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Does a named standard exist for comment annotations?

I have encountered, and used, several different forms of comment annotations. Eg. // TODO: Also trigger this task // FIXME: in this very specific circumstance this should handle this way instead // ...
Oliver Scase's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why do Lisp style guides recommend the specific numbers of semicolons for comment in several cases?

I read in the style guide of Elisp and of Common Lisp to use specific numbers of semicolons in various cases, in short this: single semicolons for comments at the ends of code lines double semicolons ...
matj1's user avatar
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Where do you set default values when registering a user? [closed]

i am currently developing a web application in which the user should have the possibility to register. For this I have built a VueJS web application and a Golang REST API. However, the backend is now ...
MoreTags's user avatar
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Long format dataframe column hierarchy

I am working with long format dataframes and intend to write a package myself. While it is not crucial, I would like to adhere to common practice of column hierarchy, e.g. when I have 3 participants ...
FelixSchweigkofler's user avatar
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How do I reduce repetitive error handling in java

So I have a code snippet similar to this. I feel like the if statements should be in a common function. I am not sure how to handle that because school and student should be passed to this function ...
bob's user avatar
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Forcing integer input using the isdigit() method

Is the following code conventionally acceptable and what are some problems that may arise from implementing the required solution in such a manner? while True: Iq = input("What is your Iq? &...
NiksterAT's user avatar
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Are there conventions around naming entry point groups in Python?

Pytest uses the pytest11 entry point group to automatically discover plugins once they are installed, without the need of any manual configuration by the user. You can see them via import ...
Martin Thoma's user avatar
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Rust string manipulation, flow control improvements

I am new to the language and currently learning from the rust programming book. I am wondering if there are any better way to improve my code. Especially the 2 pop (not sure if its the best practice) ...
Wei's user avatar
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1 answer

What is the convention for naming C# files that contain extension methods? [closed]

While creating a library to learn C#, I've realized that there are a lot of conventions on how to name files, variables, parameters, interfaces, etc. Now, I am making a file that will contain ...
Vinccool96's user avatar
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Use case for np.log2 vs math.log2

Sometimes, authors use np.log2 instead of math.log2. For example, in this PyTorch code: num_pools = int(np.log2(spatial)) (where spatial is a Python number) Because math.log2 is a built-in an ...
Richie Bendall's user avatar
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Use branch prediction with no else statement

I am currently implementing selectionsort. Using the code below and the driver file to test it below. I am currently trying to do micro optimizations to see what speeds it up. public static void ...
Ooh Ben's user avatar
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Is there a convention in the order of registers used to store values for calculations when using assembly language x86-64?

I know this question was submitted many times, but I couldn't find any clear answer yet, so I'm sorry, but I still have the doubt. When programming in assembly language, for personal issues, not ...
J. A. Corbal's user avatar
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Better practice for double or more line breaks in Rust? [closed]

I want double like breaks like below: [ your title there ] some kind of content... In rust, there're two macros to print to stdin, one with like break and one with no like break. And some possible ...
S.Y. Kim's user avatar
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What is the point of using >| when redirecting to /dev/null? [closed]

I'm looking at a Bash file from the GitHub docs. Here's an excerpt: agent_load_env () { test -f "$env" && . "$env" >| /dev/null ; } agent_start () { (umask 077; ssh-...
BadHorsie's user avatar
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do { } while(0) alternative in macro definition or any other possible options [duplicate]

I have encountered a way of making a multiline macro function definition in C/C++ compilation, that does not meet any clear code conventions (and possibly creates performance drawbacks?). Is it the ...
filberol's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is Using double variable type instead of float a bad habit [closed]

I have to code C for my college exams and I have practice of declaring double variables instead of float variables. Is it a bad habit? Can they deduct marks for it? (we never exceed the float limit) I ...
Kasun's user avatar
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HTML sourcemap convention

Per the Source Map spec §6.2: There are two suggested ways to link source maps to the output. The first requires a server support to add a HTTP header and the second requires an annotation in the ...
wizzwizz4's user avatar
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Best practice: where should user prompt messages reside in Java classes - main or method class? [closed]

I'm creating a Java class with methods, setters, and getters. I have a createTrain method that prompts the user with a message like 'Create how many trains?' in the form of a string. Should this text ...
Kerem Tazedal's user avatar
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Ways to represent float infinity in C++

I want to express floating-point infinity in C++ for my program. I came across two ways to achieve this: using INFINITY and std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(). Both options seem to work, but ...
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GET for complex payload scenarios?

