Questions tagged [find]

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How to find files with the same filename (except what's inside parenthesis) and deleting the smaller size ones

I need to know how to find one or more files with the same filename (except what's inside parenthesis) and delete the one(s) with the smaller size, in a folder. I don't care if it's a GUI app or ...
Nuno Fonseca's user avatar
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1 answer

Range.Replace IF another cell value is:

I am trying to use the find and replace function based on another cell value (in another column). For example: I want to do this change: Columns("OEM").Replace What:="Aerostar Aircraft ...
Ana Laura Bianco's user avatar
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Using find returns undefined?

After several days, suddenly this foundation of my project breaks and I have absolutely no idea why. If someone has any insight as to what's going on here, I would love to know. I am saving data for ...
ifaus's user avatar
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Node.JS MongoDB Find Function Not Running

I'm attempting to find data from a MongoDB Collection using Node.JS. However, the issue is that it's simply not working, no errors, no incorrect results. Just nothing happening at all. const mongo = ...
Crann Moroney's user avatar
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3 answers

Bash command to list names of specific directories and subdirectories on Linux

I need a bash command that searches the directory "rawdata" for all subdirectories with names starting with "AB", searches all these for the subdirectory "demo" and ...
Sally's user avatar
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bash: excluding found files located in the subdirs

My script looks for the files of trr extension and then copy it to the target dit, (all_trr) dir=$(pwd) traj_ext='trr' # save the data into: all_trr=${dir}/PCA # refresh PCA folder if [ -d "${...
James Starlight's user avatar
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Insert images under correlating citations

My company has multiple standard PPT presentations that all have a Word doc of the presenter's notes to go along with them. The presenter's notes currently have slide icons on the left margin across ...
Katie Bird's user avatar
-6 votes
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Searching a list by an undefined value [duplicate]

There is a certain list that I get after parsing a certain html page: Could you tell me please, how can I do a search for a specific value? Let's say I specify only part of the value KES_ and the ...
Alex Rebell's user avatar
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How to find and replace word inside a file multiple files

I have an angular project folder which has lots of ts files. I would like to find all the occurrence of the word "client" and change to "customer" in the whole project i.e. replace ...
Anbu Dhan's user avatar
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how to run find command on shell to get a part of the pathfile into variable?

I'm trying to get content of files spread on specific folder. find /tmp -name '*.txt' This give me: /tmp/s3400/10.txt /tmp/s3544/1212.txt I need to store "s3400" value on a variable to run ...
JaTamez's user avatar
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Why FIND returns nothing with structured table?

Hoping someone could shed something on my line of vba script below and point out the error: Sub findKeyword() Dim tbl as ListObject set tbl = activesheet.ListOBjects("myTable") 'containing ...
Makubexho PC's user avatar
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Excel - Find a value from a column of multiple values and return the value associated with the searched value

I have seen this formula that is good to manually add values and return a value but is laborious to maintain: =IFS(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("Hello",[@Column1])),"Welcome",(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(&...
Dean's user avatar
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How to create a "variable" group (for future reference via \n) in extended grep regex type (how not to repeat myself)?

Result: I wanted from regex what it is not intended for. If you don’t find a function in regex, then most likely it’s not there. Regex for simple cases Note: I want the solution to work even if ...
Empty's user avatar
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How can i loop through all ids starting with chart in the element? [duplicate]

I am using jquery to find a div with a specific class name. $founddiv = $this.find(".more-info"); Now I want to loop through all divs in $founddiv starting the id with "chart...". ...
user6625547's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Search 32 character long directories only with find

Let say I have a directory with a lot of subdirectories: 04762b39018e3cf4b1a2c6a304919b75 06e0caf156de30dd962cf6b9300aba66 1f1d0cb1b810336299cda5426d0f12f5 2fe7a428eb303da6846800fa20ab7ed4 ...
Darwick's user avatar
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Search the files in a folder - Returns an Error VSCode

I've opened a folder with VSCode and when I try to use the "find in folder" search I get an error: A system error occurred (spawn UNKNOWN) VSCode Version 1.78.2 (user setup)
user1567453's user avatar
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linux: why does piping "find" to "tar" produce a larger tar file than tar by itself?

