Questions tagged [gemfile]

Gemfile - A format for describing gem dependencies for Ruby programs. A Gemfile describes the gem dependencies required to execute associated Ruby code.

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kernel_require.rb file cannot load such file but I have the gem

I get the output: /Users/JZ/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.5.1/gems/bootsnap-1.3.0/lib/bootsnap/load_path_cache/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:32:in `require': cannot load such file -- HTTPClient (LoadError) I have ...
john zhang's user avatar
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Custom method for getting a gem inside Gemfile

When we're building our apps using a custom Gem we have to keep making amendments to our Gemfile to point at either our local code, our shared server (using geminabox) or when in production we use a ...
Cameron's user avatar
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Rails not using modified gem instead of original

this is what I believe a simple problem I need help with. I'm trying to modify a gem's method so that I can add another argument to it. For this, I've cloned the gem's repo to a local directory and ...
Alejandro Aristizábal's user avatar
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Git error: command `git reset --hard 742425ade4bb66db573dc13bf436a8f3c87b733b`

recently I've tryed to clone the repository of my agency, and I got this error on ActiveAdmin and Ransack. I tryed to clean the cache, change activeadmin version on Gemfile, delete the revision... ...
João Victor's user avatar
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Bundle install for 'pg' gem endless errors

So I'm at the stage of a project where I need to add the 'pg' gem for rails before I can deploy to Heroku, and of course I keep getting error after error. When I first did your basic bundle install I ...
Tab Codes's user avatar
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How to link Kaminari Gem to a locale file?

I'm trying to link my Kaminari gem to a local file: config/locales/kaminari-fr.yml in order to translate the pagination text in French. How should I specify to Kaminary to look for the translations ...
Bonapara's user avatar
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how to manage gem path in development with team?

i've been having a problem working in a project with my team, and i want to know how you manage situations like this. We're working in the same project, and the project has gems made by us, and we're ...
Matias Seguel's user avatar
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How can I use the Values gem with rails?

Gemfile: gem 'values' Also tried Gemfile: gem 'values', require: 'values' Gemfile.lock values (1.8.0) $ bundle install Using values 1.8.0 But $ rails console > Value NameError (...
Samuel Danielson's user avatar
5 votes
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Spring gem loaded in wrong environment

Why does my spring gem load in the wrong (or all) environment(s)? I have this in my Gemfile and spring gem is not listed anywhere else in the file: group :development do gem 'listen', '~> 3.1....
konyak's user avatar
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List Gems from Rails Console

From rails console, how can I list the loaded gems in my environment? I am using Gemfile and Rails 5. I've searched around with no results.
konyak's user avatar
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Rails app - Heroku push rejected - Seeming Gemfile and Gemfile.lock issue

When I try to push my master branch to Heroku, I get the following output in console. I've tried running bundle install, but that does not resolve. I have Gemfile.lock checked into version control but ...
mike9182's user avatar
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Is it possible to override gemfile for local development?

We have a Gemfile currently in our git repository. However, there's a gem I use only locally in my environment (my team doesn't use it). In order to use it, I have to add it to our Gemfile, but every ...
luispcosta's user avatar
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Rails 5 gem gon not recognize jbuilder file

I have implemented rails gem gon in index method and it works fine. But when I try to implement in controller#new it is not working this is my error output: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - ...
matQ's user avatar
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Clean sheet: How to build your own boilerplate with Github, Atom, Jekyll & Bootstrap for a 1 scroll web page

Introduction: So far I have not found any dummie guide on building a simple boilerplate. I am done using templates from other people. I have basic experience in building projects with Github, Atom, ...
Gino Jan Ludikhuyze's user avatar
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Why can't Rails find a gem that I clearly specified in my Gemfile?

I'm using Ruby 2.4 with Rails 5.0.1. I'm confused about why Rails says it can't find a gem. I get this error when visiting a page Specified 'postgresql' for database adapter, but the gem is not ...
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Error message when trying to create Gemfile

Can someone please break down the very very beginnings of how to run a Gemfile. I've read the Bundler webiste and it says I have to type "Gem Install Bundler" then source "". ...
user avatar
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Can’t start middleman server

I Installed middlemanapp, and after trying to start a local server was asked to install bundle. I installed it and all was well. This is my Gemfile: source '’ gem 'nokogiri’ gem ‘...
Vitalik Melnik's user avatar
-5 votes
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How to change line in gemfile?

