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Google Auto Generated Parent Letters/email [closed]

I'm looking to create some work flow that teachers are able to; -Select a student on a google form -Then info saved into a google sheet -Then an email is sent to the parents email (as well as the ...
Austin M's user avatar
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Creating duplicate form responses (on purpose) and preventing further duplication?

My form is gathering field trip requests. Some requests require more than one bus. I need to: Create event first. DONE. I already have a script that does this in place. Works great! Run a script ...
Victoria Kirkpatrick's user avatar
-1 votes
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Autofill Google Doc From Form not working; GSheet also stops updating new form responses

I want to automatically copy incoming Google Form responses to a Google Doc. For this, I followed Jeffrey Everhart's tutorial step by step. I then tried submitting a new response, but no Google Doc ...
Yonina Aisha Garcia's user avatar
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Trigger a sound when a form is submitted to spreadsheet

I have a google form for patrons to submit print requests and the spreadsheet of submissions is open on a laptop for all student staff to use in the office area. Multiple student staff throughout the ...
Jenny Tipton's user avatar
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Exception: Cannot retrieve next object: the iterator has reached the end

I'm trying to iterate in diferents rows to collect data from users that have answered a Google forms and generate diferent documents with their data. So far I've acomplished that part of my code, but ...
Asier Párraga's user avatar
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How to check if two values ​match in different "google sheets" with google apps script?

I've been building a script for a few days which I wanted to do the following: From a database (generated from a forms) collect specific data from the students (I'm going to high school) Based on a ...
Asier Párraga's user avatar
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I want to repeat a line item in a google sheets form response based on a date value for consecutive dates

I use a google form for people to submit daily announcements. Some announcements only run for one day but some repeat over multiple weekdays. I was trying to figure out if there was a way to possibly ...
Jennifer Razzaboni's user avatar
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duplicated ID shown to the user when the submitted the form at the same time

I'm trying to create a form for my employees to submit their tickets using Google forms. The user is going to receive the ticket id as a confirmation message, and Google sheets will show the ticket id ...
Youmna Samir's user avatar
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Show the user the id of the ticket submitted

I'm trying to create a form for 502 users to submit tickets on google forms to show the id of the ticket to the user as a confirmation message and to the team who is going to solve it the id is added ...
Youmna Samir's user avatar
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Setting scores for a Checkbox question based on the number of Correct/Incorrect selections [closed]

I have multiple Google Forms with questions in the format of multiple choice (4 options), checkboxes, and short answers, all set up as quizzes. Each Form is dedicated to one student's response. The ...
Lê Phong Nguyễn's user avatar
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Google Form to spreadsheet script | no event object or values found ERROR

function onFormSubmitRoofing(e) { Logger.log('Event object: ' + JSON.stringify(e)); // Log the event object if (!e || !e.values) { Logger.log("No event object or values found."); return; ...
Kevin San's user avatar
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Google forms - RE2 regex for for grading multiple choice responses; accept "A" but not "ABCD" [duplicate]

I'm using google forms to setup an "Answer Until Correct" quiz -- where students get a multiple choice question, and the system keeps presenting the question until they get it right. These ...
Bob Calin-Jageman's user avatar
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Is there a way to validate time being input on Google Forms?

At work we have a Production Form that is filled out in Google Forms, on this form there is a "start time" and "end time" questions. These are not entered necessarily live, so at ...
Shauwn's user avatar
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Collapsing Wide Data into Tall Data in Google Sheets

I have a Google Sheets workbook that captures input from a Google form. The workbook contains two sheets: WIDE DATA (which captures input from the Google Form) TALL DATA (which is used to restructure ...
David J. Myers's user avatar
-3 votes
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HTML Enter data in Google Form and Click Next to go to Next section and submit data

I create an HTML file that will submit data in a Google Form. So here is my HTML file. <form action="Google_fORM_LINK" method="POST">   <label for="name">...
Christian Joshua Mendigoria's user avatar
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Having issues with jquery scroll to top of an embedded iframe on a google site

I looked up this solution to have an embedded form with multiple sections scroll to the top when the user clicks next. I cannot get it to work and I can replicate my error accross domains. I have made ...
Limore Ricciardi's user avatar
-1 votes
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Submitting files via HTML to Google Forms

