Questions tagged [google-cloud-billing]

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Google Sign-In for iOS and OAuth

I have enabled Sign In with Google in my iOS app and I am confused about the pricing. While making my OAuth certificates on the console I had to upgrade my account to a billing account (my account was ...
Marcus Raty's user avatar
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How to manage costs by department

We are in the process of developing a data lake to consolidate and manage data across various departments using a single GCP project. Our objective is to ingest and process JSON data through Pub/Sub ...
yuichiro-dre's user avatar
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Disable cloud function through billing alert?

I am meeting the same issue and found this answer[1] What is the easiest way to make Cloud Function inactive/paused? But in this case although I can save a bool value in firebase rtdb, but since the ...
matti peter's user avatar
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Change project for Bigquery billing For load jobs

I am loading into data into BigQuery the following way: File in storage in project A -> loaded into a table in project B. I am getting charged for load jobs in project A. How do I transfer these ...
Sitanshu Lamba's user avatar
-3 votes
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Android app is crashing due to disabled google cloud billing account

My Android app is crashing due to a disabled Google Cloud billing account. After enabling it the app is still crashing. I created a new billing account for Google Cloud and linked it with my project. ...
ruhi viroja's user avatar
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Get SKUs information from Google Cloud Billing API in BigQuery

In Google CLoud, it's possible to export some pricing data from Cloud Billing to BigQuery... The structure of this pricing data export is displayed here. Among other things, there are some information ...
godot's user avatar
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How can I get the budget id for a Google Cloud project

Could someone tell me how I get the budget id for a project inside a Cloud Function I have the project id and want to delete the budget like so from import budgets_v1 ...
zorroemoji's user avatar
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Billing Export when changing Billing Account

we have Billing Export enabled. If we change the billing account of the project hosting the target BigQuery dataset and enable billing export on the new billing account with the same BigQuery dataset ...
M. F. Bostanci's user avatar
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Google Mobile Native Dynamic Maps with MapID - can I stop charges?

We used Google Mobile Native Dynamic Maps with MapID and this generated tremendous costs for our account - couple hundreds EUR every day. I know NOW this is a billable API, but did not realized that ...
Tomasz Hemperek's user avatar
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Configuring Service Account and Fetching GCP Project Cost Reports using python google-cloud-billing library

I'm looking to fetch cost usage reports for all my GCP projects using the google-cloud-billing library in Python. To achieve this, I've created a Service Account. However, I encountered an issue while ...
ArunKumar's user avatar
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Where can I find my Bigquery reservation?

I created a BQ reservation for one of my projects and I see it being billed but I cannot find it in the Capacity Management page. I have checked every geographical location as well. I still see it as ...
Christopher Lang's user avatar
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Google Cloud Billing working with a Python API to get Sku_id billed details

I'm working on a project to monitor my Google Billing though BigQuery queries with Python. I succeed to collect the list of all services and sku billed with the following code from import ...
Lilly_Co's user avatar
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How can I deploy the Cloud setup: it always blocks at deploy saying I need a quota increase, but I already got an increase and am on a paid account

Cannot get the Cloud Setup deploy step to work, I always get this error: I set up an organization, added a billing account. Launched the Cloud Setup checklist. All steps are done, as below: but the &...
FGM's user avatar
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Google Cloud unknown "Storage PD Capacity" charges

Recently, a charge for "Storage PD Capacity" started showing up in Google Cloud. According to the charge, I'm using 7.27 GiB somewhere even though I don't directly use any VMs or Storage ...
kym's user avatar
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How to calculate the monthly costs of an individual Cloud Run service?

I have ~30 different microservices deployed to Google Cloud Run. Is there a way (API/dashboard/etc) to determine the 30 day costs of each individual service? Or, even better, a way to view the costs ...
randomdatascientist's user avatar
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How to Add Required Billing Permissions using Google Cloud Project Factory?

