Questions tagged [citations]

Citations are how credit is given to original sources. Use this tag to discuss ways to present or format citations via code. Questions about what obligation you have to cite original works are off-topic

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Citing publications in a class or function

I've written a class with functions that implement an algorithm described in a publication. How do I properly cite the publication in my code? Do I do this in a docstring, in a README, or some other ...
russhoppa's user avatar
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Creating Zotero folders based on citations organised by section

I want to automatically create a Zotero folder structure structured by markdown sections. # for folder ## for subfolder. And then for every citation used using Pandoc [@author2000] I want it to appear ...
Victor Nielsen's user avatar
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Azure MS Bot-Framework - Webchat - Citation Dialog Pop up Modal Activation - Python

I am developing Azure OpenAI based chatbot using bot framework, but struggling to activate webchat channel citation pop up modal. ` turn_context.send_activity( type="message", text=&...
Mamunur Rahman's user avatar
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Is there a way to obtain author counts by importing a text bibliography into R?

A colleague of mine is creating a bibliography on a particular topic and is interesting in figuring out the relative contributions of each researcher to the field (in terms of paper number). Currently ...
user2352714's user avatar
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How can I cite Google Colaboratory?

Hello everyone! I am currently using Colabs for some Python analyses (I am usually using R, so Colabs was a quick solution). I want to cite Colabs in my method section of my article but couldn't find ...
usererbsele's user avatar
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How to get the H-index using Scopus API

I Want to get the H-index of an author through Scopus API, the problem is I tried author retrieval API and Scopus search API using Author ID and none of them contain the H- index, so is there another ...
test's user avatar
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Bash: Converting Pandoc style Markdown citations to LaTeX style citations

I write in markdown, however I need to convert my files to PDF via LaTeX. I'm struggling with different cases or if statements. I'd like to convert [@citekey] citations to \footcite{citekey}. I've ...
ReaderGuy42's user avatar
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LaTeX citation undefined

I am trying to add a citation to my paper but keep getting the same error: Package natbib Warning: Citation `Gorantla2023DynaQ' on page 6 undefined on input line 143. In the .tex file it is ...
Worldy's user avatar
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Problem with Quarto citation: referencing of book sections

I use Quarto for scholarly writing and I have a problem with the citations. I've noticed that the referencing of book sections doesn't work when I use a custom citation style (csl: *.csl). If I choose ...
apfelpfluecker's user avatar
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Citavi hyperlinks not linked to bibliography entry in PDF but as Sharepoint-links

I have the problem that my citations in the text are not linked to the bibliography after generating a PDF from a MS Word file. I'm using the Citavi Word Add-In. I have already activated the checkbox &...
chrlbrwn's user avatar
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How do I add "e.g.," into citations in rmarkdown?

How would I add non-citation information to a citation in an rmarkdown document? Like, if I wanted to add an "e.g.," before a reference?
Michael Roswell's user avatar
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when using a <cite> tag, is it semantically valid to include both an episode/chapter and the source work?

This isn't really a problem per se, but I was curious and I couldn't find anyone talking about it online. When it comes to use of the cite tag, I understand it's meant to be only for the title of a ...
Idris's user avatar
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Programmatically render a quarto markdown table from an R dataframe with bibtex citations -- e.g. for literature review articles

I am posting this as a question, so I can answer it for the benefit of others. The problem: I wanted to produce an overview table of 50+ scientific articles included in a literature review. I stored ...
Søren ONeill's user avatar
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Snip and annotate PDFs with bibliography for research paper

I write a lot of research papers. Most of my work is aggregating references and putting together a new document for a specific topic. Right now, I spend a lot of time copying a section of a PDF or ...
WinkDoubleguns's user avatar
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Render BibLaTeX Key and generate plain text bibliography

I would like to render the BibLaTeX keys in my markdown file and add a bibliography at the end of the text. Currently I use in a powershell script pandoc -s $Markdown --bibliography "C:\...\ref....
dazu's user avatar
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Google scholar web scraping using USER ID

I am trying to get the name, total citations since 2018, h-index since 2018 from google scholar using selenium and beautiful soup. However, the code is only able to get the name, and no data for ...
user22758708's user avatar
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author-date citation problem: how to print out title or author

I've ran into a problem while creating a CSL style. For in-text citations I have to create an author-date element with the following conditions: when there're 1-3 authors, show [Author 1, Author 2, ...
Alexander Plesovskikh's user avatar
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Use "and" only between when there are 2 authors in Citation Style Files (csl)

I am preparing manuscript to journal named "annals of laboratory medicine" and for the reference part the instruction are as following If the manuscript has only 2 authors, use “and” and ...
2 votes
1 answer

Why is Biblatex giving an inconsistent number/format of authors for citations?

