Questions tagged [flash-cs5.5]

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save and load using sharedObject in AS3

i am currently doing an experiment to save each name of the user(not replacing it every time we save the new one). my problem is the getLocal() function.I defined a variable with the type of string ...
Yudhis's user avatar
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Read property of document class of FLA file using jsfl script

I create a script (document class) and attack into a FLA file. Document class here. public dynamic class MainClass extends MovieClip { public var xPos:int; public var yPos:int; } Now, I run ...
Tri.Huynh's user avatar
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Prevent focus change with arrow keys in Flash AS2 event handler?

I've inherited some old Flash media at work. Requirements put forth by a client, as well as a time constraint, dictate that we cannot use anything higher than the set publish settings for Flash Player ...
p0lar_bear's user avatar
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AS3 - LocalConnection Doesn't Seem to Work

I'm trying to set up communication between three swfs loaded into separate broswer windows (all opened by the initially opened page) using LocalConnection. I'm new to inter-swf communication, and am ...
JEJoll's user avatar
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Flash AS3 Making sound stop on certain frame

I'm working on an animation that requires "Next" buttons at the end of each scene. The movie resumes after the button is pressed. During the pause, I'd like the background music to pause as well. I've ...
chevrelune's user avatar
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My startDrag rectangle isn't where I set it to be

I've made a rectangle, a rectangular sprite and a circular sprite. The rectangular sprite has the exact same properties of my rectangle, and I set my circle to be positioned in the center of the stage,...
NotAPro's user avatar
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Flash Actionscript3: How to reset datagrid between frames

I use ActionScript3 in Flash Professional to build an animation in multiple frames. The user has forward and back buttons to navigate between frames. At a certain time, I introduce a datagrid (...
AJN's user avatar
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Why do my interface elements keep appearing off-screen?

I'm developing a mobile app, so I want to test my application by pressing control+enter. When my swf file appears, some interface elements are off-screen. Maximizing the window doesn't help, but if I ...
Myra775's user avatar
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How to create bmi calculator inside flash cs5.5 using actionscript 3.0?

I'm not very familiar with flash so this is my current problem to deal with. I've found some code but it's in actionscript 2.0, when i tried to run it in my project, it shows the following error. ...
Myra775's user avatar
-1 votes
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Error in creating countdown timer in Flash

I am trying to add timer in Flash CS5.5 with the code I've found. But it seems that there are few errors which I've corrected but still my output isnt works well. The error is access undefined ...
elen.ns's user avatar
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How to make a nested mc play without stopping or looping AS3 CS5

I'm having a problem getting a nested mc to play without looping. On the main stage I have a mc with instance name smash1_mc. Within that mc I have another mc with instance name box1_mc. It has a ...
guyser1975's user avatar
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Cannot export swf file from flash cs5.5

I am creating an application using flash cs5.5 Here it is. Up to certain part of our work, we can not export the file into swf. There is no error provided. So i am clueless. Please help me im going to ...
elen.ns's user avatar
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If I have a multidimentional array, how can I acsess only the first value of the first dimention?

If I have a multidimentional array, how can I acsess only the first value of the first dimention. I will Explain: sampleArray=new Array[]; sampleArray[0]=["Nouns","Adjectives","Verbs"]; sampleArray[...
mjfeintuch's user avatar
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AS3 load images from sub-directory

Is there a way to get all filenames within a subdirectory in flash using ActionScript? From the research I've done, it seems like the answer is no, unless using AIR. This is not an option for me. ...
JEJoll's user avatar
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AS3 How to declare an object without the dreaded "Conflict Exists" error?

I am designing a simple game in Flash and have come across this error. I have no idea how to go about this in actionscript and would appreciate any help. Basically, I have a switch statement which ...
Leandri's user avatar
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A compiler error that makes me be confused in ActionScript

Firstly, something I want to explain is I am not familiar with ActionScript, so don't blame me a lot for some basic mistakes. I have just learned it for a short time only. Thus, a few tips of ...
Hon's user avatar
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Flash editor changes font style when I'm done editing text. Suggestions?

