Questions tagged [error-detection]

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Hamming code error detection and correction

I am trying to answer this hamming code error detection and correction problem, and I am not sure if I'm wrong or if the given is wrong. Can anybody help? Note: I'm studying this on my own (yt vids) ...
neil-py's user avatar
-3 votes
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VS Code IntelliSense for C++ does not work if the project directory is a symlink

VS Code (C++) error squiggles does not work if the project directory is a symlink (Linux). For instance, a └── b └── c └── file.cpp sl └─── ─> c When sl is a symlink to a/b/c, opening ...
Déjà vu's user avatar
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Redundant storage using CRC

Lets say I have a some 32 bit words in an embedded system storage. I want to protect that data using full redundant storage. This means to store each word twice and cross-checking the data word and ...
Silicomancer's user avatar
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Post-inversion of CRC32 result and trailing zeroes

For some very specific values, such as FF FF FF FF 80 20 83 B8 ED the CRC32 (using polynomial 0x04C11DB7 and pre and post-inversion) is 0xFFFFFFFF ( Adding any number of trailing zeroes ...
LHLaurini's user avatar
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Is there any bit level error detection algorithm that use minimum extra bits?

I have a 32-bit number that is created by encoding some data, I want to be more confident that the data (a max 32-bit number) is not changed when decoding it, so I am going to add some error detection ...
Ahmad Dehnavi's user avatar
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Hamming code conversion from character ASCII to hex string

(Python-GColab IDE) Instructions: Make a program that turns the 8-bit data into the 12-digit codeword. The code should figure out what the four parity bits are and put them in the right places in the ...
user15529245's user avatar
-1 votes
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Flimsy error detection methods (computer networks)

I was studying error detection in computer networks and I came to know about the following methods - Single Bit parity Check 2d parity Check Checksum Cyclic Redundancy Check But after studying only ...
Antas Sharma's user avatar
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Do we really need 1s complement?

Why do we actually need 1s compliment? Can we simply make a number negative or positive by by just flipping one bit! the MSB bit? Why do we need to flip all bits
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Does Nesting CRC calculations increase reliability (ie decrease error probability)?

If I have a payload, and I calculate a crc32 value on that payload (of arbitrary size), then I juxtapose that crc value next to the payload, treat the whole thing recursively as a new payload, then ...
mo FEAR's user avatar
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nVim disable error detection of coc plugin

I use neovim with coc.nvim for auto-completion of code, but I don't like this error detection [I don't mean its bad], I only want to disable this grey like with red >> on the left of line ...
ANDuser's user avatar
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vscode isn't recognizing react's functions import missing problems

It has been a long time since this issue bothers me and I ignored it. Right now I'm going a little crazy so I decided to solve it at last. pic Why the hell VSCode doesn't shout at me for not importing ...
Daniel Manor's user avatar
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Reed-Solomon detection capability

I am interested on the analysis of the Reed-Solomon capabilities for detection (detection only, when correction is not possible), in particular for RS(10,8), with symbol 8 bits, 10 symbols total in a ...
Max Bonino's user avatar
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are CRC generator bits same for all?

In CRC if sender has to send data, It will divide the data bits with g(x) which will give some remainder bits. Those remainder bits are appended to the data bits. Now when this code word is sent to ...
Bismuth OP's user avatar
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Compile-time check of conversion from a string?

Let's have a class Foo which defines a conversion constructor from a string. Depending on the contents of the string, this constructor can succeed (an instance of Foo is created) or fail (an exception ...
user1387866's user avatar
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Is there a python function for locating multiple identical values in a row in a time series data set?

I am working with a large time series data set aggregated every minute of 2020. The dataset is getting values from sensors that are monitoring equipment in a thermal generation plant. The sensors ...
acblainer's user avatar
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Calculate the probability of undetected errors for the whole file (not packets) in the CRCs

If we have a large file, I want to know how this will affect the probability of undetected errors, especially in CRCs. I know that undetected error rate (packet or chunk) is= BitR* BER * 0.5^k which K ...
Arash's user avatar
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CRC error detection and undetected error probabilities [closed]

If we have a large file, let 's say 1 Petabyte, what's the best CRC that can detect all the errors? Is 32bits enough? I also heard that undetected error rate (packet or chunk) is= BitR* BER * 0.5^k ...
Arash's user avatar
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Canvas HIT testing: dealing with element boundaries and anti-aliasing

The setup As part of a web vector editing tool written in Javascript, I'm implementing hit testing using a hit canvas strategy similar to that of Concrete.js. For most of it, it works pretty well: I'm ...
Alexandre Kaspar's user avatar
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Which is most used Error Control mechanism at DataLink Layer?

