Questions tagged [excel-2010]

The Excel-2010 tag is used for referencing the Excel Version 2010 spreadsheet application from Microsoft. If your question is about VBA then also tag it VBA. If it is about an Excel formula or worksheet function, then tag it worksheet-function.

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How calculator time worked with 2 time different in google excel?

I have 2 time, time work in at 12/01/2023 9:00:00 AM and time work out at 13/01/2023 6:00:00 AM. But before 22:00:00, my salary is 13.000 and after 23:00:00 is 15.000. How can i calculator time before ...
Võ Đăng Khoa's user avatar
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How can I add a progressive number in different field in excel?

I have an excel file with a sushi restaurant menu, in the first column I have a progressive number 1,2,3,4,... and in the second column I have the products onigiri, fried, ecc... Can I edit the second ...
Compass's user avatar
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Excel formula to use values from one table with comma separated values in another table

I am trying to use the values from Table 1 to populate Table 2 automatically but I am getting errors when I tried to use vlookup or the filter function. This is based on the fact that I am using full ...
Sammie Dave's user avatar
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Multiplying column and skipping blanks

I need to multiply column and it has to skip blank range, I need formula or VBA for this case. For example, if Range A1 having value 2, range C1 = 3, range E1 is blank, range G1 = 1, Range I1 = 3 &...
Itzme ram's user avatar
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How to compare 2 integers in terms of how many times 1st Integer is greater than second

I am looking to find a formula in excel by which I can calculate how many times 1st integer is greater than second. For Example: A = 5 B = 1 Ans: (A/B) i.e 5/1 = 5 A is 5 times bigger than B. Simple ...
Rajsha's user avatar
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Excel function counting days until other cell changes

Is there any function count days until other cell changes. Example The order has been issued at 22 dec, 2022. It will start to count the days until the other cell has string “approved”. I tried Today()...
Vincent's user avatar
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Get all the rows meeting certain conditions

I have below sample data in excel: Row ColA ColB 1 10 10 2 0 10 3 50 0 4 70 70 5 0 0 I would like to keep all the rows where A != 0 AND A !=B. In my example, I need to only keep ...
code3's user avatar
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Bulk find and replace same values of in cells of a column

I am trying to create an Excel VBA function to search values of column A and find same cells in column H, and replace these cells in B2:F6 with values of J2:N4. My Input File: Desired ...
mehdimm's user avatar
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Autofill doesn't stop at the range specified

I have a question. When I ran the code below to autofill to a range (sheets will have different lengths of rows). In my example, the length I am filling down to is only 6 and only the first column (...
TheKidLorry's user avatar
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how to export pdf file from excel when the file name already exists then there is a messagebox yes / no with VBA

how to export pdf file from excel when the file name already exists then there is a messagebox yes / no with VBA ? please recommend so that with the message box I can choose whether yes or not to ...
roy's user avatar
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How to generate invoice numbers with a combination of customer codes without duplicates and sequentially with VBA

Dear All Master, How to generate invoice numbers with a combination of customer codes without duplicates and sequentially with VBA. so the position in "C2" is the customer code. So the "...
roy's user avatar
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Combine Data from Multiple Worksheets with Sheet Names & Different Columns Using Power Query

Dear all master, I tried with Power Query but the results were not what I wanted and each worksheet I didn't want to create with a table. I tried the result already wanting to get close to the result ...
roy's user avatar
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How to properly sort the table in excel with fractions formatted as text?

How to sort this in excel? enter image description here Eartag table to Output shown in the picture Please see attached picture for the output reference.
Gerald Lariosa's user avatar
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How to copy only updated rows from Google Sheets to Excel

Currently, I'm connecting Jotform to Google sheets where information with the submissions are uploaded. We primarily use excel for the bulk of our operations and would like to connect the submissions ...
Sophia98's user avatar
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Replace value in the same column based on ID number EXCEL

Does anyone have an idea how to solve this problem using Excel? I have this table. As you can see there is false information in the data, as the "Customer_since" column has different values ...
Hena's user avatar
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Auto populate cells on a different sheet based on user input pop-up box

I have an Excel sheet with two sheets titled Finance and Invoice. I want the Finance page to have cells which I would fill out by typing in the cells. I want the Invoice page to be auto-populated from ...
toothgap01's user avatar
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Make forumla in two seperate columns in the same column in excel