I'm using a custom font called "Quint" in a flash file. I have two styles for it installed on my machine, Medium and Italic. I want to use the Medium font. After I type in the text and take the focus ...
AuRise's user avatar
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How to save a flash movie in html format

I have developed a flash movie using flash professional CS5.5 and exported the movie to SWF file. But I am having trouble in viewing this file in all browsers (Posted the question here: SWF file not ...
Pramod's user avatar
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SWF file not opening in IE

I have developed a flash presentation using Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5 with no scripts inside it. It just contains a bunch of images spread over the timeline and a music file. When I open in IE8, ...
Pramod's user avatar
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Which is better way to resize a movieclip? [closed]

I'm working on a image editor. If I need to export a jpeg with a specific size say 200X200 pixels, should I resize the entire movieclip (size of movieclip will be 200X200 but contents inside will of ...
Sheik's user avatar
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Adobe Flash Professional CS5.5 AIR SDK 4

I need to compile my Flash app using AIR 4. I downloaded latest version of AIR SDK here and overwrote the existing SDK like described here (one difference is player version - I set 23 instead of 15),...
malan's user avatar
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is it possible to shuffle that three arrays everytime the game starts?

i created three arrays and each of them has their own sets of questions in it. is it possible to shuffle that three arrays everytime the game starts? so that the user will have to answer different ...
Nur Rashid Dioneo Bawari's user avatar
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else statement always run even the answer is true

tnx! it works. but when i tried to add another object named, p1_2 and add the "trace" thing to the code, it goes back to the same problem. p1_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick); function ...
Nur Rashid Dioneo Bawari's user avatar
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How to I control 16 images on 16 frames?

I have a fla with 16 frames, and in each frame there is a png from the library. I have a script that publishes each frame in the fla as an individual png. What I am doing now is manually modify each ...
Discipol's user avatar
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How to remove movieclips that contains specific word in instance name

I have a situation where i am trying to remove certain movie clips that do not have any instance name given to them , they are created dynamically , i can find the movieclips by using the below code ...
multiverse's user avatar
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How to define global variables in flash cs5.5?

I can't find if there is a way to define a variable which can be accessed from anywhere in the project in Actionscript 3.0 using Flash CS5.5. I tried this: _global.myScore = 0; which i got from ...
Dchris's user avatar
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Publish in flash builder 4.6 (actionscript mobile project) make in flash CS5.5 animation

I am new to action script development. However, I have learned enough action script that I can play with it. I am only interested in android development. For this purpose flash cs5.5 is my favourite ...
Fakhar Imam's user avatar
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Flash cs5.5 Created apk need AIR Runtime in Android Device

i am new to action script, however i created simple app and genrated .apk with flash CS5.5, when i installed it on Android Device it didn't work with error something like (Air Required), Problem ...
Fakhar Imam's user avatar
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Remove Enter frame event in ActionScript 3

Im on frame 3. I added my class name on the timeline. has EnterFrame event with name gameLoop. When i go to the next frame. I want the enter frame event from the namely ...
Earl Burdeos's user avatar
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Using MovieClip(root) in ActionScript 3

im at frame 3.. i have text field on the stage name scoreTxt.. at frame 3 i added TryClass.. var Try:TryClass = new TryClass(); TryClass has function of updateScore.. this is working fine if im on ...
Earl Burdeos's user avatar
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Possible to Publish swf from Flash Pro directly to Amazon S3?

I naively tried to put the path for amazon S3 into the publish path in flash professional. It gave me the standarad erro, "Error Creating swf movie file. Destination directory does not exist. Change ...
Fans's user avatar
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As3.0 MVC - How to Pass Model Class to Animated MovieClips?

