Questions tagged [deferred-rendering]

a screen-space shading technique that defers shading until the second pass of rendering

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0 votes
1 answer

Destroy components if out of viewport when using the @defer angular block

I'm using the new Angular @defer block, which looks great. But in the same way that I can defer until the component enters the viewport, I wanted it to destroy the component when it gets out. What I ...
2 votes
2 answers

Setting a SCNTechnique stops SCNSceneRendererDelegate

When I set a SCNTechnique to my SCNView, my SCNSceneRendererDelegate stops to work. Are there any workarounds? I want to execute some code before and after scene rendering. I've tried to reset the ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to handle material textures when deferred shading?

I am trying to implement deferred shading to replace my traditional forward shading. My current forward lighting implementation works as follow. For each mesh I bind his material, textures and I ...
2 votes
0 answers

Incorrect positions in deferred shading in DirectX

I'm currently working on a Deferred shading project in DirectX. I noticed weird lighting when I create the final image; With this light ray constantly shining from the top left. I looked at my ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to use Dependency Injection (DI) within DeferredComponent in Flutter apps?

I'm trying to use DeferredComponents for my flutter apps so that I can have some AOT compiled code as runtime downloadble module, described in DeferredComponents wiki here. I've looked for some ...
0 votes
1 answer

Logic of Deferred Rendering combined with other Shading techniques

I'm trying to create a program in DirectX-11 that implements several techniques, namely Deferred rendering, Phong Tessellation and Shadow mapping. I have had no problem making phong tessellation and ...
0 votes
0 answers

Is it possible that an update is delayed for a very long time in React18 with concurrent rendering?

As I know, in React 18, a concurrent task can interrupted by an urgent update. So, is it possible that a concurrent task is delayed for a very long time or may never be executed because there is ...
1 vote
0 answers

How do I make DeferRender work for datatables on a page? (Client-Side Processing)

I'm trying to use deferRender for my datatables to limit the number of values that first show up. But it does not appear to be making any difference. The data I am working with has thousands of rows, ...
1 vote
1 answer

Deferred shading, store position or construct it from depth [closed]

I'm in the middle of implementing deferred shading in an engine I'm working on, and now I have to make a decision on whether to use a full RGB32F texture to store positions, or reconstruct it from the ...
4 votes
1 answer

reconstructed world position from depth is wrong

I'm trying to implement deferred shading/lighting. In order to reduce the number/size of the buffers I use I wanted to use the depth texture to reconstruct world position later on. I do this by ...
0 votes
1 answer

Deferred rendering position recontruct

I made the first step of deferred rendering, the FBO with color, normal, position and depth texture. But when I do the lighting the positions are moving and rotating with me. First pass vertex: void ...
1 vote
1 answer

OpenGL multiple render targets and multisampling

I am having problems using explicit multisampling when using multiple rendering targets in OpenGL. I have 4 render targets (Position, Diffuse + opacity, Normal, Specular + exponent) that are rendered ...
1 vote
2 answers

Which event gets fired when an element is shown to the user?

I have a page with lots of images. It doesn't make sense to have the browser load them all, if the user hasn't scrolled down yet to where the images are. I thought of binding the img element to an ...
-1 votes
2 answers

OpenGL Deferred Rendering not working

I try to render my geometry in the first pass and render it from a buffer to a quad in my second pass. Rendering the geometry directly to screen works, but as soon as I try to render to the quad with ...
0 votes
1 answer

OpenGL - Does MSAA not support floating-point texture?

