Questions tagged [google-chrome-headless]

Chrome Headless is the headless mode of Chrome and Chromium used for automation, testing, and CI scenarios. Use this tag for questions related to the usage of Chrome Headless and the DevTools protocol.

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Python+Selenium. Page wan't load in headless mode

I'm trying load page with that code from selenium import webdriver from import Options from import WebDriverWait from ...
Ishayahu's user avatar
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How to use selenium with proxy auth in headless mode?

I'd like to use headless mode with proxy auth login:pass in my python script. I use chrome here. I have tried creating extension and adding it to chrome, but it works only without headless mode. I was ...
innocent98's user avatar
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C# --headless print-to-pdf with Microsoft edge(chromium) won't work using ProcessStartInfo

It works when using Chrome. I wanted Edge as a back-up for printing HTML to PDF as it is pre-installed on Windows. Process.ExitCode gives out 1002 and no error in BeginErrorReadLine. And no PDF is ...
Kshitesh Routhu's user avatar
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AWS Lambda - (The process started from chrome location /opt/chrome/chrome is no longer running, so ChromeDriver is assuming that Chrome has crashed.)

I am running a Lambda in AWS written in Python with selenium. This is lambda will open a chrome browser and navigate to a website. This lambda functions perfectly for initial few invocations and later ...
S Dhas's user avatar
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Headless browser not scraping as much data (debugging)

I am trying to figure out the exact reason why my headless program retrieves less data than the graphical one. You can find the repository here and to run the code you must have a TikTok account. This ...
jgore200377's user avatar
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Record video with Xvfb + FFmpeg using Selenium in headless mode

I am trying to record video using Selenium in headless mode. I am using Xvfb and FFmpeg bindings for Python. I've already tried: import subprocess import threading import time from chromedriver_py ...
ifdef14's user avatar
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How to access data from requests triggered by a website, using headless chrome (or similar) in php?

I'm trying to scrape data off of a website. There are certain datetimes that I'm interested but there are two problems: They're not present on a site in the original HTML, they're loaded later. When ...
Noximo's user avatar
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3 answers

testcafe ERROR Unable to open the "chrome:headless" browser

I have a maven project running end-to-end tests on the integration-test phase with testcafe I'm getting ERROR Unable to open the "chrome:headless" browser on the aws codepipeline for 2 days, ...
omerhakanbilici's user avatar
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How would I use selenium's headless mode in python?

I am using the same code that's in the recent patch notes and it's still not working. options = ChromeOptions() options.add_argument("--headless=new") driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=...
PiglerBigler's user avatar
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How to fix puppeteer intermittently failing when downloading chrome-headless-shell on CI

I'm working with a large monorepo which uses puppeteer for testing. Installing dependencies works fine locally, but puppeteer fails to download intermittently on the CI (AWS codepipeline/codeBuild). ...
PeteRw's user avatar
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Is there a way to test using Gatling but do it through a headless browser context?

So I have a scenario where I have a service which I'm trying to create automated Gatling performance tests for, issue being that it does not expose any REST endpoints for me to test against. The way ...
Chris Dworczyk's user avatar
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Google chrome headless is rendering html as mobile view

I am using google-chrome headless in laravel to convert HTML to PDF, however, it is rendering as a mobile view instead of rendering as a large screen-sized device. My code: $content = '.......'; $html ...
Saroj Shrestha's user avatar
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I want to take a screenshot of the size specified by window size in headless(new) mode of selenuim

I am currently developing with python, selenium and chrome in headless(new) mode. Now I want to take a screenshot of a specific size by specifying chrome's window-size. However, when I actually take ...
user3387068's user avatar
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confusion on which chrome driver to use for latest google-chrome

i have a EC2 instance running on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. On this server, i regularly use selenium to perform some automated website testing -- i open chrome in headless mode and have selenium to make it ...
lollerskates's user avatar
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How to download a PDF file from the Chrome PDF print view

I am trying to create a puppeteer script to download a PDF file. I feel like I'm totally over complicating this! Here's an example of what I want to automate: Go to
SuperTony's user avatar
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Make ng test ChromeHeadless to display the description in "describe" and "it" of a spec.ts file

How to make ng test --browsers=ChromeHeadless to display the description in describe() and it() of a spec.ts file? e.g.: ng test --include=src/app/interval/interval.spec.ts display this in the Chrome ...
albertkao9's user avatar
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google-chrome headless mode, don't save output as a file

I am going to use headless mode in chrome to render a pdf in server side. so i don't want to save the content as a file, i just want to save the content in a variable and return the content in my ...
Ponnusamy V's user avatar
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How can I set browser capabilities and initialize Selenium Webdriver based on Specflow tags?

