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2 answers

Counting check boxes in formula only if cell is not empty

I am trying to create a habit tracker and have check boxes. I have inserted them fine but I would like to figure (as a fraction) to show the amount of habits completed. This currently shows how many ...
shannon Osborne's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Google Sheets Dynamic Dropdown List Dependent with multiple rows

working doc 'Ref'!A2:A --> a list of unique codes 'Ref'!B2:B --> a list of corresponding clients (with some duplicates; some clients are associated with multiple codes) 'Main'!B2:B --> ...
Gabe's user avatar
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How to get the count of addresses that appear once and multiple times in google looker studio

i added fields for count(street) and 'kemunculan' means appearence contains rows of data 'once' for count(street)=1 else 'several times'. It went well when i put the data into a table, but what i ...
erem's user avatar
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0 answers

How to use the cell number instead of its value in a Filter + Importrange

Can I use a cell number, like A2 where the value is "PRogramid1=" instead of using the "PRogramid1=" in the formula: =filter(IMPORTRANGE("1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxI", "...
Jasper's user avatar
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How to display data from Google Sheet in a Section Header within a Google Form?

I have a Google spreadsheet that lists customers and identifies store locations for each: Customer Location Customer A New York Customer A San Jose Customer B New York I have a Google Form that ...
user27373099's user avatar
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Summary statistics group by values in a range

I want to produce summary data from something like the following: Col A - Col B 1 - 15 4 - 8 7 - 20 9 - 5 Let's say the ranges I want for my summary data is 1-5 and 6-10 for column A, summing on colB. ...
Brian Theung's user avatar
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4 answers

Formula for filtering list based off of key with multiple criteria in Google Sheets

I have a set of rows by which I am trying to display filtered on a different sheet based off of a column that matches a key range. I can get it to work if there is a single key. I am having trouble ...
brw59's user avatar
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1 answer

How to get all coursework due in the future with Google Classroom API?

I want to fetch all coursework currently due and insert it, formatted, into a Google Sheet. That means all coursework that has a due date in the future. I've never used the Google Classroom API. How ...
Cool Scratcher's user avatar
-1 votes
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Google sheets formula to search for a string of text inside a cell and give back result from another column in another sheet

Sorry if the title isn't clear enought, I will try to explain at best of my capabilities. I have a file in Google Sheets, in Sheet1 I have setup its rows to fill automatically depending on a value I ...
rhoy's user avatar
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2 answers

regexreplace multiple columns for football data

I've been trying without success to import using google sheets to scrape the various team table data from the url's and
teamfball's user avatar
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1 answer

Conditional Dropdowns in Google Sheets Based on Multiple Criteria

I’m having trouble setting up conditional drop-downs in Google Sheets based on specific criteria. Here’s what I’m trying to achieve and the issues I’ve encountered: Objective I want to create a drop-...
djur's user avatar
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Signature Pad (Canvas) to Google Sheets

I'm attempting to create a form which auto populates into Google Sheets. At the moment, I am able to use <input/> to auto populate basic text fields into Google Sheets, but I now need to try to ...
Videos 4Me's user avatar
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How to use Apps script to move a lot of data rows at same time to different spreadsheet automatically base on time

I want to move data to another spreadsheet with a time limit, for example at 12PM the data will be moved automatically and then the data from the source will be deleted (I think by using triggers, but ...
Arafat's user avatar
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4 answers

How to recursively increase by 1 for the entire column in Google Sheets

I am new to the formula side of Google Sheets and am trying to get each row to add 1 to the previous row ex. A2=A1+1, A3=A2+1. I know I can use =A1+1 and drag it down, but I want it to continue if a ...
Richard Wise's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Sheets - Queries and cross referencing multiple sheets

I have a Query Column. I am trying to take the return value for that cell, see if it contains a string, and pull the value from column B where the query matches on column A, but only if another column ...
m.person's user avatar
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1 answer

How to Delete Today's Google Calendar Entries in Google Apps Script

I am trying to delete Google Calendar entries for today in Google Apps Script. I create the entry from a Google Spreadsheet. In the cells, the dates are formatted mm/dd/yyyy 00:00:00 where the start ...
Codedabbler's user avatar
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2 answers

Question on matching and indexing the google sheet with tables

I have a sheet which call Import which auto refresh from other data source every hours. Question Answer ID What Cell 2 Peter How Cell 3 Peter Why Cell 8 Peter What Cell 5 Liz Why Cell 9 Liz and ...
pluto_99's user avatar
-4 votes
3 answers

How do I automatically extract data from another sheet with criteria?

