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The efficient approximation algorithm of mandelbrot set?

While implementing the mandelbrot set using java, I found that the rendering time of the program is ridiculously slower than other programs. public class FractalFormula { private Complex[] ...
noen's user avatar
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A function to draw randomized koch snowflake

I have a function, that draws a koch snowflake, but i have to change it to draw a randomized koch snowflake, that means: To obtain it, it is sufficient to rotate the new vertex inward or outward at ...
Roman Soroka's user avatar
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Raylib DrawTexture performance

I am wondering about performance in Raylib, especially using the DrawTexture and NewImageFromImage functions. I have the code below, it's written in Go so I am using the go-bindings found here : https:...
Hultan's user avatar
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How can I convert this iterative loop to a recursive one?

At the moment, I'm working on a fractal renderer for stuff like the Mandelbrot set for my computer science coursework, and I want to use recursion instead of iteration on the function below since it ...
Cavaloncoker's user avatar
2 votes
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Fractal Tree in P5.js

I've been trying to create a simple fractal tree program using P5.js, for displaying on a website, but I seem to be getting unexpected behavior. Code and picture attached. function setup() { ...
Yonahel's user avatar
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Rotating a fractal tree with branches in p5js by x-axis

I'm a newbie in coding and I have been playing with Fractal tree and OOP from the Coding Train videos. The tree is generated as object trunks with its child branches in constructor function. class ...
Leonardo's user avatar
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Issue: Creating Pythagoras Tree

Symmetric Pythagorean Tree My code isn't able to produce a symmetric pythagorean tree as shown above. from turtle import * from math import sin, cos def main(): t = Turtle() # Initiate turtle to ...
RE2XX's user avatar
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Using an image as orbit trap for coloring a Julia set

Searching the web I couldn't find any example on how to use a bitmap (a raster image) as orbit trap to color a Julia set or Mandelbrot set. Here Inigo Quilez is explaining the method he uses in only ...
petem's user avatar
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How to write recursive C code to plot a Crab Curve?

I am trying to generate a "Crab Curve" (as shown in this link) by using the following recursive C function /* x1: x-coordinate of first point y1: y-coordinate of first point x2: x-coordinate ...
aheuchamps's user avatar
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Fractal dimension: Using differential box counting

Most of the literature gives the method of estimating fractal dimension for grayscale images using differential box couting methods. But they considered only 8 bit images which has 256 gray levels. ...
tu6703's user avatar
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Mandelbrot displays unprecisely

I am trying to visualize the Mandelbrot set using UnityEngine and C#. What I have right now does not look completely wrong but also not right. The Circular shapes for example are very blurred out. Why ...
Cake's user avatar
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3 answers

Newton Fractal Optimization

I have implemented the Newton fractal in C. I was wondering if anyone knows how I can improve the efficiency of the code without using threads or multiple processes. I have tried unrolling the while ...
mehdi mirzaie's user avatar
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How do I improve my Buddhabrot rendering?

I am trying to create a beautiful render of the Buddhabrot fractal with a mathematical background and I want to make it faster and more importantly, prettier. I have a script (buddhabrot_functions) ...
user555076's user avatar
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Recursive fractal with python turtler

I am trying to figure out a way to draw this: but somehow I cant do this. I realize that the image is the same it's just 4 times in the right place. Here is the code that I have so far, can somebody ...
GratefullyDead's user avatar
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Optimizing common lisp arithmetic

I'm trying to convert Python -> CL for a program that calculates x,y color values for the Mandelbrot set. The python version takes about 1.2 seconds to complete. I tried using the CL cookbook for ...
Unsatisfied Zebra's user avatar
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Fractal dimension with the Mass-radius method

I have some images for which I want to calculate the Mass-Radius dimension to determine the fractal characteristics in the image. Here is one of them : Ottawa.png: The mass dimension defines the ...
Jotadiolyne Dicci's user avatar
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Drawing Koch's curve without recursion in Julia