This is likely easy, but it's unclear to me: If I tar the whole directory... tar -zcvf all.tar.gz /my/data/output --size 1.2 gig If I "du" a search range of files.... find /my/data/output ...
user2782001's user avatar
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Meteor/Vue: Display result of search

I would like to add a search field to my app and show all articles from my Collection that match the entered value. The searchArticles method is called but the values are not shown as defined below ...
AntonSack's user avatar
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Angular project i can not find folder "appmodule.ts"

Angular 15 CRUD app using material UI | JSON-server | step by step watching this video on 6:15 second i can't find folder app.module.ts in folder src --> app --> (appmodule.ts) ? how can i find ...
Madi Nazhimov's user avatar
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zsh: command not found: find

I have recently updated my MacOS to Sonoma 14.1.1 Have tired various methods to fix this command to no avail. I typed this to the terminal find. -name "DS_Store" type f -delete and got this ...
Ian 's user avatar
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In MySQL Workbench, BLOB field, "Open Value in Editor", "Edit Data", is there a find feature?

I am using MySQL Workbench. A field in a table I am using is type BLOB. That field contains text data, which is sometimes quite long. To view this field, I right click on the field cell and select &...
Steve T's user avatar
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-3 votes
5 answers

how can I find the position of the last LETTER in a string in python?

I want to include a function in my code that can return the position in the string that the last letter in the string can be found. e.g: if the input were " hello world k ...^&", the ...
Coding Pigeon's user avatar
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VBA .FindNext Not finding nextfind

When I step through my line and try to find my .FindNext "findLot" it shows nothing but I know for a fact there is another identical # in column 3 which is equal to rng2. ''''''''''''''''...
WhaleDog's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

With BASH, 'find' matching files, delete them all, then if one or more was found, do ONE more thing

I want to periodically search for the existence of all files on my system matching a specific name, delete them, and then afterwards if any were found at all, run an additional command. test=1 find /...
Claud's user avatar
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-2 votes
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python finding indexes of strings does not work

I have a list of filenames and a filename. Now I want to get the index. I can check that an entry exists, does that match only for identical entries? count = tfilename.count(filename) if count > 0: ...
Matthias Pospiech's user avatar
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2 answers

Find value in multidimensional array based on key

I have an array with multiple array, and in each array one of the fields is another array, see below. I need to find the value for "First name", in the array that has an 'item_id' of value ...
Pete's user avatar
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bash: find truncates some paths [duplicate]

I'm using MacOS 13.0.1 and try to find + loop over .mov files to convert them to MP4 using FFMPEG. Many of my path contain spaces and special characters. I found a way of putting things together ...
fweber's user avatar
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2 answers

Powershell: Looking for a fast way to do a find & replace on a text file using a csv file as the input

I have a requirement to redact log files before sending them to be analysed by a vendor. Due to the dynamic nature of the platform I support I have to generate the list dynamically. This bit is fine. ...
BaldFeegle's user avatar
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VBA code - find and replace format of a single value

Could someone please help with the find and replacing the format of a single digit, i.e. cell has a value "1,10,11,5", and am I looking to color and change the format of value 11, and want ...
Rajiv Narula's user avatar
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Python Pandas: Confirm if a substring of DataFrame A is part of a string in DataFrame B

I have two dataframes: import pandas as pd countries_list_a = pd.DataFrame({'Country' : ['Australia', 'United Kingdom', 'United States'], 'Code' : ['A', 'B', 'C']}) countries_list_b = pd.DataFrame ({...
JohnRambo's user avatar
1 vote
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Sed replace single text with content of file

I have a question regarding using sed. I have a JSON file and I want to get it inserted in another file. What I'm trying is to get all the contents of the .json file which contains 4500 lines, and ...
Vancho's user avatar
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find: paths must precede expression: `days'

Hi maybe a noob question here. I am running the command find . -atime -2 days # n = 2 to see the files accessed 2 days ago. But the shell returns an error saying find: paths must precede expression: ...
Curious Developer's user avatar
-1 votes
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why does the slices read only the first and last line , skipping the line between them

I can't correctly capture (read) the text received from the user why is the data from the fill-in form not being read correctly? thank you in advance I can 't understand the reason , where did I make ...
Claus's user avatar
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delete subdirectories only at maxdepth 2 and above

