Questions tagged [frame]

Frame refers to a property of a UIView or an NSView in Objective-C. It is a 4-floating-point representation of the View's location in the parent view or window. ... Use the [frames] tag for HTML frames (not iframes).

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How can I add custom Frame objects to custom ttk Notebook in Tkinter/python3?

I am creating a Tkinter/Python3 application where the main window inherits from Notebook (i need tabs), and each tab should be a custom class inheriting from Frame (I would then dynamically use ...
Emanuele's user avatar
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Aligning views in 2 different stacks using custom alignment guide in SwiftUI

I have 2 HStacks sitting in one VStack as follows: What I'm trying to achieve is to align the leading of Title 2 and Title 4 with each other. And also Title 1 and Title 3 to each other without using ...
Mina's user avatar
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frame to frame actionscript

Once the raid boss' HP reached '0', the ProtodermisEntity.gotoAndStop(6), and then it moved to another frame. Any ideas how to fix this. This is an error, TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a ...
Isaac Yeap Jie Ling's user avatar
2 votes
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Alignment for GeometryReader and .frame

I'm using GeometryReader() and .frame() to show their comparability and playing with their width. However the object wrapped in GeometryReader() doesn't have center alignment when width is less than ...
Kate Sychenko's user avatar
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UIButton position to right side of UITextView in a growing textView

I have a UIButton() in a textView. let expanButtonHeight = bounds.size.height expanButton.frame = CGRect(x: textView.bounds.size.width - expanButtonHeight, y: 0, width: expanButtonHeight, height: ...
userNew's user avatar
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How do i overlay frame number on video in python

How do i watermarking a video with the current frame number? My command is [ ffmpeg -i input -vf "drawtext=fontfile=Arial.ttf: text='%{frame_num}': start_number=1: x=(w-tw)/2: y=h-(2*lh): ...
Anuj Saxena's user avatar
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C# decode binary web socket frame

Actually I'm trying to analyse the communication between firefox (websocket wss) and a website in order to simulate the client through my PHP Script. First of all, I tried to read all the sockets ...
C K's user avatar
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How to solve 'XXX frames skipped' problem in flutter?

Everything was fine before but after I ran my project on android Emulator I started getting these 'Skipped xxx frames' error. __Debug service listening on ws:// Syncing ...
Emirhan Selim Uzun's user avatar
2 votes
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Take the nearest row by condition in date, student frame

I am struggling to get the nearest 'Math Test' or 'Biology Test' in (+/- 3 hours) from Test= 'Marked A+' including TestOrder ordering. If 'Math Test' or 'Biology Test' were before 'Marked A+' with the ...
Aleksandra's user avatar
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difference between calling a function when it is pointed by a pointer and not pointed by a pointer

may I know what are the differences in the way the function foo is being called here:
john_w's user avatar
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Why is only one rectangle being painted here?

Why is only one rectangle being painted here even though I call the repaint() method multiple times in my for() loop? Additionally I want to display 8 rectangles per row and 8 rectangles per column ...
Bunsekanse's user avatar
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hide frame border behind another frame xamarin.forms

i am trying to do something like this: this is the code i wrote: MainPage.xaml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <ContentPage xmlns="
rana hd's user avatar
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Alternative way to check intersect scrollview subview frame Swift

Currently i'm following the below code to check the two CGRect Frame intersects. Code:- var visibleRect = CGRect.init(x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0) visibleRect.origin = scrollView.contentOffset ...
Sham Dhiman's user avatar
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What do I do wrong and the second button acts weird?

