Questions tagged [frontend-maven-plugin]

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Execute front end task conditionally depending on which Maven profile is used

we use Maven to deploy code to our Adobe AEM environments. There are different profiles set up in the pom.xml file for different environments (dev or staging). We use the frontend-maven-plugin to ...
El Guapo's user avatar
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GitLab CI: frontend-maven-plugin error with Angular - ng: not found

I have a multi-module maven project using Java 11, Maven 3.6.3 where one of the modules uses frontend-maven-plugin plugin. When running locally on macOS, everything works fine, when running with ...
belgoros's user avatar
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Web application stopped compiling - ReferenceError: TextDecoder is not defined

My project was working fine but suddenly, without any changes, it started failing. Follow the errors: [INFO] const TEXT_DECODER = new TextDecoder(); [INFO] ^ [INFO] [INFO] ...
FelipeCaparelli's user avatar
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Spring Boot - Angular - frontend-maven-plugin - Docker = cors error

I created a spring boot (3.0) backend application and used an angular frontend for it. I want to use the frontend-maven-plugin to put the frontend in the static folder of the spring boot application. ...
Tamás Mészáros's user avatar
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Hooking in Node.js and npm to a Spring Boot web app

I'm new to this topic and stuck for two days so I would really appreciate your help. I'm trying to connect my Spring Boot to React. But I don't have package.json created anywhere just a node folder. ...
Max Kremlev's user avatar
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--force option frontend maven plugin

Is there anyway how to use --force option for frontend maven plugin ? [INFO] --- frontend-maven-plugin:1.12.1:npm (npm install) @ justine --- [INFO] npm ERR! code ERESOLVE [INFO] npm ERR! ERESOLVE ...
Amir Choubani's user avatar
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Trying to package Reactjs with Java Spring boot and get MojoFailureException

I am trying to package my front-end with my back-end, reactjs and java spring boot. I am getting this error and I can´t find a way to solve it. I got the latest npm, node and react installed. Here is ...
Luis Rotoly's user avatar
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springboot react oauth, with frontend-maven-plugin

I am using google api with spring oauth2 dependency. I have my springboot project loading my react script, but how do i incorporate the OAuth2AuthenticationToken. package com.logic.springbootwithreact....
codeoak80's user avatar
3 votes
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Build with frontend-maven-plugin fails on mac M1: Could not download Node.js

The frontend-maven-plugin tries to download a node file which does not exist. When I look into I can only see a file named node-v10.15.3-darwin-x64.tar.gz [INFO] --- ...
Matthias M's user avatar
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Extra directory layer added to path with Maven compile

I am trying to use maven to compile my first JHipster basic app. I have node as an exe & npm as a symbolic link locally at the path /home/myuser/.nvm/versions/node/v16.17.0/bin (see ll below), and ...
chocalaca's user avatar
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Unable to build maven project - M1

I'm an on M1 MAC trying to use the Azul jdk: I've installed it (see outputs below): java -version openjdk version "1....
Daniel Johnson's user avatar
-1 votes
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integrate frontend app in backend resources

i have a web application with a springboot backend and a vuejs frontend. i will deploy soon on a linux VM and i'm asking about the better way to do that : option 1 : two seperate deployments. the ...
sepointes's user avatar
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Mojofailureexception with Vaadin 20 and Webpack.js

I've been trying to create a new app with vaadin-fusion (version 20), being an inexperienced student developer, I cannot resolve or even pinpoint the origin of the error that arises every time I ...
Nikolay Cherednychenko's user avatar
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Failed to execute goal com.github.eirslett:frontend-maven-plugin:1.10.0:npm

I am facing following error when building a project that builds Swagger UI. It was working fine and suddenly the issue came up. In the pom file, I have this: <groupId>com.github.eirslett</...
acm's user avatar
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Why I use frontend-maven-plugin build vue have an empty error

I use frontend-maven-plugin to build my spring boot program,but I have an error. Error Message: [INFO] --- frontend-maven-plugin:1.6:install-node-and-npm (install node and npm) @ monitor-admin --- [...
user9809971's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to make REST api call from React app bundled into Spring boot using frontend-maven-plugin?