I want to draw a Koch curve in Julia without recursion. My strategy is to divide the given line into three segments using the segPoints function: function seg_points(startPoint, endPoint, n=3) ...
Milo's user avatar
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How to set limits with mandelbrot set

I'm currently coding a Mandelbrot set using matplotlib with a zoom function to infinitely zoom in on any section of it, however when I zoom in the new data that's calculated is off-center from the ...
meable's user avatar
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Box counting function for fractals not working

im making a python program to take an image and determine the fractal dimension with different grid sizes for the box counting. i had previously had it working and it got deleted and i cant remember ...
meak's user avatar
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Fractals function in C [duplicate]

I'm still a student in C. I need to do a practical task for this semester but I can't. I've tried everything, but it doesn't seems to work. What I need to do is to create a fractal which is a figure ...
Arthur Araújo Rabelo's user avatar
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Koch's Snowflake using Turtle

I'm currently doing a project where I need to create Koch's Snowflake. I decided to use turtle for this assignment. The user can enter an "order" which determineres the amount of sides the ...
chrisleeming's user avatar
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Fractal Information Dimension and Correlation Dimension

I have a task to compute fractal dimensions of a given image (of a fractal). Specifically, I want to compute the dimension of information and the dimension of correlation (Grassberger, 1983; ...
ExhaustedCProgrammer's user avatar
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Tkinter images and geometry creation

I've tried to do a star fractal drawing a star using tkinter and putting an image as a background. from tkinter import * from PIL import ImageTk, Image import tkinter as tk app = Tk() app.title(&...
asteia apo seires's user avatar
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How to make a beautiful mesh of the Mandelbulb?

I know how to render a beautiful Mandelbulb with ray-tracing, as this one. But how to get a beautiful Mandelbulb as a 3D mesh? The Mandelbulb can be constructed as an isosurface, and I tried to do ...
Stéphane Laurent's user avatar
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How to extract a coastline of the lake for fractal analysis

I am new to ImageJ software. I want to extract the boundary of the lake which I am analyzing. I am outlining the method that I saw in a article. The author says: " As an example we take the ...
ofenerci's user avatar
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Create a Sierpinksi Triangle using 0L-System with Python

I need to create a Sierpinksi Triangle using 0L-System with Python. See here: enter image description here I'm stuck here, I can't complete the triangle. My code: from turtle import * def sierpinksi(...
Tom Riddle's user avatar
4 votes
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My Mandelbrot Set displays wrong outlines when plotting with few iterations

I'm writing a program that plots the Mandelbrot set in C. I've been able to display it and it looks fine however when I lower the number of iterations I get this effect that generates what I can only ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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How to zoom/move into the Mandelbrot set

I'm doing the Mandelbrot set in c as a school project. This is my code: int mandelbrot(int x, int y, t_data *data) { double complex c; double complex z; double cx; double ...
Bradass_FaLLaG's user avatar
-2 votes
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Zooming in on mandelbrot in python

This is my current code which is currently creating two images instead of zooming in. How would I change the code to create on fractal that zooms in its self? Thank you so much! import numpy as np ...
Olivia 's user avatar
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Generating points within a Menger Sponge (fractal shape)

I am trying to generate a lattice of points in the shape of a Menger sponge or Sierpinski sponge. This link details how the shape is mathematically ...
please_help_me's user avatar
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Fractal drawing not showing up in tkinter canvas

Im trying to make a program that plots different julia sets and am first trying to plot the mandelbrot set. However, when i try to plot something on the tkinter canvas nothing shows up. I've also ...
Fadi Touza's user avatar
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Merge multiple threads into one in Python

I wrote a very basic, poorly optimized fractal generator. However, it has one major flaw: the iterating function diverges() that is used to verify whether a complex number is in the Mandelbrot set or ...
Mael's user avatar
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How to plot smaller polygons at the sides of a bigger polygon?

I am not well versed in MATLAB however I need to use it to complete a project, I need to write a code which creates a big polygon and "n" small polygons , where "n" is the number ...
Bhairav's user avatar
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Is there a faster way to render the Mandelbrot set for an animation?