I have directory with 6 subdirectories but I wish to delete subdirectories from only 3 of them, hence I used a for loop to 'cd' inside these 3 directories, but I want to delete the subdirectories at ...
user16454406's user avatar
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Unexpected results from Pyhton find() function

I have this string string = "DLR1=A,B,C,D,E,F,G|DLR2=A,B,C,D,E,F,G|DLR=A,B,C,D,E,F,G|" And I want to find the indexes of DLR, DLR1 and DLR2. However, when I use the Python find() function I ...
Francesco Gregotti's user avatar
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Issue with python's string find method returning -1

I'm trying to write a function that takes a string and returns the token positions. The function works fine when tokens = query_string.split() but if I try to use the string lower method, as shown in ...
Helpme's user avatar
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unable to get the index of element in array react js

const editAddHandler = (event, key) => { const db = getDatabase(); onValue(ref(db, `users/${userId}/addressData`), (snapshot) => { const addresslist = []; snapshot.forEach((...
user1450966's user avatar
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How to know where Word VBA 'Find' has found something

In the While loop below, I need to create a Range object whose Start and End properties indicate the current instance of "whatever", so that I can pass it to a certain routine. This ...
Kirk Hansen's user avatar
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VBA Excel find and replace character limit

I'm trying to replace a small sentence with a long sentence in Excel. I know it works as when I try to replace with just a few characters it does it. But it doesn't like a long sentence. I can type a ...
PipS's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Find the highest number value in file names

I've been doing research for 3 days now, so I'm putting my question here. I have a script that I use to standardize my TV series. In the end, everything looks like this syntax: ([\w\d\s]+)(_S(\d{2})E)(...
Martin Julien's user avatar
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3 answers

Regex question using sublime (Find/Replace)

Ok, using either bash terminal or find/replace in something like sublime, I want to find: BLK=$'\e[0;30m' RED=$'\e[0;31m' GRN=$'\e[0;32m' YEL=$'\e[0;33m' BLU=$'\e[0;34m' MAG=$'\e[0;35m' CYN=$'\e[0;36m'...
Derek Rickmon's user avatar
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How do I find (using bash) the top-level file with a particular name within a directory path?

I have a bash script that runs mysql scripts and that takes the mysql database name from a file rather than having me type in it as an option (so that I won't mistakenly type in the wrong one). I set ...
Rich P's user avatar
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find: excluding sub-directory from search [duplicate]

The following script looks for all files with the .pdb extension and then moves them to the subfolder $all_trr. dir=$(pwd) all_trr=${dir}/PCA find "$dir" -maxdepth 2 -name "*.pdb" -...
James Starlight's user avatar
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find specific files and copy to new folder

I am trying to find all txt files in mutiple directories and use the contents of file to match each txt file and copy them to a new directory (all). Not every directory will have a match and there are ...
justaguy's user avatar
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How to find ultimate parent

I have dataset like this drop table if exists #dataset create table #dataset(CIF VARCHAR(255), PARENT_CIF VARCHAR(255), UP_CIF VARCHAR(255)) INSERT INTO #dataset SELECT 45218547, 54044082, 54044082 ...
user17343313's user avatar
-1 votes
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bash / find : looking for the flles located in the above directories

The following script tries to search the files matching the pattern and copy them to the current directory. # pattern to search lig="lig*" output=$(pwd) # find in anywhere and copy to the ...
James Starlight's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to get the filepath to specific files containing a string?

Deep in the subdirectories are a few specific files containing a string that indicates they are the target directory I need. (This concerns creating virtual GPUs, but is beside the point.) I can find ...
rixter's user avatar
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Visual Basic - How to use Findnext()

I'm a newbie to visual basic and an accountant so I'm sorry if this question is too simple. I seem to be strugling with the find and find next structure. I'm attempting to find a general ledger code ...
Ratdude's user avatar
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How to locate Magento\Catalog\Model\Category in my Magento 2 file system

I am trying to debug an problem on a Magento 2. I have an error message that mentions the folder Magento\Catalog\Model\Category so I am trying to find this folder to help with debugging. This is ...
Jack's user avatar
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bash: check if the found file exists

The following function checks if the file test.exe exist somewhere on the usb key and run this file, or terminate the flow. quick_amber(){ local crazy_path=$(find /media/user/KINGSTON -type f -name ...
James Starlight's user avatar