebraic expressions full binary tree. How can I represent such a tree in a non-ambiguous way? Consider, as an example, the three full ...
Alexandre de Castro Maciel's user avatar
3 votes
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Optimally counting number of nodes in a complete binary tree

I am looking at LeetCode problem 222. Count Complete Tree Nodes: Given the root of a complete binary tree, return the number of the nodes in the tree. According to Wikipedia, every level, except ...
Paras Khosla's user avatar
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Exception thrown: read access violation.Unable to read memory

My English is not very good, I'm sorry.I'm a beginner and want to do a problem with Ternary search tree. The problem occurs during the insertion of the node,VS throws an exception in insert_BiTreeNode:...
user25600088's user avatar
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5 answers

Efficient solution for the same-fringe problem for binary trees

The fringe of a binary tree is the sequence composed by its leaves, from left to right. The same-fringe problem [Hewitt & Patterson, 1970] consists of determining whether two binary trees have the ...
slago's user avatar
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Trying to understand how to search a BST with a given input

I am trying to figure out how to search a BST via a given input. The nodes in the tree have a randomly generated number as the key, and the value of the node is an object with various attributes. ...
rgs's user avatar
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Wrong drawing style in repeatable function in C++

I create a programm in C++ to convert an input expression to postfix expression then visualize it out under a binary tree (you can use arrow key to move the graph and press SPACE to go back to menu ...
Nguyễn Huy Đức's user avatar
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Creating a balanced BST in Python

I'm trying a implement a complete BST tree, currently I have only created a balanced tree. The idea is to move all the leaves from the balance tree to the left of the left subtree to create a complete ...
kdr1080k's user avatar
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Debugging an erroneous AVL tree 'insert' operation

I am attempting to create an AVL tree data structure which can handle duplicate element keys. I have based my insertion algorithm on the following:
Oh Fiveight's user avatar
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Error with local variables in recursion in python

I am trying to write a program to find leaf value sequences in python ( Here is my code def ...
Siddharth Somani's user avatar
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Memory overflow when running graphic code in C++

#include <bits/stdc++.h> #include <graphics.h> #define E exp(1) #define Pi M_PI using namespace std; struct tNode{ string data; tNode *pLeft, *pRight; }; tNode *root; tNode *...
Nguyễn Huy Đức's user avatar
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Duplicate Subtree in a Binary tree Time and space complexity

I saw the following question on GFG to find if there's a duplicate subtree of size 2 or more in a binary tree. Now, it is written in the practice question requirements and also articles everywhere say ...
Umang Garg's user avatar
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Issues with passing a pointer via reference in Cpp

void insertNodeInternal(int v, Node* &selectedNode){ if (selectedNode == nullptr) { selectedNode = new Node(v); } else if (v <= selectedNode->GetValue())...
petr chyla's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to pass on values when converting a recursive function to an iterative one with stack and while loop

EDIT: My initial recursive code was incomplete, as I did not multiply by f(l, r) the sum of the two recursive branches. Given a function f(l, r) that computes something from the nodes (l, r) of a ...
Epsilon Away's user avatar
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Converting the following recursive binary tree traversal algorithm to an iterative one [closed]

I would like to learn whether the following recursive code can be made more efficient by an iterative implementation, and if so, how such implementation can be done. It has been some years since I ...
Epsilon Away's user avatar
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finding the minimum and maximum paths in a binary tree C#

Help me please that will search for the maximum distance (between the farthest leaves) and the minimum distance between the closest leaves in the tree I understand that the maximum path will have the ...
Versst's user avatar
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My binary tree creation code not printing any values

I wrote this binary tree code to construct a tree and then print it: #include <iostream> #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; struct node { int data; node* r; node* l;...
Zainab Emad's user avatar
-1 votes
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Leetcode 235 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree [closed]

I am trying to solve LeetCode problem 235. Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree: Given a binary search tree (BST), find the lowest common ancestor (LCA) node of two given nodes in the BST. ...
Jeflee's user avatar
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Cannot get Binary Tree to Build Correctly for Project in CMSC 315