I want to change ruby 2.3.5 line in gemfile to ruby 2.4.2 but i did not know how?
Eman Nasser's user avatar
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Gem dependencies incompatibality during upgrade of rails 4.2.10 to rails 5.0.0

I am in a middle of a process of upgrading our rails 4 app. Following the rails upgrade guide, I have updated current rails version in a gemfile replacing 4.2.10 with 5.0.0. But after running bundle ...
Swaps's user avatar
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Ruby Bundler Version Dependency Confusion in Lockfile

I will try and keep this focused. When trying to move from a working bundler 1.14.6 combined with a Gemfile + Gemfile.lock to 1.15.2 or higher I ran into some failures in our old project's install. ...
seigel's user avatar
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Could not locate gemfile in termux app

When i'm trying to install bundle with this command "bundle install" then it is showing me could not locate gemfile Please help me!!!! here is the screenshort see this
SIMPLE HACKER's's user avatar
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Finding gems that rails application needs

I have a rails application which does not have a gemfile and was relying on global gems installed on the server. However those gems have been uninstalled from the server and I'm not sure which gems ...
Kevin's user avatar
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I'm getting an error when installing Ruby and RVM on the terminal

How do I uninstall the old ruby versions and how do can I update to GemFile to 2.4.2? Sandys-MacBook-Pro:roughhouse-web sandychow$ bundle install Your Ruby version is 2.4.2, but your Gemfile ...
Sandy's user avatar
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What is the syntax to specifing multiple gem constraints in a Rails Gemfile?

What is the correct syntax for the Gemfile for multiple dependencies? When trying to use Capistrano, I'm getting an error message: cap aborted! NotImplementedError: unsupported key type `ssh-ed25519'...
MERM's user avatar
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Gemfile option to bypass dependency checks

We have an option to force the gem installation gem install -f <gemname> -f, -​-[no-]force - Force gem to install, bypassing dependency checks Do we have a similar option in Gemfile. We are ...
Tarun Goyal's user avatar
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Devise extensions (module) order

I have written a devise extension, that has a hook Warden::Manager.after_authentication do |user, auth, options| and updates resource on authentication. I am using a two factor authentication gem ...
David's user avatar
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Composite key in gemfire for index

I am using gemfire 8.2 , I have near about 500 million records in gemfire region and no primary key as data is duplicate and using four column I can get unique combination . Now issue is that when I ...
vaquar khan's user avatar
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Get bundler to install gem for specific platform

I use the 'fluent-logger' gem for logging in our project, which needs 'msgpack'. If I run bundle install it pulls in msgpack-1.1.0-x86-mingw32, which throws an exception when requiring it on Windows. ...
dCSeven's user avatar
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How to redirect gem file installation

The edited gem file is located in the same folder as the application I'm working on. The path is /Users/name/Ruby/Instagram. I need to install it, but I can't just use gem 'gem_name' install because ...
marriedjane875's user avatar
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Issue installing Administrate gem, bundler conflict

I have tried numerous things to get Administrate to bundle but I keep running into issues, usually surrounding the activesupport gem. It appears to be seeking two conflicting versions, or else I'm ...
Sean Raia's user avatar
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Bundle install doesn't install gem from private git repo

Something strange is happening, everything used to work fine a few hours ago. I have a private gem as dependency to a project. I've added the private gem git repo as follows: gem 'my-awesome-gem', '&...
narzero's user avatar
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ruby gemfile rest-client version conflict

I mean, users are encouraged to upgrade to rest-client 2.0, I need to upgrade for some mail api only support 2.0 version, but now I meet this problem. When I change rest-client version to 2.0.2 in my ...
FORESTAR's user avatar
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installing gem from a github fork

I have installed a mongify gem from original source: then I want to install a newer version from a fork (has not been accepted yet for pull by original source, but it ...
doltiana's user avatar
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Internal Gemfire Error While querying Gemfire using JAVA API

I am trying to query Java in Gemfire. I am able to put the data and get the regions using Java API in Gemfire. But whenever I try to query my regions, I get InternalGemfireError. I Start my Locators ...
Arijit Dasgupta's user avatar
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It's a good practice do this em gemfile rails when you need the same gem twice for different env

I need to do this, because we have gem on our servers, and I need the homologation version with a branch to develop one more production and require a branch master. For CI to work properly. Rails do ...
João Carlos Ottobboni's user avatar
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SpringBoot - GemFire - Initialize Locators and port while start up

I am using springboot 1.5.2 with gemfire 8.2 and configure the host and port in the xml is working good. Instead we hard code the value of host and port need to read from cloud server config and its ...
Vigneshwaran's user avatar
4 votes
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What does bundle install --binstubs serve for us?

