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How to Rearrange Values in Each Row to Avoid Duplicates Across Columns in R?

Question I have a data frame in R where each row contains multiple columns with categorical values. My goal is to rearrange the values within each row so that no value is repeated across columns in ...
Ruam Pimentel's user avatar
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restrict to those with data at specific age ranges in R

I have the following long format data frame with columns, id, age, and BMI. I have restricted the dataset such that only people (id) with at least 3 repeated measurements between age 2 weeks and 10 ...
aelhak's user avatar
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-3 votes
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More elegant solution for conditional filtering? [closed]

The code below works perfectly fine and outputs the data of interest. However, I am wondering if there is a better solution or different way think about the logic. Essentially, I need filter for the ...
Eizy's user avatar
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Can't Open .xlsx Document

I tried to download a .xlsx file from my course. But when I opened the .xlsx file, it turned into something like this. UEsDBBQABgAIAAAAIQBBN4LPbgEAAAQFAAATAAgCW0NvbnRlbnRfVHlwZXNdLnhtbCCiBAIooAAC ...
lokalhangatt's user avatar
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How to Add New Column in Dictionary?

Based on the data below, I want to calculate the BMI Index for each row and the average for the total row. The BMI Index formula is 'berat' / 'tinggi'. enter image description here data = [{'nama': '...
lokalhangatt's user avatar
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How to lengthen data in one column separated by semicolons, and repeat elements from the other column?

I have received a dataset in a .csv table. The first three lines of the table looks like this: Species,Methods Chlamydomonas pisiformis; Stichococcus bacillaris; Stichococcus subtilis; Pleurococcus ...
Ginko-Mitten's user avatar
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for deep learning: save each sample individually or keep blocks? data doesnt fit memory

I am training a classifier. My data comes from multiple datasets, each dataset contains multiple subjects, each subject has performed multiple trials. Currently my data structure on disk looks like ...
Samuel's user avatar
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Creating a large number of columns in R tidyverse based on a comparison with a specific column

I have a dataset in R tidyverse and I want to create 192 columns based on comparison with the sp column, just like the mp_comp_1 column. How can I do this for 192 columns in tidyverse? library(...
Hamideh's user avatar
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2 answers

Pattern matching in a dataframe

I am having some trouble conducting pattern matching within a data frame. I am working with grepl function in R. I have a data frame of 5 local districts in two years (2001 and 2002). I want to check ...
YouLocalRUser's user avatar
2 votes
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Complete and fill missing rows with groups of uneven length

I have a dataframe of county executives and the year they were inaugurated. I am running a panel study with county-year as the unit of analysis. The date range is 2000 to 2004. I will like to expand ...
YouLocalRUser's user avatar
-1 votes
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Remove duplicate rows, keep first row [duplicate]

I am working with a dataframe on county executives. I want to run a panel study where the unit of analysis is the county-year. The problem is that sometimes two or more county executives serve during ...
YouLocalRUser's user avatar
-1 votes
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Fill in missing rows

I have a data frame of county executives and the year they were inaugurated. I am runnig a panel study with county-year as the unit of analyis. The date range is 2000 to 2004. I will like to expand ...
YouLocalRUser's user avatar
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dataframe breakdown by year

I have a dataset on county executives and their year of inaguration. I need break down which year each executive was inaugurated. The problem is that the notation under the "year" variable ...
YouLocalRUser's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Add values across dataframe columns

I have a dataframe where missingness in indicated by "Z" (there may also be some "z" and NA entries present in the data), and values are entered as characters ("0", "...
jbmchls's user avatar
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3 answers

Drop columns that are replicated in a data frame

I have a large data frame with repeated variables. This is just a sample of my data to illustrate the question: df <- data.frame( ID = rep(1:4, each = 1), CMW = rep(c(10, 20, 30, 30), each = 1),...
Raquel Feltrin's user avatar
-1 votes
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I need some help creating a loop/automatic way of cleaning my data [duplicate]

I'm quite new to programmin language and I am starting with R in my research predicting dengue desease cases with climatic data. I'm still cleaning my data to work with and this particular one has ...
André Ferrari's user avatar
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Add Column to R Data Frame from Another Data Frame with Matching Index Column, Only When Values are in A Certain Range

