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C# How to use this while loop? [closed]

I'm a beginner to programming and have this task I want to complete. Task at hand: Write a program where the user is allowed to enter their name, then (in a while loop) the program prompts the user to ...
KennyG's user avatar
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Using keyboard.read_key to quit a program on a condition

I'm trying to add functionality to my first project, a number guessing game. I want to allow the user to either enter a number to guess, or press escape to exit the program. I've contained an if else ...
FrogLover92's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

I can't stop my program in python, please help me

month = {"January" : "01", "February" : "02" , "March" : "03", "April" : "04", "May"...
Đinh Quốc Huy's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What to add/change in script so after selecting something from menu it returns to menu and not exits

I found this bash script to make a menu and it is wonderful except I would like it to stay in the script, return back to the menu after something has been selected unless the last option exit has been ...
Sunyata Nothing's user avatar
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while (true) loop executing once more after break statement when reading file [duplicate]

I'm trying to read a file that has this format: 1 2 3 4 I'm trying to store these values into an array using a while loop: ifstream myfile("file.dat"); int n, i; int myarray[30]; if (!...
theheretic's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

I can't break a while loop with user input

I'm learning to use functions in while loops. My goal is to ask the user for input inside the while loop and use the input as an argument in the function. But if input at any moment is == 'q', the ...
Dumby's user avatar
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How can I close a loop without exiting the 'game' [closed]

I'm looking for a little help to clean up my code for a class assignment. The code itsself works as intended, but I'm looking for a way to show the ending message without closing out of the program or ...
alyssamessier's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

i'm getting a problem with "while loops" in python (i'm a beginner)

x=0 while x<5: print(x) if x==2: break x+=1 x=0 while x<5: if x==2: break print(x) x+=1 these are the two codes i runned, in the 1st one ...
mikey's user avatar
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1 answer

Immediate break after input using switch or if

I am learning C right now and im at the very beginning. Here's my code: #include <stdio.h> int main (){ char operator; double num1; double num2; double result; printf("\n Enter an ...
Bunyamin Erkaya's user avatar
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In a three nested for loop with labeled break, why is the output the same when the labeled break is positioned in the inner and middle loop?

Why is the output exactly the same when the labeled break is positioned before the start of the middle and inner loop? Example code 1 - When break point is positioned at the start of the inner loop ...
Rupesh Pradhan's user avatar
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How to make a loop, repeat a loop again for my nims

# importing random module, for random choices import random # print_move function to display CPU and players current move def print_move(current_player, row, stick_quantity): current_player = ...
Raphael Mahna's user avatar
2 votes
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Why does a continue in this ForEach-Object loop cause Powershell to error

When piping the output of a command to a ForEach-Object loop in PowerShell, using a continue statement causes it to error out. Works as expected: ipconfig | ForEach-Object { $_ } Errors: ipconfig |...
DeadChex's user avatar
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How exit a BEGIN loop in Forth?

In many languages there is the BREAK statement, which allows you to escape an iterative cycle. I can't find a word to escape a BEGIN-AGAIN or BEGIN-UNTIL cycle in Forth I want to implement this code ...
Candid Moe's user avatar
-1 votes
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Questions about data output in Python and Excel [duplicate]

For Excel use, I want to create a code that represents A1, A2,...D1, ... AB1, AB2, ... field = [A, B, C, ..., AA, AB, ..., YZ, ZZ] data = [[1, 2,3,4,5], [2, 3,4,5,6], [3, 5,4,3,5], [4, 5,6,7,7],...] #[...
kosskoss's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Switch executes default even with break in every case

So i'm trying to break out of the switch and while statements using the break in every case, yet even using the break statement my program keeps executing the default after the specific case code is ...
Heaper's user avatar
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how could you use array for unit conversion of 4 different units

Based off the user’s selection accept a number from the user to be entered as that unit. Both integer (eg 1) and floating-point numbers (eg 1.23) should be accepted. Ask the user to select which unit ...
Ruqqaiya's user avatar
-2 votes
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Why is a test (100/100) leading to an unexpected output?

