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difference between runtime and compile time with regard to dynamic binding [duplicate]

I am learning C++ and if I have classes class Core {...} class Grad: public Core {...} then Core* p; Core& ref; may be Grad objects which is not determined at compile time but at runtime hence ...
Prudence Clearwater's user avatar
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So, I have this problem (which I am guessing has something to do with dynamic binding) that I can not wrap my head around. class A { public int m(A p) { return 12; } public int n(...
How to's user avatar
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Why does the dynamic binding of following code seem not to work? [duplicate]

This code's output is "test of X", but it's expected to be "test of Z". public class test { public static void main(String[] args) { X x = new X(); x = new Z(); ...
Jadon Chan's user avatar
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How virtual keyword leads to dynamic binding?

I know the following Compiler constructs a virtual table for every class containing at least one virtual function. It also adds a pointer(v_ptr) to the base class(supposing it has virtual function(s)) ...
dRIFT sPEED's user avatar
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difference between __got section and __nl_symbol_ptr section

Both of them are labeled as S_NON_LAZY_SYMBOL_POINTERS and are bound at load time. However, I only see the __DATA__CONST.__got section in most Mach-O files. What's the difference between them and why ...
Evan's user avatar
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2 answers

Why Derrived pointer binds statically to Derived object meanwhile a Base pointer binds dynamically to Base object?

In the attached code why: p1->print(); binds dynamically? and why: p2->print(); binds statically ? #include<iostream> class Base{ public: virtual void print() { std::cout<<&...
ANDREW's user avatar
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When multiple variables refer to same python list, and if value of one variable is changed, other variable is also changed autommatically. Why? [duplicate]

I have the below small code in Python where I am changing the value of list_one by using pop() function but I am not doing any changes in list_two. on printing list_one and list_two they both print ...
Puneet's user avatar
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Dynamically binding of overridden methods

I'm trying to understand when the compiler has, or not, all the information needed to decide statically or dynamically how to bind method calls to method definitions. I read that in Java there is a ...
aledruetta's user avatar
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Using dynamic binding to create an instance of a class which implements an interface

I'm implementing a board game for two players. Users are able to create their own AIs for the game and add them to the game. These AIs also can implement own, more efficient versions (data structures) ...
user avatar
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Dynamic binding datetimepicker

I'm populating the page on load from php data. The datetimepicker class have been added to date field type input-text. This elementts are displayed in row similar to standard table but wrapped with ...
Nathan DevX's user avatar
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How Dynamic Binding (with hiding) works?

I have been practicing Dynamic Binding (with hiding) and i came across a code block like below. The output of the program is: "I am a B" And I just couldn't understand it. Can anyone can ...
umadik's user avatar
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is it ok to use dynamic bind to implement polymorphism instead of pointer?

generally in c++ we use virtual class and pointers to achieve polymorphism, but recently I accidently made it with dynamic binding with std::function sample: class base { using func_t = std::function&...
陈泽霖's user avatar
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Bind value to image dynamically in angular

I am generating multi qr code image and need to bind scr.Value to image tag.The image doesn't show for me.Pls let me know any changes to be done to this line <img class='boxqrcode' [src]="'...
pin today's user avatar
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Nuxt Dynamic V-model

I'm having difficulty binding my custom input to data(). I've tried several combinations to try to get it working and so far only the placeholder seems to work. I created an array called questions and ...
Guillermo Medel's user avatar
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1 answer

Dynamic Binding java test

Doing this java exercise I can't figure out why the last line print out "5". public class Customer { } public class RegisteredCustomer extends Customer{} public class Shop { public int ...
ctrlaltdel's user avatar
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Why is method which accepts sub-class object doesn't recognize object of sub-class with the reference of the superclass?

