Questions tagged [fedora-25]

Version 25 (November 2016) of Fedora, a Linux-based operating system. Use only if your question is specifically related to features of this version.

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Homestead is not loading the page

I'm new to homestead and I have encountered problems while installing it I can't use vagrant up An error occurred while downloading the remote file. The error message, if any, is reproduced ...
Mohammed Osama's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How to install GTK+-3.22.7 on fedora 25

I try to install gtk+-3.22.7.tar.gz,but after typing I am getting below error. Request help for same. ./configure result :configure: error: Package requirements (glib-2.0 >= 2.49.4 atk >= 2....
FNSKOM's user avatar
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I keep getting UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR while uploading file using PHP

I am trying to upload a file on my Apache server on Fedora 25 (32 bit) using PHP 7.0.15. I am getting an UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR error, even though I have set appropriate (and even more than I should ...
Petr's user avatar
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getting the domain name of DHCP on Android

I would like to get the value of domain/search that can be found in /etc/resolv.conf of MacOS and Linux on Android. Here are examples on MacOS and Linux (Fedora 25): MacOS: # # Mac OS X Notice # # ...
everplays's user avatar
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Cannot load latest images to AVD

I just installed Android Studio in Fedora (Because I have AMD processor and the AVD in Windows with AMD is painfully slow) and when I load images from Nougat to Lollipop, one of two things happen: Or ...
InF3rN0's user avatar
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Redirecting localhost to domain in hosts file not working

I'm trying to redirect the domain to my localhost on Fedora 25. I've done the required changes in the /etc/hosts file. Chrome redirects me to localhost just fine, my website is up and ...
zorrooo's user avatar
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TexStudio is not running, showing Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error:

Running TexStudio from terminal showing the following error, however from GUI TexStudio is not opening. (texstudio:10650): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk.css:597:14: not a number (texstudio:...
user7524206's user avatar
-2 votes
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perl output messed up in fedora, ubuntu

I wrote a perl script for mapping two data sets. When I run the program using the Linux terminal, the output is messed up. It seems like the output is overlapping. I am using Fedora 25. I have tried ...
Harpreet Singh's user avatar
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Trying to link a SFML-app on fedora 25

Hi everyone, I have some trouble trying to use the SFML library.I've tried different thing to make it work but always failing. I downloaded the official package but nothing worked when I tried to ...
Harry333Cover's user avatar
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7 answers

Set PATH and JAVA_HOME in Fedora 25

Please excuse what appears to be a question answered before, but if I read 10 different posts I find 20 different responses. I just installed Fedora 25. I am going to be learning Java development ...
Max Wen's user avatar
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Jenkins fresh installation does not start on Fedora 25

I have installed Jenkins on Fedora 25 using dnf. However, when I access the default URL I see 503 exception. Is this behaviour seen by the others? Do we need to change any configuration after the ...
Vinay's user avatar
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Interaction of QEMU and KVM from a perspective of Instruction Replacement

Currently I am doing some research on dynamic instruction replacement for x86 Instruction Set Architectures (ISA). Until now, I only did that for RISC-V based processor architectures. Since there are ...
Kennerd's user avatar
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"who am i" command returns empty prompt [closed]

I am following a book on Linux. One of the first commands is to execute who am i. It should return my username. However, it returns an empty prompt. What am I missing? I am using Fedora 25.
potato's user avatar
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Problems using React Native for Android on Fedora 25

I am having problems with React Native for Android running on Fedora 25. I have followed the instructions in the Getting Started guide. I have installed all the dependencies such as Node, the React ...
eimajtrebor's user avatar
5 votes
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java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException when using URLConnection

I'm trying to create a Telegram bot and my code already works, but suddenly I can't start my program, as it crashes with the following error. I did not change any code or do anything. Perhaps this is ...
fergusq's user avatar
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Fedora - Maven FATAL JRE Error

I'm trying to run mvn package on Fedora 25 but I keep getting this error: Downloading: ...
J. Pichardo's user avatar
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opengl on Linux : unable to use a correct version

I tried to build a program using glfw + glew on Fedora 25. part of it is: int main() { glfwInit(); glfwWindowHint(GLFW_OPENGL_PROFILE,GLFW_OPENGL_ANY_PROFILE); //glfwWindowHint(...
karatoga's user avatar
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problems getting selenium standalone server to work with phpunit

I am trying to get newer versions selenium standalone server to work with phpunit. What I have works, but I'm required to updated selenium standalone server to 3.0.1. Currently, I am running: ...
Bill Tangren's user avatar
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Issue detecting PCSCvia java program on linux, the card reader is connected

I have been messing with this issue for a recent few days. I am trying to connect a ACR122U smart card reader with fedora 25 64bit. I am getting card in unknown status error which is suprising, since ...
Yogesh Seralia's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can't login to new PostgreSQL server via pgadmin3 (on Fedora)

I’m trying to install PostgreSQL on a Fedora 25. I have edited postgresql.conf to include: listen_addresses = '*' port = 5432 I have edited pg_hba.conf to include: local all all ...
Martin's user avatar
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Macchanger can't change wifi mac address in fedora25