I know I know. Actionscript 3. OOP. Never use timeline code. But there are actually sometimes where it is ok to use timeline code. As an intermediate programmer learned mvc and opp principles and ...
Fans's user avatar
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AS3 - Problems with Functions that Return Values of Variables from Loaded Data

I am trying to make a blitting engine, and this part is really giving me a hard time. I am trying to make an external class to do all of the xml parsing from the file that texture packer spits out. I ...
Jim's user avatar
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759 views; works in swf but doesn't work when the swf embeded in the html

This code works properly when published by Flash CS 5.5 as .swf (it prompts to browse where to save the file). However, when it is published to HTML, it doesn't work (doesn't prompt to browse the ...
Amirhosein's user avatar
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prevent next scene frame on movieclip mouseclick

I have a scene with a few objects as movieclips which can be clicked one at a time. What happens is that I'm able to click every object and on click the scene switches to the next frame. How do I ...
sollniss's user avatar
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Action Script 3.0 Mouse Event in a class package

am having problem with using mouse click event inside a class, i am an absolute beginner to Action Script. what i want is that if i click the btn_MClick button it should run the script, but everytime ...
Martin's user avatar
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Unable to Build Code Hint Cache?

I have a very large custom class that I'm using in my Flash project (AS3, Adobe Air 3). However, I am getting this warning in the Flash Professional CS6 environment: * Unable to build code hint ...
CodeMouse92's user avatar
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Function in AS3

i try to make a function like this: function splashlafadz(obj:MovieClip):void{ var varsplash1 = new TimelineMax({delay:3});, 1, {alpha:100, x:427.85, y:208.90, ease:Back.easeOut,...
Intan Mega's user avatar
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AS3 "import packages" not working - drag and drop game in captivate

I'm trying to put an AS3 "drag and drop" game onto a slide in captivate 6. The standalone swf works fine but as soon as it is imported onto a slide in captivate and you publish it, captivate re-wraps ...
Randy4's user avatar
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Load images from Flickr feed in AS3

I'm working in Adobe Flash CS5.5 (with ActionScript 3.0), and I'm trying to insert a Flickr feed. I want the Flickr images to show in a kind of gallery. This is my code so far, and the result of it is ...
user1390252's user avatar
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ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller

I tempt to change my code with your instructions but don't work :/ import flash.ui.Keyboard; import; import flash.sampler.NewObjectSample; import flash.utils.Timer; import flash....
user2130981's user avatar
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Plugging Downloaded Actionscript3 Into a Personal Project

I'm a total beginner to all of this. I'm trying to make a three-second bit in a flash animation (not a game or interface--just a small sequence which uses a parallax star field I found on ...
ninthtale's user avatar
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AS3 sound play when hit mc

I have a script like this var idsya1:Idsya1 = new Idsya1(); var iqlab1:Iqlab1 = new Iqlab1(); var ikhsya1:Ikhsya1 = new Ikhsya1(); if (idsya_1.hitTestObject(idsyabox_1)) { ...
Intan Mega's user avatar
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AS3 array visible false

i want to ask about this script var dragbener:Array = new Array (dragmc, draglagi); this.addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, masukframe) function masukframe(e:Event):void { if(dragmc....
Intan Mega's user avatar
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actionscript3 whats the point of addFrameScript

I want to ask about addFrameScript. addFrameScript(0, frame1); what is this script means? why its 0? is it possible to replace 0 with other number or word? public function try() { ...
Intan Mega's user avatar
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actionscript 3 if array in condition

i want to ask about this code.. if ( == "book") { if ((objek == alif) || (objek == ba)){ //yg perlu diganti //if (objek == objBenar){ //yg perlu ...
Intan Mega's user avatar
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Move actionscript from external .as to timeline

I want to ask how can I make an external script .as can be moved to the timeline?? i dont understand about as3.. plis help me :( this is the script that i want to move to timeline package { ...
Intan Mega's user avatar
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Graphic Design in Flash Pro CS5.5 Some Images don't publish correctly

I am using Flash Professional CS5.5 to make a design for a poster. I basically drew these little cards as a border. Inside of Flash I have everything laid out perfectly, and it looks fine. However, ...
Jim's user avatar
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Is my .fla file destroyed?

I am using flash cs5.5 While saving the fla file my computer froze, and I had to shut down the program. Now I am trying to get back into the file and it wont open... Is everything I have done lost ...
Jim's user avatar
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as3 Why use starling for games on Android and IOS devices?

I have a nice setup where I publish, compile, design, etc. in Flash Pro CS5.5 and write as3 code (and some xml) in Sulbime Text 2. Being forced to import each image or generate a sprite sheet seems ...
Jim's user avatar
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