I'm trying to code the Mandelbrot set as a fun project. I did it on my own, so it probably isn't optimized very well. I have a few questions about how to make my code better and how to add certain ...
Eli Bauer's user avatar
-1 votes
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Fractal dimension (box counting) over images don´t save correctly in cvs file

I am using an algorithm to measure fractal dimention ( or box counting method over 3 images: 1 2 3 My adapted code is: ` #importing ...
Daniel Molina's user avatar
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Why does my Fractal Noise have lines outlining a grid

I will give some context to the function that I wrote: getFractalPointHeight() is a function that is supposed to return the height of the fractal noise based on the coordinates of a Perlin noise image ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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glsl fractal shader for raylib not working correctly this is the original image I made with zig. https://github....
Bananaboy's user avatar
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how to draw image pixel by piexel in swing

I recently created a program to explore Mandelbrot's fractal and after calculated the image I drew it but in a weird way. How can I paint it in clean way? The only way I found is to override the paint ...
Joshua's user avatar
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Complex number type and functions Open CL C through C# Wrapper

I am making an application in WPF C# that generates fractals. I am using this code that someone made to create a OpenCL kernel and run it in C#:
ProgramPhantom's user avatar
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How to create a curved line vector plot of a triangle in Python?

Question Suppose one has 3 random coordinates with 3 random functions that describe the continuous lines between them*, how would one create a vector plot in Python that allows for smooth lines after ...
a.t.'s user avatar
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Estimating the Hausdorff dimension (fractal dimension) of images in Python

I transformed a time-series into phase space using Python via the following code. import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt Subjects = ["Subject1"] for Subject in Subjects: ...
Philipp's user avatar
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Chaos Game fractal not rendering correctly

I'm attempting to write code that will generate fractals according to the Chaos game In particular, I'm trying to debug the faulty generation/rendering of this fractal: I'm doing this with Javascript ...
David Bandel's user avatar
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How to fix UnboundLocalError for unassigned variable that I assigned?

I am trying to create a Koch snowflake generator in Python using the Turtle library and recursion. I have a list of strings with hex codes in them and I am using the variable color to have the pen ...
humming_bee57's user avatar
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How does the assignment of variable works in function calls in R language?

I am trying to exercise a simulation of Sierpinski triangle in R with affine transformation and Iterated Function System (IFS). And hopefully, I can further exercise how the simulation of Barnsley's ...
byc's user avatar
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Who can explain how this code is not an error? [duplicate]

I was making some exercise to train myself and the exercise asked me to do a program that calculates fractals, very simple, i've done in about 1-2 minutes and it work, but looking at his solution it ...
Pingu's user avatar
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williams fractal insted of high and low

I wrote below code in pine script in tradingview for high and low weekly candles , and now I want you help me to bring Williams fractal from weekly to daily time frame . //@version=5 indicator("...
kambiz hosseinzadeh's user avatar
5 votes
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JavaScript fractal generation algorithms - why is one so much faster?

I'm trying to write a JavaScript fractal generation algorithm from first principles. I'm aware that there are many examples out there but I wanted to incorporate additional functionality to support ...
semuadmin's user avatar
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"Big Float" Mandelbrot runs slower on GPU than CPU

I just ported over my "big float" implementation over to OpenCL, but it turns out that the GPU was slower than the CPU? That's quite surprising as I thought that Mandelbrot was an ...
Ignis Incendio's user avatar
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Exact same WebGL code renders differently on different devices

I'm fairly new to shaders, just started playing with them in VisionsOfChaos for Android around a year ago. I implemented my 4D fractal viewer in it (as far as I know, a completely new approach, which ...
Balázs Varga's user avatar
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My fractal isn't printing properly, when I use the right values, it doesn't print at all

The fractal is called Vicsek fractal .When I set midpoint's x and y values to = firstDot's x and y values / 3, i get the fractal, but my fractal is very small, and off to the side. However, when I set ...
Joshycookie's user avatar

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