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Find a gap > 10min and select begin/end dates in timestamp logs

Lets say I have a table with logs. Two columns: one with user name and second with record timestamp. Records appear in table every 10 minutes for each user IF this user was active. user timestamp ...
LucLac's user avatar
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How to create an SCD2 type table from partitioned table PostgreSQL/Clickhouse?

I have a table partitioned by date-type column ds, with many fields. Not all columns change every day, therefore most rows are just duplicates of the previous rows. I want to create an SCD2 table from ...
Aliya Gimaletdinova's user avatar
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Insert missing rows in time series consumption history

I'm looking for assistance with writing a PostgreSQL query in Apache Superset. I have metered consumption data, where the meters have unique IDs. Normally, a meter is read at the start of every hour, ...
Crazymonkey44's user avatar
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Identifying Overlapping Appointments with One Non-Overbooked Occurrence

Scenario: Appointments are made with start and end times. Appointments are allowed to overlap, but for reporting purposes, we need to know when there are overlapping appointments (called overbooking) ...
DBMan's user avatar
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Get ID ranges for multiple sections

How do I get the lower- and upper-bound range(s) of the following data for each set of "1s": LogFileTextID ErrorLineFlag 88182351 0 88182352 0 88182353 0 88182354 0 88182355 1 ...
WKNav4997's user avatar
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Perl: makes array of item IDs shortened

I have a large set of numbers, basically 1001 .. 150000 for a database using MySQL There are a ton of gaps in the IDs on the database, so not all IDs exist. It can go from 100000 - 10500, then the ...
ScoobaQueef's user avatar
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The problem of extracting consecutive dates in SQL query

There is a table of customers with purchases made in a certain month. It happens that a customer did not buy anything in a certain month, so this month is skipped. Task: I need to extract only those ...
Богдан Каредин's user avatar
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Finding Product Switches on Account Between Dates

I am working on a problem were we have a table that holds id, product code , accountid , date CREATE TABLE AccountBalanceAndProduct ( [ID] [int] NOT NULL IDENTITY(1, 1), [EffectiveDate] [date] ...
Dave123432's user avatar
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SQL Grouping based on one field and a flag

I struggle to get an sql that groups my records based on the following input data AB BIS MyHash flag 2024-01-01 2024-01-15 111 0 2024-01-16 2024-03-01 111 0 2024-03-02 2024-03-31 222 0 2024-04-01 ...
merror's user avatar
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Calculate Total Continuous Date Range

I'm pretty new to SAS and I have a dataset with a lot of overlapping date ranges for different ID numbers. Essentially I'm trying to find out if any particular ID had a total continuous date range of ...
Hel_'s user avatar
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How do I a gap and island analysis with a power query?

I have a dataset similar to the one below, and I am trying to do a gap and island analysis on it. Item TransDate InventoryCount explanation Bicycle 01/01/2023 0 First time the item Bicycle has been ...
Test Test's user avatar
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3 answers

How to performantly self-join same table multiple times with ascending and descending sort order?

Data Definition I have a status table like so, attributes not relevant to the question are omitted: id created value 1 2024-06-24T13:01:00 error 2 2024-06-24T13:02:00 ok 3 2024-06-24T13:03:00 ...
user1931751's user avatar
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How can I find the longest number of consecutive nulls in a column in MySQL?

Supposing I have a table consisting of something like: date | A | B | C | 02/01/2020 | 3 | 5 | null | 03/01/2020 | 8 | 3 | null | 04/01/2020 | 3 | 4 | null | 05/01/2020 | 5 | 9 | 3 | 06/01/...
4dmh4's user avatar
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Calculate streaks at scale

So I need to calculate the streaks of a user (the number of consecutive days he created an entry). For the moment, I made a query that groups entries and it gives me the last group of streaks. Here is ...
Romano's user avatar
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Overall Order from a Reduced Dataset Against a Large Dataset

There is a scheme used in a process to create a delta of changes in a dataset from one day to the next. The query needs to get the overall order of a record within the entire result set of a view, ...
Ross Bush's user avatar
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3 answers

Compute column value based on previous row recursively

Given the following scheme and values I want to compute the value of each row starting by adding 1 to the previous row value. If the row value is null then set null. If there is a value then add 1 ...
florin's user avatar
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Create a field that counts and groups "chains" of dates within +/- 3 days of each other in SQL. (Translate from PEEK function in QlikSense)

New to SQL and trying to translate a QlikSense calculation into Snowflake SQL I have a dataset ordered by date/timestamp where I am trying to group dates that fall within 3 days of each other into &...
user25451338's user avatar
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Postgres search missing date in hourly sequence

I have a table period_of_hours in PostgreSQL. This table contains several column but for my case is important column timestamp (timestamp without time zone) and key(character varying). I have a ...
Romillion's user avatar
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How to find gaps in an int column (grouped by another column) in MySQL?

