Questions tagged [bit-src]

BitSrc is a library used to share front-end components among applications using NPM. Use this tag for any questions regarding this library.

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Read a scss file into a variable so I can loop thru it

So, in my Storybook project, I am bringing in a bitstrc style sheet that is a ".scss" file. It works fine. The issue comes into play cause I want to iterate over it and display color ...
james emanon's user avatar
  • 11.5k
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2 answers

How to use with with global scss files that my components use?

I got a design system in my current app... and they all sit in a styles folder. Now, I also have a components folders that includes a "designSystem" folder that contains all my reusable components ...
james emanon's user avatar
  • 11.5k
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2 answers

How to import simple bit-src component into projects' /src folder?

I'm trying bit-src (or should I call it for the first time... I have two files - a .ts with just 1 dependency and a .md with its docs - which I use in many projects, which I want to turn ...
Tom's user avatar
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Bitsrc: Error: Unknown object type "window" when tagging a component

I get the mentioned error when I try to tag a component and I don't know how to diagnose the problem. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Grant's user avatar
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3 answers

bit-src didn't show the style of react bootstrap

I've made a component (button) with CRA and react-bootstrap, and I exported it into bit-src, the component has rendered without its styling, however I've tried to push it with pure CSS and the ...
Mustafa Alfar's user avatar
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1 answer

Can I use bit-src to collect components from different React's UI framework

I need to make a bit-src place that hold my React components from different React UI framework, so I found that bit can make it easy, however how can I push React UI's components from many React UI ...
Mustafa Alfar's user avatar
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How do I include node modules in my tsconfig?

I have some raw angular typescript components that I've put into a private NPM module to share across projects. I import my components as I normally would with any other npm library but when I try ...
Justin Young's user avatar
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Bitsrc eject component if there is no update to export

I'm using to manage shared components. Sometimes it happens that I import a remote component which adds the physical files to my project. I then want to eject the module so that it is ...
Patrick Geyer's user avatar
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1 answer

using Bit ( and putting the right files in .gitignore

What files generated by Bit are clear to be included in .gitignore? What are the best practices regarding using Bit and Git combined?
Jaap Weijland's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Bitsrc: Typescript transpiler creates references to

I've been trying to use Bitsrc to share front-end components throughout multiple applications. I'm able to create the components and export them to bitsrc, however when trying to import them and use ...
Jesse's user avatar
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1 answer

How to make bit ignore a dependency file?

We have a current ReactJS project and we build a custom grid, input, error handler, etc for it. now we start a new project and we want to share our components code between projects. we do some ...
javad bat's user avatar
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