Questions tagged [e2e-testing]

End-to-end testing is a methodology used to test whether the flow of an application is performing as designed from start to finish. The purpose of carrying out end-to-end tests is to identify system dependencies and to ensure that the right information is passed between various system components and systems.

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0 votes
1 answer

Playwright docker behaviour on Mac different than on Windows

I am running e2e tests with Playwright within a Docker container. I am mounting my host machine to the container and then running the tests inside the container. // npm script to run container in ...
7 votes
1 answer

Getting Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.SqlTasks.targets was not found from Jenkins pipeline

I am getting this error The imported project "C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\6.0.101\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\SSDT\Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.SqlTasks.targets" was not found. Confirm that ...
0 votes
1 answer

I can't get full chrome browser console logs in the NightWatch.js test

I'm trying to get full browser console logs in the NightWatch.js test. This is my test script. module.exports = { 'Console Log Test': function (browser) { browser // Navigate ...
0 votes
0 answers

ContainerLaunchException: Aborting attempt to link to container

I have written a functional tests which uses mock containers using TestContainers. When I am running a complete application test using ./gradlew clean build, still the error appears in console but ...
1 vote
1 answer

MongoReplicaSet - emulate replication lag

I'm using mongodb-memory-server for the e2e-testing on the project and want to identify potential problems with replication lag. Is there any way we can emulate a large replication delay? Maybe there ...
0 votes
0 answers

Playwright doesn't seem to be fullfilling route in trace viewer

I am trying to set up some playwright tests such that some basic auth and user routes are intercepted and spoofed. The test looks something like this: test('Mocks the user and session calls', async ({...
0 votes
0 answers

Mocking Exceptions in Nest.js e2e Testing

I am learning Nest.js and currently working on e2e testing.I was reading some online blogs and learned about Mocking API responses / Exceptions. I have written some tests and with mocking they work ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to trigger custom events during Stencil e2e tests?

I have that Stencil component: @Component({ tag: 'my-component', styleUrl: 'root.css', shadow: true }) export class MyComponent { handleUploadedFile(event: CustomEvent): void { console.log(...
0 votes
0 answers

Vitest: e2e testing on NestJS fails with `TypeError: __vite_ssr_import_1__ is not a function`

I've been trying to run e2e test on NestJS project written in vitest, but I haven't been able to solve the error below for hours... FAIL test/app.e2e-spec.ts > AppController (e2e) > / (GET) ...
0 votes
1 answer

Increase URL cypress test

one question I have a URL xx/0/xy and in my test I have to check the duration of an element (this part work) the issue ist is from the URL xx/0/xy to xx/2000/xy how can I automate this, without having ...
22 votes
6 answers

Cypress: interrupt all tests on first failure

How to interrupt all Cypress tests on the first test failure? We are using semaphore to launch complete e2e tests with Cypress for each PR. But it takes too much time. I'd like to interrupt all ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to fix flaky test on Playwright?

Hi I have this app that I'm testing. The app itself will fill the value and click the button to provide the data on table. However, in reality it takes more than 40 seconds to load the data itself so ...
0 votes
0 answers

Multiple API testing e2e with different bodies and responses

We have what we call an aggregator in our company, basically we have more than 15 APIs, all which have different headers, bodies and also expect different responses. We aggregate and consume those ...
1 vote
2 answers

Specify grepTags on the command line with ng e2e

In our angular project, we are using cypress-grep package to filter tests. We have a test module which specifies the grepTags and then references some existing tests, approximately as follows: import ...
-2 votes
1 answer

E2E testing best practice use of data attributes [closed]

We're using Cypress for E2E testing and are about to embark on the task of migrating away from tag and classname selectors to data attributes in order to make the selectors less fragile. My question ...
4 votes
4 answers

How to get text from a specific column from a table in Playwright

I am using Playwright for the e2e tests. The problem statement that I have is that I want to get the text contents of all the rows of a specific column of a table. The table in question is just like ...
-1 votes
0 answers

Make all services accessible via localhost in the same network in docker compose

I have NodeJS Backend application and NextJS frontend application. In the NextJS application, authentication is done using NextJS server using Magic Link. Once authorized, mix of server and client ...
9 votes
3 answers

How to save requests' response body using Playwright?

