Questions tagged [countdown]

This tag refers to the process of counting down. In other words, the act of taking an initial value and then consistently subtracting a smaller value from it until the original value reaches a specified amount (usually 0).

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1 answer

how to save user settings in userDefaults - Swift

I'm working on a CountDown Timer app, i set the timer to set an alarm if the time is up. I made a settings VC to save whether the user wants the sound and vibration enabled or not. i am trying to save ...
Ali Hameedaldeen's user avatar
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how to deal with multiple countdown timer in a listview builder

I'm using listView builder for view and every data for this list comes from http response. I'm setting all the data in builder return widget but I don't know how to manage timer for each children of ...
RahulZx's user avatar
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Adding a countdown timer to textblock WPF

I want to implement a countdown timer that use to work on CMD into a textblock with wpf. I can't figure it out how to implement that code into a textblock. DateTime daysLeft1 = DateTime.Parse("...
Alphamage1212's user avatar
-1 votes
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Unity - Decreasing float var with "Time.deltaTime" never going down

I'm try to create a function to stop player control, but when I pass the duration as a parameter in the function, the variable keeps ina huge number never really decreasing. public void ...
gonzalo carrasco's user avatar
-1 votes
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Trying to code a 5 second countdown timer in tkinter

This is the code I have written, I don't understand why but nothing appears on my canvas. def countdown(): for n in range(5, 0, -1): nr = Label(root, text=n, font="helvetica 25 bold&...
atlanta's user avatar
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Show DIV when Countdown finish

The script below shows text "EXPIRED" once the countdown has finished (you can change the time to test it) my questions is.. How to show DIV instead of text "EXPIRED" Basically I ...
UVIRE's user avatar
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How would i make users be able to input minutes to change the countdown time?

I would like to be able to make users choose how many minutes the timer should countdown for, what should I change/add to this script? BTW I have no prior experience in Javascript and I'm learning ...
Max328's user avatar
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2 answers

Repeating countdown timer unity

I'm new to unity. My intention is to make a countdown timer start with 5 seconds and after it reached to zero I need to restart again from 5 repeatedly. Help me with this thank you. my current code: ...
Sasiri Jambugaswatta's user avatar
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Countdown timer with user input to set time c#

I am trying to build a countdown timer that if the selected choice is set time, it will open and prompts the user to enter value to set the time. once the user is done in typing the numbers, it must ...
Neil0823's user avatar
-1 votes
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ASP.NET countdown timer (hours, minutes, seconds)

I have to make a countdown timer where you choose the amount of seconds, minutes & hours for the timer to countdown. I found a video ( where this guy explains ...
obentaky's user avatar
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how to reduce the coutdown size in flutter

I am stuck in the case where I have to implement a timer for One Time Password reset. so I have used this code Countdown( animation: StepTween( ...
Ananthakrishna's user avatar
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How to count backwards [closed]

Hey guys im developing something and I need to fix this please give me some feedback on how to improve this. (how to make it cleaner, easier to read , etc). Here's the code! function wordFliper(word) {...
Snow_ Flare577's user avatar
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Specific Hours CountdownTimer

I am trying to make a countdown timer that will show only from 8am till 16 and then show a message for 16hours and repeat the same loop every day. I have this code but I don't really get what is wrong ...
Andrei Nastase's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to pause running countdown with button to redirect page?

Already i got this code in javascript <script type="text/javascript"> var count = 20; // Timer var redirect = ""; // Target URL function ...
Zimnyjestem's user avatar
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3 answers

Simple python input while loop for counting down to the weekday with str input [duplicate]

I have this simple code count_down = int(input("How many left left until the weekend?: ")) while count_down: print(count_down) count_down -= 1 print("It's the weekend!") ...
Good_soup's user avatar
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How to bypass JavaScript timer with Tampermonkey?

