Questions tagged [celerybeat]

The Celery periodic task scheduler

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Caching issue in Celery

I have a scheduled task that runs every 2 days to send reminders to people who haven't read and acknowledged documents on the system. The function works fine when I run it on the shell and all the ...
Usoof's user avatar
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Celery Beat runs the task every minute

I am using celery beat for the execution of a task. The configuration is as follows if settings.SETTINGS_MODULE == "irriapp.settings.production": app.conf.beat_schedule = { '...
Matias Lucero's user avatar
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Publish messages to MQTT using Celery-Beat scheduled tasks

I am developing a Django+Vue web application along with an MQTT server. I want to implement Celery Beat to execute scheduled tasks, which I define in the "calendarios" models where I input ...
Juan Felipe B's user avatar
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Django-celery-beat send task, worker receive it and don't execute

That's my libs: celery==5.3.6 django-celery-beat==2.5.0 django-celery-results==2.5.1 redis==5.0.1 INSTALLED_APPS = [ "django.contrib.admin", "django.contrib.auth&...
marsho5's user avatar
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django-celery-beat loading task but celery worker not receiving it

I've been having these issues on my celery beat and worker where my celery beat creates task, but celery worker does not receive it. I am using elasticmq as the broker My celery beat logs It does not ...
Davidson Co's user avatar
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How to set up periodic tasks automatically

I have a celery task in one of my django apps. My django, celery and django-celery-beat services are ran in their own docker containers. Since this is a legacy project, I now assume they interact ...
MattSom's user avatar
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Can I reduce number of requests made to redis data store when using celery and beat

I am using on a project Django + celery + beat. Is there a way how to reduce number or requests made to redis data store? THe project runs on Part of the fly.toml [processes] app = "...
Radek's user avatar
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Why python-telegram-bot is not working with celery?

I tried to use python-telegram-bot but it was not working while when I tried to use it out of celery asyncio with asds it was working well What is wrong with this code runing python-telegram-bot with ...
Mehdi's user avatar
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How to set a (Django) celery beat cron schedule from string value

I am using Django with celery beat. I would like to configure the cron schedule via env var (string value of the cron). We are currently setting the cron schedule like this, using celery.schedules....
threewordphrase's user avatar
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Superset/Celery Beat: Daily Scheduled Reports Failed in some days Need Assistance Understanding Initial Failure

I've set up Superset with Celery Beat to handle daily scheduled reports. Strangely, between November 22 to December 2 , the scheduled reports didn't run as expected. Surprisingly, they've been ...
suhail areekkan's user avatar
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Celery Beat - How to invoke a periodic task manually?

In our production environment, we have a Celery beat configured to perform periodic tasks according to the frequency. My question is, is there a way for me to start the task that was meant to run at ...
Suresh's user avatar
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How to restart celery beat container or resolve KeyError(b'entries')?

My ecs fargate celery beat container is running well during some hours after deployment. But some times later, error raised like below Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/...
user16613127's user avatar
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Apache Superset 3.0.1 Sending Alert/Report in GMT TimeZone

In Apache Superset 3.0.1, I want to scheduled Alert/Report and get the email in basis of GMT timezone. Currently, it is working on UTC format only. Package Version Apache Superset 3.0.1 Celery 5.3.5 ...
Demonstration Nest's user avatar
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celery beat get_full_description

I hope your day is going well. I've hit a bit of a snag with a Django project I’m working on. I'm relatively new to Django and would deeply appreciate it if you could spare a moment to help me ...
harveeey's user avatar
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Celery 5.3.4 ModuleNotFoundError: 'No module named 'backports'' in container with image Python 3.10.13-bullseye on host Debian 11

I'm currently facing a issue with Celery 5.3.4 that ask me to install backports module. the application is running in container (3.10.13-bullseye) with python version 3.10.13 on the debian 11 host. ...
ssgakhal's user avatar
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Mongoengine Connection Failure

I am trying to run celery beat for my project, but it's giving me the following error. The celery worker is running fine. I am using Python 3.9 Using MongoDB: 6.0.11 raise ConnectionFailure(...
kamlesh Bannagare's user avatar
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Monthly Celery Beat task also runs after celery restart