Please refer the image for the example: Sheet #1 is the main sheet that I will input data every day. Please take note that the staff names do not appear every day and not in any order. The Sheet #2 ...
Abydoll's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to update google apps script to apply to specific cells and not all cells

I have the following script which is doing exactly what I want (changing the currency symbol within cells depending on what is selected), except that it's being applied to all cells, and I'd like it ...
Katerina Shapiro's user avatar
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Google Sheets Macro Script to expand column group based on cell value

I have a sheet with a column group for each week of the year. i have a formula in cell A1 that has the current week numeric value. I want to use that in a macro to determine which cell grouping should ...
Harmony Harriman's user avatar
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How do I fix this code to consolidate my google sheet notes?

I'm using Google Apps Script and I am trying to write a program that consolidates my monthly notes. I have hidden columns i-t which are labeled "January 2024" - "December 2024" ...
odin_the_allDaddy's user avatar
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Google script Display array with rows of different sizes

I'm using ImportJSON script that is well know to run an API and retrieve data. This works fine, I've used it many times before. However this particular API I'm running returns data that has different ...
Michael Liew's user avatar
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How to find the Second Space from the right in Google Sheets?

I am looking for a way to find the second space from the right in Google Sheets and keep the text upto that second space. In Excel, this can be achieved by using the command =TEXTAFTER(A1, " &...
Asad Moeen's user avatar
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1 answer

List rows in array when the cell contain number in the string

I need to list out all data with number. I fiddle with filter and isnum but no result. =FILTER(A1:B,FIND(v ISNUMBER(A1:B))) Score Remarks 3 strive to pass 6 6 pts good job 7 7pts excellant 2 ...
Edmund Ong's user avatar
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How would I paste into cells in google sheets which the cells divided by empty lines instead of each line?

It's a little hard for me to explain, but for instance: This is text that i want to put all in one cell. [empty] this is text that i want in another cell, without it being being separated by line? ...
lavaimp's user avatar
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3 answers

How to fix a maximum time exceeded on an email script

Background: I'm using a minutes-timer script to send emails when a record is selected. Names and emails are appended into a requests page. The script scrolls through any names on the list. For any ...
MUNGHOLMI's user avatar
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Raffle Sheet to Capture 3 Entries for 3 Ticket Option is NOT Working

I have a Google form where I'm attempting to run a charity raffle. One of the questions is a multiple choice: 1 Raffle Ticket - $20 and the other option is: 3 Raffle Tickets - $50. If someone selects &...
Julio Ciamarra's user avatar
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Find if cell contents exist in array

I am trying to find a solution so that if the contents of B2 can be found in array DOUBLE!A2:A, it would output B2, else it would output "Cannot be doubled". I tried =IF(REGEXMATCH(B2, ...
emmy's user avatar
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Connecting Google Sheets and Contacts

I want to write code for an Apps Script connecting Google Contacts and Sheet. Background: Let's say there are two people, A and B. When a new contact is created/added either in A's or B's Google ...
Jayashree Nandi's user avatar
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Return index of cell that contains match on two strings

I'm trying to find the index for a cell that contains two string matches. For example, I have a first name and last name. I need to find a cell that contains both of these names in it. Possible ...
DanCue's user avatar
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4 answers

Rearrange data in table format to rows

Could anyone guide me on this data manipulation task? I have data like this in a spreadsheet: (CSV) Date,Slot 1,Slot 2,Slot 3 1/1/2024,AB,CD,EF 1/2/2024,AB 1/3/2024,CD,EF ... I'd like it displayed as: ...
brett's user avatar
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1 answer

I am not able to extract URL from these cell values using Google Apps Script

This is the link to the sheet: [I have made using a new id so privacy is not an issue here]. Code: ...
user18308583's user avatar
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Trying to get nightshift hours in googlesheet

I am creating a timesheet for our employees using google sheet. Main purpose of the sheet: Track daily hours and minutes (ex 7hours and 42mins) Track weekly hours (overall hours for the week including ...
cjpm's user avatar
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GSheets onEdit() won't run for editors other than owner - how come? [closed]