Here's the things, I am trying to do deferred shading with multisample texture. To create the GBuffer, I create a framebuffer with mutlisample texture attachments to draw on and a framebuffer with ...
11 votes
1 answer

World-space position from logarithmic depth buffer

After changing my current deferred renderer to use a logarithmic depth buffer I can not work out, for the life of me, how to reconstruct world-space depth from the depth buffer values. When I had the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Deferred Rendering not Displaying the GBuffer Textures

I'm trying to implement deferred rendering within an engine I'm developing as a personal learning, and I cannot get to understand what I'm doing wrong when it comes to render all the textures in the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Intersection detection with stencil buffer

In order to implement deferred lightning, I render light sources as a sphere with a radius of light. I rendered only actual positions of light to screen. The result is below. so I thought maybe if I ...
1 vote
1 answer

OpenGL: Framebuffer - draw to texture - glClearColor

I have implemented a simple deferred renderer, using a FrameBuffer and a Texture. The drawing looks like this: first phase bind the framebuffer create and attach a color texture to the framebuffer ...
1 vote
0 answers

Defer Lazyload YouTube Iframe API loading

I'm trying to defer/lazyload YouTube Iframe API as it slows down page loading due to extra 1 MB javascript of YouTube. I tried lots of solutions but nothing works for me. Please help me to sort out ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is it possible to depth test against a depth texture I am also sampling, in the same draw call?

Context: I am using a deferred rendering setup, where in the first stage I have two FBO's: one is the GBuffer, for storing the normals, albedo, and material information for all visible fragments. This ...
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0 answers

D3D11 CreateDeferredContext Error without ever creating a deferred render context

I get the following error message in my output window :- D3D11 ERROR: ID3D11Device::CreateDeferredContext: Creation of a Device with D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_SINGLETHREADED prevents the creation of ...
4 votes
2 answers

Under what conditions does a multi-pass approach become strictly necessary?

I'd like to enumerate those general, fundamental circumstances under which multi-pass rendering becomes an unavoidable necessity, as opposed to keeping everything within the same shader program. Here'...
1 vote
1 answer

Stencil buffer and deferred rendering using OpenGL and GLSL

I'm wondering one thing concerning the usage of stencil buffer in a deferred rendering context: do all the fragment shaders on screen space is used within the 'occluded' area ? Here's an example for ...
1 vote
0 answers

Porting deferred rendering WebGL pipeline to aframe.js

I have a WebGL 2 app that renders a bunch of point lights w/a deferred pipeline. I would like to port this to Aframe for use with Oculus Rift S. My questions relate only to rendering. Now I know ...
5 votes
1 answer

Resolution of multi-sampled frame-buffer with multiple color attachments

Trying to implement Anti-aliasing on top of deferred shading, I'm attempting to use multi-sampled render buffers and then resolve the samples with a buffer-blit pass. As is traditional in deferred ...
2 votes
1 answer

Error when using Metal Indirect Command Buffer: "Fragment shader cannot be used with indirect command buffers"

I’m working on a Metal, MTKView based app that takes advantage of the A11 TBDR architecture to do deferred shading in a single render pass. I used Apple’s Deferred Lighting sample code as reference, ...
1 vote
1 answer

Deferred context do not fill D3D11_MAPPED_SUBRESOURCE size

I have a 3D application that use 4 thread with one deferred context each one. The problem is that when I use the deferred context to map (ID3D11DeviceContext::Map) the resource, the variables RowPitch ...
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0 answers

DirectX 11 Deferred Rendering -- Wireframe data retained between frames

I've been tasked with implementing multi-threaded support for our rendering engine and I've run into a problem I haven't been able to solve or google my way around. When I set everything to wire-...
2 votes
1 answer

Can't create FBO with more than 8 render buffers

So, here's the problem. I have got an FBO with 8 render buffers which I use in my deferred rendering pipeline. Then I added another render buffer and now I get a GLError. GLError( err = 1282, ...
1 vote
1 answer

pagespeed insights Defer unused CSS and ofscreen images

I'v defered all my CSS using media="none" onload="if(media!='all')media='all'" and images using yall.min.js But PageSpeed Insights continues claiming it (and the images are visibles too) How do I ...
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0 answers

Mirrors with deferred rendering and ambient occlusion

As you can tell from the title, I'm trying to create the mirror reflection while using deferred rendering and ambient occlusion. For ambient occlusion I'm specifically using the ssao algorithm. To ...
2 votes
1 answer

Shadow mapping for many light sources - is it slow?

