Questions tagged [coldbox]

ColdBox is an object-oriented, event-driven framework for ColdFusion that includes tools to help developers with bug reporting, logging, enterprise caching, debugging, i18n, URL rewriting, ORM integration, testing, and mocking.

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2 votes
0 answers

Deploy Coldbox Application to an existing Adobe Coldfusion 2021 instance

I have a simple Coldbox REST application that just calls the following function and returns either 0 or 1: function getTurnstileData(location, type, rfid){ spTurnstile = new storedProc(procedure='...
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1 answer

"Access is protected" error loading Lucee admin page using coldbox

I'm tring to start a coldbox app and when I do the Lucee admin page doesn't work. The coldbox main page comes up fine but when I try to go to lucee admin I get an ...
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2 answers

where to add a global function in coldbox to call in a view

Where in coldbox would you add a function that would be visible in your view thats global for instance, i want to create a function that replaces spaces with hyphens for a URL public string function ...
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2 answers

Why isn't Coldbox route-visualizer displaying in browser after successful install?

I have Coldbox and a Coldbox app on my local machine, which I'm using for a Coldbox hands-on video course (, "Coldbox from Zero to Hero Workshop). I just successfully installed the ...
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1 answer

How to load images from a network drive into HTML on a Coldfusion Server?

I need to load images from a secured network drive into an HTML document. I understand that because the network drive is not part of the webroot, this is not an option and is considered a security ...
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2 answers

Running javascript unsuccessfully inside of Coldfusion cfoutput tag

I am making a form editor in Coldfusion and I want to use inline script tags to dynamically add Javascript event listeners. The structure of my code looks a bit like the following: <cfoutput> ......
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1 answer

Problems with CORS. COLDBOX - Coldfusion

we are using ColdBox for our backend application and we are experiencing weird problems with CORS. We have a preProcess function that servers as interceptor for ajax calls and it is like this: ...
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1 answer

Dependency Variable Doesnt Exist

Newbie in coldbox so please have patience with me. I am trying to implement TDD on my coldbox application. Under my service model I inject this dependency. property name="wirebox" inject=&...
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1 answer

Parameters on LIMIT and OFFSET not working

Im trying to implement pagination by parameterized my limit from request URL unfortunately I'm having error. You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL ...
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1 answer

In the context of using ContentBox CMS, where does cb.siteBaseURL get the base url from?

I am running ContentBox on Lucee using CommandBox. In my ContentBox Admin, when I first set it up, I had it running on Later, I created a web.config and updated the host file to use ...
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2 answers

Reference includes files in ColdBox module

I've created a module foo that has an includes directory, which in turn contains a js directory, which has a file in it named edit.js. I've tried the following in a view of the module: <script ...
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1 answer

Error "Schema "information_schema" not found;" running "migrate up" on H2 database

I'm testing h2 database in a ColdBox application (on Lucee) ... I can connect to database with Quick but I'm not able to run migrations... this is the error displayed in CommandBox after migration ...
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0 answers

lucee.transformer.library.tag.TagLibException coldbox error

I am trying to make a helper for my view. I want to edit the template css. view filename: index.cfm helper filename: indexHelper.cfm my helper content: <cfoutput> <style> .link-color{...
1 vote
1 answer

Coldbox Model Relationships

I feel as though I'm missing something, but the Coldbox documentation is such a mess that I can't seem to find how to create relationships between my models. I have projects, and users. Each a ...
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0 answers

Coldbox Module Routes

Is there a way, to have multiple routes go through to the same module ? I have tried adding the addModuleRoutes(pattern="/blog", module="test"); to the config/Router.cfc But I just always get the ...
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2 answers

Coldbox site thru CommandBox internal server returning different variable than same site serverd from IIS

I just starting to look into ColdBox and have just gone through the Quick Start ( and added #getSetting("APPNAME")# to the hello....
4 votes
1 answer

Using ColdBox Framework, How Can I Use BuildLink() Inside of My Model?