I have two classes(Vector and Stack) the one extends another.Resourse class has four methods. When I pass a object of sub-class with reference of super-class it calls method that accepts super-class ...
DozezQuest's user avatar
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C++: calling inherited virtual method using derived class pointer (pointing to derived class object) is resulting in compilation error [duplicate]

Following code results in compilation error. error: no matching function for call to ‘D::print(int)’ Error is at following line d_ptr->print(5); #include<iostream> using std::cout; ...
Pandav Patel's user avatar
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Spring Cloud Stream + Kafka Dynamic Destination + Error handling

We have an application on Spring cloud Stream integrated with Project Reactor. We dynamically set the destination topic by setting the in the Message header and ...
Sruthi's user avatar
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Is it possible to inherit a class with generics when the base class also has generics?

I apologize for the confusing title, I'm not quite sure how to word my issue concisely. Here, I have a class structure that does not compile. class MyEvent { } class EventA : MyEvent { } class ...
Jake Bickle's user avatar
4 votes
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Virtual function calling a non-virtual function and vice versa

I have a class A as a base class of class B. I have called the non-virtual function, abc(), within my virtual function, xyz(), as mentioned below. Due to run-time polymorphism, B:xyz is called – I ...
Sumaiya A's user avatar
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2 answers

How to Explain Lexical vs Dynamic Binding?

I read a relevant post on binding, however still have questions. Here are the following examples I found. Can someone tell me if the conclusions are correct? Dynamic Binding of x in (i): (defun j () ...
notaorb's user avatar
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C++: When is method redefinition preferred over virtual method override? [duplicate]

Do virtual methods bind statically when objects are not created dynamically? If virtual methods have the best of both worlds (static and dynamic binding when needed), what is the point of having non-...
Michel H's user avatar
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1 answer

Cases of static and dynamic binding in C++

The following code has 4 classes: Base1, Derived1 (derived from Base1), Base2, Derived2 (derived from Base2). Both base classes have integer data1 and display_data() functions. Both derived classes ...
Amethyst's user avatar
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Vue - How to dynamically set a grid area name

I have a list of objects that I loop through and generate inside the template. Those objects need to be positioned differently inside the grid depending on the screen size. So I would like to use the ...
Stephen's user avatar
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Can Java have dynamic type binding for variables?

Can variables have dynamic type binding in Java? I know that methods can, but I don't think that variables can since every variable has to have a type declaration when it is created such as int, ...
ALAB23's user avatar
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Springboot application with dynamic rest api calls using kubernetes cluster

My spring boot application needs to call or consume rest api from another spring boot application. I want to use Kubernetes to manage my application and its multiple instances. But I am struggling to ...
Nailesh's user avatar
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Dynamic binding for two arguments

This question concerns design patterns, and in particular dynamic binding, in statically typed languages (I use Kotlin here, but it could also be C++ or Java). The problem is as follows: I have an ...
Searles's user avatar
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How to understand the dynamic binding in this C++ code?

This is my code. I need help making this Dynamic Binding work. #include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; class Shape { protected: double x,y; public: void ...
Pirthvi Hasan G's user avatar
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I'm trying to make a derived class method available through a base class reference

I'm trying to call a derived class method with a base class reference but I do not want to implement it in the base class or other derived classes. Only in that one derived class. One alternative I ...
ndubs18's user avatar
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c++ particle system inheritance

i'm creating particle system and i want to have possibility to choose what kind of object will be showing on the screen (like simply pixels, or circle shapes). I have one class in which all parameters ...
Tojmak's user avatar
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C++ Mixin - Dynamic Binding During Initialization idiom

I have a hierarchy of classes for which I want to use polymorphism to call the correct member functions. On a basic level this works, but I encountered a problem when trying to use a Mixin class to ...
NKay's user avatar
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Is there a method to bind Tabulator to a dynamically created <div> element?