There are numerous SQL questions and answers about finding gaps in sequences, but I could not find any that have the wrinkle my situation has: I need to group the sequence by another column. My table (...
E-Riz's user avatar
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Populate balance for missing days

I have a table holding the daily balances of each account, but only on days on which there has been a transaction on the account. For the following account for example : account_id | ...
dada's user avatar
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SQL - grouping instances together

In SQL I am trying to group these values into single events, so that table 1 results in table 2. Table 1 id Value 1 0 2 1 3 2 4 3 5 0 6 1 7 2 8 3 9 4 10 5 11 0 12 1 13 2 14 3 15 4 16 ...
pythonj's user avatar
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DAX - Count max consecutives days with events

I'd like to count the consecutives days in month / year. My data looks like : google sheet link In this situation, I need to find : Max consecutives days in may : 3 in june : 6 max total : 6 option :...
chris_olv's user avatar
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SQL Problem : Use min and max in chronological groups

I would like to know if it is possible to group ONLY in chronological order and display the min and max according to the groups. An example : TYPE Start_dath End_dath TL1 01/01 31/01 TL1 01/02 29/...
Diana Lopes's user avatar
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How to construct distinct date ranges from a set of ranges in sql

I have a table with a boolean field I care about, along with the date ranges those fields are relevant. These date ranges can be overlapping, can be entirely interior to other date ranges, and can ...
WhatAmIDoing's user avatar
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PostgreSQL cluster uninterrupted series of data

here's an example of the input and the desired output, I think this is easier to grasp than me describing the need. input data (business logic explanation: everything with a duration > 1M is set ...
robert.oh.'s user avatar
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Count consecutive number of True flags for each day before False occurs

Could you please help me with the following SQL task. Here's a data table: | date | hour | flag | |---------------|----------|----------| | 2024-04-13 | 23 | True | | ...
pablo11pablo11's user avatar
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Postgres Select Row From Group With Opposite Sort Order

I have a Postgres table foobar with the following schema: id: integer group: integer foo: integer bar: integer timestamp: integer I keep track of updates to various groups, and those updates mutate ...
arik's user avatar
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Query Students with 3 Consecutive Absences - Custom Calendar

Working on identifying students that have 3 or more consecutive absences on a custom calendar (already created) for the school year. I have a temp table for the custom calendar here: SELECT cal....
Jesse's user avatar
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Use interpolated values to fill missing rows in a column

I have per ID monthly cumulative counters, where in some months the counters are missing. I would like to replace these null entries with values interpolated between the nearest preceding and the ...
clubkli's user avatar
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How to replace null values with the last preceding not-null value? [duplicate]

I have a table orders in Postgres with columns offer_id and date. I need to write a query which fills in all null cases in column offer_id, using the previous not-null value. I tried to use the window ...
Bolbi Stroganovsky's user avatar
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Consolidating Repeating Rows & Removing Duplicates

I am using SQL to store Log Data. Inside the Log Data there are repeating or duplicate consecutive rows that I would like to condense into a single row. The new row needs to reflect the start and end ...
Ordnance2171's user avatar
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SQL explode records that have overlapping date ranges

I have a SQL table containing rental contracts for cars, each with a start date and an end date. Some contracts referencing the same car have overlapping date ranges, and I'm seeking advice on how to ...
Francesco Pegoraro's user avatar
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LAG() and LAST_VALUE in snowflake

I have a table that has data looks like: date qlfd_lvl actv_ind last_value 20230301 4 1 4 20230302 2 1 2 20230303 3 0 2 20230304 1 0 2 20230305 3 1 3 20230306 2 0 3 20230307 1 0 3 we have 2 ...
K S's user avatar
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Converting timestamped values into value in a range

So I have a data like: TimeStamp Value ts1 10 ts2 20 ts3 20 ts4 30 ts5 40 ts6 40 ts7 10 I want to change it to depict for how long a value sustained For eg, for the above table the output ...
Gitesh Khanna's user avatar
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SQL: Assigning occasion numbers to GPS points when visiting places based on conditions