I am using the following terraform based on this module module "project" { source = "terraform-google-...
Stephen Andary's user avatar
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GCP Billing error when Billing is enabled

I have this Python code: def upload_to_gcs(bucket_name, local_file_path, gcs_file_name): """ Uploads local files to Google Cloud Storage (GCS). :param bucket_name: string ...
mcansado's user avatar
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firebase deploy fuctions error Upload Error: HTTP Error: 403

firebase deploy --only functions === Deploying to 'rouda-****'... i deploying functions Running command: npm --prefix "$RESOURCE_DIR" run build build tsc functions: Finished running ...
Khaled Elbahay's user avatar
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Does google map API work without billing address? [closed]

It is not accepting any of my cards. Please help me which card is required for billing address or is it possible to use map API without billing address?
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How can I get the equivalent billing data without using the BigQuery billing report in Google Cloud?

There is a feature in Google Cloud Platform that allows reporting resource usages. This is cool because it supports two things I will make use of: Time range (usage_start_time, usage_end_time). ...
Luis Masuelli's user avatar
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How to avoid High Download charges when we pull docker images on cloud builds

We are building our stack on google cloud builds and for building we are using custom docker base images which are stored in While using this method we are e getting ...
Harshit Kachhwaha's user avatar
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gcp billing bigquery : nodepool level billing

I'm trying to get GCP billing costs on a GKE nodepool level . I understand that the GKE usage metering feature only takes the labels of pods and PVCs into its table therefore giving workload level ...
Prashanth's user avatar
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Google Cloud Platform - Billing, how do I find the name of the instance of a product that is costing money?

I go into billing and filter by project & group by SKU. This gives me the individual services that I'm being charged for (view below). I can see that Compute Engine is costing me £5.59 per month....
atreeon's user avatar
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How can I save myself from thousand dollar Firebase bill?

I am building a hospital management app. In this app there are bunch of features of which major features are messaging, appointment booking, video appointment and much more. In the messaging feature ...
1 vote
2 answers

When are GCP secrets accessed using Cloud Functions

GCP prices access operations to secrets at $0.03 per 10,000 (see here). When using secrets with Google Cloud Functions, are they accessed each time a function is run? Or only when the Cloud Function ...
ax1mx2's user avatar
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Cloud Run Billing Report GCP not shown when filtering by label

I've added labels to the projects in Google Cloud Run GCP, so that I can view the cost filtered by env label to the billing report ( key: env and value: prod ). Regardless of applying any label to ...
pualien's user avatar
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How can you create a new user with GCP full admin and not billing access?

It seems reasonable to want to grant an administrator access to create any and all resources without being able to pull / change / delete billing info. I seem to recall there was a role something like ...
joar's user avatar
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Not able to submit request for quota increase in GCP for any resource available

I have been trying to increase the quota limit for multiple GCP resources including compute engine and IP addresses but always get a popup that "not eligible for quota increase". I found ...
Saradindu Sengupta's user avatar
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Breakdown Google Billing by could function / app engine?

Is it possible to break down cloud billing by cloud function and app engine? We have had a spike in cost for App Engine and also Cloud Functions. The current breakdown just states Frontend Instances ...
nzmattman's user avatar
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Link a GCP project to a billing account using a service account

I'm trying to create a new project using GCP's API and link it to a billing account. I have a service account I use to authenticate to GCP, this service account is a part of project1. This service ...
RamenCoder's user avatar
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Re-link my Firebase account with my old Google Cloud Billing?

I already have Google Cloud Billing for my Firebase account, but sometimes when the budget is greater than the quota, my Firebase plan gets terminated. Whenever I try to link my Firebase account back ...
Edward Tanoto's user avatar
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Export billing Data to Bigquery for all projects in GCP

I have been working on enabling the billing exports to Bigquery. I know the process to set it up based on the documentation but looks like I can set it up for only one project at a time. There are ...
ven's user avatar
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BigQuery and R Shiny - having users billed for queries

I have created a simply Shiny application that connects to my database and produces a table given an SQL query: ui <- fluidPage( textAreaInput("query", "SQL query"), ...
Dylan Russell's user avatar
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Issue with BillingAccountUser role in GCP

