Questions tagged [gradle-kotlin-dsl]

Kotlin language support for Gradle build scripts.

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Unable to import Content Negotiation and Serializable imports in kotlin Android Studio

I am creating an app on andoird studio and I need to be able to do JSON serialization.However , I am not able to use imports such as import io.ktor.serialization.kotlinx.json.* import io.ktor.server....
Manal Haroon's user avatar
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animation error just after adding paging3 dependency

Just after adding Paging 3 dependency in module level build.gradle.kts, I encountered a runtime error with the following message: java.lang.ClassCastException: androidx.compose.animation....
khaled baccour's user avatar
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How can I combine the artifacts from multiple Configurations?

I have a buildSrc plugin needs to share two types of files (resource files and classpath files) between subprojects. // buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/my-plugin.gradle.kts val MyPluginComponent = Attribute....
aSemy's user avatar
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Gradle Kotlin Dsl - How to share utility functions

I wrote this: fun Properties.toStringMap(): Map<String, String> = this.toMap().map { it.key.toString() to it.value.toString() }.toMap() tasks.withType<JavaExec> { systemProperties ...
Kurt's user avatar
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Configure gradle-download-plugin unzip in kotlin

The documentation of the gradle-download-task plugin shows an example of how to download and unzip a file. task downloadZipFile(type: Download) { src '
René Link's user avatar
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Gradle allow insecure protocol in initialization script configured repository

I'm trying to write an initialization script as explained here. So I wrote an init.gradle.kts file and put in the following code import apply<EnterpriseRepositoryPlugin>() class ...
René Link's user avatar
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What is the right way to share subproject functionality with dependencies?

I'm working on a multimodule gradle (kts) project. Each module is a spring boot kotlin app, that provides Elasticsearch requests and responses, for example: project - module core - module a - module b ...
darth jemico's user avatar
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Circular dependency when publishing to jitpack

What happened? My project structure looks like this: |--build-logic |--core |--sub-core1 |--sub-core2 |--data |--sub-data1 |--sub-data2 I'm trying to publish both sub-core1 and sub-data1 only....
Firate's user avatar
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Keep com.facebook.react gradle plugin from silently adding project repositories

I'm configuring an existing Android app adding react native support. I already migrated gradle files in the documentation to Kotlin DSL and Versions catalog which is the target configuration required ...
Alejandro Casanova's user avatar
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Android gradle version 8.2.2 failed to build with Multiple build operations failed

// Project Gradle plugins { id("") version "8.1.4" apply false id("") version "2.48" apply false ...
Ravi Sorathiya's user avatar
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Gradle Kotlin DSL Files - Separate Config Files

I'm currently in the process of migrating my groovy gradle files to kotlin. I have jacoco and sonarcloud integrated into my application. I have separate groovy gradle files for jacoco and sonar ...
DJ-DOO's user avatar
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Renaming Android app Bundle and APK (.aab and .apk) files with app name, version and build type - build.gradle.kts

How To change Android App Bundle/APK name (app.aab/app.apk) to reflect App version, App name and build type in build.gradle.kts Here is the build.gradle.kts, I need to rename apk/aab here android { ...
Alfin's user avatar
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Duplicate class javax.annotation found in modules jetified

Hello for a work project i've implemented a new lib developped by someone in my workspace I integrated his .jar file in my libs folder and tried to implement some code he asked me to but nothing seems ...
alpheonix's user avatar
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Kotlin DSL: Why am I able to get logs in release build from Play Store?

We did not enable logging in release mode yet when we connect a USB cable and run Android Studio, we're able to get logs from release build downloaded from the store. buildTypes { debug { ...
Bitwise DEVS's user avatar
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IllegalStateException: The driver used with SQLDelight is asynchronous, so SQLDelight should be configured for asynchronous usage

i am trying out sqldelight on web with the async webworker stuff i am getting weird error messages IllegalStateException: The driver used with SQLDelight is asynchronous, so SQLDelight should be ...
Meet's user avatar
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Unsupported metadata version. Check that your Kotlin version is >= 1.0: java.lang.IllegalStateException - Hilt Jetpack Compose Android

I'm facing this issue while adding hilt dependencies in my project, error: [Hilt] Unsupported metadata version. Check that your Kotlin version is >= 1.0: java.lang.IllegalStateException: ...
Alfin's user avatar
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Publish each Android library flavour to it's own repository