I have a formula that exists in two columns because I can't seem to figure out how to make it in simply one column. The two formulas are in colomn: "Fragttype Paller" & "Fragttype ...
luca ryberg Lonardi's user avatar
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Display Username, Amount Based on Current Date as against date amount was loaded

Date Username Amount 12/6/2022 Klington 3000 12/6/2022 Claire 5000 12/6/2022 Sainz 32000 12/6/2022 Slip 5000 I have tried using index match likewise VlooUP to list all the amount based on current ...
King's user avatar
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Excel fetch maximum() from column of values

I have tried all possible formulas I know to fetch maximum value where the available record date = current record date using both the index formula combined with the max function and likewise used ...
King's user avatar
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Textjoin values of column B if duplicates are present in column A

I want to consolidate the data of column B into a single cell ONLY IF the index (ie., Column A) is duplicated. For example: Currently, I'm doing manually for each duplicated index by using the ...
classy_BLINK's user avatar
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Delete character after ':' but not delete the rest

For example my excel column is CodeandPrice 3&12|4&200|2& 5&|2& 4&| 2&12|35&744 With & is separation between code and price, | is separation betweeen 2 item. I ...
beginner's user avatar
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Excel Get all fields in column into same date format

I have a column in Excel with an issue that some fields have a strange format exported. The overall format should be yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss Currently in the table Date 2022-09-13 16:59:11 2022-11-16 ...
Simon's user avatar
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Match Row based on previously available date to second table

I have two tables of data I would like to join: Transactions and User History Transactions user_id transaction_id price transaction_date redeemed_points 12345 rztgdh 0.00 2022-10-07 10:25:43 1500 ...
Simon's user avatar
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Merging data from multiple excel files into master data file

I have a data set from a reporting tool which gives 3-5 excel files, each containing around 10-12 sheets of data. I am trying to combine all the excel files with identical named sheets. Sheets from ...
arun's user avatar
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How do I remove the first two characters from all cells in a selection using VBA?

In order to make my macro work, I've added a double # onto the start of each cell using VBA -> ##string However, I now need to remove the double hashtag for all cells in the selection, I'm using ...
Harry C's user avatar
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how to match text and other match condition from different column in excel

looking for a formula that can give me an index value after matching text then also meet a match condition from another column I was using following formula, but I need now to add another condition of ...
Muhammed Tabish's user avatar
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Excel: blank and/or lines in fields

As of this moment I’m working with an Excel file, there´s a field that are not showing data unsless I move the borders. That means that the field is having either blank spaces or a line I try many ...
Nelson Romero's user avatar
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Excel: How to get sum from one column where other columns has same name

I have an excel of 10k rows, Hope the following image describe what i wanted. Tried using =SUM(OFFSET(A1:A32,20,0,10)) but Type is not a fixed number. Any suggestion?
arun's user avatar
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How may I use VlookUp with approximate date ranges?

I have this data. Code Beg. date End date Class 54 01/03/2021 10/10/2020 166 54 11/10/2021 31/12/9999 322 102 10/04/2020 31/08/2021 180 102 01/09/2021 30/06/2022 190 102 01/07/2022 31/12/9999 ...
José Durand's user avatar
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Populate a blank column with another column using two other columns on two separate tabs

I have one spreadsheet with two tabs. MTD Revenue contains a column for District and a column for Contract #. MTD Costs has a column for contract # and I've added a column for district. Is there a ...
Joshua Smith's user avatar
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Formatting a cell in way so that only values specific format can be entered

I am using excel to store some data. The column stores some kind of output id which has to be in a certain format . The string should be in the format FP-2#-#### for example FP-22-1234 should be valid ...
Pulkit Kalhan's user avatar
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How to transpose data from rows to column in excel

I have data like the following, Cell A1 = item1 B1 = item2 C1= item3 D1 = item1_price E1= item2_preice F1 = item3_price A2 = item4 B2 = item5 C2 = item6 D2 - item4_price E2 = ite5_price F2 = ...
Adithya Kashyap's user avatar
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Run Time error in Excel while opening excel workbook (-2147221080)

My macro gets stuck during run. I am getting run time error screenshot attached below. when i debugged the code , i am getting "can't execute in break mode" this popup coming repeatedly. ...
Ramees Pk's user avatar
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When I add a row in Excel to copy the previous row's formatting, can I also copy the form control checkboxes?