I have a PostgreSQL table of GPS points from multiple people with the information on the trip and place each of the points is assigned to. I want to find the occasion number at which each point_id is ...
Beau's user avatar
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MySQL query to find the customers who have placed orders on consecutive days

I am trying to get the ids of the customers who have placed orders on consecutive days. The table is created as follows: create table orders( orderid INT, orderdate date, customerid int ); The ...
user23860092's user avatar
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Query to sum over multiple rows based on column

I have a table with monthly amounts per ID, where in some of these months an invoice takes place. My table looks like: ID Date Invoiced Amount AAA 2023-01 0 10 AAA 2023-02 0 15 AAA 2023-03 1 15 ...
clubkli's user avatar
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SQL 2019 -Group by Id and Date field

SQL 2019 I'm having difficulty to generate similar groups by date. This is the source table and image what is expected IF (SELECT OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#EmpType')) IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #EmpType ...
Vad's user avatar
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Sessionize by source and duration in PostgreSQL

For a sample like create table events ( uid int, ts timestamp ); insert into events values -- uid session_id -- 1 1 (1, '2024-02-01 00:10:00'), (1, '2024-02-02 00:10:00'), (1, '2024-02-02 00:20:...
kva's user avatar
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Rollup values between numbers > zero

I have the following table of which I want to get a count between the numbers > 0. Given the table I would like to see the results of value > 0 in columns and the count of 0.0 records until the ...
user3241602's user avatar
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Values based on preceding rows: when x>2 then repeat 1, when x=0 for 3 consecutive rows then repeat 0

My task: The variables x and def are a counter and a boolean respectively. Both start at zero. If at any point in time x > 2 then def = 1 from that point onward. Now if def = 1 then in order for ...
Serge Kashlik's user avatar
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How to get previous record by date in case of no match in a join condition

I have two tables: dates: date 2024-01-01 2024-01-02 2024-01-03 2024-01-04 2024-01-05 actual: business_date id 2024-01-01 1 2024-01-02 2 2024-01-04 4 2024-01-05 5 I want to join these ...
ekm0d's user avatar
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PostgresSql backfill data if doesn't exist for a start period

Let's assume I have a table with 3 columns: Id, Value, date Time. I need to find the min, max, first and last value of each 1 minute window between the provided start and end time. And in case no row ...
Dashing Boy's user avatar
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How to turn an operation and timestamp in rows into separate columns using PL SQL

I tried using sql pivot, but it's not working, getting null value. Before data: NAME OPERATION TIMESTAMP A START 18/01/2024 8:24 A START 18/01/2024 8:27 A START ...
prestan's user avatar
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How to group data where no logical grouping is available in oracle

I have a data like below in table and I want data like below If there is any gap between the dates then it should check the next day whether the data available or not if available the end date ...
Astitva's user avatar
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Group by columns when date ranges are contiguous

I have data in a format like this: DECLARE @WidgetPrice TABLE (WidgetPriceId BIGINT IDENTITY(1,1), WidgitId INT, Price MONEY, StartEffectiveWhen DATE, EndEffectiveWhen DATE) INSERT INTO @...
Vaccano's user avatar
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Get records that have exactly (n) records in a row continuously

Please consider this records: Name Year Season Name1 2011 1 Name1 2011 2 Name2 2012 1 Name2 2012 2 Name2 2012 3 Name2 2012 4 Name3 2012 3 Name3 2012 4 Name4 2012 1 Name4 2012 4 Name5 2012 ...
DooDoo's user avatar
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Cross timeline count across subscriptions for customers

I have a subscription table with 4 fields: id, customer_id, start_date and end_date. It lists all subscriptions of my customers. No subscription has an empty end_date, and a customer can have several ...
Loïc Chabut's user avatar
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Oracle rank a chronological range of records based on a condition

Let's say I have a table containing some GPS points with their speed attribute (let's ignore position here): ID TIME SPEED --------------------------------- 1 2024-01-01 09:00:...
yankee's user avatar
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How to create sequence data with SQL Server?

I have the data like this. ID prev_org org event event_date 1 - A Hire 202301 1 A B Transfer 202304 2 - A Hire 202301 2 - A Leave 202304 2 - A Return 202311 2 A B Transfer 202401 And What I ...
CuteeeeRabbit's user avatar

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