I had read 3 error control techniques i.e Stop and Wait ARQ, Go Back N ARQ and Selective ARQ All I wanted to know which technique is currently being used in networking industry... Can someone give ...
Karthik Bharadwaj's user avatar
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What is the most "bit-efficient" error detection method?

To detect a number of n_errors errors in a code of n_total bits length, we must sacrifice a certain number n_check of the bits for some sort of checksum. My question is: What is the method, where I ...
Nos's user avatar
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Reed Solomon Error DETECTION capability is not 2T

I am setting up a Reed Solomon library to correct AND detect errors as the come in. For simplicity, let's look at a Reed Solomon configuration where m(symbol size) : 8 [GF(256)] k(user payload) :...
Dhmclean's user avatar
-1 votes
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Get original hamming word without control bits

How can I get the original word without hamming encoding? For example: I've this hamming encoded word: 011001101100 How can I get back to the original word? correct ans is: 00111100
markusplein5's user avatar
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Checksum for a self-made communication protocol

I have to implement a communication protocol which runs via I2C and is used for a board2board communication of two distributed microcontrollers. To ensure the data integrity, I want to add to the ...
user9564464's user avatar
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CRC: Locate Erroneous Byte

Assume a multi-byte block of data is processed twice by some CRC, once unchanged and once with a single faulty byte. Can the faulty byte be located solely based on the two codes? Note that does not ...
qantik's user avatar
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A cyclic redundancy check algorithm that is invariant to the number of trailing bytes with a particular non-zero value

Suppose I have an arbitrary block of bytes. The block is terminated with a CRC remainder computed over the whole block using the CRC-16-CCITT algorithm, where the remainder is arranged in the big-...
Pavel Kirienko's user avatar
-2 votes
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Python doesn't detect syntax error

I've been trying to sort an array of number using the sort function but I forgot to write parentheses. arr.sort instead of arr.sort() My question is why can't python detect this error and inform ...
Chris Ioannou's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do two routers agree upon which CRC generator to use?

In a CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check), usually two nodes agree on an r+1 bit generator. This r is usually 32, and is configured in devices (routers). What happens if two routers have different r bit ...
Anuja's user avatar
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Proof of CRC Burst Error Detection Checksum Result [closed]

It is said that a CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Checksum) can detect burst errors of fewer than r + 1 bits, where r is the degree of the polynomial. Furthermore, a burst of length greater than r + 1 bits is ...
anuja's user avatar
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CRC: false positive under some circumstances

Consider two computers A and B. A has uses G and B uses G' where G' != G and of different degrees. Computer A wants to send a data D and it uses CRC for that cause. The claim says that there couldn't ...
deficiencyOn's user avatar
8 votes
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How well do Non-cryptographic hashes detect errors in data vs. CRC-32 etc.?

Non-cryptographic hashes such as MurmurHash3 and xxHash are almost exclusively designed for hash tables, but they appear to function comparably (and even favorably) to CRC-32, Adler-32 and Fletcher-32....
bryc's user avatar
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How to calculate mean-square error(MSE) and PSNR values for edge detected images

I am using the following code to find the mean square error of edge images with comparison to the reference edge image. clc; % Clear the command window. close all; % Close all figures (except ...
Image Check's user avatar
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How to compute hamming code for 10 bits?

I have seen examples of hamming code detection and correction with 8 bits or 12 bits. Suppose I had the bit string: 1101 0110 11 which contains 10 bits. Do I need to add two additional bits to that ...
John's user avatar
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How can I encode 0000 to 11110 in 4B/5B encoding scheme

From the 4B/5B encoding scheme dataward 0000 in encoded to 11110 codeword similarly 0001 is encoded to 01001 etc. Here the result of XOR operation between two codewords will be another valid codeword....
S. M. Fahad Ahmad's user avatar
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Can you make Sublime linter work with Laravel blade?