Our team is designing a RESTful API that strictly follows REST conventions. We are currently facing a challenging problem for which we have not yet found a solution. As you can see, the ...
strypperjason115's user avatar
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Is it safe in general to use spaces between specific thickness values (e.g. Margin or Padding) in XAML elements?

Recently one of my colleagues started using spaces instead of commas as separators for specific values in Thickness fields like Margin and Padding: <Label Margin="0 1 2 3"/> While ...
Dmitry Vornychev's user avatar
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In sveltekit, what's the convention for splitting client side code between route files?

Both +page.js/ts and the <script><script/> tags within +page.svelte files are for processing client side code. What's the typical convention for choosing between these 2 files?
Mike Thrussell's user avatar
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Is there a convention for how to shape deeply nested ElasticSearch queries?

Very specifically, I am trying to generate an arbitrarily deeply nested ElasticSearch/OpenSearch query, and I was curious if there was 1) a convention for and 2) any performance ramifications for how ...
zeBugMan's user avatar
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How to specify CSS media query breakpoints? [duplicate]

What is the right method to use CSS media queries? Should I specify a breakpoint for each device size or write the queries according to when my website's shape starts to get bad? What is the ...
Ezzeldien Rashad's user avatar
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3 answers

How to identify a C-style string in C?

In C, a function may ask for or give a C-style string, or not. Or return it. How to distinguish a C-style string from a non—C-style string? Is there an idiomatic common way to do this? Maybe you could ...
Gabriel Silva Schilive's user avatar
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Is there any importance for indentation when breaking a line (using backslash or parenthesis) in python?

Is there any importance for indentation when breaking a line (using backslash or parentheses) in python? How about the style recommendation, which one is recommended? I tried to ask bing chat/chatGPT ...
fatFeather's user avatar
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Typescript definition file - for a function, return actual property types, or custom property type itself?

I'm trying to write a TypeScript type definitions file for an external JS library, MusicKit JS. I'm fairly new to TS (and especially declaring type definitions in TS). The MusicKit docs are, at times, ...
Scarlet's user avatar
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Is there a convention if GNU-like CLI should consider stdin or file passed as arg to come first?

I'm designing a CLI that should accept input in two ways: From stdin: cat in_stdin.csv | csv2parquet -o out.parquet From one or multiple files passed as explicit argument csv2parquet in1.csv in2.csv -...
Cornelius Roemer's user avatar
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Variable with same name as keyword

Is there a good way to create a variable, function, class, etc. with the same name as a keyword? What I usually see (and follow myself) is using slightly different names. For example, using clazz or ...
Zach Joseph's user avatar
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What is the best practise for mybatis mapper xml files?

I'm a bit confused about mybatis mapper xml files. Is it better to have each class in a separate mapper file like below: <mappers> <mapper resource="org/mybatis/builder/AuthorMapper....
abawb's user avatar
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Why is it recommended to use multiple files when making a C++ project?

I'm Learning C++ and coming from GML which is pretty similar in syntax. But what I don't understand is why it's recommended to break up a project into multiple files and multiple types of files. From ...
noob456's user avatar
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REST API support and naming for POSTing data as json or file upload

I have a REST API controller supporting the following: IActionResult PostRows([FromBody] Rows[] body) POST /api/v1/rows with a JSON body, e.g. [{ id: 1}, { id: 2}] I also just added a REST API ...
Bruno's user avatar
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Can the usage of the UI Document (form the UI Toolkit) without a camera be considered a good practice in Unity?

I'm need a low resolution (pixelated) view for my game and am using a render texture, so the camera isn't rendering anything to the screen/game view. To bring the downscaled view to the player I'm ...
danixdev1205's user avatar
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Is serial considered a keyword or a numeric type?