I'm trying to bypass a 60 second countdown timer using Tampermonkey. This is the JavaScript from the page source: var sec = 60, sInt, s = 'Please wait %s before downloading.'; function countDown() { ...
PJS1987's user avatar
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Counrdown timer with service not working in the fragment

I wanna implement a Countdown timer with updating TextView and a service so the counting can keep going if the app is in background, foreground or even fully closed. I examined these codes in a simple ...
Marcus's user avatar
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Jquery countdown in UTC [duplicate]

I am trying to get a countdown working but the issue that is happening is... its looking at both dates in local time... so because of timezones its displaying a different countdown. The Date.getTime() ...
HeelMega's user avatar
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2 answers

Build a countdown using a loop and sleep method in php

I am trying to make PHP print out a sequence numbers after a one second pause of execution using the sleep() method but then the code pauses execution for that duration and then executes the loop in a ...
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Whatsapp sharing button with a countdown variable

Beginner in web coding, I have issue to code a sharing button that lead to whatsapp and that share a countdown. I achieve it with static string but I can't load a variable in it... Does someone know ...
Ahriman's user avatar
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Trying to create a game with a countdown which resets the countdown once a particular button is clicked

So im trying to create a game with a countdown which resets the countdown once a particular button is clicked basically if the player plays his move. but im not able to code the re-setting part of ...
no body's user avatar
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How to solve this User Input problem in countdown timer Python3.9.4

I have a countdown timer that asks for user input for a "lucky number". Once that number is entered, the timer starts to countdown and prints out a simple message. My problem is that if the ...
Deco's user avatar
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decrement the time every second laravel

i need help for decrement time every second dinamicly in view with this variable. $from = Carbon::createFromFormat('H:i:s', Carbon::now()->toTimeString()); $diff = date_diff($from, new DateTime('...
AgusKrisn4's user avatar
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i can't get the value from an input

i'm making a basic timer, is one of my first projects, when you press a button the code should create 3 different variables that obtain the values from their respective inputs, this 3 symbolize hours, ...
Tomas Pereira's user avatar
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reset a countdown column to initial value in postgreSQL

I'm running pgAdmin v5.2 over postgres v13.3 So I hit a wall with this one... I'm running a query on a flight log table which is constantly updated with new flights data. In it there is ...
danb2000's user avatar
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Countdown to datetime, stop for a period and after period, count again

On Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun 6pm-10pm, app allows users certain privileges. I would like to show the countdown from any date to this period of every Thurs - Sun (6pm-10pm) Eg If it's Monday, the timer is ...
VegetaSaiyan's user avatar
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Countdown-Flipclock JS React.js | How to compare a variable(prop) to the same variable 1s ago?

i am building an animated Flipclock for a coding challenge in react.js using react-spring. I built the animation and now i have to determine a trigger when to run the animation. Right now it is ...
JanHenrikFock's user avatar
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how to make a functional timer countdown and sync with MongoDB database in React Native

how to make a countdown timer like Min : Sec and most of all i don't know how to sync timer with database for not cheating users with playing memory stuff on application. also i want a function ...
Arsiki's user avatar
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After finishing the countdown I want to show number of counts in a Text View ,eg: after finishing 1st round Text view should show x1, for 2nd round x2

[enter image description here][1] emphasized text [1]:
 Psy's user avatar
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Everyday countdown using Javascript

I would like to create a simple Daily CountDown using JavaScript. The countdown should work similarly to this: // Set the date we're counting ...
user16561352's user avatar
-3 votes
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Countdown Function Only Returning One Value

What is wrong with the second function? def count(n): return [i for i in range (n,-1,-1)] gives me the accurate result of [5, 4, 3, 2, 1] but def count(n): for i in range (n,-1,-1): return ...
Serp's user avatar
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Countdown function not working correctly in timeout block

I can't get the second countdown function to work correctly in the first Snippet. I fire off cdtd(); a second time for that. Both cdtd(); functions do not collide and are in inside anonymous functions....
grid's user avatar
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How to make a countdown program in python

I am trying to create a countdown in python and I want very simple way of creating that. I watched a couple of videos but couldn't find a right solution for it. This is the code which I am using right ...'s user avatar
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2 answers