I have a task that is set to run on the first day of every month at 05:00 using celery beat. It has been set as follows in CELERY_BEAT_SCHEDULE = { 'generate_monthly_reports': { ...
RunLoop's user avatar
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How to implement in-built scheduled celery tasks in third party packages

I have looked at the celery codebase to get an idea of implementing an in-built scheduled task but I am not sure whether that's the way to go about it for my case. I have a third-party package (meant ...
Eric O.'s user avatar
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Celery Task received but not executing in Django project hosted on DigitalOcean

I have a Django project set up with Celery, hosted on a DigitalOcean droplet running Ubuntu 22.04. I'm running into a peculiar issue where a task is received by the Celery worker but doesn't seem to ...
Snow's user avatar
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Beat scheduler not working automatically but does work when manually triggered

I am learning to use celery. I want to automate API triggers using beat. The follwing code works if I manually call increment_value.delay() from the shell. However, it does not automate. Also, I think ...
Neha's user avatar
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Seeking Flask alternative to Django Celery Beat supporting timezones and multi-user crontab storage

I'm working on a Flask application, and I'm facing challenges with scheduling tasks in different timezones. I previously attempted to use Celery Beat with the Celery Beat Scheduler backed by MongoDB (...
JosePedroMonteiro's user avatar
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Сергей Киселёв's user avatar
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how to setup celery beat for scrapy project?

I have a scrapy project and I want to run my spider every day so I use celery to do that. this is my file: from celery import Celery, shared_task from scrapy.crawler import CrawlerProcess ...
emdhdr's user avatar
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Celerybeat container dying frequently on container with "corrupted size vs. prev_size"

I have django app working on pod on Openshift. I also have a celerybeat working on the same namespace. My celerybeat is dying many times a day with such issues: corrupted size vs. prev_size free(): ...
humanbeing's user avatar
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How can I schedule a periodic task once in every 3 days in django celery crontab?

Need to schedule a task every 3 days celery scheduler in django. I have found the scheduling of different cases such as to schedule a task on minutely, hourly, daily, on-weekdays basis, but I could ...
Bkasar's user avatar
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Rabbitmq is consuming RAM

Rabbitmq is consuming RAM But when I checked, there is 0 in queue and 4 connections. I also tried the following: rabbitmqctl stop_app rabbitmqctl reset rabbitmqctl start_app Then restarted the ...
Thu Ra's user avatar
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Segmentation Fault (Core Dumped) - Error when importing Rasterstats module

I'm running celery beat in order to execute the zonal_stats periodically. Here is my script: from rasterstats import zonal_stats import geopandas as gpd shapefile = r'~/Earthquake_shakemap/...
Obedi Obadiah's user avatar
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celery beat dynamically scheduler

I have a database with time and metadata for dynamically scheduled tasks. from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals import os from celery import Celery from concentrApp import ...
HodA's user avatar
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Celery worker not executing task properly(tasks are being received from beat)

I am trying to add celery-redis combo to my django project. Installed celery, django-celery-beat and made other set ups. I wrote a simple task to sent me a message in telegram(added at the ...
Dmytry Bondariev's user avatar
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Django Celery and Celery Beat Daemon Documentation

I am working on deploying a django app with celery/celery beat to production. I can run everything just fine with celery running as a daemon with systemctl after following the documentation: https://...
asharon.mori's user avatar
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celery-beat won't trigger tasks when DatabaseScheduler: Schedule changed

I have celery beat and celery to do some processing steps in bulk. but celery-beat won't trigger tasks for a few second when DatabaseScheduler: Schedule changed PeriodicTask.objects.create(name=...
mamareza's user avatar
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docker-compose unable to build

This is the Docker file I am building using docker-compose build, and its always stuck on 9/38 and its building process is not finishing. Here is the main code of the docker file: `########### ## ...
Deepanshu Joshi's user avatar
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Celery beat_scheduler's task executed but didn't get registered in model django_celery_beat_periodictask

I am trying basic implementation of celery worker and celery beat on the windows PC. The celery beat is sending the task successfully and the celery worker received the task from celery beat and ...
devesh-gupta's user avatar
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Django Celery running a function multiple times?