I am trying to add a column to a data frame (df1) from another data frame (df2), but only when the "depth range" from df1 lies within the "depth range" from df2. I'll explain below ...
Chris Wheeler's user avatar
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SQL data wrangling help using the Having statement

The below code (Databricks SQL) produces the table following it. I am trying to adjust this code so that the output only includes zip5 records that have only 1 (or less) of each facility_type ...
Dr.Data's user avatar
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Join tables based on a range instead of exact match [duplicate]

I have two datasets as the ones described below: dfA <- tibble( name = c("John", "Michael", "Brian", "Thomas", "Peter"), expected = c(128.34, ...
jpm92's user avatar
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How to transform nested data from long format to wide format without using nested structure?

I have a big dataset and have data in long format ('longdf') with one column for subjectnr., one for illness (e.g., rows are epilepsy, ms, diabetes etc.) and other columns for the variables (...
Lea's user avatar
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How can I load data in Rstudio but making it accessible in other computers when opening the file?

I'm working on an assignment and we were asked to load the data and make the file run without errors when opening from the teacher's computer. He said: "When writing your code, keep the data ...
Ashraf Taha's user avatar
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R: Alternatives/approaches to read_html() + html_text() that also work on strings without HTML/XML tags

In this solution to removing HTML tags from a string, the string is passed to rvest::read_html() to create an html_document object and then the object is passed to rvest::html_text() to return "...
socialscientist's user avatar
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Why does the order of functions within summarise() affect its output?

When I use two functions within dplyr::summarise(), the ordering of the functions affects the output. While this post shows this can happen when the first function affects the columns the second ...
socialscientist's user avatar
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R flag a change in column value

I have the following dataset with 20 million rows. It's data on companies and user by month. I have created first_app_company, which flags first appeareance of a company in the dataset. The code is as ...
susznik's user avatar
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Creating interaction terms after splitting dataset into train and test sets

I have the following preprocessing stage before applying linear regression. Would there be a way to add interaction terms 'Numeric_Var1Categorical_Var1'and 'Numeric_Var2Categorical_Var1' after ...
J.K.'s user avatar
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converting a dictionary of nested lists into a row in a data frame

I have some data (shown below), which is a dictionary of nested lists of dictionaries. I want to make the whole dictionary into one row. A very wide row. At present I can get my desired result. It is ...
Lavacave's user avatar
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Recoding Multiple Likert-scale Columns at Once

I usually do this the hard way, but I'm sure one of you coding experts has something less tedious. Using this data set below: #Example Dataset Q1 <- c("Agree", "Disagree", &...
HelplessStatistician's user avatar
1 vote
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How to compute which values and how many values of a given variable satisfy a condition for another variable?

I have a dataframe of the form # Minimum example > data.frame(variable = c("A", "B", "C", "A", "B", "C"), + quantity1 = c(2,4,...
Carlos's user avatar
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How to do groupby on multi index dataframe based on condition

I have a multi index dataframe, and I want to combine rows based on certain conditions and I want to combine rows per index. import pandas as pd # data data = { 'date': ['01/01/17', '02/01/17', '...
Ezio's user avatar
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I'm looking to find a simple way to replace levels of columns by columns with yes/no

I'm looking to find a simple way to do something like the following; from a data frame with the following variables. ID symptom_1 symptom_2 symptom_3 1 ...
Ana Paulo's user avatar
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Python - Rolling Indexing in Polars library?

I'd like to ask around if anyone knows how to do rolling indexing in polars? I have personally tried a few solutions which did not work for me (I'll show them below): What I'd like to do: Indexing the ...
user24758287's user avatar
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IBNR development factor calculation in data.table

Given the following table: IBNR <- data.table(IncurredYear=c(2020,2020,2020,2020,2021,2021,2021,2022,2022,2023), DevYear=c(0,1,2,3,0,1,2,0,1,0), Amount=c(100,80,...
highbury's user avatar
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Data-wrangler extention doesnt display complete data tables

Im using Jupiter Notebook. I need to open the csv file in a panda dataframe with the extention, but it doesnt work,it makes this error: "Could not get current stack focus. This likely means that ...
Mendo's user avatar
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Dynamically calculate rolling average conditional upon NA values