I just learned how to mock a Google Forms under my HTML forms and everything's working fine. Until... I have to upload files in my HTML and send it to my forms. With text input and other stuffs I just ...
augustomathhh's user avatar
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Prefilled Google Form always adds 4 hours to the datetime object

I have a script that creates a prefilled form link for users to edit. There is a datetime question in that form that, no matter what I do, always seems to assume I'm in the UTC time zone instead of ...
Joshua Pelton-Stroud's user avatar
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Section completed multiple times

I am a developer new to Google forms and have a form with multiple sections. One section is collecting room information for a home. I would like the ability for the user to fill this section out for ...
Rickyd56's user avatar
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Making all submitted files a file chip instead of URL

I created a google forms linked to a spreadsheet called Submissions. The problem is that when files are submitted through the google form, they are automatically uploaded to the spreadsheet as a link ...
Kim's user avatar
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Cannot get form response in onFormSubmit as it reads as undefined

When I try and get a form response from onFormSubmit(e), it returns {"authMode":"FULL","response":{},"source":{},"triggerUid":"604XXXXX"}, ...
Trey's user avatar
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How to solve error TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'response') onFormSubmit @

I faced an error when I build up google script for google form the purpose from the script only that if the birthdate that entered from the form is after 1-Oct-2020 stop submitting form after I finish ...
Michael Kamal Ibrahim's user avatar
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Script to manipulate Google Form data

I have a Google Form that outputs responses to a Google Sheet. I would like to learn how to write a script that manipulates the data before saving the response to the sheet. Basically, I have a few ...
Brent Smith's user avatar
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Insert multiple choice questions and shuffle choices for Google Forms

I took the content of the choices from Google Sheets, then randomly mixed them and put them into the options of a Multiple Choice question in Google Forms. The code is as follows: // Function to ...
Lê Phong Nguyễn's user avatar
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How to Use Multiple Types of Questions in Google Forms

I want to add a textQuestion type reponse to have a feed back of the user but I got this error: raise HttpError(resp, content, uri=self.uri) googleapiclient.errors.HttpError: <HttpError 400 when ...
Speedskillsx's user avatar
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How can I make a script to delete multiple instances of text?

I have a form which will generate a letter once submitted based on the Google form submission. One of the questions has three outcomes and depending on the entry, it will delete either one line, or ...
Ambrose Bierce's user avatar
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Google script not sending email

I have a google script to use a form submission to fill out a document, then convert it to a PDF and save the PDF, then email it out to 2 emails. One is to the respondent whos email is on the google ...
Hareborn's user avatar
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JavaScript function in Google spreadsheets to send QR codes to emails

We are planning for an event, to register you have to fill out a Google form, after filling it there is this function in the "Apps Script" of the spreadsheet that will generate and send a QR ...
Hani Almutlaq's user avatar
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Reading values from 'Google form' is undefined [duplicate]

I wrote a code in App Script and connected it to a form on the Google Forum Now the problem is that I can't read the data from the fields in any way. I keep getting 'undefined' errors Like: TypeError: ...
Shevy kossovsky's user avatar
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How can I use Google Apps Script to ensure the ‘end date’ in a Google Form is always later than the ‘start date’? [duplicate]

I'm using Google Apps Script to create and manage the form. In the script I'm creating a form with multiple sections based on district names. Each section has a trainingStartDate and a trainingEndDate ...
Devendra Mishra's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to add a "File upload" to a google forms with Google apps script?

I am uploading the Excel file to Google Drive via Apps Script. There are questions in Excel. The questions are transferred to Google Form, but some questions require image upload. I do not know how to ...
Esat Kurtul's user avatar
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How do I send an authenticated POST request to an "Organisation restricted" google form in python?