I'm trying to publishes diffrent flavours of my library to diffrent repositories. I'm using the maven-publish plugin for this. I have an Android library with multiple flavours flavorDimensions += &...
user2408952's user avatar
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Pass arguments through command line to a gradle project without a main file

I am developing a plugin for intellij and I have a file. I build the binary using "./gradlew build". I want to pass arguments while building so for example something like &...
Coder shoder's user avatar
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Incompatible dependencies in android studio

THIS IS MY MAIN CODE package com.example.myapplication; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.util.Log; import android....
Apoorv Bajpai's user avatar
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generate start script that takes environment variables with gradle

I am using gradle installDist task to prepare the data I need to then copy in the Docker image. Now, I need to integrate openTelemetry agent, so I need to attach it on the command line. To modify the ...
Vincent F's user avatar
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Duplicate class error when using debug and release library in Android

I have a library in which I have debug and main packages like so: debug - Android/implementation/src/debug/kotlin/myclass/DebugClass.kt main - Android/implementation/src/main/java/some/other/folders/...
Paul Sizon's user avatar
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I'm getting error like "No signature of method: org.gradle.api.tasks.bundling.Jar.destinationDir() is applicable for argument types" in androidstudio

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. Where: Script '/Users/pinalsevwala/Downloads/flutter3.3.9/packages/flutter_tools/gradle/flutter.gradle' line: 920 What went wrong: A problem occurred ...
Kuldeep Uniqual's user avatar
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Jitpack application built successfully but failed to publish with the error: Directory '/tmp' does not contain a Gradle build

Trying to publish a plugin lib on Jitpack, i'm facing a error printed at the end of log file. All the Gradle tasks were successfully executed, but the 'publishment' exited with the error below. ...
Elias Meireles's user avatar
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Warning from Google Play Console (This App Bundle contains native code....) (Android / App Bundle file)

This App Bundle contains native code, and you've not uploaded debug symbols. We recommend you upload a symbol file to make your crashes and ANRs easier to analyze and debug. I am trying to resolve ...
Viacheslav Khailenko's user avatar
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Need help on organizing a multi-module in Kotlin dsl Gradle

In my previous multi-module projects, I used to do below for organizing common dependencies and whatnot top level ---------- plugins { // id '' version '7.1.2' apply false // ...
hemen's user avatar
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Cannot find custom plugins in maven local repo

I've made a custom plugin and uploaded it to local maven build.gradle.kts plugins { `kotlin-dsl` id("com.vanniktech.maven.publish") version "0.27.0" } group = "org....
Cyber Avater's user avatar
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How to set my "java-library" library as a kotlin library in Android Studio

I have added a new module to my project from File > New > New Module > Java or Kotlin Library. I set language as Kotlin and DSL as Kotlin DSL. However, my build.gradle lists project as java-...
rupinderjeet's user avatar
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Task spotbugsMain NO-SOURCE

I have gradle 8.5/java 21 and my scripts written on kotlin dsl. I create this gradle.kts import com.github.spotbugs.snom.SpotBugsTask plugins { id("com.github.spotbugs") } spotbugs { ...
AnnKont's user avatar
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What is wrong with my openapi generator gradle setup?

I have a multi-module gradle project set up as follows: root build.gradle.kts: plugins { java kotlin("jvm") version "1.8.10" apply false id("org.openapi.generator&...
Kramer's user avatar
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Multiple build operations failed. Android error

plugins { id("") version "8.2.1" apply false id("") version "2.48" apply false ...
Ravi Sorathiya's user avatar
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How do I pass default JVM args in a Gradle script while allowing variables to be expanded?

I've got the following in my build.gradle.kts file: plugins { kotlin("jvm") version "1.9.20" application } application { mainClass.set("MainKt") ...
Mirrana's user avatar
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How to configure build.gradle.kts file in android programming

I have initiated an android project in kotlin and my gradle file has the .kts extension . I am trying to add room dependency but i have accountered an error . Here is what i've done : implementation(&...
Patrick Renaud's user avatar
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Autogeneration of versionCode based on time doesn't always work

When I invoke apk generation via Generate signed apk, sometimes seems like the cache is being overused and the versionCode doesn't change. Currently my main build.gradle.kts has the following code: ...
mxkmn's user avatar
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Error in android\build.gradle on Vs code (flutter project)

I am currently building an app on VS code using flutter and firebase frameworks, I am still in the setting up stage and encountering a build.gradle error: > Run with --scan to get full insights. * ...
Samaya's user avatar
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Cannot use Guava library in iOS by Kotlin Multiplatform

I am trying to use Kotlin Multiplatform that targets both Android and iOS. But when running tests with the task "iosSimulatorArm64", these imports showed the error "unsolved reference&...
Andy's user avatar
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How to publish both Android apk and aab with android-gradle-plugin 8.2.0-rc02?

