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What is B supposed to turn into in this 8-bit adder?

I understand that it takes 4A and subtracts it from B but the two appended 1s that are added to B make it difficult for me to understand. What am I subtracting from 2A? 1B1? I couldn't find any ...
Mohi Reza's user avatar
-1 votes
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Circuit to add a spike to a squre wave

I know everyone wants to remove noise and spikes from square waves but I want to add one! 12v square wave input, say 60ms period (will vary) assume ramp up is quite fast and I guess that speed will ...
crazyquiff's user avatar
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MATLAB Plotting solution to second order differential equation Error

I have a questions very similar to this post. Unfortunately there is no answer for the question and I have additional questions. I am trying to generate a solve for the current in an RLC circuit and ...
Noahwar97's user avatar
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Using Python to solve the "resistor cube"

This is a computational problem. My code: import numpy as np # Number of nodes in the cube num_nodes = 8 # Create the conductance matrix G and the current vector I G = np.zeros((num_nodes, num_nodes)...
Tomy's user avatar
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Using fzero to solve for extinction angle in MatLAB

I am trying to find the best way to use Matlab to find the extinction angle for a single phase full wave controller. I have seen people create a graph that shows the intersection of two lines which ...
KEN REVELIA's user avatar
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Why my code for finding an Euler Circuit of a graph only works partially?

So Ive managed to create a 'circuit' function that traverses through a graph untill it arrives back to the starting point. Now Im trying to run it for as long as theres free vertices to find all paths....
Dom Wujek's user avatar
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Simulating 4bit FullAdder in python, not getting correct output

Simulation of FullAdder Logic Gate, takes in carry and 2 things it needs to add class FullAdder: def __init__(self,a,b,c): self.a = a self.b = b self.c = c def ...
user14232195's user avatar
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Extract board outline of an PCB

I have a problem that i can´t reach the exact dimensions of the x and y of the PCB Schematic in mm or inch. The method that I was using is, it starts by opening the file, and then reads each line. If ...
Diogo Almeida's user avatar
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How to run QucsStudio at the command line?

I am trying to run QucsStudio from a command line. I am using this line "C:\Programs1\QucsStudio\bin\qucs.exe" -n -i "Klopfenstein_taper_OK.sch" -o "
Katto Ishimura's user avatar
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Blazor Server (NET 7): Uncaught (in promise) Error: Server returned an error on close: Connection closed with an error

I get this error when starting up my Blazor Server application and looking in the Browser's Dev tools; Console tab. What I see is that the browser goes immediately into "reconnect" mode. ...
Joel's user avatar
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Can a non-constrained public signal be changed by an adversary in a Circom circuit?

I have a circuit that verifies the prover has the preimage of a hash, and I want to additionally commit to some extra data. Kind of like a signature scheme, where the private key is the preimage, the ...
Orny's user avatar
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2 answers

Simulating a circuit with initial conditions given in a loop with PySpice

I try to simulate the following simple RC circuit, to use finite element method to verify my solution to a slightly altered transmission line problem. While it is not directly related to the question,...
ck1987pd's user avatar
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32 bits in single ROM address in Logisim Evolution

I need to store a lot of data (32bits * 255) in Logisim Evolution. I want to use the ROM component, so that it is relatively easy to import data. When I put it together, I set Address Width to 8 and ...
dimani128's user avatar
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My code ignores the if condition when checking the button state

I want to press my button and then the leds will start turning on and off in a sequence. int buttonState = 0; int tDelay = 500; int latchPin = 11; // output register clock int clockPin = 9; // ...
Diego Rosendo Pérez's user avatar
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Multisim - AND Gate Always Giving An Output

I recently downloaded Multisim to give it a try. I used it many years ago and recently have a need to design some circuits so it was my first go-to. However, I am run into issues where the ...
Dominick's user avatar
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Why Circuit (circom) can't compare timestamp?

I have this circuit where I want to compare 2 timestamp. If I try with smaller numbers, it's working, if I try with timestamps, it does not work. Here's the circuit (.circom) pragma circom 2.0.0; ...
fabriziogianni7's user avatar
-1 votes
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Arduino Id Instance error on python vscde

Whenever I try to run a code that is supposed to transmit a signal using Sonar HC-SR04 module and then receive that signal to ouput the distance. But as soon as I run the code, it stops immediately ...
Hassaan Khan's user avatar
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How do I identify the Boolean Expression of this logic circuit?

