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Reducing the negative runtime impact of eval/1

In ECLiPSe 7.1 using the IC library, I am trying to reduce the impact of eval/1. My regression tests currently run in about 280 seconds without using eval/1 (because all the constraints are between ...
Echancrure's user avatar
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Getting the seed set by the ECLiPSe on loading

I would like to get the seed that is used by ECLiPSe when it loads. I know how to set it via seed/1 but I do not know how to query it if I have not set it: i.e. how to retrieve the seed set by ECLiPSe....
Echancrure's user avatar
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EC_resume returns EC_fail even when goal succeeds?

I have a C++ function that is supposed to count the number of solutions to an ECLiPSe goal, but it only works if there are choice points. If the goal immediately solves (e.g. returns Yes (0.00s cpu) ...
incarnadine's user avatar
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ECLiPSe create 2D matrix with C++ interfacing

I have a predicate that I use to initialise a 2D matrix in eclipse: problem(1, []( [](1,2,3,4), [](1,2,4,3), [](1,3,2,4), ) ). I'd like to use a C++ program to interface ...
incarnadine's user avatar
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element/3 on matrix to find index returns range when value can only be at a single index

I have a matrix Board which starts as: []( [](1,2,3,4,5,6), [](_,1,_,_,5,_), [](_,5,1,_,_,6), ) The goal of the program is solve it in a Sudoku style, where _ are unknowns. The first rule ...
incarnadine's user avatar
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ECLiPSe Integration with VSCode

I have just spent a three hours trying to configure my working environment for VSCode and ECLiPSe (I am new to VSCode and rusty in ECLiPSe) in Windows. So far I have created a task (and a keyboard ...
Echancrure's user avatar
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tkeclipse - GUI colors assignments - Edit which file to fix?

The default settings for the installation of tkeclipse are unusable. What I see get is this: Also, I looked thru the menu choices and there is no option there to make required changes. Which file (...
Eric Marceau's user avatar
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What is the uncontrollable automatic propagation behavior in ECLIPSe-CLP?

I am trying to research, evaluate, and compare some searching methods in ECLIPSe-CLP. The key method of evaluating complexity and the efficacy of a method in said system is counting backtracks, ...
Hugo Ye's user avatar
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prolog max_min_eval/2 solution issue

I want to create a predicate max_min_eval/2 or max_min_eval(List,Result) which read a list like this [1,min,2,max,4,max,3] -> (((1 min 2) max 4) max 3) in eclipse prolog and put the Result into a ...
Sotiris Sotiriou's user avatar
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How to read large Prolog files in ECLiPSe?

I generated a large file of paths via eclipse. Each line contains a clause for a list of 27 points. $ wc -l 240917 $ ls -lh -rw-rw-r-- 1 carl carl 72M ...
Carl's user avatar
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How to use Prolog's foreach/2 loop

I am trying to get the foreach/2 loop to work in Prolog (using tkeclipse). I understand it needs an element in the first argument and a list to search for that element within as a second argument. My ...
emir hkima's user avatar
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ECLiPSe CLP - TSP with Time WIndow. How do i calculate the cost?

I'm working on a variant of a TSP, where each node has a Time Window, but i've some problems calculating the cost function. I'm using a succesors model, so i have a list where each variable rapresents ...
Filipp's user avatar
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Age comparsion for Zebra Riddle

I'm trying to solve a logic riddle similar to the Einstein riddle with ECLiPSe Prolog via CLP: A band has 6 jazz-musicians, no one is younger than 70 years old. Every artist has written a different ...
Patrick's user avatar
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Is there a good source for finding common problems with ECLiPSe?

As a new ECLiPSe user I am running into problems. I was able to consult a .pl file, but when I changed the extension to .ecl I got a file-does-not-exist message. I was even able to run the .pl file,...
RussAbbott's user avatar
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Pruning symmetrical solutions in ECLiPSe Prolog with the use of constraints

This is a subproblem of a constraint satisfaction problem I'm currently working on and thus, I've omitted extra constraints that I apply to my variables. Suppose we have a list of 5 variables and ...
Imperator Romanorum's user avatar
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Is there any explicit support for modulo operation in eplex library

I am using eplex and ic library and trying to solve a problem. I see that the eplex and ic provide explicit support for addition,multiplication and subtraction but there is no support for modulo or ...
learner's user avatar
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Is it possible to delay an assignment operation

I have a small script/code and i want to impose some active constraints. In the code shown below, i have P[I,J] #= E and in the next line Result[I,E] #= J but this is throwing an instantiation error ...
Luai Ghunim's user avatar
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Two objective functions