I need to publish both apk and aab to my storage. I use android-gradle-plugin 8.2.0-rc02 and trying to use the following code with kotlin-dsl: plugins { id("") ...
Est Stalegaykin's user avatar
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ERROR: No build artifacts found while publising library to android sdk to jitpack

Library is not getting published in a jetpack and leads to an error when I am trying with kotlin-Dsl. Is there any code I am missing? Repo-Link: ...
Devrath's user avatar
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Getting a duplicate class found exception in android build.gradle.kts file

I'm trying to add a new dependency for passing safe arguments from one fragment to another but doing so will generate duplicate files. Leading to duplicate file exception, This is my build.gradle.kts ...
Abhishek Tyagi's user avatar
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How to access custom code generated by Kotlin DSL?

I have created a default Empty Views Activity project in Android Studio with Kotlin as language and Kotlin DSL as build configuration language. Then I appended the following code to the app level ...
sanitizedUser's user avatar
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no main manifest attribute, in /app.jar / gradle.kts/sprinboot

when i am run docker run myorg/myapp - i got error no main manifest attribute, in /app.jar, i searching the answer in this Can't execute jar- file: "no main manifest attribute" but ...
Rustam Saydam's user avatar
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red line under R.Id.elemnt in android

the R do exist on my code same as the id's elemnt are correct , idk where's the problem , i've tried clean cache , rebuild project and nothing has chnaged , the problem still persists code didn't ...
aziz Jaberi's user avatar
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How to configure GeckoView in Kotlin DSL project?

I was following the official mozilla tutorial to setup GeckoView, but I couldn't get it right. The tutorial was using Groovy DSL, so I tried to convert each statement they told me into Kotlin DSL ...
sayang_android's user avatar
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How do I include VolleyPlus Library in Android studio Project in Kotlin

I am trying to add VolleyPlus library in my android studio project but I still cannot access its classes. I specifically need SimpleMultiPartRequest class of this library.
Saad Farukh's user avatar
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Android WebView with Jetpack Compose not rendering Mantine UI (React) components properly

Description I've developed a React website using the Mantine UI framework, and it works seamlessly across various browsers and devices. Now, I'm trying to create an Android app using Jetpack Compose ...
Glubker's user avatar
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using a common variable in settings.gradle.kts and build.gradle.kts

I'm using Gradle in my JAVA project, and I'm using the same URL in both settings.gradle.kts and build.gradle.kts files. The URL is duplicated in both files and I want to declare it once and use it in ...
nofar mishraki's user avatar
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Reading input stream from ProcessBuilder pipeline in build.gradle.kts hangs

I've read through a ton of questions here and none of the solution code works. I'm in android studio writing a build.gradle.kts script to get a previous version number and increment it by 1. import ...
toshiomagic's user avatar
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Unable to enable ksp for room database when using kotlin DSL build script

Problem: I want to use ksp with room. On adding ksp( in the module level build.gradle.kts file, I get the following error: Unable to load class 'org.jetbrains.kotlin....
Vikram Baliga's user avatar
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BOM - SLF4J: No SLF4J providers were found

Here build.gradle.kts dependencies { implementation("org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api:2.12.4") implementation("org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-core:2.12.4") ...
Alexei's user avatar
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exclude - None of the following functions can be called with the arguments supplied

here build.gradle dependencies { implementation(enforcedPlatform("org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-dependencies:3.1.2")) { exclude group: "ch.qos.logback", module: &...
Alexei's user avatar
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multi module app with kotlin kts - error running app in emulator (warning: default scripting plugin is disabled:)

I am facing the error below whenever i try to run my first but big leap into android development and kotlin with a multimodule app similar to Now in Android demo app warning: default scripting plugin ...
sheryf's user avatar
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