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Questions tagged [grafana-loki]

Like Prometheus, but for logs.

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Unable to query loki logs on dashboard more than 2 days [closed]

I'm using Grafana Loki version 2.9.4 and I'm encountering an issue where I cannot query logs on my Grafana dashboard for more than 2 days. Ideally, I'd like to configure a logs retention policy that ...
chab narong's user avatar
-1 votes
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Grafana/Loki extracting pattern data

I am new to graphana/loki.. Trying to collect some logs wit it Let's say I have text log lines like these: Kubernetes pod. name: printloop-deployment-b75cd4557-6v9lz, number=63 Kubernetes pod. name: ...
Djangonaut's user avatar
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How to display number of log entries per day in Grafana Loki

Similar to this question, I am trying to aggregate Grafana Loki logs per day (provided by Serilog) so that I can view a vertical bar chart (or line, TBD) of errors per day. An error will be denoted ...
dangerisgo's user avatar
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Problems using logfmt time in promtail-loki-grafana

I have problems with the trace registration date in loki, I want to use the log date (logfmt) and when viewing it in grafana I see the upload date. docker.compose version: "3" networks: ...
Hector .Barragan's user avatar
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Why is promtail: relabel_config: action: drop not dropping?

I have the following promtail configuration: relabel_configs: - source_labels: [__address__] regex: "removeme" action: drop - source_labels: [__address__] regex: "...
KamilCuk's user avatar
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Filtering for the Most Recent Log Entry Per System in Loki Over a Time Range

I am using Grafana Loki to monitor system logs, and I need to determine when each system last sent a log entry. My goal is to identify systems that are offline. The following query identifies such ...
Falke's user avatar
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How to match a static list of system names against logs in Loki/Grafana to find inactive systems?

I'm working with Loki/Grafana and trying to modify a query that currently identifies systems that are considered "offline." A system is deemed offline if it has sent a log within the last 7 ...
Falke's user avatar
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How to have multiple rules file on Loki (Kubernetes)?

I have a question that seems rather simple and obvious but for the life of me I can't make it work. For starters my Observability stack is comprised of: Prometheus Thanos Loki Grafana Alertamanager ...
RedFoxxie's user avatar
-1 votes
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Loki on ecs crashes when cleaning up chunks

I have a case of a loki task shutting down when running on ECS, this occurss when trying to remove a chunk. My questions are how do I configure loki to not crash? And how can I reload the config on a ...
Jan's user avatar
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Unable to fetch alert rules. Is the Prometheus data source properly configured?

Failed to load the data source configuration for Prometheus. Unable to fetch alert rules. Is the Prometheus data source properly configured? Prometheus data source is working fine. I am use AWS ...
Eranda Peiris's user avatar
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Using Grafana flow agent - how do I add a custom label to logs being sent to Loki in river format

I am deploying Grafana Flow Agent to collect logs and send to Loki for log aggregation. I'm experiencing difficulty in creating a custom label to accompany logs from this agent's host for filtering ...
B Tran's user avatar
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Grouping like errors from Loki ineffective due to variables

I have a Grafana dashboard that includes a panel which groups like error messages from Loki to display the most common errors. However, I get a lot of like messages that are not grouped due to ...
Blake's user avatar
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How to configure Grafana alerts with Loki

I have troubles configuring Grafana alerts with Loki. When I switch to the alerts page I always get the following: In the browser devtools I see: Here is the ruler part of my loki.yaml: ruler: ...
Jerma's user avatar
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Loki - how to filter on second field and expand context automatically

When I run a search in Loki, I am able to find what I am looking for by using a query as follows: {app="my-cool-app"} |= `error` When I look at the results for this, I can see that when I ...
John's user avatar
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How to handle dynamic values in request_uri from nginx access logs

I have a PLG stack which extracts the Nginx logs (which is in json format) and visualize it in Grafana. I want to create a dashboard in Grafana, where I get latency for different routes. For this I am ...
adarsh's user avatar
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What's difference between "Total request time" and "Summary: exec time" in Grafana Query inspector?