I have a table with checkboxes in certain columns (see sample table)-- they are linked to their cells and also move/size with the cells. I also added text box "headings" throughout the table ...
maddsmacc's user avatar
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Split cell contents by capital letters and paste result into multiple cells

I have a cell that has a name, eg; "John Smith". I want to split the name into two or more pieces (depending on middle names) and paste them into another cell. Private Sub Splitnames_Click() ...
Wonton Animal Chin's user avatar
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Problem with inserting data in a new Row in VBA using user-form

As vba learner,I have designed a simple code for VBA. I have 3 columns- Parent Job, Child Job , and Details. Under parent jobs, I have a number of child jobs. For each parent job in the first column, ...
Habeeb E Sadeed's user avatar
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Is there any way that I can lock excel cell if it has value?

Is there any way to lock the excel cell if it has value and unlock it if it has no value contained? e.g. if Persone updates the excel-sheet and sends it to another person, the second person only ...
Vikas Hire's user avatar
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Excel - COUNTIFS on 1 range using 2 criteria

I've got a spreadsheet full of enquiries we have got over the years as a business. I'd like to have a summary table that can tell me how many of those enquiries were priced per year. I've put together ...
Crayon's user avatar
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How to Create Dynamic List Based on Certain Values?

I have an excel Sheet Contain Data like below I need to Create Different List based on two Dropdowns, One of Item for eg 100m,200m and another of Section like Senior Boys,Male Etc How To Achieve this ...'s user avatar
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4 answers

MS Excel > concat vertical cells within irregular range

I am not sure I can ask about just excel problems on Just let me know gently If I am making mistakes. I need to concat vertical cells in col3. Their ranges depend on column 'num' ...
Jiwon's user avatar
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Copying to row above in Excel

Is there any way we can quick copy all the row to the above ones: For example I want the blue highlighted row to be filled with content from the row below without manually copy pasting the whole file....
kirbybyby's user avatar
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Character limited in cell table in excel

I have two widgets in my Excel file: Test1 and Test2 In my Test 1, I have a table with: A1: get some text A2: =@Pac[ReferenceClient] (I have the possibilities to retrieve the data in the other ...
oxem's user avatar
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Using Mid Function to extract name from large text

I am looking for help to extract ‘human’ from the large text below: (Description=(help(save=human)( (Description=(...
slairo72's user avatar
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PivotTable creation problem from a dataframe

I'm struggling with a code problem since yesterday. I dont get why I've got the following error message on line 3 : " Run-Time Error '5': Invalid Procedure Call or Argument" Context: I'm ...
Mido88's user avatar
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IF formula with multiple conditions and outcomes

I try to create IF formula to give me 3 different outcomes based on number in two cells (e.g. A1 and B1). The 3 outcomes are: "NO CHANGE" if A1 or B1 is equal to zero, "CHANGE BELOW ...
knoxville1503's user avatar
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unique count of strings in a column in excel or office 365

I am trying to get the unique count of a text in a column in excel. In office 365, I have used =COUNTA(UNIQUE(B2:B1169)) but it is not returning the count of text as expected. I want to get the ...
Iamlearner's user avatar
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how to keep data between two vertical lines in excel sheet

I am trying to exclude the data before and after the vertical line | and keep only the data between them. Since I need to keep only the data between the first vertical line | and second vertical ...
Iamlearner's user avatar
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How can I put my Excel template on Excel templates store

I have an Excel file that I made with a lot of validations and formulas that I want to share for all of my website users to input their own data. I think the best thing that I can do is to make my ...
AugustusCaesar's user avatar
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How to use VLOOKUP with exceptions?

To assign the office responsible for a certain country I use a VLOOKUP function. In this way, Office China is responsible for Country China, Office Germany for Country Germany, etc. There are some ...
Sam's user avatar
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How to use SUMPRODUCT formula for calculating alphanumeric values of different cells placed in single row... not in different rows..?

How to use SUMPRODUCT formula for calculating alphanumeric values of different cells placed in single row, not in different rows?
Shafiq Ahmad's user avatar

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