Questions tagged [git-flow]

The git-flow workflow defines a strict branching model designed around a project release. It provides a robust framework for managing larger projects. Use this tag for help with applying git-flow to your workflow, or for help with the supporting scripts (either the original scripts or the AVH Edition).

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0 votes
1 answer

How to handle conflicts when merging one shared branch into another

I have come across a problem with our merging process in GIT and hope somebody can help me resolve it. Full disclaimer: I know little to nothing about GIT so apologies in advance. Long story short we ...
0 votes
0 answers

What is the correct process for merging hotfix changes into multiple release branches (ie: dev/staging)?

I'm wondering what is the correct way of getting a hotfix into various main release branches which ensures Git history for these branches are more aligned and Git history is consistent? I have the ...
12 votes
2 answers

Git feature branches and minor code improvements

We just started using git for our production code, and we are running into a slight issue in our workflow. We need to figure out how to handle general code improvements / technical debt fixes that ...
5 votes
1 answer

How to name branch in gitflow for 'update/upgrade third-party packages'?

I'm working on update npm libraries (third-party packages) but I dont know to name branch: feature, hotfix, another?. What do you recommends me?
1 vote
1 answer

Need to have 2 active release branches in git-flow

We have a release branch which has already passed the testing stage and it's ready to be deployed in production. But we are facing a big freeze period so we won't. We also want to create a new release ...
155 votes
3 answers

Git flow release branches and tags - with or without "v" prefix

I have seen multiple contradicting definitions on various git flow related websites. Is there an official recommendation or single source of truth? Branches: release-1.2.3 or release-v1.2.3 Tags: 1....
1 vote
1 answer

Git Flow: Managing Main-Develop Version Discrepancy After Feature Merges

* cde53d9 (origin/main, main) Merge branch 'develop' |\ | * 7d94faa (HEAD -> develop) Merge branch 'feature/road-view' into develop After merging the feature/road-view branch into the develop ...
1692 votes
12 answers

Create a branch in Git from another branch

I have two branches: master and dev I want to create a "feature branch" from the dev branch. Currently on the branch dev, I do: git checkout -b myfeature dev ... (some work) git commit -am &...
3 votes
2 answers

Bitpucket Pipeline Configuration for Gitflow Branching Model

I'm following this link for the Gitflow branching model: In this diagram, commits flow as follows: Scenario-1: Feature -> Dev -> Release -> Master Scenario-2: Hotfix -> Master and ...
0 votes
0 answers

GitFlow for feature split in sub branches

Another GitFlow question for you :) Can you help me understand the right procedure to apply in the case below? I want to start the development of a new big FeatureA starting from the develop branch. ...
0 votes
2 answers

How to handle PRs when using Gitflow?

How many PR reviews should I be doing when running Gitflow? I have a feature branch with quite a few changes on it. I've PR'd it with reviews and merged into the develop branch. There may be like one ...
4 votes
1 answer

How exactly works build promotion with GitFlow?

I'm having a hard time understanding how exactly the concept of promoting builds (and their artifacts) works together with GitFlow. I'm in the process of working out a continuous integration/delivery ...
0 votes
1 answer

Addressing the hotfix, bugfix, and versioning aspects for GitFlow?

I'm using GitFlow to manage an application that includes 3 features and 2 releases. Release 1.0.0 will include Feature 1, while Release 2.0.0 will include Feature 2 and Feature 3. so here are the ...
154 votes
6 answers

Git branching strategy integated with testing/QA process

Our development team has been using the GitFlow branching strategy and it has been great ! Recently we recruited a couple testers to improve our software quality. The idea is that every feature ...
4 votes
2 answers

Jenkins build of a branch containing "/" fails

Since I'm using Gitflow all my branches include a slash. Like "feature/awesome-feature". When I try to tell Jenkins to build this branch it throws an error "ERROR: Couldn't find any revision to ...
21 votes
4 answers

Removing features from releases in Git Flow

I work on a team with a large Java code base (300k+ lines of code), which recently adopted Git as the source control (migrated from ClearCase). We are using Git Flow as our branching strategy. There ...
1 vote
1 answer

Why are release branches made from develop and not master branch?