I need to intercept network request and save it's response body to variable, so I can perform assertions with values, that are displayed on UI, but when I try to access variable which is supposed to ...
1 vote
2 answers

Cypress intercept wait, no request ever occured

I'm having a hard time trying to mock a simple api request from a different port than the frontend. The code below is returning: Timed out retrying after 5000ms: cy.wait() timed out waiting 5000ms for ...
1 vote
2 answers

Click() event on e2e test in cypress does not work, when used on Switch Element Plus component

When manually testing my Nuxt app, clicking on the switch element works, and it changes my global variable. But in the Cypress test, the switch remains switched off even if the click event runs ...
3 votes
1 answer

Mocking back-end 3rd-party calls in Sveltekit + Playwright

This is a fairly high-level question regarding design patterns/best practices when developing end-to-end tests in SvelteKit+Playwright: What is the recommended way of ensuring that any back-end code ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to override APP_GUARD in E2E tests

I'm writing E2E tests for my NestJS project and I bumped into one issue I could not solve. This is my setup fragment const moduleFixture: TestingModule = await Test.createTestingModule({ imports: [...
1 vote
3 answers

Dynamically generate Playwright test asynchronously, shows No test found

The Playwright documentation has a parameterize sample like this. It works: const people = ['Alice', 'Bob']; for (const name of people) { test(`testing with ${name}`, async () => { // ... })...
0 votes
1 answer

How to let Cypress-tests bypass all caches (Varnish, Redis, etc.) [duplicate]

On a site, I have a caching infrastructure like this: Redis cache, to cache database-queries. Varnish cache, to cache application responses (HTML, CSS, JS, etc.). Browser cache (Cypress clears this ...
3 votes
1 answer

TestCafe does not write in text input field

I'm using TestCafe for test automation of a web application based on the Wicket framework. I try to type text into a text input field ... well, actually it is a dropdown list, where a text input field ...
0 votes
0 answers

Make a Unit Test E2E for Blazor Web App in .NET 8 Backend

How can make TDD for a Blazor Web App in .NET 8, how can test my backend API? Any idea how write E2E tests? Thanks.
0 votes
0 answers

How can I test a click event is canceled with playwright

I'm building a base level componenet(like a button) which can be removed when clicking in the closable icon in that compoenet, I want to test : There should be one click event emitted followed by one ...
3 votes
4 answers

playwright headless chromium can't find selector, but finds it in UI mode

What I'm trying to do I am doing some e2e testing with playwright on a webapp The problem I am running into problems whenever I want to save resources with headless mode. My playwright script is ...
0 votes
0 answers

Playwright arbitrary failures with Astro SSR

I have a simple astro component that has this structure: --- import CreateProjectContainer from "../components/CreateProject/CreateProjectContainer"; import ProjectList from "../...
1 vote
2 answers

Karate framework vs Jmeter

** I'm evaluating testing frameworks and trying to decide between Karate and JMeter. What are the specific advantages of Karate over JMeter? **
0 votes
0 answers

Is it possible to use Detox in a separate Repo from my React Native Application?

I have a repository titled QA-Services for my playwright tests for my web apps. Now I am getting Detox setup for my mobile applications. Yes, all 4 directories in my repo are for the same parent ...
0 votes
1 answer

Cypress using .as (alias) to store and validate against faker text

I was wondering if it was possible to use Cypress' built in functionality .as to store some randomly generated text and then validate against it. I've tried various ways of handling this but I can't ...
1 vote
3 answers

need to mock POST request in cypress

UPDATED 9/16: I've reworded my question. I'm trying to use cypress to test a work application that has an Angular frontend(http://localhost:4200) and a .NET Core backend (http://localhost:5000). When ...
0 votes
0 answers

Run the cypress test in incognito mode

i trying to configure github action, and i need to run the cypress test in incognito mode when I run it through a command in the terminal. I try npx cypress run --spec "path/to/your/test-file.js&...
0 votes
1 answer

Why Playwright take extra time to finish even though the test has passed?