As the title says, what can be the possible boolean expression of the logic circuit given? The Truth table is also included.Logic Circuit I have tried to solve my own Boolean Expression and coded it ...
Ragna Alt's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi Pico not executing upon 5V

I have a Raspberry Pi Pico W with code on it that lights up the onboard LED once it has successfully connected to WiFi, otherwise the onboard LED will blink. Most times upon start up however, (I have ...
harryt's user avatar
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PySpice: Simulate circuit with capacitor with defined initial condition

with PySpice I'm trying to simulate the discharging behavior of a capacitor with a defined initial condition in a circuit. This is a simplified example: import PySpice.Logging.Logging as Logging ...
JKB's user avatar
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3 votes
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What does "no compatibility mode selected" means in ngspice and how to solve it?

I want to write the code for fullwave bridge rectifier with resistance as load and I wrote the following code. But it showed an error. It showed "No compatibility mode selected". This is the ...
Divya Gupta's user avatar
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Circuits , Hazards/Karnaugh diagram || Can a Karnaugh-Vetch diagram consisting of 2 variables x and y even contain a hazard?

i dont understand completely but to me it seems like there cant be a problematic/hazardous path. So its about hazards that can occur in a half-adder circuit with Inverters XORs and Ands. Cant get to ...
kentotolo's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do microcontrollers store and retrieve data from RAM? [closed]

I am developing my own academic processor for myself and a problem arose. And I don't know how to implement reading and writing data from memory to a register. I can do exactly the order of ...
Doumor's user avatar
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How do I create a circuit based on this truth table?

So this is the truth table In_1 In_2 In_3 Out 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 ...
randomUser786's user avatar
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How to create a circuit that outputs only 1, regardless of inputs

So this is the truth table: In_1 In_2 In_3 Out 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 ...
randomUser786's user avatar
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Why when i try to send heart rate values to real time database the sensor stops working arduino

I'm using NodeMCU and max30100 sensor module, everything works fine in the code until I add this line to loop() if (Firebase.ready() && (millis() - sendDataPrevMillis > 15000 || ...
Hamza Ateya's user avatar
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Short-Circuit property C

According to the short-circuit property in C:0&&(anything) gives 0 and 1||(anything) gives 1. so according to the property-0&&5||6&&7||4&&!6,this should give us 0. But ...
Subham Bhuyan's user avatar
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Errors when using MCMT to create a multi control cz gate and trying to measure

Multi control cz gate: The error is saying that: [Experiment 0] Circuit mcmt contains invalid instructions {"gates": {ccz}} for "statevector" method. , ERROR: Circuit mcmt ...
Sakibul Islam Rayhan's user avatar
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Get the result of sim in matlab code with input parameter returns not found

I have this circuit in Matlab simulation As you can see I have R7 variable in my picture . I want to run this simulink using Matlab script as you can see here : simOut = sim('ehsaaan.slx','R7','1e-...
Ehsan Akbar's user avatar
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Pedersen circom/circomlibjs inconsistency?

As a unit test for a larger use case, I am checking that indeed the pedersen hash I am doing in the frontend aligns with the expected hash done through a circom circuit. I am using a simple assert in ...
TIZ's user avatar
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what would be the most efficient algorithm for logic circuit synthesis if the only known knowledge about the problem is the fitness function?

I'm developing a program that tries to build logic circuit from NOR gates given some fitness function (logic_circuit => fitness_value). currently I'm using some kind of simulated annealing(make N ...
Mikita Shautsou's user avatar
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Why XOR gates use "=1" to indicate

As shown in the title, why do you use "=1" in the IEC symbol for XOR instead of "=2", "3", or write XOR directly. Similarly, I have the same doubts about other gate ...
linhieng's user avatar
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How to set a start value of the temperature for the simulation of a cooling circuit in Modelica?

I am currently simulating a cooling circuit in OpenModelica. I want to give the simulation a starting value of the temperature. To do this, I insert the model of the medium into the circuit and ...
Luca's user avatar
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How to create a logic circuit that takes 3 inputs and returns 1 only when all the inputs are equal?