Here it is mentioned that, "the data types smallserial, serial and bigserial are not true types, but merely a notational convenience for creating unique identifier columns." Everywhere in ...
Dante's user avatar
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Industry standards a self taught android developer should learn | Android studio, kotlin

I'm a self-taught android developer, I want to work as an android developer but I have some imposter syndrome. I think there should be coding conventions we should follow when we code, like: Follow ...
Allassane Dicko's user avatar
5 votes
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Should you decorate dataclass subclasses if not making additional fields

If you don't add any more fields to your subclass is there a need to add the @dataclass decorator to it and would it do anything? If there is no difference, which is the usual convention? from ...
Shuri2060's user avatar
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is there a distinction between single prefixed underscore and double prefixed underscore in the C++ STL implementation?

I am asking this question for readability reasons not for implementation. I haven't found any article explaining any distinction between single prefixed underscore and double prefixed underscore or ...
FredFrugal's user avatar
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What's the point of unwrapping a single value from an array?

I've seen in a few apis where when an array value is expected, then when it's only one value the library/framework will unwrap it from its array and just send the single value. What is the point of ...
shmuels's user avatar
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Tests name convention best practices

Does anyone knows some good references to guide me in order to give automated tests, the best possible names? I know the rules but want good references to support some of the names that I used. Thanks ...
user9157359's user avatar
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Should comparison be implemented under `compare` or `operator ==` when both are needed?

In making a class, the compare method and the operator== overload should have identical functionality. Therefore, only one implementation is needed, and I'm trying to figure out if there's any reason ...
Hal's user avatar
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Python class, methods and conventions [duplicate]

Suppose Im creating a class named Bar: class Bar: def __init__(self, foo): = foo Once I create an object of Bar, How should I get the value of the foo variable? Should I just ...
BOOM's user avatar
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How to handle logging and imports when running a python module as the main script?

I have a python library/package that contains modules with functions & classes I usually import inside of my application's main script. However, these modules each contain their own 'main()' ...
olamarre's user avatar
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How should I organize my update/draw logic when using requestAnimationFrame?

The JavaScript code for my HTML5 game has the following structure: // <body onload="load()"> function load() {} // Load all images then call init() function init() {} // Get all images ...
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Why do maximum line lengths sometimes end with 9?

In some conventions, PEP-8 for example, I see maximum line widths recommended to be set to values ending with 9, such as 79, 99, 119. Why not rounded to 10, like 80, 100, 120? I feel like it's an off-...
Dmitry Semenov's user avatar
-2 votes
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Function naming convention when with qualifiers: adj+verb, verb+adv or adv+verb? [closed]

For example, for names comprehensiveInspect, inspectComprehensively, and comprehensivelyInspect, which to choose? 'inspectComprehensively' obeys syntax, but I have never seen a function name ending ...
LaLaLaLaKKKK's user avatar
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C#: convention for synchronous method implementing an async interface

I have an interface that needs to be asynchronous. Most of the implementers of that interface will be asynchronous methods. interface IValidator { Task<bool> ValidateAsync(); } However, one ...
ewok's user avatar
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Using Python's `unittest` module to compose tests of functions in a separate file

I have an issue with getting my unit tests to resolve calls to the S.U.T.'s functions. The S.U.T. is defined in a separate file, but in the same project. I've considerable Python experience, but I've ...
Dan C. Wlodarski's user avatar
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Why do most PyQt tutorials create classes from widgets?

TLDR why do people create classes (Window for example) when its only going to be used once? Some examples: RealPython, the first code block PythonBasics, first code block PythonPyQt, first code block ...
Ignatius Foo's user avatar
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How to reproduce ASP.NET Core 6 conventions (post configure route)

Documentation contains something unclear and unbind to finally result description about conventions
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Is there a convention for JSON serialization of Python objects?

Is there a convention for JSON-serializing (and deserializing) Python objects to identify the object type? I've gone through this example solution below (which I find quite decent with slight ...
Aaron Lei's user avatar

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