If we have two objective functions in Eclipse CLP that Cost1 is more important than Cost2, is the following true? minimize(minimize(labeling(Vars), Cost1), Costs2).
OmG's user avatar
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How integer suspension will be handled when it is used in head of a condition

I have the following conditions over two variable A and B: [A,B] #:: 1..10, (A #= 3) or (B #= 3), ((A #> 3 or B #>3) -> % expression 1 ; % expression 2 ) %cntd The problem is in ...
OmG's user avatar
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Eclipse CLP: maximum number of constraints/variables

In the Eclipse CLP, how many constraints or variables can I define? I am currently remodeling my scheduling problem - I need to replace a single alldifferent constraint with many atmost constraints. ...
Jan Drozen's user avatar
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Internal workings of ic_global/occurrences/3

For the QuasiGroup completion problem I implemented two models. One of them is a model based on nothing but channeling constraints (based on a study by Dotu). The other one is a model based on the ...
Bruno Vandekerkhove's user avatar
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A General Method To Transpile A Code in Eclipse CLP to CHR

My question is a little general but the answer to my specific question could be very helpful. The general question is "Is there any general method to transfer code in Eclipse CLP prolog to a ...
OmG's user avatar
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Enforcing inequality of lists?

For a given CSP I used a variety of viewpoints, one of which is a somewhat more exotic boolean model which uses a variable array of size NxNxN. Then I enforce unequality of various subarrays with this ...
Bruno Vandekerkhove's user avatar
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Looping through a list which is a subarray

I'm using ECLiPSe 6.1. I have an array of variables of dimension N x N, let's call it Vars. Now I call a procedure with, say, my_procedure(Vars[1..N,1..2]). Inside the procedure (my_procedure(List) :-...
Bruno Vandekerkhove's user avatar
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Eclipse CLP labeling: exclude permutations

I am solving a scheduling problem (briefly described here: SWI Prolog CLP(FD) scheduling switched to ECLP). I am able to get some solution quickly, but now I want to incorporate some optimization ...
Jan Drozen's user avatar
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CLP: Efficient model of 'not three same values'

I need to model this (simple) constraint in Eclipse CLP: Given three domain variables, lets say D1, D2, and D3 and I want to ensure that these three variables will not end up with the same value. Two ...
Jan Drozen's user avatar
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Apply OR constraint over the variables in a list

Suppose we have a list of variables. We want to apply a constraint over the variables, but the relation of these constraints are or. How we can do this in Eclipse CLP (prolog)? We should notice that ...
OmG's user avatar
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How can use data file with Eclipse-clp program

How can use data file with Eclipse-clp or Prolog program. for Variables and Array values. for example if you want to give data to program as an big Array.How can read this data from a data files?
ARZ's user avatar
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How to implement these Sigma notations in ECLIPSE-CLP or Prolog

Is it possible for someone to tell me how to implement these sigmas in ECLiPSe-CLP or Prolog or at least give me guidance on how to implement and solve them.
ARZ's user avatar
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why this code cannot be run?what is "syntax error: postfix/infix operator expected" error in ECLiPSe-clp

When I want to run this code in ECLiPSe-CLP I get the following Error Error: string stream 27: syntax error: postfix/infix operator expected | 4 $= X^2 + Y^2, (Error Mark is under '=') | ...
ARZ's user avatar
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Possible bug with nth1 predicate in Eclipse-clp?

I'm writing a sudoku solver in Prolog. The sudoku itself is given as a vector of vectors: P = [[1,_,_, _,_,_, _,_,_], [_,_,2, 7,4,_, _,_,_], [_,_,_, 5,_,_, _,_,4], [_,3,_, _,_,_, ...
SJoos's user avatar
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What value should be written to run the code correctly?

What value should be written to run the code correctly. I give any amount I do not see any output. f(T, Y) :-Y is sqrt(abs(T)) + 5*T^3. main :- read(As), length(As, N), reverse(As , Rs), ...
ARZ's user avatar
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How to implement This MP problem in ECLIPSE CLP or Prolog?