When do you execute the following command? Also, do you explain what it gives for us? $ bundle install --binstubs
diveintohacking's user avatar
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omniauth requires Ruby version >= 2.1.9. issue while installing gem file

Got an error after typing "bundle install" with some sort of issue with the Ruby version. Have been installed many-many gems so far and never got incompabilities with the Ruby version. What's the ...
samureira's user avatar
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Why does my iOS project Gemfile bundle update unconsistently?

I have a simple Gemfile for an iOS project using cocoapods: # frozen_string_literal: true source "" gem 'cocoapods' gem 'fastlane' gem 'jazzy' I've tried to update my bundle by ...
Mick F's user avatar
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rails: What happens when two web servers are specified in a Gemfile

If two web servers (say puma and unicorn) are specified in the Gemfile, which one gets precedence? I tried doing this myself but realized I was on windows with not much ruby support.
american-ninja-warrior's user avatar
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QueryService in GemFire 8.2.x Function return null values

I have created function to select data from Partition region Individual. When I try to execute the function at client side getting null. output [[], null] public class MySelectPartitionFunction ...
Vigneshwaran's user avatar
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Bundler and bundler-only - suppress duplicate gem warning

I am using bundler on my gemfile for executing the application, and found it convenient to use bundler-only to be able to pick only a subset of gems that are needed for deployments only. So on my ...
Cyril Duchon-Doris's user avatar
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Is there a way to add missing version constraints in Gemfile automatically?

I have many lines in my Gemfile that don't have a version constraint specified. Is there a way to automatically add any missing ones based on what is currently installed?
labyrinth's user avatar
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Global Transaction in GemFire

I am using GemFire for in-memory and Cassandra to act as the source of truth and finding it difficult to implement the global transaction manager for below scenario. Using CacheWriter to insert/...
Vigneshwaran's user avatar
3 votes
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"bundle exec" telling me gem not found even though I can see it in my ~/.gem directory

I'm using Rails 5.0.1. When I try and start sidekiq, I'm getting this error ... rails@myproject:~/myproject$ bundle exec sidekiq -d -L log/sidekiq.log bundler: command not found: sidekiq Install ...
Dave's user avatar
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Jekyll + AWS Codebuild - EventMachine Gem is Failing

I am trying to run a Jekyll blog on Codebuild. Locally there is no issue, but when trying to run it on Codebuild, it keeps getting stuck on this: Your bundle is locked to eventmachine (1.2.3), but ...
user2164689's user avatar
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"uninitialized constant ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions" when trying to load workling plugin

I'm using Rails 5.0.1. I want to run a background process, independent of my Rails server. I thought the workling plugin would helhp me out -- . However, upon ...
Dave's user avatar
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Various difficulties creating Rails apps in different versions and installing Spree

As per rbenv -global my ruby version is 2.3.3 The versions of Rails I have: *** LOCAL GEMS *** rails (5.1.1, 5.0.0) Initially, my goal was to create a Rails with Spree. Like usual I began with: ...
Martin's user avatar
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Rails keeps changing its mind about which version of Ruby I have

I am trying to put a website into production, but the system keeps changing its mind about which version of Ruby I have. First it complains that my ruby version is 2.4.1 and the version in my Gemfile ...
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Compatible actionpack missing for a Rails 5.1.0rc1 to 5.1.0 migration

I've been trying to migrate my Rails app from 5.1.0rc1 to 5.1.0. This is my gemfile: gem 'rails', '~> 5.1.0' gem 'mysql2', '>= 0.3.18', '< 0.5' gem 'puma', '~> 3.0' gem 'sass-rails', '~&...
Cornelius's user avatar
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