I am trying to learn python. In this context, I work on this exercise: I take a fraction from the user (X/Y) and return a result If Y is greater than X, I prompt the user to provide another fraction ...
Elvino Michel's user avatar
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Function not getting called/throwing exception in Java code

import java.util.*; public class oops{ public static void main(String args[]){ System.out.println("Enter the username you want to set the for your Bank Account"); Scanner ...
Jitender Rana's user avatar
-1 votes
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Breaking of infinite loop in turbo c

Whenever I forget to increment 'j' and hit run it becomes an infinite loop so what can we do to break the infinite loop in turbo c if I don't have the option of 'Break' on my keyboard? what process ...
Y_Sachin's user avatar
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Python break loop with one line of code without using enumerate()

If I want to add a break to my for or while loop at certain iteration can it be done without adding counter? i=1 for line in zip(*input): print(format_row.format(*line)) if i &...
Roman Toasov's user avatar
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How to avoid "'do/while/for' statement does not loop" warnings when attempting to always execute a call when exiting it?

I'm developing some Test scripts that always log a all of the successes/failures of the Testcase steps up to that point to my Test app of choice (and end the test as soon as there's a failure). So I ...
Sergey Sarnavskiy's user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

How do i break out of this while loop in Python?

def main(): dmn_options = ["lenovo", "rasbberrypi", "Exit"] while True: display_menu(dmn_options) user_choice = select_single_l(dmn_options);print(user_choice)...
John Smith's user avatar
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Copy multiple worksheets from workbook and create a new workbook and save this file to new destination with name change and break links

I am trying to take multiple worksheets from workbook and save them to a new workbook with a new name and destination. when I have (122, 222) to save multiple worksheets its doesn't let me run it only ...
Diana's user avatar
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Python - Print a line multiple times with a break after each line

I would like to print the same message multiple times, each on its own line, with a blank line in between. This is what I'm hoping for: This store is closed today This store is closed today This ...
Khelang-Roman's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

SyntaxError: invalid syntax for breaking a true while and print a cod

I want to print the "bye" after breaking the True while, but I'm having trouble. Here is my code while (True) : number = (input("pleas enter a number : \n")) if number == ...
aedan's user avatar
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excel debugger active and prevent to run another excel file properly

I create a excel file with user login form that works correctly .when user open the excel file, login form appear and he can insert username and password and login easily. but the problem is that: if ...
afshin mhdy's user avatar
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2 answers

Tkinter On/Off While loop

I'm trying to use Tkinter to start a while loop when pressing the "on" button from an option menu and stop that while loop when pressing the "off" from the option menu. The while ...
Alex's user avatar
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3 answers

When would the absence of "break" at the end of a while loop lead to infinite loops?

I created a silly function to see if a string contains digits or not. def check_digit_placement(w): if w.isalpha(): return True else: i=0 while True: if w[i]...
Dick Grayson's user avatar
0 votes
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line break within webhook

I need to make line break within a webhook using concatenate sentence or & for an appsheet application I've tried making brakes with ", &  UNICHAR(10) &, "\n", "\r"...
Luis Cuadro Moreno's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Double N to break out asking user if they want to run again and promt again for new input

I am trying to ask a user if they would like to try again a new computation, I used old code from another lab I had but can't seem to get it to adjust proper for this new one. My problem is that when ...
Spongebuild's user avatar
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3 answers

something wrong with my loop where array (String type) where each word is written, if not repeated in a loop, is written to a dynamic array

arr.add(mas[0]); for(int i=1;i<mas.length;i++) { for(int j=0;j<arr.size();j++) { if(mas[i].equals(arr.get(j))||mas[i].equals("")){ break; ...
GeorgeAndGuns112's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

higher/lower game - how do I check if an input is an integer or not in a while loop

When my code checks if an input is an integer or string it goes into an infinite loop of outputting "invalid input" and "guess a number between 0-9" without giving the user a ...
kakarot 22's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

break in For Loop (have some issues)

So im currently using EPPLUS in C#, trying to get some data from an excel file. It's working BUT, break; makes my head go "boom-boom". There are segments in my for loop that if i put the ...
deinmar_krain's user avatar
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How to break FileList for loop Angular 16 in HttpClient Observable

