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Remove duplicate rows from LEFT JOIN with SELF JOIN

How to create a join that has all product_features with all feature_text rows that joins a specific text for a feature if available or else joins the general text for that feature? The join must not ...
surfmuggle's user avatar
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Node JS Cartesian functions are too memory consuming

I've made two different functions to calculate all possible combination of elements from n arrays (n not fixed, this is very important to notice) where each array contains a different number of ...
Gabriele Passoni's user avatar
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Dealing with duplicate rows when creating a visit column, cartesian multiplication

I'm having trouble with data transformation. What I want to do is go from a data table that created Cartesian multiplications to one that is sorted by column of visit number. The logic: this is a ...
Gal Or's user avatar
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Cartesian product of dict of lists in Python [duplicate]

I would like to have a Python function cartesian_product which takes a dictionary of lists as input and returns as output a list containing as elements all possible dictionary which can be formed by ...
Smiley1000's user avatar
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Select Data from Two Tables without a Join (Cartesian Product) in Gorm

I'm trying to select data from two SQL tables without a join. Essentially, I need a Cartesian Product of the two tables. The SQL statement I expect to use is: SELECT * FROM table1, table2 WHERE table1....
Shalom Peles's user avatar
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Batch processing on itertools python

I'm trying to normalize a JSON file using python. Basically, I iterate through this JSON appending its values to different lists. Then, I union all this lists using itertools.product. When I have a ...
CooperativistKid's user avatar
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Dynamic Matrix Columns combinations

I would like to find all possible combinations of a matrix columns, with each column contributing a value, in each iteration of a loop. The matrix size changes in each iteration. For example: A = [1 ...
mrish's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I create a product of a 2-dimensional list with a 1-dimensional list (needs to be one-liner)? [duplicate]

I have two lists that I'm trying to combine: lst1 = [['arg1', 'arg2']] # this can have more lists, but for simplicity, leaving it as this lst2 = ['arg3', 'arg4'] I want the product of the two lists ...
Leggy's user avatar
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3 answers

How to make a certain double cartesian product with jq?

Suppose I have this dataset: {"id": 99, "labeled_values": [["one", "green"], ["two", "red"], ["three", "blue"]], "...
dfrankow's user avatar
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How to perform multiparameter sweeps interfacing with a hardware aparatus?

I've written a lot of redundant code to control an experimental apparatus with python. The Cartesian product almost solves everything, but there's still one hickup I need help with. Here's the story: ...
ions me's user avatar
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3 answers

Cartesian product without reuse

I have two generators producing data, for example: def xs(): yield [1, 2] yield [3, 4] def ys(): yield [5, 6] yield [7, 8] And I want to process all possible (x,y) pairs: process([1, ...
no comment's user avatar
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All Possible Combinations (cartesian product) Script/Functions with no duplicate values

At a school, we are trying to determine if based on when we are able to offer all of our classes (master schedule) if based on each student's course requests can a schedule be built where they receive ...
Taylor Williamson's user avatar
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SQL Cursor multiply two sets of lines

I am using Hana data studio (SQL) and need to write a cursor that takes the original dataset, makes column age set to 0 and sets the the fiscal quarter to the iterated value over a distinct list of ...
Frankie Contreras's user avatar
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Pyspark Cartesian product of two columns in a dataframe

I have a pyspark DataFrame that contains to columns, each one is an array of strings, how can I make a new column that is the cartesian product of them without splitting them to two dataframe and join ...
Golan Kiviti's user avatar
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Enumerating and correlating tables to avoid cartesian joins

I have a set of tables that I want to pull all the data from, with columns listing the contents of the ancillary tables. For example: states code name AR Arkansas CT Connecticut MN Maine senators ...
PhilHibbs's user avatar
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2 answers

cartesian combinations for component variants

Let's say I have an object specifying inputs for a button component, and the possible values of that input. const buttonVariants = { colorMode: ['on-dark','on-light'], size: ['small','medium','...
JonesCode's user avatar
-1 votes
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Facing trouble in creating sublists of a list

My task is to create combinations, more like a Cartesian product for some attribute lines of a library file. I am currently facing the problem of grouping the same attributes(of course the adjacent ...
aditya's user avatar
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Typescript Generic for cartesian product

Here is a typescript Cartesian product iterator: export function* productIterator3<T1, T2, T3>( ...arr: [T1[], T2[], T3[]] ): Generator<[T1, T2, T3]> { const lengths =
Kaia's user avatar
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Better way to combine in Kotlin?