I create a spring boot project and added a react app (created using create react-app) into it. I want to bundle the REST Api and the frontend in single build (fat jar). Created spring boot web project,...
The Coder's user avatar
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Is there a way to call React app in a Sring Boot (JSP file) and package them together

I have tried multiple combinations with frontend-maven-plugin but getting GET http://localhost:8081/demo/static/js/2.8d94841d.chunk.js net::ERR_ABORTED 404 this type of error on a View (JSP) where ...
Rahul Tambe's user avatar
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frontend-maven-plugin failing in npm install with error "npm ERR! cb() never called"

I am trying to use frontend-maven-plugin to build springboot + react project,I am successfully able to run the build in local machine but when the build runs in a teamcity agent it fails. I have to ...
abs's user avatar
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Build angular 11 with Spring boot 2.x in one single jar

I am facing an issue bulding an angular 11 with Springboot jar. If I runn separatelly the apps (the backend on 8080 and the ui on 4200) they work just fine, the connection and calls in between are ok ...
Dragos Roban's user avatar
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Cache node module library with plugin frontend-maven-plugin

I have a react project that I configured on Gitlab CICD Pipeline (with docker). In my pipeline, I have a step for create the package that use frontend-maven-plugin plugin (Packaging) Each time I run ...
Broshet's user avatar
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Running Jest --coverage with frontend-maven-plugin results in empty coverage info

I've set up my package.json to run jest with coverage : "scripts": { "sonar": "node sonar-project.js", "test": "jest --coverage", "test-...
potame's user avatar
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Can't download Cypress in gitlab CI/CD pipelin with maven docker image

I have a Gitlab pipeline which executes a maven build in a docker image (maven:3.5.2-jdk-8) When I execute the command - mvn $MAVEN_CLI_OPTS -P package_project -U clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true ...
Broshet's user avatar
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Output the frontend maven plugin results to a file

I have a frontend-maven-plugin in a super-pom which is used to build the npm artifacts. As part of this step, I decided to build a npm dependency tree and capture the results in a file. I tried the ...
Ganesh D's user avatar
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SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list error when run gulp task with frontend-maven-plugin

I have this task in gulpfile.js: gulp.task('sass', async function () { log('Compiling Sass --> CSS'); var sassOptions = { outputStyle: 'nested' // nested, expanded, compact, ...
Rasool Ghafari's user avatar
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Is it possible to configure the git command used by npm in the maven frontend-maven-plugin to pull dependencies?

I'm using the frontend-maven-plugin plugin to pull the dependencies for the frontend of a multi-module maven project, as follows <plugin> <groupId>com.github.eirslett</groupId> <...
Joseph McCarthy's user avatar
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FATAL ERROR: Zone Allocation failed - process out of memory + eirslett-frontend-maven-plugin + Java + webpack + Maven

Getting following error while building package. it can be solve in script while packaging local with --max_old_space_size=4098 this option. I tried with <environmentVariables> but didn't work ...
Faeem Mansuri's user avatar
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does frontend-maven-plugin block server response in development mode?

I'm primarily a java developer and have minimal node.js experience. I've developed a java spring app, and decided I wanted a minimal front end for it, which I've done in React, created with the Create ...
user26270's user avatar
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frontend-maven-plugin fails npm install

I can use the command line to run npm install and npm run build on my project but when I try to use the frontend-maven-plugin it fails with the following error [INFO] ---------------------------------...
flareback's user avatar
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4 answers

Running react scripts via frontend-maven-plugin does not work

I have parent Maven project which engulfs a separate frontend project within itself. When I go using cmd to the frontend folder and run "npm run build" everything works fine. When I run "mvn clean ...
Oliver's user avatar
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Maven build failure in Angular

I'm trying to deploy my angular and spring boot application but I'm having trouble executing mvn clean compile spring-boot:run I keep on getting a build failure from my angular pom. This is what the ...
Christiaan's user avatar
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Maven. Skip plugin execution when running tests

In my pom.xml I have frontend-maven-plugin. <plugin> <groupId>com.github.eirslett</groupId> <artifactId>frontend-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.4&...
htshame's user avatar
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