I've reached a point where I've implemented deferred rendering and shadow mapping for a single light source. I was looking forward to adding more light sources to see how deferred rendering improves ...
2 votes
1 answer

Making position buffer for deferred rendering - noise in the generated textures

I'm trying to implement deferred shading for the first time but I'm having trouble generating the buffers. I've started trying to make just the position buffer so here is the relative code: ...
4 votes
1 answer

Deferred MSAA Artifacting

This is the process I go through to render the scene: Bind MSAA x4 GBuffer (4 Color Attachments, Position, Normal, Color and Unlit Color (skybox only. I also have a Depth component/Texture). Draw ...
4 votes
3 answers

How exactly does deferred shading work in LWJGL?

I want to start a deferred shading project with GLSL , Java & openGl 1. How does a deferred rendering pipeline works, does it render the scene for each image? For example when I want to create a ...
1 vote
1 answer

Wireframe rendering with depth-buffer in deferred rendering

I have a small OpenGL app for some scientific visualization with deferred rendering pipeline. I have got 2 passes: geometric pass, where I render textures with positions, normals, albedo, segmentation,...
2 votes
1 answer

OpenGL Deferred Pixelated Lighting

I'm working on a 3-pass deferred lighting system for a voxel game, however I am having problems with pixelated lighting and ambient occlusion. The first stage renders the color, position and normal ...
0 votes
0 answers

OpenGL deferred shading transparency

I'am trying to draw transparent textures in deferred shading. This is gBuffer layout: _depthComponentTexture = new Texture(_width, _height, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_NEAREST); ...
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1 answer

Shadow mapping: project world-space pixel to light-space

I'm writing shadow mapping in deferred shading. Here is my depth map for directional light (orthogonal projection): Below is my full-screen quad shader to render pixel's depth in light view space: ...
0 votes
1 answer

Rendering is different to single pass rendering

I've started updating my code to allow for multipass rendering. I'm fairly certain I'm doing framebuffers right but somehow I'm not getting the results I want. The code I'm using is based off the ...
1 vote
2 answers

Directional shadow mapping in deferred shading

I'm implementing directional shadow mapping in deferred shading. First, I render a depth map from light view (orthogonal projection). Result: I intend to do VSM so above buffer is R32G32 storing ...
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0 answers

multiple shadowmaps in deferred shading

I have question about usage of multiple shadowmaps in deferred shading. I have implemented a single shadowmap in forward shading. In forward rendering, in the vertex shader of each object I calculated ...
2 votes
0 answers

Multiple Render Targets (MRT) and OSG

Folks, I have studied about FBO, RTT and MRT to include this feature in my application, however I faced with some problems/doubts I did not find answers/tips during my search. Follows below the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Problems with using a shadow map with deferred rendering Opengl 3.3

I am trying to implement simple shadow mapping for a project i am working on. I can render the depth texture to the screen so i know it's there, the problem is when I sample the shadow map with the ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is Google using "defer" the wrong way?

See: Google is using here: <script src="" async ...
1 vote
0 answers

Execution order of script bundles

While optimizing site speed by deferring scripts I came across the issue of sequencing the order of bundles (NOT the order of scripts within a bundle). I am reading threads for the last several ...
1 vote
0 answers

Three js depth buffer, power of 2 textures?

I am rendering the depthbuffer of my scene to a texture, so that I can use it in a later pass for position and normal reconstruction. My question is whether the fact that the buffer is not power of 2 ...
2 votes
1 answer

(ExtJS 4.2.2) Can't get tab that wasn't been active

I have container items: [{ xtype: 'container', layout: 'card', flex: 1, itemId: 'tab-container', deferredRender: false, items: [...
1 vote
0 answers

Unity How to make Image Effect Shaders work with Deferred rendering?

I have simple fog shader that works just fine on Forward rendering. However, I need to make it work on deferred rendering too. I was told that I only have to change the script that is calling the ...