Countdown Timer only counts down 1 second then stops

My countdown timer only counts down one second and then stops. I'm making a game that has a countdown clock and for ever incorrect answer, more time is added. I just can't get the timer to work. var ...
hannahatl's user avatar
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React JS - Countdown timer using Moment.js

I'm very new to React - so bear with my noob question. But I have a component I'm trying to display inside a button. I've tested the function in a fiddle and it works great, but for some reason this ...
bagofmilk's user avatar
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JavaScript unhackable countdown timer

I'm currently working on a quizz app. When a question appears the users has 10 seconds to answer it, otherwise they don't get the points for that question. Once the timer is up, I want to autmatically ...
Shnick's user avatar
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How to switch an Activity after a time interval when the user can navigate back to it?

I have two activities; one is IntermediateActivity, and one is the ButtonPress activity. The IntermediateActivity has a 5-second timer. After the timer is over, the ButtonPress activity is opened, in ...
Ravish Jha's user avatar
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after_cancel doesn't work in python tkinter

I made a simple countdown in my trivia game and every time that I go to the next slide it doesn't cancel the previous countdown timer and overlaps with the previous one. I searched about that on the ...
Itamar Gayor's user avatar
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countdown timer is overlapping in python

I am doing a project about Trivia. I made a countdown timer that works kinda good but every time that I go to the next slide the timer is overlapping with the previous one. Even though I reset the ...
Itamar Gayor's user avatar
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Countdown function [closed]

I am writing code to try and create a countdown function in the console. I want the code to continue to run 5 times and then end with the phrase "Finished!" When I run this code as is it ...
Katy Hacias's user avatar
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Countdown Timer thread in Java [duplicate]

I want to make a countdown timer thread in Java. What I specifically want to do is run one part of a program, run and display the countdown timer for some time, and then resume the earlier program. I ...
skeletor's user avatar
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Creating a countdown in v-for for each result

I have a loop, in which I get several result from my API call. Each of them has an property called processing_time that shows how many seconds it has left until something happens. How can I implement ...
hesam sameni's user avatar
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How do I create a countdown timer using real time?

I have developed the below code, which creates a div pop up box for 1 minute and disappears for 9 minutes. The div pop up box appears every 10 minutes on the hour based on the time on your device and ...
Timothy's user avatar
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Moment js / Jquery ajax countdown timer with mysql

<?php session_start(); header('Content-Type: application/json'); $start="Start"; $finish="Finish"; $pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test","root",""); $stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT ...
Okan çakır's user avatar
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Very simple second countdown with jQuery

I am trying to create a very simple count down just for the second. The message pop up, say something like "You will be redirected in 'X' seconds." That 'X' depends on what our end-user put ...
Yan Mak's user avatar
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4 answers

How does recursion work in a Countdown function

I'm learning a bit of JavaScript, but I'm having hard time understanding the lesson on FreeCodeCamp about the recursion countdown (link). In the lesson, there this initial example. But I'm confused on ...
Mogadishu's user avatar
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android countdown timer from firebase database with date difference [duplicate]

i want to make countdown timer for android by getting the end date string from firebase database. when i try the end date string as simple variable it works but when i get exact the same date string ...
eshetu eliyas's user avatar
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timer countdown in reactjs doesn't works

I'm building a web application that counts clicks in one second, but the countdown (from 5 to 0) doesn't work. the countdown should go down every second(1000ms). i've tried with setInterval() but it ...
ricky 1's user avatar
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function won't take the global value as an argument and reset it?

I wanna make a function that decreases the counter everytime it gets called, sorta like a countDown function, but every time the counter hits 0 I wanna reset it to 20. However since I'm gonna apply ...
Saif Eddine ُEssaid's user avatar
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Countdown timer goes into negative numbers instead of replacing html

I made this countdown timer to show a video after it reaches the end. However it just goes into negative numbers. Seems to be related to the part of the code to hide the content after expiry date. ...
snowliondev's user avatar

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