I need break FileList FOR loop in error case in HttpClient Observable. I make a request with post method for upload 1 file for each loop iteration. This is my code, but not working, not breaking loop. ...
Juan David Luna's user avatar
1 vote
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Why doesn't ruby have a block_return (return from block) [duplicate]

I can think of a number of cases where block_return or return_block would be useful, but particularly in the case of yield. For example, the common problem of something like: def with_file(name) f =...
David Ljung Madison Stellar's user avatar
-2 votes
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while loops that will never end [closed]

How do i get my code to stop running the non stop 2. what am i doing wrong with this addition i =+ 2; using System; namespace TestingNewShit { class program { static void Main(string[] ...
benedict Cherlet's user avatar
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Understanding how a break statement functions in zybook question for python 5.10.1

it's a weekend and my professor isn't answering emails, we went over break statements in class and I was sure I understood it, but I keep getting questions like this wrong (it wants you to show the ...
Ben Turner's user avatar
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Break out of inner loop in a nested loop (BASH)

I decide to play around loop just to understand how loops work in bash. But I am the one who got played. All I know is the the break call helps to stop a particular loop echo "For loop begins&...
SinaMathew's user avatar
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Is there any keyword that will terminate or stop the simulation when the output reaches a specific value in open modelica?

I want to stop the simulation when my output reaches a certain limit or value irrespective of the simulation time. Let's take an example my output is 'prod' a variable which has the product of two ...
kunal's user avatar
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Cancelling input command upon user's request

I am a beginner. I am creating a very basic calculator. I want to break the program when the user gives the command as "STOP". Here's my code: while d=="yes" or d=="YES" ...
Prabhaan Goyal's user avatar
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Xamarin architecture classes links breaks

I am new in mobile development and trying to learn it. I have started with default project type and add a new page in my view. In that page whenever i am trying to add a listviewit is showing me ...
Muhammad Sibtain Arain's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I get out of two loops in Python, not only the inner one? [duplicate]

When the answer is "Non", i need to get out of both if loops to continue with the program and i dont know how to do so, it only breaks from the inner one. this is my first proyect and im idk ...
Avril's user avatar
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Ruby Invalid break (SyntaxError)

I have an issue with very simple piece of code: def cond(x,y) if x =~ /#{y}/ puts "ok" else puts "not ok" break ...
mila002's user avatar
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Breaking nested loops and iteration [duplicate]

So here's simple structure of my code: while condition: for i in range(num): for j in range(num): if arr[i][j] == something: #DO SOMETHING #...
Softly's user avatar
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2 answers

break in running program in python [closed]

when i run this code in terminal** i should prees" enter " key to run after line 6 ** i dont know the problem i'm in the learning python proccess thank all of you in advance........ print(&...
misagh 's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

i can't exit while loop without using exit(). Neither break nor return don't exit the loop?

machine = True money = 0 def game(): global money, machine while machine: order = input("What would you like? (espresso/latte/cappuccino) ") # Gets order machine = ...
MaximusPrima's user avatar
-2 votes
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Usage of break in for loop

I am new to programming and I came across these two similar problems: Example 1: for i in range(10): if i == 5: break else: print(i) else: print("Here") Output: 0 1 2 3 4 ...
aravindh sankar's user avatar
1 vote
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I need to remove the elements with repeated letters in the string

String1 = “Python is an interpreted high level general purpose programming language” List1 = String1.split() for i in List1: for j in i: if i.count(j)>1: List1.remove(i) ...
mounica gvs's user avatar
2 votes
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How to exit an outer loop in C (without ++)?

In Java, it is possible to escape from an outer loop using such a construct: int[][] matrix; int value; ... outer: { for(int i=0; i<n; i++) for (int j=0; j<m; j++) if (matrix[i][j] ==...
Alexander Gromov's user avatar
-3 votes
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When Infinite Loop is opening at same time in Redhat Linux then how to stop it?

when some one attack like DDOS or Dos in our computer for example someone like hacker let's say run infinite loop in your terminal to open the gnome-terminal code:-- while : do gnome-terminal done ...
HackingwithHarry's user avatar

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