I know the code is bad and easy. I am a starter and need some help. I want to add a second button to my code. I feel like I changed the coordinates of the button so it doesn't "fall" on the ...
jimmy's user avatar
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Recenter the scrollview content Swift

I'm trying to recenter the scrollview view and move the frame, when the user current location goes to the out of the screen frame. Currently I have a PDF and I'm showing the user's current location, I ...
Sham Dhiman's user avatar
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FFmpeg I-P frame command in golang

I have been using the command below to get a specific frame from the video and get it into a buffer. func ReadFrameAsJpeg(inFileName string, frameNum int) []byte { // Returns specified frame as []...
Kunal's user avatar
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Frame rate when moving input.MousePosition

Why is it that when the Input.MousePosition of frames is accelerated, it drops quickly and the actions performed at this moment are performed several times less often, let's say we spawn the object, ...
SergeyHarlanov's user avatar
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Having trouble properly executing my jar file

I am new to java or coding in general. I am currently taking a course for Computer Programming. For this final assignment I need to make a .jar program or game. I have decided to make a game but it ...
JonCode's user avatar
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Pandas Dataframe Getting Count number from Timestamps

I have a dataframe that contains recordings from a sensor with columns ['time', 'X', 'Y']. I know that the sensor scanned at 15 hz (fixed frequency), but the time interval between each scan is not ...
srad's user avatar
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PHP Change one frame from another

I have code: <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Электрическая схема</title> </head> <frameset rows="50%,50%...
Макар Погорелов's user avatar
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update position of the buttons tkinter python

I am looking for a way to fix the locations of the buttons in my app. I am new to programing and I hope you can help me. When I delete one of the items on the list than the buttons should to update ...
Radoslaw's user avatar
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Align text to side of screen (SwiftUI)

Using Swiftui I'm creating a chat application. I'm trying to align the text so that it appears on the right side of the screen and then messages from the other user will appear on the left. I have ...
texasRanger009's user avatar
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How to read a specific frame to a specific frame from video using opencv?

I want to read from a specific frame to a specific frame in a video. For example , my video consists of 150 frames, but I want to read the video from frame 5th to frame 134th in that video. Is it ...
0 votes
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Changing the color of frame background repeatedly

So i want my methods to change the background color of my Frame every like 0.2 seconds and i tried a lot of diferent things like new methods and Threat sleep/wait but nothing worked even though trying ...
Leo's user avatar
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How to let the frame go top level in tkinter?

How to let the frame go top in tkinter? I tried to use both grid and place, both useless. Also, I want to display a small float window while I click any button to let me select confirm or cancel. ...
limin zhou's user avatar
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AMQP transfer frame refused

I am currently trying to develop my driver to an ActiveMQ via AMQP 1.0 I could successfully open, begin a session, attach links to this session but my first transfer frame is refused with "error ...
François's user avatar
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Unity, problem with android build on 120hz devices

I'm working on simple 2d project, sprites run from top to bottom and on standard phones (60hz) everything look smooth, but on s20+ (exynos 990 version) with 120hz on, sprites start gently tug, jumps, ...
Jakub Korczyński's user avatar
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electron has blue outline/frame when launch

I want to use the same window outline like vscode: but here is my window at launch my window config new BrowserWindow({ minHeight: 400, minWidth: 600, center: true, frame: false, ...
enncy's user avatar
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Custom ADV ble frame, stm32wb55

I am working with stm32wb55 on a ble project, is it possible to create my own adv frame that can be updated periodically, for example every 10 seconds, as I am trying to send sensor data on a ble ...
Liwa's user avatar
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How to sort imageio glob frames numerically

I want to sort the frames so that it first is 0.png, 1.png, 2.png, 3.png etc My code: # Getting all the frames and saving them in array image_path = Path('frames') images = sorted(list(image_path.glob(...
Darkest Surface's user avatar
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Upload multiple files from S3 to Frame IO

On file upload in S3, I am triggering lambda function which will generate s3 url and create file in Frame IO. Whenever I am trying to upload many files at once in S3, file is not creating properly in ...
Menaka's user avatar
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.Net Maui Collectionview frame with label issue

I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing this issue with the latest .Net maui preview(Version 17.2.0 Preview 1.0) <CollectionView ItemsSource="{Binding EventList}" x:Name="...
Mufacka's user avatar
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how to automate scroll up using python selenium for below screen [duplicate]

Need help in automating scroll up for the attached image or video I am not able to attach video please help where can share video enter image description here
Vidit Yadav's user avatar
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Python not displaying correct frame size

I try to figure out some frames to obtain something like that: enter image description here Problem is that the frame sizes are not displayed. Seems like sizes are not taken into account. I missed ...
deltaromeo's user avatar
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How to show overlapped Label and text simultaneously in Canvas by Tkinter?