I'm struggling with creating a logic circuit that could implement the following truth table:
schrift94's user avatar
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Converting circuit benchmark to CNF formula to use to solve with SAT solvers

Is there any tool that can convert circuit benchmarks (ISCAS) to CNF so that it can be used in SAT solver? The main goal is to find some input patterns for the circuit which will give some predefined ...
Rkd's user avatar
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How to run a loop with unknown number of iterations in Circom?

I have the following circuit in Circom cicuit compiler: pragma circom 2.0.0; template MAIN() { signal len; len <== 32; for (k = 0; k < maplen; k++) { // do something }...
Ilia Sidorenko's user avatar
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How to write a constraint that depends on a condition in Circom?

I have code of the following form in Circom circuit compiler template DecodeUint(len) { signal input x; signal input pos; signal output value; signal output nextpos; component ...
Ilia Sidorenko's user avatar
2 votes
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How to use & (AND) operator in a signal in Circom

I'm trying to use & operator on a signal and get another signal in Circom circuit compiler language like so: pragma circom 2.0.0; template MAIN() { signal input a; signal output x; ...
Ilia Sidorenko's user avatar
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How to access array element with an "Unknown" index in Circom?

I have the following Circom (circuit compiler language) program: pragma circom 2.0.0; template MAIN() { signal input array[2512]; signal output d; signal v; v <== 168; d <...
Ilia Sidorenko's user avatar
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How to pass function argument by reference in Circom?

How to pass function argument by reference in the circom circuit language? I'm trying to do the following: pragma circom 2.0.0; function increment(foo) { foo++; } template MyTemplate() { ...
Ilia Sidorenko's user avatar
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In logic circuit with one output , how to get all combination of input which produces a certain output ? (Without brute forcing) [closed]

Suppose i have a logic circuit , the logic circuit consist of input , static bit value (either 0 or 1) , and logic gate . All logic gate in the logic circuit takes two input and produce one output (...
i'm ashamed with what i asked's user avatar
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How to represent combinational circuits in code

I'm writing a python program that does some operations on combinational circuits like comparing for equality to other circuits, merging gates, counting gates, counting connections, finding fanout ...
David Peters's user avatar
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random moving character on lcd

I bought a new LCD 16*2 and the last one worked very well with this code: #include <LiquidCrystal.h> LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2); void setup() { analogWrite(6, 20); ...
fpk's user avatar
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I don't understand how to do this Lesson :'(

Lesson 2: Design an address decoder for 64 KB memory from 16KB memory ICs, knowing that the memory base address is 94000H and the address decoder is designed using circuits combinatorial logic.
Tờ Ân's user avatar
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Fitting impedance of simple randles circuit to Fourier transform formula

I have this simple circuit that i want to find parameters of, and its real-world magnitude frequency response derived from impedance spectroscopy. (magnitude frequency response.Frequency is 10-...
Alekos Reps's user avatar
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How to simulate circuit of logic gates and flipflops

I'm currently learning C# and WPF, and i'm trying to simulate a circuit of logic gates and flipflops, but it won't work. Could someone please show me a possible way to achive this? (maybe a simple ...
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How do I get HC-06 Module to send signals to my Android Device?

I am trying to send messages to my Android device's terminal through the HC-06 Bluetooth Module. Here is the current code. #include <SoftwareSerial.h> SoftwareSerial BTserial(2, 3); // RX | ...
Americancain's user avatar
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How to generate Karnaugh maps from state transition table?

I have a state transtion table that looks like this: And the binary equation obtained from this is: I don't have any example in my text book that solves this table with Karnaugh map. The text book ...
goxarad784's user avatar
-1 votes
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LTspice: unexpected current behavior

Driving a power mosfet with a gate driver w/ PWM toggle. When high, mosfet is expected to sink most of the current (current and voltage values in schematic are for testing purposes) through R1, ...
tmckzs's user avatar
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Adding points to a race circuit

I have 2 arrays in Python with latitude and longitude coordinates. They correspond to coordinates of a circuit. A plot of it looks like this : Plot of the race The fact is that I need more points on ...
Jhace's user avatar
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