I work for a company that performs a lot of repetitive tasks by hand. Since most of these tasks are being done digitally, I have been doing some python programming in order to make my job much more ...
Derek Moczygemba's user avatar
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Google Form to Google Sheet, assigning a increment number based on dropdown selection

I have a Google Form that submits responses to a Google Sheet. I want to add an incremental number to every submitted row in Column D, and I want this number to be based on the maximum number already ...
Vanessa Martinez's user avatar
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ItemResponse attachment causing Reference Error

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but my best guess is that I'm handling the attachment wrong (although it only comes through as an ID and I append that too ...
Mikal D Chavez's user avatar
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You do not have permission to call FormApp.openById

I have a form which I am using in app script by the FORMAPP.getbyurl/id method but every time I run this code I encounter an error Error occurred: You do not have permission to call FormApp.openById. ...
vishal tiwari's user avatar
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i want to display product Unit and its SKU in same row in google form

i have one requirement to show product and its Sku in same row, but am not able to find any option in google form. I mean i want to keep product 1 and its unit in same row same as for product 2 and so ...
MIS TCP's user avatar
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not able to display remaining units in google form when i choose a SKU from dropdown

i have a sheet attached to my google form. In my inventory sheet tab i have some sku and their quantity. I have a form attached to it. So whenever i or someone will choose a SKU in form from dropdown ...
MIS TCP's user avatar
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Why am i getting a HttpError 'A Location is required error'

I am trying to run some code to update a few of the question titles in a form that I am creating. I am running the code below and receiving the error: 'A location is required'. I have tried to look at ...
John Tayson's user avatar
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Google Forms + App Script. Script will not validate answers for GRID

I have a script that runs on Google Forms. It is to look for multiple choice grids and transform them to multiple choice questions if rows or columns are > 3. The form is set to one answer per row ...
Sam's user avatar
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Form submission event object (e) is undefined [duplicate]

I need to create a form that can delete dates and hours that have already been booked. I'm using Google Forms and Google Apps Script. Although I've set up triggers on both the Google Sheets and Google ...
user25612529's user avatar
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Auto Fill Google Doc from Google Form Using Google Apps Script

I am trying to auto send an email when a new respond from Google Form. I have a template from Google Doc, a Form and a Sheet from the form respond. I copied a script as below: function ...
Mai Phước Hoàng's user avatar
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How to delete Questions from an already existing google form using API & Python

I have connect to the google form API using python. I was able to create a form with the questions I want. I am now trying to delete certain questions that have the word "Location" in the ...
John Tayson's user avatar
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Automatically rename uploaded files in Google Form

I have a google form for a small radio station for presenters to upload their shows. In the form they fill out the broadcast date, presenter name, show name, a few other bits of information, and then ...
Sam Stewart's user avatar
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Can I alter the default data format in sheets for muli-select checkboxes in forms- or do I need to wrangle afterwards?

Google Forms defaults to putting all selected tickbox responses for a question into one cell. What I would like, for each tickbox question, is to have the google sheet contain a set of columns for ...
Heather Stark's user avatar
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keyword argument trying to make google form response generator using python

I'm very new to python. I'm trying to write a script in VS code on macOS using chrome webdriver and selenium that submits responses to a google form - no nefarious reason I promise, just some funny ...
caspert2000's user avatar
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Unable to access People API in a spreadsheet app script

I am trying to connect my google form response sheet to create a new contact using details every time a response is submitted on the form. I've added Peopleapi from the "Services" tab in the ...
ambalal shah's user avatar
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Only 1 of 2 Google Forms dropdowns works as expected

I created a Google Form dropdown with an Apps Script that I found online that pulls the dropdown choices from another Sheet that I named "Choices". I needed the same list as options for 2 ...
Mark R's user avatar
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Google forms prefill url with current date and time or script or ai

Essentially what im trying to do is make it so the entry field of my form for the date and time gets autofilled with the current date I do know theres a script editor but i have no idea how to make it ...
egscodes's user avatar
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Generate a reference number for Google Form

I do not have experience with coding. I was just hoping to have a reference number generated for every google form submission and have it tracked on the response sheet. I was able to accomplish this ...
adriel de Jesus's user avatar
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How can I submit a Google Form with Apps Script when the form is set to collect emails via Responder Input?

The script I am using iterates through the form questions, gets the item type, and builds a response based on the expected item response type. But the Email question presented to the end user in the ...
H.I. McDunnough's user avatar

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