I want to show overlapped Label and text simultaneously in Canvas by Tkinter. Here are my data. import tkinter as tk # python 3 def populate(frame): '''Put in some fake data''' for row in ...
Hope Miller's user avatar
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The "borderwidth" change is not applied in "relief"

Python Version : 3.8.0 Tkinter Version : 8.6.9 Even if I change the borderwidth, it is still very thin. What is the possible problem? Here is the code. from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk #...
FUM's user avatar
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canvas.bind() - Configure width not working (Frame doesn't fill canvas)

I've just managed to configure a scrollbar to properly scroll these widgets, but I'm still having an issue with the frame not fitting the canvas. I have a bunch of labels that fill out a frame, but ...
Jordan Regan's user avatar
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How can I create a nested grid in Tkinter?

I am using tkinter and trying to put some frames inside a grid of the mainframe. Inside those frames I want to put new widgets into new grids. But the problem is: tkinter thinks of the rows and ...
cs_question_asker's user avatar
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How can I call the frame change function in my python gui approach?

I try to build up a GUI. So i setup a tkinter window and only want to change the shown Frame. As I plan, every of that Frames will have own Frames, Buttons and so on. For the Structure I want to have ...
Chorum's user avatar
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how to open frame from another frame Java Swing

I am making a program that has multiple sub-programs but when I am trying to open a new frame, it doesn't do anything. The program that calls the frame: import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; ...
GrowingDevil's user avatar
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How can I change a TextEditor's size and maintain the ability that it can autoresize when user zoom app window?

guys.I'm a new developer of MacOS with SwiftUI. I need to change the default size of TextEditor, and frame(width:height:)modifier will make the view fixed. frame(minWidth:idealWidth:minHeight:...
Moly Feee's user avatar
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How can I run python script inside a frame in tkinter?

I have a function that asks the user to answer a couple of question which prints out a result I have written my code inside a function called Script and I made it so when I press a button the function ...
UnknownAsker's user avatar
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Load frame on button click

I am trying to load a Frame on a click of a specific button. I have to recreate an App (from Delphi to C#). This means, I cannot change anything (Anything Layout related). I have a couple of buttons, ...
Enrico König's user avatar
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Python tkinter frame scrollbar: frame not expanding on the sides

I am not sure where I am going wrong. The code should have the frames stretched out on the canvas so that we can be scrolling through each different frame one by one. Not sure where in the code I ...
Enrico Everett's user avatar
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Frame extractor

So, I've been trying to create a frame extractor but, obviously, it doesn't work. Here's what it look likes import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import*; import java.util.Scanner; import java....
TheCage's user avatar
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Tkinter - expand frame

I have copied this code from the internet and I am twinkling it to fit my needs. I am trying now to make the frame on row=1 column=1 to expand through the screen by using the sticky='nswe'. However, ...
steelFuriousjungle's user avatar
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Resize annotationview frame to custom shape

I'm developing an application that uses custom annotationview pins on a map. The head of the pin is a button that dynamically resizes. I'm pretty new to swift and noticed that the button only ...
Tim Hirsch's user avatar
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Redirect text outputting from terminal/console to the frame in my GUI

I was working on a GUI app that I was hoping to use to run a python script inside of it(don't know if it's even possible) I was hoping to get a script to run in the GUI by importing it but I don't if ...
SAM Acc's user avatar
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PDF base64 shows empty in Google chrome and Egde

I want to load pdf from Db and display in my site (Blazor). I tried to use embed/object/frame and it is working in Firefox, but not working in Google Chrome and Edge. Here is my file in JsFiddle: ...
Quang Vinh Tran's user avatar
2 votes
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Tkinter frame has dimensions different from dimensions given to and idk why

I'm struggling with Tkinter now. I wanted to create layout but if I define window dimensions (800x600) and create frame which have to be wide 800 too, it have just half. I tried googling and changing ...
Neuromancer96's user avatar

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