Background: My company uses a Standard/Parent Test Automation framework and all teams customise their test automation frameworks based on the Parent Framework. My framework inherits the Parent ...
CodeObsession's user avatar
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Issue with SonarQube showing ChromeHeadless error

When executing command "npm run test-coverage", getting below errors. TOTAL: 373 FAILED, 514 SUCCESS 12 12 2023 15:18:35.549:WARN [launcher]: ChromeHeadless was not killed in 2000 ms, ...
Suman Bera's user avatar
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Missing Google Fonts on Headless Chrome (Puppeteer Ubuntu)

I've been attempting to capture a screenshot of a web page using Puppeteer in Node.js, running on a Digital Ocean Droplet (Ubuntu 20.04 / Ubuntu 22.04 / Debian 12). However, I've encountered an issue ...
MelkorNemesis's user avatar
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Puppeteer parse dom before load event

In my puppeteer script, I am trying to open a website which takes 4-5 min. for page load event to complete. Thats because the ads(particularly video ads) on page take very long time. So here is my ...
rahulserver's user avatar
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Headless Chrome will not load css files unless the client is the same machine as the webserver

We are generating PDF using headless chrome with puppeteer sharp. This has been working fine until one day it stopped loading the css files and our PDFs were missing all their bootstrap styles. Recent ...
BoMerican's user avatar
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org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException excepton when switching and getting CurrentURL of window on Linux amd64 OS

org.openqa.selenium.TimeoutException: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException Build info: 17:31:52 System info: 'Linux', os.arch: 'amd64', os.version: '5.10.109-104.500.amzn2.x86_64', java....
Mahesh C's user avatar
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Why Chrome DevTools Protocol HeadlessExperimental.beginFrame does not return screenshot data for a long time(30s) in headless mode?

Headless brower is playing a video, and I want get every frame data. Sometimes frameData can not get screenshot data but sometimes it work. And I don't know how to debugger this issue. Here is my code:...
gengxin li's user avatar
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Using Selenium with Chrome headless, but inspecting the headless instance makes Selenium code hang forever

I am using Selenium with headless Chrome on Windows. (the code is C#, but hopefully it does not matter). I would like to inspect what is happening in the headless session. When I start an automated ...
g.pickardou's user avatar
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When I start Microsoft Edge in headless mode with rust-headless-chrome, an unknown window appears

I want to automate Microsoft Edge with rust-headless-chrome without opening any windows. I started Edge in headless mode with the following Rust code: use headless_chrome::browser::{Browser, ...
user21153351's user avatar
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How to run Angular Jasmine Tests in an Azure Pipeline?

I have a need to run Jasmine tests for Angular on an Azure Pipeline. I am using a Red Hat Enterprise Linux agent. By default Angular uses Karma to run the tests in headless mode using Chrome. The ...
Greg Finzer's user avatar
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Element is visible in normal mode but not visible in headless mode when using Selenium with C#

This is the element: <i class="material-symbols-outlined" translate="no" data-id="Icon" style="font-size: 24px; font-variation-settings: &quot;FILL&quot; ...
Asparuh Ivanov's user avatar
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Facing error when trying to open a new tab in selenium with --Headless=new enabled

options.addArguments("--disable-dev-shm-usage"); options.addArguments("--ignore-ssl-errors=yes"); options.addArguments("--ignore-certificate-errors"); options....
jatin's user avatar
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Selenium image download when browser is minimized, headless mode

This is a problem in progress following the previous work to receive images from web pages to avoid interference such as cloudflare. The method to receive images is get response data of image loaded ...
nyx707's user avatar
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Error in Selenium-Webdriver when running headless automated system tests against Rails 7 app on Heroku slug

My system tests run fine locally and also as a GitHub Action but fail when I try to run on a test server deployed using Heroku. It fails with the following error: -----> Running test command `bin/...
Kevin W.'s user avatar
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Navigate to tabs chrome-php

Clicking in a link Using [chrome-php][1] the page opens a new tab. How can I make the new tab active? I can see that the new page is open when I get the Target information, but somehow when i get the ...
Denis M's user avatar
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selenium headless not functioning with buttons properly