When I type macchanger -r wlp6s0, it gives output: [root@localhost ~]# macchanger -r wlp6s0 Current MAC: ac:d1:b8:d8:77:c5 (unknown) Permanent MAC: ac:d1:b8:d8:77:c5 (unknown) [ERROR] Could not ...
user7425787's user avatar
13 votes
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How to change focus between two screens (2 monitors) with keyboard (shortcut) Gnome 3

I have question how to change focus between two screens on Gnome. I am using Fedora 25 and I can move window to other screen by using mod + shift + right or mod + shift + left but focus (cursor) stays ...
fr1sk's user avatar
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Building Haxe on Linux (Fedora 25)

I am trying to build the latest haxe from the GitHub source. At first I was getting this error. /bin/sh: nekotools: command not found Makefile:108: recipe for target 'haxelib' failed make: *** [...
briguyjm's user avatar
-2 votes
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Fedora 25 VirtualBox installation

When I installed VirtualBox 5.1 by instructions on Download page, everything finished successful. When I tried run VirtualBox the error was showed: VirtualBox: supR3HardenedMainGetTrustedMain: ...
librucha's user avatar
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Comparing double with literal value in C gives different results on 32 bit machines

Can someone please explain why: double d = 1.0e+300; printf("%d\n", d == 1.0e+300); Prints "1" as expected on a 64-bit machine, but "0" on a 32-bit machine? (I got this using GCC 6.3 on Fedora 25) ...
PJK's user avatar
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Cannot copy files from local file system to hadoop/hdfs on cloudera

After installing cloudera HDC on fedora25 , I can create folders, but not files nor can I copy data from my local file system to HDFS. This is the command I use: sudo -u hdfs hadoop fs -...
Mohammed's user avatar
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fedora, tizen studio: "failed to start sdb", cannot connect tizen device

It is just sharing of knowledge. I hope I saved someone's time. Problem description If you have Fedora Linux (I use f25 now) but want to use Tizen Studio (officially it works only with Ubuntu Linux)...
Glebsa's user avatar
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Mesos-master is exiting quietly (possibly because of segmentation fault) on Fedora 25 when being accessed on port 5050

I installed Mesos on Fedora 25 using sudo yum install mesos and it worked fine. Starting Mesos master also worked fine, as per instructions here: I ...
marius_filip's user avatar
1 vote
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simple C++ OpenCV imshow example crashes with segmentation fault

(sorry for bad English, I'm German) Hello programmers, In theory, this simple C++ OpenCV example should display a 100x100 black image, wait until a key a pressed, write "still running!\n" into the ...
Volker Weißmann's user avatar
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library not found although I use ldconfig and /etc/

I'm using Fedora 25. I have a binary that needs multiple libraries. The binary can't find $ ldd XPore-Engine | less | grep not => /usr/lib64/vtk/...
Jesús Martín Berlanga's user avatar
-1 votes
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Security warning when using Chromium with Fedora

For the past week or so, I've been presented the following message when attempting to access certain HTTPS sites in Chromium on my Fedora 25 OS. Your connection is not private Attackers might be ...
nsg's user avatar
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Cannot Start SQL Developer on Fedora 25

On Fedora 25, I have downloaded jdk-8u111-linux-x64.rpm from Oracle, and installed with rpm -Uvh. After installation, # ls -al /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_111 lists a number or directories/files for the ...
user3126352's user avatar
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Not receiving output from ProcessBuilder in YARN job

I have a Hadoop YARN cluster set up on some machines at my university (all machines running Linux Fedora 25). When running a mapreduce job in YARN, I am unable to receive the output from a call I make ...
maxr1876's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Qt Creator on Fedora 25: "No valid kits found"

If I try to open an existing project in Qt Creator I always get "No valid kits found". I found a lot of Q&A around this, but on my installation I am not able to select a valid Qt version because: ...
Klaus's user avatar
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Fedora - android studio is not running

I want to run android studio in fedora 25. I run ./ and I get this error: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM warning: ignoring option MaxPermSize=350m;support was removed in 8.0 No protocol specified ...
Hamish's user avatar
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Fedora25 Php 5.6 gd soap Mysql 5.x and PhpMyAdmin

I am new to linux. I have successfully installed following modules on Centos7 but I have problem with Fedora25. I have checked google etc but theres only instructions for Fedora24. I am amble to ...
mr R's user avatar
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Can't locate API module structure `config_log_module'

I have just installed Fedora 25 on my Raspberry Pi, and I have installed Apache using the command dnf install httpd. I have then enabled the service: systemctl enable httpd.service. Then started the ...
Dustin Cook's user avatar
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PHP won't load pdo_mysql extension on Fedora 25

After a little toying around with my FreePBX install on F25, I seem to have broken it, and can't get pdo_mysql to load: [root@freepbx-localdomain freepbx] # /usr/bin/env php -m | grep -i pdo PDO ...
amzt's user avatar
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