While learning GCP billing a bit thoroughly, I have a scenario with GCP Billing, and I am not able to understand how this is addressed, so please clarify. I have a user (admin_user) who has created a ...
Astronet-K2's user avatar
7 votes
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How to fix "You must enable Billing on the Google Cloud Project" on a Project will Billing enabled? [duplicate]

I'm trying to replace the API key for a website I made that takes a given address and renders it in Google maps. When I try and use it I get this and this You must enable Billing on the Google Cloud ...
CountChrisdo's user avatar
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How to solve the ThresholdRule TypeError while using google-cloud-billing-budgets library

I'm using google-cloud-billing-budgets to automatically create budgets, but I'm getting errors when I try to create the ThresholdRule. My code looks like this. new_thresholde_rule = budgets....
Pin90's user avatar
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GCP - can billing be configured at the folder level?

Please help understand what it means "Configure the billing account the project folder level in the resource hierarchy" statement. According to Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine: ...
mon's user avatar
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Get resource SKU to find resource price in GCP (go)

I'm trying to figure out a way when given a resource to determine it's SKU so I can look up it's pricing information. package main import ( "context" billingpb "google.golang....
Ari's user avatar
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How to regain access to billing account after migration to Google Identity and organization? [closed]

I had a Google Cloud project which I used with a "private" account [email protected]. I wanted to allow my colleagues to the project, too, so I created an organiatzion for ...
Kalle Richter's user avatar
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Monitoring GCP spend without access to Billing API

I run a small research group at a large university that manages hundreds of GCP accounts. The university acts as the Billing Administrator, and my research group was assigned a GCP "project" ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Can I configure memory separately from compute?

I'm comparing GCF & cloud competitors, and I see that GCF charges separately for memory (GB/s) & compute (GHz/s) from their pricing page: I'm ...
hubatish's user avatar
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Getting charged for "E2 Instance Core running in Seoul" but there is no VM [closed]

I'm being charged for "E2 Instance Core running in Seoul". The billing report says the related service is "Compute Engine", but there is no VM instance running from Compute Engine. ...
user2652379's user avatar
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Google Compute Engine pricing programmatically from Google Billing Catalogue API

I am trying to pull Google compute pricing programmatically. I am using "Catalogue API" at following link. I found google cloud ...
Waleed Asif's user avatar
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How to calculate Instance hour in GCP?

I have a personal project and I want to deploy it to GCP. I read doc in GCP but I still don't understand how instance hours are calculated. For example, Is there any differences between running ...
Nguyen Khac Lam's user avatar
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Dart streams (Flutterfire): Should I use the where filter before or after mapping?

I'm making an app using Flutter, with Cloud Firestore for the backend. I have a stream which retrieves a list of user documents for all users and want to filter the users whose favorite food is "...
Apps 247's user avatar
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GCP creating an alert, budget and alerts option missing [closed]

I'm on the free tier on GCP and trying to create an Alert under billing as per However I don't see the option Budgets & alerts, ...
tmp dev's user avatar
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Python to get billing info from Gcloud

I am trying to build a small pice of python to get billing info about all projects under organization in google cloud. I follow the official "how to"
ocuil's user avatar
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Can I change the time zone of the GCP Billing Report from Pacific time zone to another time zone? [closed]

The documentation states that the Google Cloud Billing Report defaults to the Pacific time zone. I would like to see the GCP Billing Report change to our local time zone instead of the Pacific time ...
marlo's user avatar
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How to relate a billing cost to google resource in google cloud

I am trying to find how much each resource is costing me in Google Cloud. When I run the query in BigQuery the data has no information about the resource like its name or id. For example I have a VM ...
Sam's user avatar
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Getting "The caller does not have permission" when trying to updateBillingInfo

I'm trying to programmatically update billing account for one of my projects. I'm using node client library for googleapis REST. This is my code: const { google } = require('googleapis'); const ...
Jaime Rivera's user avatar
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