I am attempting to bind an instance of the Tabulator plug-in to a dynamically created <div> element but to no avail. I have no issue binding Tabulator to static elements created with the page ...
R Powell's user avatar
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Polymorphism example? (Substitution principle and late dynamic binding)

Below is a snippet of my code and I can’t decide whether or not it is an example of Polymorphism. Class hierarchy 1 Within my Player class (This is a subclass of Character) there is a method called ...
Alexander Earl's user avatar
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Azure Java Function, Get HttpTrigger body attribute value in BlobOutput path annotation

I have a HttpTrigger function with request body as { "id":"222", "name":"some name" } I want to get the Id from request body into @BlobOuput path like below @BlobOutput(name="blob", path="input-...
Usman Ali's user avatar
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Trying to use a virtual function in my initialization list

I am trying to create a base and a derived class with a const member that has to be initialized: class baseClan { public: baseClan(const string firstName) : fullName(createFullName(...
PF Chang's user avatar
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Why do we need dynamic binding (Java)?

I've read many articles on the difference between static binding and dynamic binding in Java, but none of them really talk about why we need dynamic binding. Why is it that some code should only be ...
Ryn's user avatar
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Dynamic binding, Static binding, Pointer to function, deep meaning

In static binding the decision of the method to be called is made at compile-time, in dynamic binding, the decision about the method to be called is made at run time. Virtual methods are called with ...
Tony92's user avatar
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Why there isn't a dynamic binding in the method arguments in Java?

I am wondering why there isn't a dynamic binding in Java in method arguments? Example: static class C { public static void test(C c) { System.out.println("C"); } } static class D ...
coolchock's user avatar
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What if I must override a non-virtual member function

Say we have a library which provides a class struct Base { int foo() { return 42; } }; I cannot change that class. 99% of the people never want to override foo, hence it has not been made virtual by ...
pasbi's user avatar
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Why this static binding doesn't work as i would expect?

I have a question about how this program selects the method. Code(constructors aside): class Father { int x; .. public int m(Father f) { return (f.x - this.x); } } class Son ...
wattbatt's user avatar
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Why is dynamic binding necessary?

I cannot figure out why do we need dynamic binding (late binding). Let's say we have Class A and Class B and lets say that class B extends class A, now we can write stuff like "A var= new B();" Now ...
Harry 's user avatar
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Base-class pointer pointing to a derived class cannot access derived-class method

I am learning inheritance in C++11, and I found that if a derived class has redefined a virtual function name but with a different prototype, a base-class pointer assigned with a pointer to the ...
Elucidase's user avatar
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Can you "dynamically bind" overloaded methods? [duplicate]

public class ConstructorOverloading { static class A{ final String msg; public A(Object o){ this.msg = "via object"; } public A(Integer i){ ...
User1291's user avatar
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How to update(reload) columns of kendo grid after datasource read method?

I have Kendo MVC grid and the columns of the grid are dynamic based on the model that gets filled on the datasource read method. I need to loop through the dynamic columns to generate it on the grid. ...
Shubhankar Bapat's user avatar
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Is there a way to bind a variable number of queries?

I'm coding an app for managing shift work. The idea is pretty simple: the team is shared between groups. In those groups are specific shifts. I want to get something like that: Group 1 - shift11 - ...
Loki Faër's user avatar
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Cannot convert from 'typeA' to 'typeB' when attempting dynamic binding in C#

I'm trying to design an API that is supposed to have a certain method for each of the 20+ concrete classes that I need to support (I can't change those specs). My first idea was to use overloading to ...
STT's user avatar
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What's happening when the special variable is declared during compile time

I just met an unusual situation in my common lisp code when I wanna test locally and declare: (defvar test-out 2) ;; make a dynamic variable ;; function below just simply re-write from locally doc (...
ccQpein's user avatar
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Dynamic element not attaching to on() function?

Im currently using the on() function to attach to dynamic elements in my application which are loaded initially but then reloaded via ajax. Due to the reloading this code $('').on('click'...
Stanley Ngumo's user avatar
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What is the best inheritance hierarchy for this model in C++?

I have the above class model exported as DLL to users. Considering user convenience they will only require to instantiate a Base pointer, and use setMode(Mode) to initialize the Tank or Truck object. ...
Komgcn's user avatar
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Why can dynamic binding override name hiding in C++?

I learnt that inner names hides outer names (so overloading does not cross scope) because name lookup goes before type matching. So I write the following C++ code to play with this rule: class Base { ...
user5280911's user avatar

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