Edit: I have corrected my code and the errors have been corrected. I have updated the code in this question with the correct code. I am stuck on a homework assignment. I have to be able to read in a ...
dscal2007's user avatar
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Find the missing value in a complete BST populated by each number from 1 to 2^K, where K is the number of levels

Let K be the number of levels in a binary search tree. Hence, the maximum number of nodes I can have is (2^K)-1. I have a complete binary tree (i.e., to say that each level is completely filled), ...
fan_fiesty's user avatar
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C++: Program for Deleting a node and return its right child:

I was attempting to solve the question for deleting a node in BST, and saw a strange output. In the case where node has only right child, I was trying to delete that node and return its right child. ...
Umang Garg's user avatar
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What is the problem in my "sumAtBis" code?

i am here to ask about the problem about this function that calculates the sum at a given depth in a tree, it is working in all cases but the last level, the compiler is giving me this : [Done] exited ...
AMIS7's user avatar
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Binary Tree preorder traversal understanding

This homework assignment ask me to write the preorder traversal of the tree but I'm confuse on how this would work because it visit node, left subtree, right subtree but it doesn't go to the middle. ...
Down25's user avatar
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check if object is a binary tree in prolog

There is a task for prolog that sounds like this: write an istree predicate that returns true only if its argument is a binary tree. Example: ?- istree(t(a,t(b,nil,nil),nil)). Returns yes ?- istree(t(...
vladoo's user avatar
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Represent a full, but not complete, binary tree with an array structure

I have been reading about binary heaps and I was wondering if there was a similar representation that could be used to represent a non-complete binary tree, if that binary tree happened to also be ...
user21749640's user avatar
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Binary Trees Changing Node vs Changing Value of Nodes

Confused about the pros/cons of moving the entire node vs just changing values in the node when modifying a binary tree. In the specific question, we have to delete the root and than replace it with ...
Bence Koloszar's user avatar
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How to create Tree Zipper using Rust?

I am trying to create a Tree Zipper using Rust. It is inspired by this answer but I am using struct fields instead of Vec for the childs. I want to have a tree of nodes, e.g.: 7 / \ 4 11 / ...
Jonas's user avatar
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in Lua, how to write an iterator for a binary tree?

In Lua, how to write an iterator for a binary tree. e.g. so I could do something like: for node in tree:visit() do ... end I've been trying but best I can do is to walks the tree, carrying around ...
Tim Menzies's user avatar
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A straightforward recursive level-order traversal method?

I have seen answers indicating that there is something intrinsically non-recursive about level-order traversal. I suggest it can be done recursively in a very natural way (Node is defined as expected) ...
releseabe's user avatar
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Creating an instance of a Binary Tree (Programming Standard ML by Robert Harper)

In the online book by Robert Harper (Programming Standard ML, on page 88, we have the following definition of a binary tree: datatype 'a tree = Leaf | Node of 'a branch * 'a branch and 'a branch = ...
Ahmed Riza's user avatar
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Debugging AVL Tree Deletion: Unbalanced Node Not on Deletion Path

I'm working on implementing an AVL tree in C++, and I've run into a situation where, after deleting a node and rebalancing the tree, a node not directly on the path from the deleted node to the root ...
CsStudent's user avatar
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What is the maximum degree of imbalance in a red black tree ? Is it height/2?

The goal of the red-black tree structure is to have a tree that is only approximately balanced. What is the maximum degree of imbalance possible? I think it would be 1 since the maximum diference ...
Ivory Le's user avatar
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Wrong output when checking whether binary tree is balanced

I am trying to solve LeetCode problem 110. Balanced Binary Tree: Given a binary tree, determine if it is height-balanced. Here is my attempt: class Solution { boolean c = true; public ...
shanmukha varma's user avatar
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Why the height of segment tree is O(logn)

I don't get why the height of a segment tree is O(logn). Based on the article above, the maximum height of a full binary tree with n nodes is (n-1)/2 (-&...
khlrrr's user avatar
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Recurrence Relation for Full Binary Tree

For general n, derive a recurrence relation for Bn. Here Bn denote the number of full binary trees with n vertices. I have found out that it is be B(n)=2B(n-1) +1. But after solving this equation, the ...
Hajrah Naeem's user avatar

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