I have a CFML ColdBox framework model service which needs to build links. However, models don't have access to the framework SuperType thus don't have access to event.buildLink(). How can I give ...
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1 answer

What is setMethod() and populateModel() in coldbox framework

What are setMethod(parameter) and populateModel(string) in the given code of the ColdBox framework? function addUser(event,rc,prc) { LOCAL.userBean = populateModel("userBean").init(5,...
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1 answer

Trouble rendering coldfusion / html page as a docx extension rather than a doc extension

I am writing an application using ColdBox / ORM. For my problem, I am attempting to have HTML code rendered / downloaded with an .docx file extension rather than a .doc file extension. When ...
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1 answer

contentbox integration with oracle on lucee server

I installed the following software in my machine successfully. Virtual Machine (VM). Ubuntu 12.04 32bit. Oracle 10g Express edition 32bit. Lucee ( Contentbox ...
3 votes
1 answer

How to I Store, Retrieve, and Update Session User Data Using Cbauth in a Coldbox App?

Cbauth is a Forgebox module commonly used in Coldbox applications to handle user authentication. To retrieve information on the currently logged in user, you can call auth().getUser(). This method ...
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0 answers

lucee error says Entity does not exist, even if the component exists

I am newbie in Lucee administration, I am trying to set up coldbox application but every time I am getting this error: entity [ABC] with cfc name [] does not exist, existing entities are ...
1 vote
0 answers

Need explanation for 'convention over configuration' [duplicate]

I saw 'convention over configuration' in most of the CF frameworks. Could anyone please explain this with example? I got a different answer from different people. So, I little bit confused. Why fw1 ...
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0 answers

How to Validate a JWT with a JWK (ColdFusion)

I am currently trying to verify the signature of a JWT using an RSA public key built from a JWKS URL. I am using some Java objects for this, but my problem is that the Java Signature verifier doesn't ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to get JSON data output by event via runEvent() in ColdBox?

I have an event that is outputting data via event.renderData(data=mydata, "json"). When I access it via the browser, the JSON data is returned as expected. Though if I call the event from within ...
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2 answers

Data does not make it into Coldbox handler from AJAX call

I have a page that is making an $.ajax call to a handler method in Coldbox. I've done this many times, but in this current project, more than once, if I dump the rc scope at the start of the handler, ...
5 votes
1 answer

How can I make a WireBox injected dependency available to a constructor method?

In this example, I have a model object called test.cfc which has a dependency testService.cfc. test has WireBox inject testService through a property declaration. The object looks like this: ...
2 votes
1 answer

How can you add dynamic ColdBox routes after configuration loads?

I'd like to create some routes based on data in a database table. I assume this will need to be done after the framework initializes so what I've done so far is created a new interceptor that runs on:...
-1 votes
1 answer

In which scope my ajax data send from view to handler is stored in coldbox

Please let me know answer if any one knows about it.In which scope my ajax data send from view to handler in coldbox
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1 answer

ColdBox view Query output error "can not cast complex object type query :string"

I'm getting my query output in modal and handler but when it comes to view it is saying can't cast complex object type query :string in my coldbox
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1 answer

Converting CFMAIL to script equivalent and using a query

So I am converting a legacy app to ColdBox MVC and trying to convert tags to script. In the past I would have just done <cfmail query="getRecipients" type="text/html" from="Me <[email protected]>" ...
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1 answer

Error on renaming application when trying to share session between ColdFusion / ColdBox applications

I wish to share session data between some apps that reside on different subdomains (same server). In the past I would make sure each application had the same name in their respective application.cfc. ...
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0 answers

ColdBox's ApplicationHelper.cfm filepath being found in PCI scan

I have an application that is undergoing a PCI scan. The scan is tripping up on a ColdBox route that has values appended afterwards that don't make sense. As an example, it is
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1 answer

Coldbox recommended way of getting access to variables set inside legacy application cfc

