Questions tagged [bitbucket]

Bitbucket is a hosting site for Git and Mercurial. The service offering includes an issue tracker and wiki, as well as integration with a number of popular third-party services. Atlassian acquired in 2010.

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2 answers

Merging/Copying Specific files to master from Branch

I run following command to find file names that were changes in branch but NOT in master: git diff --name-status master..branchName It gives a list of file names with full path. Now I have cloned ...
Volatil3's user avatar
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Teamcity Git private Submodule checkout fails

TeamCity unable to checkout git projects with private git submodules (projects themselves are private and accessed with username/password and use same credentails for submodules), all source is stored ...
Zippy42's user avatar
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Owner vs. Admin on Bitbucket

I have already gone through the official docs, but couldn't find the answer. Are there any actions that the owner of a repository can do, while the admin can't? Specifically I'm interested to know if ...
dotNET's user avatar
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How to transfer multiple repositories from one team to another in bitbucket in a single bulk operation

I need to transfer multiple bitbucket repositories from one Group to Another is this possible ? I have read this but does not mention anything about multiple repository transfer https://confluence....
Mauricio Gracia Gutierrez's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

Using Bitbucket, how do I get commits from one branch into another?

At my new job, where we use git with Bitbucket, we have a master branch, a new-features branch and a fix-these branch. I've been making all my changes to the fix-these branch. After committing them, ...
Roger_S's user avatar
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pull finding no changes with hgscc

My friend and me have been trying to set up a common repository. We're both able to push without problems; but when I'm trying to pull my friend's changes, hgscc reports "no files changed". This is ...
alexdelphi's user avatar
1 vote
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Hot fixes in Release versions of GIT

I have used GIT repository in My iOS Project. I have mainly 4 branches Master Development Release 1 Release 2 The Development branch contains current development process and Release 1 and Release 2 ...
vks's user avatar
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Bitbucket - Commiting to a new Branch caused issue, not sure how to fix

This is the order of actions which caused this problem. Branch created from Master, branch name v1 Changes made to this new Branch and pushed I pulled this Branch (after push) and made some changes ...
Gary's user avatar
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26 votes
2 answers

How to get RSS token for BitBucket by PHP CLI?

I want to get valid link{username}/rss/feed?token={token} (this is main problem) and then get valid response from this link in CLI. I know my required parameters, e.g. ...
123qwe's user avatar
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Capistrano deployment with Bitbucket

When I try to execute Capistrano deployment script to deploy my project from it fails while executing following command $ RBENV_ROOT=/path/to/.rbenv RBENV_VERSION=2.1.5 GIT_ASKPASS=/...
user703099's user avatar
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Create local repository on BitBucket and allow access to team

I want to create a repository on my local system and use it as server. I don't want to save my files on Git/BitBucket server. I have checked that it is possible in free account of BitBucket but could ...
pankaj's user avatar
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How to merge my local repository with remote repository on Bitbucket?

I am developing open-stack project which is available on github. Now My team-mates downloaded on their local system and make remote repository on bit-bucket, I want to synchronize with bit-bucket ...
geeks's user avatar
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restore commit lost due to "git fetch && git checkout"

I use git (bitbucket) for versioning. I want to do push the project to the server. I do like this: git add. git commit -m "view almost finished" git push I found a fatal error. I assume probably ...
mosleim's user avatar
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Git (Bit Bucket) merge changes from two users to same branch

I have created a branch in Git (bit bucket). Two persons are modifying same file. One person committed the file. Other person also has local changes in the same file. The second person should be able ...
devi Rao's user avatar
-2 votes
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App Engine PHP Runtime with Source Code from Bitbucket

We want to use Google App Engine PHP Runtime with the new Source Code from Bitbucket for continuous integration. Than we want to use Cloud SQL. We are not able to deploy or run the project. So far ...
Alen Saqe's user avatar
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How to push existing git project (git-hub) to bit bucker?

I have github project openstack in my local system,I have done some changes now I want to push it to repository. I want to push kilo branch to my remote repository. When try to ...
geeks's user avatar
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How to download only a sub folder from a repository using Git?