I have created a simple Google sheetto count passing Vehicles by category with an onEdit function that pastes current datetime into Column A when a checkbox in Column B through H is clicked. This ...
David Knapp's user avatar
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I am trying to insert a timestamp from one spreadsheet to another spreadsheet

I have two spreadsheets, we will call them Active Spreadsheet (where the code is being implemented) and Target Spreadsheet (where the timestamps go) The Active Spreadsheet will have data entered on ...
Brian Mueller's user avatar
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how to show instruction with image after install google workspace addon

We've published our Google Sheets add-on, but new users often don't know how to access the extension after installing it. Currently, this is what we show by default, but I'm not sure how to change it. ...
no7dw's user avatar
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2 answers

Conditionally format the last occurrence of a word from a column list of words

How do you conditionally format the last occurrence of a word from a column list of words in Google Sheet? This example shows the desired outcome. The column to be formulated is a single column and is ...
Snoozy's user avatar
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Spreadsheets select rows from another sheet dynamically with sheet name also in query

I have this query =ARRAYFORMULA(QUERY({ IFERROR({INDIRECT(A1&"!C2:E"), IF(INDIRECT(A1&"!C2:C")<>"", A1, "")}, {"","","...
Alexa Adrian's user avatar
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Conditional formatting if cell past date and another cell empty with arrayformula

I'm using a formula to add TRUE/FALSE when the statement is true. enter image description here Rather than add this formula to every row (I have over 4000), I want to add it to the 2nd row as an ...
Harry's user avatar
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How to count a specific word from a string in a cell from the entire column in google sheets

I have a data in a column like the name of Fruits with comma separate, to which I want to find a count of each fruit occurrence in the cells. Sample data the entire data is in one column. Fruits Apple ...
Mujassim's user avatar
-1 votes
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Running multiple Google Apps scripts sequentially (one after another)

I am working on a sheet that pulls data from an API, then runs calculations on it. Because of timeouts and limitations, I need to run one script, wait for the calculations to finish, then run another ...
JoshSamBob's user avatar
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Return null if the parameter is more than one word

I was making a show result page in app script. The idea is the user passes their ID, then a function looks it up then returns their special ID. Then another function will look for their results from ...
Abdullah Almuqbil's user avatar
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How to copy the last row in one table and append to another table in the same GSheet (the same tab)

I have a GSheet. It has 3 tables: Blue, Purple, Green Blue table gets data automatically from the other source; So, every day that table will get bigger automatically. Nothing to do with that Purple ...
Evgeniy Ivanov's user avatar
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Google Sheets: How to have multiple cells reference/update the same dynamic drop down list?

I have just started (ie, less than a month ago) trying to dive into using google sheets properly. I am currently trying to create a self updating and detailed gaming sheet for Pathfinder 2e Kingmaker. ...
River Ravin's user avatar
-3 votes
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Google Sheet insertion data with PHP

I'm trying to insert data into a google sheet, but I always get this error. Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: implode(): Argument #2 ($array) must be of type ?array, string given in C:\xampp\htdocs\...
Joseph Olivas's user avatar
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Celigo Google Sheets API Import Append Overwriting Data

I have a netsuite -> google sheets import that is made through Celigo that is set to append data to a google sheets. The HTTP method is set to post, and it is using the append method with ...
Ryan Hopps's user avatar
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Countifs with year and other reference cells with text

Looking for a formula for 3 criteria in google sheets to count if all are TRUE: Number of entries that equal a specific region Number of entries that say "Yes" Number of entries that have a ...
Kristena Jones's user avatar
-7 votes
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Optimizing a complex Google Sheets script for faster execution [closed]

I have a complex script that currently takes about 32 seconds to run. It handles various operations in Google Sheets, including updating multiple sheets based on user edits, applying formulas, and ...
Saher Naji's user avatar
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Copy based on different cell info in Sheets

I have a workbook for a school where on one page I have a list of several hundred names, emails, grades, and other info that is generated automatically by Canvas when a student takes an exam. I also ...
user1956454's user avatar
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Google Sheets - Best Way to Combine Tables with Data from Two Years

I have two data sets for a set of properties across two different years: Here is a link to the data sets if helpful: Link to Example Datasets I want to make a pivot table (or any kind of table that ...
Kim Hopkins's user avatar

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