Git-flow explains the following process for release branches - Release branch should be forked from develop branch Release branch should merged back into master branch, and a tag created from master ...
4 votes
2 answers

Merge changed files from feature to a hotfix git flow

I have 3 branches develop, master and a feature branch which is made with git flow feature start. Now I want to make the commits which are made from the feature to be merged into a separate hotfix ...
7 votes
1 answer

What is the difference between git feature, release and hotfix?

I am new on git-flow. Want to know how the three topics are work actually and the difference between them? On feature, I started it with: git flow feature start features_name Is this important to ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to prefill TAG_EDITMSG file

I need to prefill the message of the git tag that is about to be created created with some data. This way, once the editor is open, the user can check that data and do some changes if necessary. The ...
3 votes
2 answers

How to handle merging of branches that are not in a sequence in combination with Flyway

I just encountered the following situtation: The test-server is currently running Flyway, with version 1 (V1). The test-server is automatically updated (including Flyway scripts) whenever anything is ...
37 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between develop vs. feature branch type?

I read few articles about Git flow best practices. There are many types of git branch (for example: [1], [2]): + Master + Develop + Feature + Bug + Proof of concept + Release + Hotfix What is the ...
3 votes
1 answer

Constant merge issues from release branch to master and back to development

We have really weird issues with our merge strategies. We are following git flow branching strategies with master, development, feature and release branches. The one thing we haven't done all the time ...
12 votes
2 answers

Versioning on development and release branches (git-flow)

On it says: Release branches are created from the develop branch. For example, say version 1.1.5 is the current production release and we ...
3 votes
3 answers

gitflow branching strategy - multiple releases

currently, we are using the GitHub flow (feature branching) strategy. However, with that, the problem is sometimes features are queues in for releases i.e. I have my featured merged in development (...
1 vote
0 answers

Why we shouldn't merge main branch to develop branch in gitflow?

In gitflow It suggests we should merge release/0.0.1 to the main branch and then merge to the develop branch. Once the release is ready to ship, it will get merged it into main and develop, then the ...
0 votes
0 answers

Github action to extract current version from package.json, increment the version and create the branch before running `npm version`

I'm currently writing an example set of workflows for a generic NPM based application. I'm currently working on creating a release branch which branches of Dev. This can be called via ...
0 votes
1 answer

How can we setup build validation for branches with a naming pattern like wildcard names (release/*) in azure devops?

We are in the process of configuring GitFlow branching where we want to trigger PR validation pipeline when a PR is created on release/* branch after our features in develop branch are ready to move ...
11 votes
5 answers

Not able to start feature branch by selecting commit id option in SourceTree

I'm working on implementing Git Flow branching strategy in my company and for that I'm testing all possible options which is provided in SourceTree GitFlow. Two problems I've faced till now: I'm ...
0 votes
0 answers

Multi-module application and versioning strategy

I have a Spring boot application with several modules (I'm using Maven) and each module includes several other modules/libs (eg. for MongoDB, MySQL, ActiveDirectory etc.) and some of them are in ...
0 votes
2 answers

Why is GitKraken fast forwarding feature merges into the develop branch?

GitKraken have what seems to be a nice built in UI to work with git flow. You can start and finish features, hotfixes and releases on a click of a button. I was testing it in a local repo and I ...
0 votes
0 answers

Using gitversion with gitflow and github actions for nuget package

We use gitflow and gitversion for versioning. I am trying to come up with a workflow for releasing nuget package using github actions to push packages whenever a feature is merged to develop (alpha ...
2 votes
1 answer

What is Gitkraken's default git-config esp. for gitflow

Gitkraken does not follow the default Git settings. When I use git and git flow from the command line, the operations taken are different from what Gitkraken performs. On the command line, doing git ...
14 votes
2 answers

Using git flow, how would I revert back to a previous release?