I use in all my projects is there a linter that works in blade.php pages? Or how can I make it to work with blade.php pages? Thanks a lot!
kevin's user avatar
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How to get better error output with Visual Studio

I was working on a project and got the following errors Error (active) the default constructor of "Input" cannot be referenced -- it is a deleted function EquationSolver c:\Users\Kim\Documents\...
Post Self's user avatar
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Why Luhn algorithm multiply by 2?

I have question about Luhn algorithm. The luhn algorithm (mod 10) for error detection and check sum digits. For example digits like visa, credit card etc. for example we have digits : Digits 1 2 3 4 ...
user3752566's user avatar
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I wonder about crc error probability. How can I get 2^(-n)?

I wonder about crc error probability. In most papers, crc error rate is described like 1-2(-n) For example, the probability of crc-16 is 1-2(-16), so 2(-16)=1∕65536=0.0015%, prob = 99.9984% I want ...
Jadon's user avatar
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How do I detect errors in UPC codes?

I know that UPC codes have a check digit and how to use this check digit to see if the code is valid. If the code is not valid, my program needs to tell me where the error is. I know it can be done, ...
t8r's user avatar
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Checking the error detection capabilities of CRC polynomials

I tried to find out how to calculate the error detection capabilities of arbitrary CRC polynomials. I know that there are various error detection capabilities that may (or may not) apply to an ...
Silicomancer's user avatar
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Packet framing for very short serial packets

We designed simple fixed-length protocol for embedded device. Every packet is just two bytes: bits | 15..12 | 11..4 | 3..0 | | OpCode | DATA | CRC4 | We use "crc-...
Amomum's user avatar
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computer networking error detction cyclic redundancy check

could anyone tell me that is it right way if i calculate the crc by the method given below: i did this because dataword length is large. is it right?
Raman Multani's user avatar
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Detecting Missing Modules Dynamically (Python)

When working on bigger projects, I'm very keen on error detection and handling. I'm using some modules that the user may or may not have installed, so I need to account for this possibility. I'd ...
The Defalt's user avatar
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Which one is the better CRC scheme?

Say I have to error-check a message of some 120-bits long.I have two alternative for checksum schemes: Split message to 5 24-bit strings and append each with a CRC8 field Append the whole message ...
ysap's user avatar
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Can we use specific padding patterns for AES to detect errors?

These days I have been reading and doing labs on AES. Say for 128-bit AES, during encryption, if the plaintext is less than 128 bits, then padding of all 0s will be added to it. After decryption these ...
adieux's user avatar
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Determining the minimum Hamming Distance

How can I find the minimum Hamming Distance for the above? I understand the string comparison idea and putting it into a table based on C0, C1, C2, etc but I'm not sure how to group the code above. ...
aurora91's user avatar
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How to Calculate Hamming Distance of CRC code

My professor for my graduate course has given us a task of calculating the hamming distance of the CRC method that he demonstrated in the slide He showed us how the CRC protocol can catch all single, ...
James Combs's user avatar
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IoT fault detection algorithm implementation

I am attempting to implement a sensor fault detection algorithm from a white paper I found here: My math skills are decent, but this article does ...
terminatur's user avatar
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UART Communication: Usage of ODD and EVEN partiy

I am currently working on understanding UART communication. The parity bit is used to check for errors in the transmission, but why are there odd and even modes? They serve the exact same use. One of ...
qwertz's user avatar
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Should a property in Swift be implicitly unwrapped in my UIViewControllers?

Let's say we have this viewController public class DetailsViewController : UITableViewController { public var text : String; public override func viewDidLoad ( ) { // do something ...
Jan K. S.'s user avatar
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Segmentation Fault in Vertical Redundancy Check

I am trying to make program in C for vertical redundancy check. The Code is given below : #include<stdio.h> #include<sys/types.h> #include<fcntl.h> #include<unistd.h> int ...
Harsh Kanakhara's user avatar