In Django, I have created an app for sending emails to clients. I am using Celery Beat to schedule a daily task that executes the schedule_emails function at 12:30 AM. This function runs perfectly. ...
Manoj Kamble's user avatar
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celery issue while running periodic task via admin dashboard

I have setup celery on my server and tasks are running fine if we send them by command line but from admin dashboard the task hits are not coming in the celery worker logs. How can we fix it? i tried ...
Bharti Saini's user avatar
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FastAPI/Celery - Running 2 tasks in parallel not working

I have been trying to launch a celery worker to execute 2 tasks : The first task : @app.task(bind=True) def listen_for_new_row(self): print("listen_for_new_row task started") with db ...
Hamza Bendahou's user avatar
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how to run a python selenium celery task as asnyc task when celery is up and ready to work in Windows?

I need to run a celery task when the Celery is started (at start up) and it's ready to work in a Django environment. I have more than 5 celery tasks and those are running parallel without problem. but ...
ali reza's user avatar
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Dynamically scheduled tasks

I successfully configured Celery on my Django app and tested it. The test run was successful, as shown by the following output: celery -A concentrApp call mytask 0016f381-ed04-4a44-8c7a-...
HodA's user avatar
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Does django celery beat auto delete one-off tasks that have been run

I have a reminder model - class Reminder(models.Model): class Types(models.TextChoices): CALL = "Call" WHATSAPP = "WhatsApp" SMS = "SMS" ...
Aniket Banyal's user avatar
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Celery periodic task prevent missing objs

I have a reminder model - class Reminder(models.Model): class Types(models.TextChoices): CALL = "Call" WHATSAPP = "WhatsApp" SMS = "SMS" ...
Aniket Banyal's user avatar
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RabbitMQ creating idle queues having no consumers

Problems High Memory Usage Blocked Workers High Number of channels and Connections Blocked Connections Deployment Aws EKS I have a Django application and have long-running tasks implemented in celery ...
chirag's user avatar
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Received unregistered task of type in celery beat

I can't seem to find what's missing. In the ecommerce app I have a jobs folder with and files. Here's from celery import shared_task @shared_task def test(): print(&...
Mike D Hovhannisyan's user avatar
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Limit a specific task in Celery

I have a Django function my_func() that parallelizes it's execution in threads. The function is launched it a scheduled job. In the server, the threads are executed in Celery. The server celery ...
Victor Sotillo's user avatar
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How do I validate celery beat schedule with pytest?

Given a celery beat schedule in the Django settings file, how can you test that the dictionary is valid without actually running the tasks or waiting for the schedule? Consider: CELERY_BEAT_SCHEDULE = ...
nefrob's user avatar
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Scheduling chained tasks with celery and celery beat

I'd have some tasks that I'd like to chain together in celery, and I'd like to schedule this with celery beat. The included code works, but the docs seem to imply that calling tasks within tasks is a ...
Rob McKiernan's user avatar
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Celery beat cannot update currency exchange rates with django-money

I use django-money, then I ran celery beat to update currency exchange rates every 60 minutes with the code below. *I followed django-money doc: # "core/" import os from celery ...
Super Kai - Kazuya Ito's user avatar
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Celery Beat stops running tasks without any errors

Celery beat is spinning in a container in the Kubernetes (1 replica). Celery beat works for a few days, then it stops running scheduled tasks, and there are no errors in the logs, the logs look like ...
Even's user avatar
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Celery beat creating multiple instances of the same task Django

This has been asked quite a few times but I couldn't find a satisfactory solution so requesting for help after searching for several hours I have defined celery broker with rabitmq and backend with ...
Aditya Ganguli's user avatar
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Django+ DRF + Celery: Schedule the same task for different objects in database in different time for each object

I am working on an HR application, where a company has a branch and each branch has its working days policy in which the branch decides the hours of start and end of work day and the hour when the day ...
Mahmoud Said's user avatar
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Celery will continue to execute historical tasks after the worker terminates abnormally and restarts

I added the celery crontab task. When an exception occurs in the worker, I hope that the worker will no longer execute unfinished historical tasks. I used the following task base class and wanted to ...
Tony's user avatar
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