I use Grafana explore to query logs from loki. There is "Query inspector" function. What is difference between "Total request time" and "Summary: exec time" in Query ...
Boyo's user avatar
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How to extract timestamp from log itself in Loki

There is a time filter by default in grafana dashboard. It filters by the time the log was sent to grafana from loki. I want to change that time to the timestamp in the log (a label). Is it possible ...
stackoverflow's user avatar
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Grafana loki higher data is not getting displayed on my loki dashboard above 200mb logs

i have installed the grafana in my local server where i can get my logs. i have installed loki and promtail to get my logs on dashboard , but the problem which i'm getting is that it is showing me ...
omkark's user avatar
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How to create a dashboard on Grafana, for backend api?

I found this Grafana dashboard for backend api app, online, it only mentions what tech stacks it's used which are LGTM : Loki, Grafana, Tempo, Mimir. I only started learning monitoring and ...
Jackk-Doe's user avatar
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Application logs are not pushed to grafana loko

I am working on adding observability(using grafana stack) to my spring boot microservives. I can't see logs in my grafana loki dashboard. I think issue is with some configuration in one of docker-...
 Raju's user avatar
  • 44
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2 answers

Ingesting logs from Azure Blob Storage to Loki

Similar to a previous question related to reading logs from Azure Storage Accounts for Fluentd/Fluentbit, I am searching for a more direct way to read logs from Azure Storage Accounts into Loki. When ...
kodekid's user avatar
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Issues with Implementing Retention Policy in Loki

Need help with implementing retention policy in loki. storage: bucketNames: chunks: xxxxx-loki-chunks ruler: xxxxx-loki-ruler admin: xxxxx-loki-admin type: s3 s3: ...
user15110035's user avatar
-1 votes
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Unable to connect with Loki. Please check the server logs for more details

It's my first time to use loki, when I configured the loki as datasource of Grafana,It signed: Unable to connect with Loki. Please check the server logs for more details. I just follow the official ...
ilila's user avatar
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Opentelemetry with .NET autoinstrumentation - logs not replacing placeholders

I am using open telemetry with loki service (and grafana to display the logs). The body of the log contains placeholders, and under "attributes" you can see the fields. Is there any way to ...
Yumei De Armas's user avatar
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send Nestjs logs to Grafana Loki using winston

I want to send all my Nestjs logs to Grafana, using a winston logger service. I tried multiple things, but none of them is working... // main.ts const logger = new LoggerService(); const app = ...
johnykes's user avatar
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Promtail parsing JSON - dry-run does not parse labels

I can't seem to get this to parse any labels in a dry run (or when pushing data into Loki either). [inspect: timestamp stage]: none ends up empty Any idea why? The config file is properly formatted ...
jpea's user avatar
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How to keep stacktrace when filtering in grafana loki?

I am using this code part in my promtail-config.yaml file to filter the log lines that contains the word INFO. pipeline_stages: - match: selector: '{env="myenv"}' ...
Kavindu Nilshan's user avatar
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Add label with regexp from container name in promtail

I have a some of docker containers with names: project1-api project1-crons project2-api project2-crons etc… And I need to have a label like “project1”, “project2” to filter in in Grafana Loki So I ...
Kanstantsin's user avatar
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Configuring promtail/loki to read from cold storage (Azure storage account)

All the audit logs from a running cluster get stored to "insights-logs-*" containers in an Azure storage account. This was already configured in the "diagnostic settings" section ...
kodekid's user avatar
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How throttling can be prevented across loki , fluentd and fluent-bit

I currently have a logging solution in Kubernetes as follows. Fluent-bit deployed as daemon sets that collect logs from the nodes After collecting logs, fluent-bit forwards data to two destinations -...
ManiPrabu's user avatar
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WInston Loki not printing debug logs

I am using winston Loki transport to print my logs using Loki host with a npm package winston-loki. Here my based logs are printing fine. But my logger.debug is not printing at all even I ...
Johnson Anthony's user avatar
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Optimization: Improve Loki logs performance while fetching from grafana

I have a single monolithic loki instance installed from the loki-stack chart. This is running on a kubernetes cluster, taking logs from 3 other clusters too. The log volume is pretty high and needed. ...
SafiJunaid's user avatar
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Grafana Loki does not delete logs after retention delete delay

I have installed Grafana Loki with docker. I can store my logs and see them with Grafana. It's cool. But I am not able to delete logs after a specific amount of time. auth_enabled: false server: ...
fjmp24's user avatar
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Can Grafana Mimir works as a permanent storage solution for Grafana Loki?