Example 1 (visit import { test, expect } from "@playwright/test"; test("example", async ({ page }) => { await page.goto(""); }); ...
0 votes
1 answer

Pact testing issue in Windows machine

While runing the pact testing in my Nextjs spa app, am facing the pact testing issue in windows machine error : [email protected]: Pact Binary Error: ..\node_modules@pact-foundation\pact\node_modules@...
13 votes
1 answer

What's the difference between a UI test and an E2E Test? And What's the benefits of each?

Our team is considering starting testing based on user scenarios. So, we are picking a E2E framework. Searching for UI test lead to the following: So, I found this this It says UI testing: user ...
277 votes
17 answers

Cypress: run only one test

I want to toggle only running one test, so I don't have to wait for my other tests to see the result of one test. Currently, I comment out my other tests, but this is really annoying. Is there a way ...
1 vote
1 answer

Modal / Pop-up window does not appear in Cypress [closed]

I have a page that when you visit the site, a modal / dialog window appears. However, when I am running it via Cypress, it does not seem to appear on the runner. Sample code: cy.visit('http://demo-...
0 votes
0 answers

How do I send a request to an in-memory TestServer in ASP.NET during testing?

I am trying to implement an endpoint that acts as a proxy to another endpoint. Suppose I have the following: // List Released Projects [HttpGet("Projects")] public async Task<ActionResult&...
0 votes
0 answers

Playwright: Cannot open dropdown to click on a link

right now I'm having trouble to open a dropdown on a site and click on a specific link inside. Usually it is enough to click or hover on the element (a-Tag with text Header Link in the example below) ...
0 votes
2 answers

Optimizing CI/CD pipeline speed and reducing failure ratio in a mono repo with multiple E2E tests

Context: We manage a mono repository where multiple teams contribute code. To ensure that commits do not disrupt the functionality of other teams, we employ a combination of unit tests and E2E tests (...
3 votes
2 answers

Testing Android and iOS with a flutter embedded parts

What's the best way to test the following scenario? Open native android app Go to screen B written in flutter - click on button "OK" Go to screen C which is a pure Android view again ...
14 votes
5 answers

Is there a way to iterate over a <li> list in Playwright and click over each element?

I'm trying to iterate over a list of dynamic elements with Playwright, I've tried a couple of things already, but none have been working: await'li').click(); const elements = await ...
1 vote
1 answer

Troubleshooting TestCafe End-to-End Tests Failing on Azure DevOps Pipeline

I'm encountering issues with my TestCafe end-to-end tests when running them on Azure DevOps pipelines. Locally, the tests run smoothly without any failures, but on the pipeline, they occasionally fail ...
4 votes
1 answer

How to locate a div with specific text and test id with Playwright?

I have a HTML like this: <div> <div>Internal Description</div> <app-rich-text-editor> <div data-testid="rich-text-editor"> </div> </app-...
0 votes
0 answers

E2E test Expo - Detox Failed to find a device by type iOS on CI

I am working on a mobile application with expo SDK 50, [email protected] and I am using Detox (20.13.5) for my e2e tests. It used to work well on Github Actions, but it seems that my action these ...
0 votes
0 answers

Allow browser microphone permissions in flutter drive

We need to automate e2e tests using flutter integrations package. but there is no way to bypass the permissions for the microphone. I have checked the answers here but none its working for google ...
0 votes
0 answers

Cypress 13 does not send cookies with request

My test clicks on a link which leads to a page on the same super domain. The request to this url within the same super domain then responds with a redirection to a different domain. The issue is the ...
0 votes
2 answers

How do I do assert an element using begins / starts with in Playwright

I can't find any available assertion for Playwright using startsWith or BeginsWith similar to jest. I do it with something like below: const guidSample = '1y2x3z'; const startsWithGuid = guidSample....

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