I want to combine all elements from one list with all elements from another list, to obtain all possible pairs. Of course, we can do this in a loop (not tested): val list1 = listOf(1, 2, 3) val list2 =...
Page not found's user avatar
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Creating a function showing all combinations [duplicate]

I'm having trouble here turning a vector of vectors with different lengths into a matrix with all possible combinations. For example, I am wanting the below vector <vector <double>> ...
jsmith's user avatar
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How to search for elements in the $n$-th power of a set without actually creating the $n$-th power set?

There is a given set S. I would like to search for elements from $S^n$ (the Cartesian product of $S$ with itself $n$ times) that verify certain properties. But I don't want to actually create $S^n$ ...
Jiu's user avatar
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3 answers

Multiply all possible combinations for rows - Cross Join set row with multiple columns

Hi I have a similar problem in Google sheets that is solved in this thread: Generate all possible combinations for Columns(cross join or Cartesian product) i am trying to join multiple rows with ...
I_roadkill's user avatar
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How to do a cartesian join of a numpy array and a pandas series?

I have a numpy array ids (unique) and a pandas series dates. I want to create a pandas dataframe that is a cartesian product of ids and dates with columns id and date grouped by date. e.g., ids = [1, ...
roulette01's user avatar
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Product between MultiIndex and a list

I have a MultiIndex object with 2 levels: import pandas as pd mux = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([(1,1), (2,3)]) >>> MultiIndex([(1, 1), (2, 3)], ) I want to multiply it ...
endive1783's user avatar
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Is there a way to implement a cartesian product over iterators that are *not cloneable*?

The idea is that I want the cartesian product of iterators that are all Box<dyn...>, because I have a function higher up that returns different types of iterators, some of which must be run ...
Julia Benginow's user avatar
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Embed SUMIF / Vlookup / Index-Match functions in Recursive Lambda functions in Google Sheets

Question: Following on from this question: Recursive Lambda Functions for Cartesian Products in Google Sheets How would I add columns in a generative array which looks up values from the resulting ...
Wesley Jeftha's user avatar
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Perform Grouped-by Cartesian Cross-join of Two Dataframes [duplicate]

I want to build the cartesian product of two dataframes after grouping. import pandas as pd df1 = pd.DataFrame({"group": [1, 1, 1, 1, 2], "A": [3, 4, 3, 4, 3], "B": [5, ...
ascripter's user avatar
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Iterating over the cartesian product of a list of lists

The problem is a generalization of the folling simple problem: Given 3 lists of elements, I can loop over the pairings between all 3 lists by folling pseudocode: foreach( element1 in list1 ) ...
Daniel Bauer's user avatar
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Get cross product of two enums in Rust without Typing them all out

Say for example we have two enums that represent the Rank and Suit of a deck of standard playing cards: #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)] enum Suit { Spades, Hearts, ...
Jared Smith's user avatar
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getting random sampling from cartesian product

Consider the complex number z = x+iy. I have an object constructor class that can take a complex number and plot something from it, say pole(x,y). I want to construct an array that considers all the ...
user804141's user avatar
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Product of the Dictionary Values from Combinations of Dictionary Keys in Python

I have a dictionary of sets in Python dct={'k1':{1,2,3,4},'k2':{100,200},'k3':{1000,2000,3000,4000},'k4':{25,50}} and I want to find the Cartesian product of all the possible combinations of, say 3 ...
Guy's user avatar
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Excel: DataModel - why it returns cartesian product?