I am currently writing a scientific report using Latex for the first time. I am using Overleaf. I am using Zotero as a reference manager, with the Better BibTeX plugin. I periodically export my Zotero ...
smithae's user avatar
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compile a latex document use pdflatex ,not give a references (citation) as well as the figure numbers (ref)

I am on the process to submit a paper, and the committee need the paper in a latex form that being able to compile in pdf using one of the following compiler: pdflatex, xelatex,lualatex or latex. and ...
Alaa Alshubbak's user avatar
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how to citate properly in quarto

I use quarto to write a thesis and want to add citations. With the insert function I can directly search for some works in my Zotero library. It then generates itself the .bib file with the citations. ...
Can Kilic's user avatar
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python event information extraction from string

i dont have a specific problem, or better said, i dont know how to correctly extract informations from my inputs that looks like those: Roč. 4, č. 2-4, EUROSTEEL 2021, Sheffield – Steel‘s coming home ...
fararmaoholcezoltar's user avatar
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How to sub-divide Mendeley reference list

I am using Mendeley as a reference manager in MS Word and I am wondering about a specific format of reference organization. I would like my reference list to have a "nested" format, where ...
quantum girl's user avatar
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Rmarkdown bibliography conversion error 25

I am trying to knit my Rmarkdown file in a pdf document and I am hitting a conversion error 25 when it comes to a citation. Here is a simpler version of the document, I left all the packages from the ...
Pierre-Alexandre Dumas's user avatar
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2 answers

Multiple citations using biblatex, ordering by year using parencite and textcite

The bibliography is arranged in ascending order of names of authors which is fine since the sorting style is nyt. But when I do multiple citations in one parencite{}, the citations are sorted by name. ...
Anoop Nayak's user avatar
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How can I modify my CSL code to display author names in all uppercase?

Is it possible to change the code so the name will be all uppercase? When I add a text-case="uppercase" (or lowercase or anything) it changes nothing, even though I am in the correct block - ...
TGF's user avatar
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How can I replace sequential citation numbers with an en dash in the ACS bibliography style for Microsoft Word?

I need to change a little bit of the ACS bibliography style for Microsoft Word to suit my needs. There's a line of code for the citations that has a separator: <citation> <openbracket&...
Abdulaziz Almubailesh's user avatar
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How do I convert bibtex citation commands into R markdown format in R?

I have a dataframe in R, one column of which contains bibtex citation commands, such as the following \\cite[265]{delbarrio2014a}, \\cite[423--429]{nieto2009}, \\cite[188, 191, 196--197]{bile1988a}, \\...
Namenlos's user avatar
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Create field codes for citations in word document when using Quarto (or Rmarkdown)

Problem: I would like the word document output from Quarto (or Rmarkdown) to generate field codes for citations. Current Behavior: The citations are generated as simple text with no underlying field ...
MikeS's user avatar
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Produce Markdown-file with linked citations using pandoc, without divs

Moin, currently i create a Website for our institution using Hugo. In some of the pages and posts i want to cite literature and link the short-reference with the full bibliography entry. The ...
lukeflo's user avatar
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Convert bibtex-entries to mediawiki-syntax

i'm trying to convert some Bibtex-entries into Mediawiki-syntax. For example, the input is: @Book{henze_layers_of_time_2000, author = {Henze, Paul B.}, location = {London}, publisher = {C....
lukeflo's user avatar
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Creating a minimal citation style

I would like to create a citation style (to be used in Zotero) for which a reference entry would - very minimalistically - only include the following fields: the first author's surname (+the second's ...
z8080's user avatar
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How to link to Google Scholar citations