I am using Grafana Loki for log monitoring. Currently, I have a grafana agent in static mode installed in a remote linux machine and configured the required logs file to remote write to Loki. Grafana ...
karthik's user avatar
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How to display logs from grafana's explore in readable way

I view my logs in grafana and in explore window each field I choose is concatenated into single line, like foo=value bar=value. This is example from grafana documentation: This quickly becomes ...
Shadow's user avatar
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Promtail parse json to make labels

I have the following example json log line which I need to make a label from the ChannelName field: { "Channel status update": { "ChannelName": "Watcher", ...
mattb's user avatar
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Scraping log files in Kubernetes with promtail

I have been working with the Kubernetes service discovery configuration (kubernetes_sd_configs) in Promtail very successfully to pull the stderr and stdout streams into Loki for display on Grafana ...
Stephen Dunne's user avatar
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Grafana variable using loki query

Is it possible in grafana to create a variable that uses a loki query where there isn't a label, that query needs to parse log lines that contain json to create adhoc labels. I seem to be able to ...
mattb's user avatar
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Not able to get traces in tempo from Grafana loki and OTEL collector

Its been more than 2 weeks since i am stuck in this issue. I have Fluent bit to send the logs like this ( Fluent Bit -> Loki and Otel Collector -> Tempo). I have done all the changes but not ...
Harsh Vardhan's user avatar
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Grafana Loki Logging - Search in the json Fields

I recently moved my application logging from Cloudwatch to Grafna-loki. Team used to fetch data to run query in Cloudwatch log insights like below: fields *@timestamp* , activity, terminalID, clientID,...
Gursharan Singh's user avatar
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How to get log volume/storage size by label with Loki?

Background: I have various services, managed by different teams, sending logs to a single Loki instance. Logs carries a label service that corresponds to the name of the service. We are also running ...
dayuloli's user avatar
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How can I add custom labels promtail?

http_listen_address: http_listen_port: 9080 positions: filename: "/var/promtail/positions_${HOST_HOSTNAME}.yaml" clients: - url: http://loki:3100/loki/api/v1/push ...
solidguy777's user avatar
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Is there a way for promtail to add a line number as a tag in loki log extractor?

I have a system that collects logs from several systems. When the line is tagged as error, (because it contains loglevel=Error) i might want to look at the original file, however finding the location ...
Maarten Geurts's user avatar
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Postgres inside Docker container, how to log JSON to Loki via Promtail?

I have Postgres16.1 running in a container in Docker Swarm, alongside inter alia Promtail, Loki and Grafana. I want to direct Postgres logs in JSON format towards Promtail for easy processing in ...
honest_annie's user avatar
-1 votes
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loki promtail configuration changes to exclude all level=info lines from all pods except few

I need help with promtail configuration where I want to drop all "level=info" lines from all pods, except 2 pods where all lines are needed including level=info. Can someone please help me ...
SafiJunaid's user avatar
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Error Flushing Chunks to S3: "dial tcp: lookup chunks.<endpoint>: no such host

I have successfully set up Loki and Promtail on my EKS cluster, and I observe that logs are being stored in the specified S3 bucket. However, I'm facing an issue with the loki-write-0 pod. Despite ...
user15110035's user avatar
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Internal Tempo link is not getting populated to get the traces in Loki

I have integrated Grafana Loki and Tempo in EKS cluster. I am able to query the services from loki, but the internal tracing URL for Tempo is not getting populated in Loki. I have flunetbit deployed ...
Harsh Vardhan's user avatar
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Grafana alert missing loki sum query results

We use the following loki query to sum errors per job: I know this works, cause when changing range to 1 hours it shows data: When using Grafana Explore, I can find a specific sum occurring at 03.02....
goulashsoup's user avatar
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Logback appender (Loki4jAppender) not sending logs to Loki

I am trying to send logs to Loki with the help of Loki4jAppender ( but the logs do not reach their destination and i do not get an error message or some ...
kanonroald's user avatar
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Create time-series visualizations in Grafana from Loki logs

I am trying to create time-series graph for Falco metrics. Falco metrics are exposed as log lines, picked up by loki and are available as log line is to query in Grafana. Now I want to create time-...
Saurabh's user avatar

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