I want to implement this Summations as Objective and Constraints(1-6) Could anyone help me that how I can Implement them? OBJ: Min ∑(i=1..N)∑(j=1..N) Cij * ∑(k=1..K)Xijk constraint : ∑(...
ARZ's user avatar
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instantiation fault in indomain

I have a board solver which its general form of the solver likes the below: solver(Board):- constraints(Board), search(Board). It passes the constraint predicate, but there is an error in ...
OmG's user avatar
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Integer range suspension in prolog

I have the following query: ?- Remainder :: 0..8, Qoutient #:: 0..Dividened, Dividened #= Qoutient * 9 + Remainder, Dividened = 12. As you can see I have an integer suspension Qoutient #:: 0.....
OmG's user avatar
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Constraint over the integer division

I have the following statement in prolog (Eclipse CLP): ?-X::1..100, X/5 #= 2, X = 12. The result is No.. I want to check that the integer division of X over 5 is equal to 2 or not. If I write the ...
OmG's user avatar
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How To write a query for testing the following code that written with eplex Lib in ECLiPSe-CLP

I am new in ECLiPSe and have a follwing problem. when I write and compile this simple program: --------------------------------- :- lib(eplex). main1(Cost, Vars) :- Vars = [A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3, ...
ARZ's user avatar
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The difference between dollar sign ($) and number (or hash) sign (#) in Prolog

As I found I can use from $ and # in the shortened version of the suspend in Prolog. Hence, I can write the following query: ?- X $> 2, X = 2.5. And the result is: X = 2.5 Yes (0.11s cpu) So ...
OmG's user avatar
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Avoid findall overflow with n-fractions problem

I am trying to print all solutions of the n-fractions problem for n=4: :- lib(ic). fractions(Digits) :- Digits = [A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L], Digits #:: 1..9, ic:alldifferent(Digits), X ...
Codefather's user avatar
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How to suspend in ECLiPSe CLP until full list is instantiated?

ECLiPSe CLP has a built-in predicate suspend(+Goal, +Prio, +CondList) whereby CondList often is of the form X -> inst. But how can you suspend until a whole list is instantiated? If you do List -> ...
lavra's user avatar
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make display matrix prolog tkeclipse

I am new to prolog and want to generate a display matrix from the below prolog code as given in the image The image below is generated from the given prolog code using tkEclipse (Eclipse for prolog) ...
Sohail's user avatar
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Constructing an array of ground data from list of integers in ECLiPSe

I'm trying to use the make_graph_symbolic/3 from the graph_algorithms library, which requires for the Nodes to be an array of ground data. As I'm constructing this graph from a matrix, the nodenames ...
Divyak's user avatar
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Why a bignumber is shown incomplete in ECLiPSe Prolog?

I use the latest version of ECLiPSe Prolog 64-bit for Windows, then I compile the code: :- op(200, yf, !). !(N, F) :- fac(N, 1, F). fac(0, F0, F) :- !, F=F0. fac(N, F0, F) :- N1 is N-1, F1 is F0*N, ...
T. S. Larsen's user avatar
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Handle huge numeric values prolog

I'm working with prolog and i need to handle huge numerical values (i know, prolog is not originaly designed to handle numbers). I'm using ECLiPSe 6.1 and the documentation of some built in predicates ...
damianodamiano's user avatar
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Print minimize steps prolog

I'm working on a prolog program (CLPFD) with ECLiPSe 6.1. The program has a lot of variables and i want to minimize a certain value but (obviously) the minimization steps takes a lot of time. How can ...
damianodamiano's user avatar
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How do I specify to Prolog that all the elements of a list have to be 1 or 0?

How do I make sure that all the elements of a prolog list are either 0 or 1? I need to generate a list of given length and make sure it has only these 2 numbers in it: E.g. [0,0,0,0,0,0], [1,0,0,1,...
Zap's user avatar
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ECLiPSe CLP produces variable with unexpected range

I have a question regarding the following code: :-lib(ic). buggy_pred(Result, In0, In1, In2, In3, In4, In5, In6, In7) :- Args = [In0, In1, In2, In3, In4, In5, In6, In7], Args :: [0..255], ...
krzysiekb's user avatar
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Listing all constraints in Eclipse CLP in a readable form

I have an ECLiPSe script whose goal is to encode my problem into a set of arithmetic constraints. In REPL, I eventually get a list of delayed goals which looks as follows: -(_2941{4 .. 7}) + _2900{...
Alek81's user avatar
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Example channelling constraints ECLiPSe

Can someone provide a simple example of channelling constraints? Channelling constraints are used to combine viewpoints of a constraint problem. Handbook of Constraint Programming gives a good ...
Stanko's user avatar
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ECLiPSe CLP : slow combined occurrence/3 constraint behaviour

As a subset of a larger problem, I'm trying to write the 2 following constraints for an NxN board (containing N² cells): Each row/col contains exactly N occurrences of integer K given by pre-defined ...
SND's user avatar
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