My experience with git consists of about 4 hours reading github and bitbucket help pages and setting up my local repositories and ssh keys on my computer, so please excuse me if the answer is rather ...
qwertylpc's user avatar
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Bitbucket in jenkins not working

im trying to set up my tomcat project which is in git with bitbucket. I have a remote server where i installed tomcat and jenkins. I configure java sdk and maven. I use bitbicket url as some ...
Fabrizio Guespe's user avatar
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PVCS Promotion Group

Currently I am migrating PVCS source code to GIT Repository. As there is no specific tool which will migrate PVCS to GIT. I used 3rd party tool and SVN as bridge repository. I am successful in ...
Nanda's user avatar
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2 local folders, each containing a different branch of the same repository

I'm have a repository in Bitbucket and I use Altassian SourceTree to work with it. Is it possible to have two folders for two branches of the same repository? I have found this answer, but I don't ...
VansFannel's user avatar
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I moved all my project files with "git mv", but I have lost all my history. Why?

As per this question (Git: I want to refactor my codebase, and create new files structures and move things around. Will my git history be maintained?) I refactored my project, and moved all of my ...
chris P's user avatar
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Strange Behaviour on Git Pull Causing: "Error Local Changes... Would Be Overwritten By Merge"

I make some changes then run the usual commands: git add -u git commit -m 'some changes' git pull but I get errors such as error: unable to create file '' (Permission denied) error: ...
Will Beauchamp's user avatar
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Create Repo on Git and push existing code

I have a git repository (v1) I was working off, pushing, pulling, merging etc. The problem I have is I made a bit of a mess of this repository and now I need to create a second (v2). This I have ...
DJ-DOO's user avatar
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SourceTree/Git Wants to Re-Add All Files

I apologize if this question has already been answered, but, I can't be sure any solutions line up exactly. Anyway, I've been humming along for months now just fine using SourceTree with a Bitbucket ...
BtySgtMajor's user avatar
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One product ( server side / client side 1 / client side 2... ) in one repository git

I have problem connected with structure of git repository. I was working for a while with SVN, so maybe this change my mindset a little bit. Our team developing one product, let's name it "deep". "...
MyWay's user avatar
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PHP Bitbucket API OAuth-2 unauthorized_client error

I am trying to connect to the BitBucket API using OAuth-2 and using a OAuth2 client script. I get to the redirect page where its says "Confirm access to your account" and I click on "Grant access" in ...
Ufb007's user avatar
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Git push not delete file from repo

I am working on a Git repo in bitbucket I deleted 2 files and did push command and. I still see the files in the repo. I always push to the master branch
eli's user avatar
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15 answers

BitBucket Jenkins doesn't automatically build

On my Jenkins I configured: Source Code Management Git repository: credentials: username/password Builder Triggers Build when a change is pushed to ...
user697911's user avatar
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How do I merge two heads of a branch on Bitbucket?

I'm not terribly familiar with Mercurial, and I have no idea how I managed to do this in the first place...
Mirrana's user avatar
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How can I locally preview a Markdown Wiki?

Bitbucket's Wiki uses Markdown syntax. There are plenty of ways to preview a single .md file, but is there a way to preview a whole markdown site under OS X? I.e. something that will handle multiple ...
o0'.'s user avatar
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How can i trigger 2 different Jenkins jobs by pushing 2 different branches?

I have two different jobs (project-prod, project-dev) in Jenkins. project-prod fetchs the code from */master to prod server and project-dev does it for for */dev branch. Also i have 2 different hooks ...
cengha's user avatar
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Jenkins - Failed to connect to repository - Authentication Failed

I've set up Jenkins and I've installed Bitbucket OAuth plugin and the Bitbucket Plugin. I followed the instructions on Bitbucket OAuth Plugin page. Manage Account OAuth Create Consumer with read ...
DJ-DOO's user avatar
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Fonts in eclipse fail from Mac to PC or viceversa

I had a problem using google fonts in a mac computer, but I realized that I have the same problem in Eclipse. We are a team that develops java code in both PCs and Mac using Bitbucket. Our problem is ...
jhugo's user avatar
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Git flow with Bitbucket pull requests