I am adding Coldbox to our legacy application and I ran into a problem where we can't access certain variables from within the views when using Coldbox. In the existing legacy code inside of ...
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1 answer

query in cfc returns [n] items on local, but repeats first element [n] times on live site

I am new to ColdBox (and mvc in general) and have been trying to sort this out myself, to no avail. A finding function works fine on our procedural site, and I am trying to get my feet wet with ...
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1 answer

How to override default dependencies with Mockbox and Wirebox

I have a logger service that has a ScopeStorage and a LoggerServiceDAO dependency and in my unit test I need to override these to use mock objects I have created. I am using Wirebox AOP to trigger the ...
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1 answer

ColdBox module interface support?

Is there a way to create an interface for a module that any host application can be expected to implement? We've got a couple apps that have a lot of code that is common that we'd like to refactor ...
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1 answer

How to mock a coldbox.system.web.context.RequestContext and initialize it?

I have inherited some code at my work. A previous person wrote some ColdFusion code that looks like this: public struct function GetData(Event,RC,PRC){}; I am trying to write a unit-test for this ...
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1 answer

Convert mariaDB query to ColdBox Criteria

i'm having a problem in converting a mariaDB query to coldbox criteriaBuilder. i not quite understand how to join multi table using criteriaBuilder in coldbox. this is my mariaDB query : select ...
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1 answer

ColdFusion 2016 / Coldbox 4.3 - Running multiple applications on a single server

We are using ColdBox 4.3 and are deploying multiple ColdBox applications. Each application is developed separately with its own Coldbox.cfc config file and its own handlers, models, and views. While ...
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0 answers

Coldbox handler testing using testbox and asyncAll enabled

tl;dr; does anyone know how to safely do asynchronous coldbox handler integration testing using testbox? I'm using coldbox and testbox and have created some integration tests ...
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2 answers

ColdBox - How can set a view and pass-on parameters with setView() call?

I am using ColdBox with ColdFusion 10. I wanted to pass an argument say id=1000 with the setView(). I couldn't find any example where a param is being passed. Here is the code: component { // ...
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1 answer

How to set entity as unique Key in ColdBox

I'm creating a model entity in ColdBox. component persistent="true" { property name="id" type="int" fieldType="id" generator="increment"; property name="stamptime" type="timestamp"; property ...
4 votes
1 answer

ColdBox: The method _actionExists was not found in component

Running ColdBox 4.2 we were seeing this error after reinit, but only on one specific handler cfc. If we reinit several times it would eventually go away, which sounds like a race condition. We ...
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0 answers

Coldbox module event dying in renderLayout call

tl;dr: renderLayout(layout="myLayout", view="alpha/bravo/viewFile") resolves alpha as a module name rather than a package name in the host application, even if code execution is in the package rather ...
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0 answers

Coldbox module name collision with handler package

I have a ColdBox monolith we will be migrating into modules. The directory structure is /myapp /handlers /admin person.cfc product.cfc /user cart.cfc global.cfc ...
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0 answers

ColdFusion TestBox Ant error

My goal is to run TestBox scripts on Jenkins. But using the Ant script from as a template, I get this error BUILD FAILED C:\...
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1 answer

Submitting Coldbox RC scope on form input change via AJAX and returning string to display on page

I need to pass in form variables via AJAX every time a select box value is changed, and get a returned string from the AJAX call to display on the page. Here's the situation: I built a form which is ...
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0 answers

Random Batch update returned unexpected row count from update: 0 actual row count: 0 expected: 1

I've been trying to resolve this error for many days now, and I'm not getting anywhere fast. I've found many other articles discussing this particular error, but I believe my situation is a bit unique....
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2 answers

Why does cacheTimeout setting of renderView() in ColdBox application have no effect?

I'm developing a ColdBox application with modules and wanted to use it's caching functionality to cache a view for some time. component{ property name="moduleConfig" inject="coldbox:moduleConfig:...