I have data that looks something like this. df <- data.frame( Week = seq(1:10), BA.1 = c(.55, .52, .45, .39, .25, .10, 0, NA, NA, NA), JN.1 = c(0, 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.56, 0.71, 0.79, NA, NA, NA), ...
shollaback's user avatar
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Lag by n rows over specific columns while extending the lenght of dataframe

I am trying to shift down (lag) specific columns in a data frame by n rows (e.g. 2 rows). I have only found posts on lagging over specific columns by 1 row. Here is some mock data. df <- data.frame(...
shollaback's user avatar
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change structure of a csv file in R

I am currently working on a csv file data wrangling, i have a feature "track" that has several values for the same instance, like a list of data points. I want to create a loop to split ...
sikimimi's user avatar
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Creating a RAG datatable in R

Based on the solution here, Add colours to datatable I am trying to produce a RAG table and want to assign four colours. library(tidyverse) library(DT) rag_df <- data.frame(Vulnerabilities = c(&...
Sam's user avatar
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Python: merge two subsequent rows by pattern

I am working with data files of a single column containing strings, but sometimes the content of one rows carries over to the next one, like so: ... "This is a str- -ing" ... This ...
eazyezy's user avatar
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Create grouped indicator of observations with the same value in R

I have a bit of specific question. I have a dataset that looks like this in R: name person_id year municipality_id <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> 1 Brown ...
AntVal's user avatar
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Polars: How to prevent: polars.exceptions.InvalidOperationError: `min` operation not supported for dtype `null`

Hi I have the following data frame with only one row, that can contain an empty list (with only one value null). When I try to get the min over the list, and the one row dataframe does contain only an ...
Björn's user avatar
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How to mutate_at to perform calculation on dataframe in R

I have two dataframes df_cash_size and df_funds df_cash_size <- data.frame(Date = c("201401","201402","201403"), ID =c("F11","F22","F33&...
Sam's user avatar
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Identifying Peaks (Local Maxima) and Troughs (Local Minima) in Data and Labeling them

I have data that resembles this: import pandas as pd import random random.seed(901) rand_list= [] for i in range(20): x = random.randint(480,600) rand_list.append(x/10) df = pd.DataFrame({'...
prashanth manohar's user avatar
2 votes
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Proper way to iterate into dataframe columns and obtain a paired list of values (col1->col2, col2->col3, col3-> col4, etc.)

Situation I have a data frame where each row expresses a change in values over time: in each cell of the data frame, values may or may not change columns after columns, over a potentially large number ...
Clément LVD's user avatar
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Aggregate column data by date in r [duplicate]

From the given dataframe i would like to aggregate data by date column. date <- c("2020-01-10", "2020-01-10", "2020-01-10", "2020-01-10", "2020-01-10&...
Sam's user avatar
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Select quarterly months values

From the given dataframe i am trying to extract quarterly_values however it fails when i try to mutatue every third month values . mont_dates <- c("201401", "201402", "...
Sam's user avatar
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R Select() Can't subset columns that don't exist [closed]

From the given dataframe i am trying to get Cat,monthly_dates, monthly_val and then calculating quarter, quarterly_months, quarterly_values mont_dates <- c("201401", "201402", ...
Sam's user avatar
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How do I recalculate the values of a column based on the current value in python?

I need to multiply the values of a column by 2.2 but only if the values are less than 30. Any help would be much appreciated Here is what I tried. I know it is super wrong but I have no idea where to ...
Whitney W's user avatar
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JQ question about parsing dictionaries within lists

I have a json file in the following format { "a": [ [ { "p": "p1-value", "d": "d1-value" }, { "p&...
ScaryAardvark's user avatar
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Creating a binary variable with an attached date from a series of other dated episodes (long format)

I am working with a clinical data table that contains hospital episodes for a few hundred thousand people across an approx 15 year period. The table is formatted as one row per episode, each of which ...
L.Steell's user avatar
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R data table group by and unique values

given the start, can you modify the code of the end_current to get instead the end_goal? basically other than the minimum I need all the unique values start <- data.table(team=c('a', 'a', 'b', 'b', ...
highbury's user avatar
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