I have some code to open a search url for a site, click the first result, and click a button. This all works fine until I try to use headless Chrome. Code (working -> not using headless Chrome): ...
Caiden's user avatar
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Puppeteer old Headless deprecation warning:

const bot = require("puppeteer"); const fs = require("fs"); const botConfiguration ={ headless:false, executablePath:"C:/Program Files/Google/Chrome/Application/chrome.exe&...
jaytheblogger's user avatar
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google-chrome tries to create mimeapps.list on Ubuntu Docker Image hosted on AWS Lambda crash due to readonly directory

I have created an Ubuntu Docker image and am using it as a Lambda function. I have completed all the prerequisites, such as installing the lambda-runtime-interface. The Docker image was built with the ...
Basit's user avatar
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--headless vs --headless=chrome vs --headless=new in Selenium

I'm learning Selenium with Django and Google Chrome. *I use Selenium 4.11.2. Then, I tested with --headless, --headless=chrome and --headless=new as shown below, then all work properly: from django....
Super Kai - Kazuya Ito's user avatar
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Why does this selenium script work for non-headless, but when I switch this to headless, it doesn't work?

This script is supposed to go into and grab the first price of the waldorf astoria Las Vegas hotel. It completely works for when I'm opening a browser, but doesn't work after switching to ...
ADI's user avatar
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When chrome opens a file in a new tab, how do I get it to open in my text editor

I have links in my HTML that link to a source code file on my computer, I want to click on that link and have it open in my code editor (I use neovim). how do I go about this? I thought I might be ...
abhinav omprakash's user avatar
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Camera doesn't turn on until manually page is clicked using Puppeteer

I wrote a NodeJS application which performs the following things: Creates a server which is capable of serving some static files using http.createServer function Next it starts a puppeteer process to ...
sribasu's user avatar
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what does "Timeout exceeded while waiting for event Symbol(NetworkManager.Request)" means?

Upgrading Puppeteer from 19 to 21 and activating the new headless:'new', i started obtaining this new kind of error Timeout exceeded while waiting for event Symbol(NetworkManager.Request) that for me ...
Andrea Bisello's user avatar
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Element not Interactable - Selenium headless chrome=115.0.5790.170 - How to solve this?

I'm having a problem using selenium with the headless chrome=115.0.5790.170, I have a table and a td with this a tag. <a id="formSegundaViaFatura:dtListaSegundaViaFaturaDebitoPendente:0:...
Igor Brizack's user avatar
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Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError: no sessionId in returned payload

Tests suite with Rspec and Capybara was successful until now, but I suddendly got that error message without writing any new spec : ` Failure/Error: visit root_path Webdrivers::VersionError: ...
Sibylle Courcel's user avatar
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How to click on a dynamic link using Selenium Webdriver + Java in headless mode

**I am trying to click a dynamic link with Selenium where when I run the tests in GUI they are perfectly fine because I am using a method where I copy the link from the clipboard but in headless mode ...
Orgest Likaj's user avatar
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Selenium is not scraping in the right language

I am scraping details from this website: If I run the code with graphic mode enabled, it scrapes in English as I want. However, when I disable the graphic mode, it starts to ...
Polaretti's user avatar
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File download not working using selenium in python to download files in headless mode

So I am working on a project where I have to download hundreds of report from web server of SSRS. I wrote a program in python using selenium. The requirement is that the reports should be downloaded ...
aparajeya's user avatar
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How to scrape table from webpage with Selenium and Headless Chrome

I was trying to write a script with Python to export the Product Attributes table as an Excel file (or CSV) from the URL below. I wrote a script and tried a different class name, but I faced an error! ...
Arman Zamani's user avatar
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Chrome build with fake/mock codec

Does anyone know a build of chrome that has mock/fake codec, and does not actually decode the video, but the website thinks it does? I cannot find it anywhere, and it would take a lot of CPU load down ...
Friendly Panda's user avatar
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Chrome: Can not connect to a running headless instance via debugging port

I'm trying to connect to "Headless chrome" from with a normal Chrome app (with GUI). I have started the headless process like below: chromedriver --headless --remote-debugging-address=0.0.0....
Mahdi's user avatar
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Headless stopped working in selenium automation with python

I had an selenium application that worked perfectly until a few days, I don't know what happened but for some reason it stopped and debugging a little I noticed that when I remove the headless it ...
Rodrigo Carvalho's user avatar

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