Can't understand how DataModel works in Excel. Please help Example: in Excel - why it returns cartesian product? At the same time absolutely the same DataModel in PowerBi returns normal estimated ...
Denis's user avatar
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DAX Match Row then Multiply each Column by matched value keeping Column structure

I am not sure if I am missing something obvious, as I am new to the DAX language. I have 2 tables, one contains equipment with total quantities, the other has the corresponding set of components for ...
Alistair Hogan's user avatar
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cross merge/cartesian product in dask

how can I perform the equivalent of this cross merge in dask? merged_df = pd.merge(df, df, how='cross', suffixes=('', '_y')) To provide an example, say I have this dataframe, say dataframe A: #Niusup ...
Lusian's user avatar
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How can I find the maximum integer representable by a given count of cubes with single digit integers painted on the six sides

Backstory - I have a baby on the way and have come across a product that is wooden cubes with single digits painted on the side. They come in a set of three cubes and a units block, with the idea ...
Zak Henry's user avatar
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Cartesian array of objects in Javascript

I have been working on a Cartesian product with a below array of objects. [ { "name": "Size", "values": ["10", "39"] }, { ...
dacoten's user avatar
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How to avoid Cartesian product when merging in Python using Pandas

I want to merge three CSV tables (average speed, traffic flow, car count) in Python to try and build a traffic prediction project using RNNs. However, when I try to merge car count I get a Cartesian ...
Skydrinka's user avatar
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Cartesian product of n ranges

I am rewriting a python program into rust and I am struggling to translate this line: itertools.product(range(0,8), repeat=n) What I am trying to achieve is something like this:
artemetra's user avatar
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How to avoid cross product/Cartesian/full join in SQL?

We have a table A with column "ETA To Destination" in minutes. id ETA To Dest (mins) Score 1 45 2 75 There is a configuration table where we have defined scores based on the time ...
Magesh Narayanan's user avatar
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Generate all combinations of positive and negative

I have this list of tuples a = [(1, 2), (2, 1)] And need all of the possible combinations of negative and positive: b = [(1, 2), (1, -2), (-1, 2), (-1, -2), (2, 1), (2, -1), (-2, 1), (-2, -1)] I've ...
SandWood Jones's user avatar
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Generating combination of list items in python [duplicate]

I have 3 python lists: x = ["a", "b", "c"] y = ["d", "e", "f"] z = ["m", "n", "s"] I want to generate all ...
Steve's user avatar
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Efficient Cartesian product within groupby

I would like to do the Cartesian product (e.g. pandas merge with how='cross') between each row and all other rows, but in a groupby. I have found several ways to do it, but they take more than a day ...
Samuel T's user avatar
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How would I get a list of pairs where every element from list1 is paired with some element from list2?

So I have this problem in my head that I'm trying to solve iteratively instead of recursively, but the solution seems to elude me despite it seemingly being so easy. Let's say I have two lists l1 = [a,...
itsmarziparzi's user avatar
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Modify an existing named function that returns a Cartesian product / cross join by adding an argument that specifies the # of columns/values per row

I found the following Google Sheets named function CARTESIAN_PRODUCT as an answer to a related question Here: =IF(COLUMNS(range) = 1, IFNA(FILTER(range, range <> "")), LAMBDA(...
Iceman6425's user avatar
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Is there a faster Python algorithm to iterate through grouped Cartesian product pairs?

I have two files (lhs and rhs), each with a grouping-variable field (other variables exist too). The goal is to iterate through the Cartesian product pairs within each grouping-variable value as ...
Matt B's user avatar
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Flatten nested JSON to array of unique objects without indexes

I have this simple nested object which I need to flatten to be able to insert it into my database. const input = { name: "Benny", department: { section: "Technical", ...
Benny's user avatar
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Some combinations of nested dictionaries with arbitrary lengths in python

I have a game tree with an arbitrary number of possible moves for me and my opponent with an arbitrary sequence of moves. I want to get an overview of all 'sets of moves I can make' and corresponding ...
Shikamaru_NL's user avatar
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Shuffle a cartesian product iterator in Javascript

Using a library like I am able to generate a cartesian product iterator. This is necessary when I have, say 4 arrays, each of length 100, ...
Jack Walsh's user avatar
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DAX: Unwanted cartesian product lines?

Please help to calculate/understand properly lastDate and rankDate measures for following simplified example (download): Desired result: Reality (incorrect subtypes): Why relationship is broken? ...
Denis's user avatar
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Given the list, how to generate a nested dictionary

Given the list below, using Python 3 how can I generate a nested dictionary with list[0] having list[1:] as nested children. list = [ ["Layer 1.A", "Layer 1.B"], ["...
cram's user avatar
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