I'm using git flow for my projects. When a release has been merged into the master branch it is tagged with the release version (e.g. 1.2.0) and deployed to my production servers. Now I want to ...
0 votes
0 answers

Publish to Azure DevOps feed with same prerelease but different metadata?

We're trying to use GitVersion configured for GitFlow for some internal NuGet packages, published to an Azure DevOps feed. A problem arises when we make commits to a release branch. They will be ...
54 votes
3 answers

Proper way to use Gitflow with pull requests

I would like to adopt the git-flow tool inside my team. The problem is that "git flow feature finish" merges the branches locally. And I want to create a pull request instead. Thus, the merge will ...
0 votes
1 answer

GitFlow - Master or Develop branch which to mirror

I'm new to GitFlow. Should develop branch be a mirror of master branch all the time or the other way around ? As a background of situation, after doing so many releases (e.g. merge pull request from ...
2 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to merge hotfix branch to both develop and main branch in Github?

I'm now using gitflow strategy and github as a remote repository. Recently I encountered a problem of merging hotfix PRs into both develop and main branch. It seems the Github supports only one target ...
10 votes
2 answers

How to use git flow in GitLab

We're using GitLab for our project and we think it's great. We're also using git flow to manage the changes in feature, develop, master branches. Can you use the Merge Request build in GitLab to ...
1 vote
1 answer

Make long lived release branch sync with master whilst keeping commits

At my work we use something resembling gitflow. We had a release branch with several features already merged, and I needed to add a feature to that release that depended on those features, therefore I ...
0 votes
1 answer

Git merge error caused by visual studio after checking out to master branch

Im pretty new to git and i still couldn't figure out the best approach, when it comes to flow of git. Im using this flow, but it seems to cause errors. Could you fix it for me? ->git clone [repo ...
63 votes
4 answers

Gitflow: Should I squash commits when merging from a release branch into master?

I am going to merge my release branch to master and I am wondering if I should squash the commits from develop into a single merge commit when merging into master. General documentations about git ...
7 votes
2 answers

How to correctly create Python feature branch releases in development? (pip and PEP-440)

I develop a Python library using Gitflow development principle and have a CI stage for unit testing and package upload to a (private) PyPI. I want to consume the uploaded package for testing purposes ...
0 votes
1 answer

Trigger a GitHub Action run when complete PR require approvals

I want to trigger tests through Github Actions when a PR completes code review. I have set Required number of approvals before merging to 2, but I couldn't find any relevant events in the ...
2 votes
2 answers

Will a "git-pull develop" fetch all the commits reacheable from develop?

I have a question regarding how git will pull the changes form the remote, and how many history. I'm considering to follow a gitFlow workflow for my project. We are 80 developers, and we will be ...
1 vote
0 answers

Gitflow merge strategy, merge commit, squash or rebase?

We use the gitflow branching strategy at work and I'm curious as to what would be the best merge strategy when merging pull requests? Up until now we have exclusively used the typical merge commit but ...
21 votes
1 answer

How can I recover mistakes in git flow init?

I've run git init and made a mistake selecting the first branch. Now I want to rerun it to change the settings, but it never asks the first question again. Which branch should be used for bringing ...
0 votes
2 answers

What branching model should I use for multiple specialized releases?

I'm working with a team on a project that has multiple releases for special customers ( They get custom features, therefore need their own release ) and I'm not sure what branching model to use? I ...
1 vote
1 answer

Git detects files as newer after reverting a merge, so it doesn't show conflict

I have this scenario: There are 2 branches, 'develop' and 'feature-branch'. This two branches have been growing over time each one independently. Now, 16 of November of last year, a merge was done ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to solve a merge conflict with composer.lock using git flow?

I am working on a Laravel project and using git-flow to manage my changes. My develop branch is two commits ahead of a feature branch I recently completed named feature/registration-captcha. I want to ...

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