I used git flow feature finish to finish a feature branch. I use the AVH fork of git-flow, which deletes the remote feature branch - but the Bitbucket pull request is still open. How should I close ...
Robin Green's user avatar
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Bitbucket Webhooks

I want to automate the deployment of one of my projects onto my server. I m using git via bitbucket to version control my software. I came accross this this nice tutorial. Unfortunately i cannot get ...
theDrifter's user avatar
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Why did git push origin master draw ASCII art? [duplicate]

When I ran git push origin master, I saw a very unusual ASCII picture. I have run git push hundreds of times and have never seen this before. Is there any explanation for what it means? $ git push ...
I Like to Code's user avatar
2 votes
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Cannot clone from bitbucket due to missing public key

I'm using bitbucket and on my laptop I cannot use git to clone the repository. I'm getting an error: Permission denied(publickey). How can I fix this? I don't remember setting a public key but if I ...
Greyshack's user avatar
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colorful shape on git console during push [duplicate]

I get this colorful shape when I push to my remote branch. It has never happened before and I have been working on this branch for a long time. It happened twice and then stopped happening again. I am ...
p_a_ll_a_b's user avatar
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How to get the repositories on Bitbucket with most commits?

I am new to the Bitbucket and trying to retrieve the Javascript repositories with most commits. I have looked over the API documentation. But it seems no solutions are found. How can I do that? An ...
Aliu's user avatar
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Git push, pushes successfully but puts a massive ASCII 'X' in the output [duplicate]

I've just pushed some code up to BitBucket, it seems to have pushed successfully but the response I got was, is, strange. $ git push Counting objects: 11, done. Delta compression using up to 12 ...
BanksySan's user avatar
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Atlassian "logo" after pushing to bitbucket

Having pushed to bitbucket I got this "image". What is this?
esp's user avatar
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Weird colored terminal response by git [duplicate]

Recently I was scared to death by the following colored terminal response. It was triggered by the git push command. Does anybody have a clue where this colored response comes from?
Mussé Redi's user avatar
4 votes
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How to configure jenkins with bitbucket

I am trying to configure Jenkins with Bitbucket. Its almost 4 days but Jenkins not cloning with Bitbucket. Steps I am following. Install jenkins. Install git I have account on bitbucket. created a ...
Varun's user avatar
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Bitbucket Hooks with Apache SSL certificates required

We are trying to implement a simple push/deploy system using Bitbucket's webhooks. This works properly with our PHP script when Apache is not configured to use the SSLEngine and certificates; however,...
asharon.mori's user avatar
4 votes
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Does BitBucket / GitLab has graph of Contributions or Activity, just like GitHub?

I am recently trying GitLab, it's working good, feels more like BitBucket. Does anyone know that, in BitBucket or Gitlab, is it possible to have the Graph of contributions / activity, like GitHub ? ...
Kai's user avatar
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How to clone a BitBucket repository with Jenkins

I am using RedHat Linux I have created a repository in BitBucket say Demo and I have some HTML code into that. I have installed Jenkins on my system. What I am trying to do is clone the BitBucket ...
Varun's user avatar
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Azure WebJob deployed from Bitbucket is set up as continuous instead of scheduled

When deploying a webjob from Bitbucket (using continuous deployment), the process seems to ignore any settings created for the job, like schedule and name. The webjob resides in its own solution, ...
adamfinstorp's user avatar
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How are Git websites such as GitHub and BitBucket made?

I was wondering how git sites are built: What language is normally used? Where do they store the repo's? How do they store the repo's? How do they allow you to connect via the CLI? And finally, ...
divPath's user avatar
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How to deploy web app from bitbucket

I have a Vaadin web application in Bitbucket and I want to deploy the WAR file to my Tomcat 7 server in an Amazon EC2 instance. How do I do this?
jhugo's user avatar
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How to get rid of .ignore file in Git?

I have create an ignore file , the list included .jar files . I then merged my branch to a development branch and even though I had resolved all my conflicts , I still had a lot of errors. Most of ...
BVtp's user avatar
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