I am trying to develop a widget that would add to the depth of data available on a web page displaying academics' publications. One way I thought to achieve this was to provide some integration with ...
Clipclop's user avatar
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Problematic semi-colon in prefix for in-text citation

I am writing a manuscript using RMarkdown and one issue with in-text citations I haven't been able to figure out is when I have a prefix (or suffix) along with the citation. See the following text for ...
Karthik Thrikkadeeri's user avatar
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Citation Style Language (CSL): Find style by scheme

I want to set up an environment for scientific writing in Quarto. My question is: How do I find a citation style out of the comprehensive CSL options that represents a given scheme? I want the ...
winnewoerp's user avatar
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Merge adjacent citations into one using Lua filter

In order to link to the source for every citation, I generally write citation in Markdown like: For example, see [@anand2011](x-devonthink-item://5647F891-CDFF-4A32-939B-74038A8336F5?page=23&...
TomBen's user avatar
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How do I cite gggenes?

What's the way to properly cite gggenes for a scientific publication? Can't find any info online about David Wilkins, the author of this package.
user19398157's user avatar
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mkdocs-bibtex does not render citations where a period (.) exists in the key

When rendering a site with mkdocs using the mkdocs-bibtex plugin, citations are not recognised if they have a period within the citation key. I tried a minimum working example and could reproduce the ...
Nicky Hood's user avatar
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Citation in captions for Figures or Tables

I am using Quarto and would like to cite in some Figures (or Tables), inserting the citation, for example, using @Foo2020 as my citation key. Specifically, I want to signal Pandoc within the Figure/...
Nicolás Sacco's user avatar
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CSL for Zotero Citations

I am attempting to formulate my bibliography in Zotero to meet the requirements of my faculty's library. It is a Vancouver style with the following format: Citation: (number) Reference Authors (...
ACR's user avatar
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How to fetch the citation history of an articles using its DOIs in R?

I was wondering if it is possible to extract the citation history of articles using DOIs. I found the package scholar is helpful for getting the citation history of an individual from Google Scholar. ...
iGada's user avatar
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Biblatex in Overleaf does not show citations nor bibliography

I am working with biblatex in overleaf and here is a minimal (not) working version of what I do: \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{report} \usepackage{verbatim} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage[utf8]...
Keks's user avatar
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Rmarkdown: Error reading bibliography file, unexpected end of input

I would like to render my rmarkdown file with APA 7ed citation, but I get this error when I try Important note: I have over 100 citations in a bib file following this format: Also, at the start of ...
Jesus's user avatar
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CSL showing author-date inline but numbers for citation

Writing in markdown and using bibtex for referencing. I am wondering if there is a CSL style (or another way to do it) that would show author-date when citing inline but numbers when adding a ...
Lours's user avatar
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How to make parenthetical citations in small font using a lua-filter via pandoc?

I would like to write all parenthetical citations in small fonts when I produce HTML/revealjs outputs from markdown using pandoc. Putting <small>...</small> tags around the [@citation] ...
Carlos Luis Rivera's user avatar
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How to display one bibliography in different styles according to the language which is used in the references using CSL and citeproc?

I would like to ask a question related to an ongoing issue in the GitHub repository of jgm/citeproc here, since my question may come to be out of scope of the original issue. I'm trying to apply an ...
Carlos Luis Rivera's user avatar
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Missing "&" and commas in in-text citations in Rmarkdown

My pdf output does not show APA in-text citation properly. This is my YAML --- title: "A fancy project" author: "A reliable human being" output: pdf_document: latex_engine: ...
DavidS's user avatar
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How can I handle citations and references in a Jupyter notebook?

I am using Jupyter notebooks for internal documentation of my PhD research. I develop my notebooks in PyCharm, push them to my Github repository and finally I share nbviewer links with my supervisors. ...
fma's user avatar
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calculate h-index in PHP

The h-index is a measure for a scientist's productivity and impact. To cite the linked Wikipedia page: The h-index is the largest number h such that h articles have at least h citations each. For ...
anpami's user avatar
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Citing Institutional Author or Organization in Mendeley Reference Manager

How do you cite an organization with the new Mendeley Reference Manager? In order to have the full name of the organization in the Bibliography (e.g. Swiss National Bank) and the abbreviation (e.g. ...
thomas0345's user avatar

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