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Can Reportlab draw text along a path?

Placing text along a curve is a fairly common task in vector graphics, but I don't see it mentioned anywhere in the Reportlab documentation. Is there any way to place text along an arc or path object ...
PGmath's user avatar
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What is Tone Mapping Operator?

Can the Tone Mapping Operator (TMO), whether global or local, be commonly understood as processing the XYZ values of all pixels in the input image, with the TMO handling each set of XYZ values and ...
pointnemo's user avatar
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How to best handle the barycentric points of shared vertices in an arbitrary polygon?

I have the barycentric coordinates of an irregular sided polygon. I would like to create an effect such that I can highlight the unique vertices of the polygon or the shared vertices. For example if ...
thegraph1csman's user avatar
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If I am CS student in my final years and my specialty is Graphic Designing, then what are possible Final Year project I can do in my field? [closed]

This is the final year of Bachelors in computer science, I am asked to select a project for my final year, but I don't know what to do as the only thing I know very well is Graphic Designing. My ...
shahmir khan's user avatar
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Erasing solid color background from behind a transparent object

I would like to erase solid color background from a picture like this: Representation of result as it would appear in graphics editing software: Is there a straight forward way to do this in Magick....
droopysinger's user avatar
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Bullet Physics: Ghost Object Passing Through Static Mesh Objects [closed]

I'm using Bullet Physics for my Vulkan-based game engine and having an issue where a btPairCachingGhostObject with a btKinematicCharacterController passes through static objects created from custom ...
daniel's user avatar
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Flood fill algorithm in Qt Pixap is way too slow

Introduction I am trying to implement the flood fill algorithm manually in my Qt Computer Graphics Project. I have used simple BFS algorithm to implement flood fill. Problem The simple BFS version of ...
Siddhartha Mondal's user avatar
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What is common practice for storing a bool to determine if a key is held?

I am new to OpenGL and using GLFW for input. I recently have been developing a simple program to create shapes when clicking the left mouse button. If the left mouse button is held down, the shape ...
LucasR's user avatar
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Optix denoiser implementation exhibits black square artifacts

I integrated Optix denoiser inside my path tracer using Optix 8.0.0 and Cuda 12.6. While I get decent results with some scenes, I get black square artefacts on some other scenes after several path ...
TheChamp's user avatar
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What is maximum count of a egl share context?

According to the official document, there is no limit to the number of shared contexts. But on the Android client, I have an eglContext as a shared context parameter. When calling eglCreateContext to ...
August1996's user avatar
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Task Manager in PowerShell

I want to add icons to this, but I can’t figure out how to call the icons for each application. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Note: I use this when I can’t access the remote computer’s UI, ...
Michael Palmero's user avatar
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error when trying to join many upset plots in only one plot using grid.arrange in r

I'm trying to join many upset plots in only one image in r, I can generate the plots individually but when I use grid.arrange (from gridExtra) to join them like this: grid.arrange(plot1, plot2) it ...
Camila 's user avatar
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add a text on a photo flutter like taking captions of photo in instgram

how could i make user make a title on the image then take this title and integrate it with image file so it appears as one image file with text on like this UI enter image description here here is ...
Abdelrahman Ahmed's user avatar
-3 votes
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Error Access violation writing location 0x0000000000000000 [closed]

I wrote some code to create a window, but this part that creates an error: void MakeBitMap(DWORD** window_p) { ws_cpy[0] = 0x0000aaff; } it crashes with this error: Access violation writing ...
Dom Da Bomb's user avatar
-2 votes
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How does CanvasRenderingContext2D draw images so fast? [closed]

We have a fairly complex image rendering task which involves loading many 1024*1024 images dynamically and blending them together. Our first attempt was to use WebGL2, and experienced heavy ...
hillin's user avatar
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Python opencv draws polygons outside of lines

[edited] It appears there is a new bug in opencv that introduces an issue causing fillPoly's boundaries to exceed polylines's. Here is humble code to draw a red filled polygon with a blue outline. ...
Fnord's user avatar
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Raytracer Reflection: object is dimmed, not reflective

i'm implementing a simple raytracer and now I'm trying to implement reflections. but the object are just dimmed, there is no reflection. that's how it looks: my scene Here is my code for the ...'s user avatar
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Overlay points on violin plot using Seaborn

I wish to compare two datasets. To this end, I want to represent the first as a violin and the second as points. Unfortunately, there is a discrepancy between the two plots, as can be seen in the ...
Appolinaire Derbetini's user avatar
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PBRT4: added radiance per unit distance in volume scattering

I'm reading section 11.1 Volume Scattering Processes of PBRT4 and feel confused about equation 11.3. It gives us total added radiance per unit distance by source function $L_s$ And $Ls$ is given by ...
ckf104's user avatar
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How do I dispatch a Compute Shader kernel and know which index of the buffer to access inside the function?

I'm new to Compute Shaders so this may seem trivial, but it's a lot to wrap my head around. When calling Dispatch on a Compute Shader we seem to be throwing a work problem at the GPU and letting it ...
Lanefox's user avatar
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My DX12 ray tracer is crashing and i can't figure out why

I am trying to code a real-time ray tracer application using DirectX12. I should say that I am almost a complete beginner about graphics programming and have very little idea on what I'm doing (if you ...
HeroOfSkies's user avatar
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How to calculate local axes?

I have a Trasnform class, it has as princiapli attributes of glm::vec3 that describe the position, rotation and scale, through the apply() method the transformation matrix is calculated and from this ...
Phoenix's user avatar
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SV_PrimitiveID in Geometry Shader and Pixel Shader in Dx12

When I learn the system value SV_PrimitiveID,I have a question. In my realize,SV_PrimitiveID will give each primitive an id.But if I add GS to pipeline and the GS adds new primitive.I want to know if ...
YaoYaoPig's user avatar
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How do I creating a square "Bubble Plot" grid from proportion data?

I have collected magnetic field intensity data using a 2-foot x 2-foot sample grid divided into 121 cells (11-cells x 11-cells). The sample grid was placed over a square mat that is the source of the ...
Chuck Henderson's user avatar
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How to ensure that a line drawn with GL_LINES is always visible?

I need to draw a waveform exactly 1 pixel thick like Sound Forge or Wavelab does. For the example, a stereo sine wave is shown at 1:4 and 1:2 ratios. (make sure to view the pictures in full size) ...
aybe's user avatar
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Vulkan Queue Sync with multiple renderpasses

On the command buffers for the graphics queue I am submitting multiple renderpasses/subpasses (shadow map/defered/resolve) and I now want to add a compute shader that generates some mesh data that ...
Symlink's user avatar
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Clipping triangle normal direction

Trying to comprehend clipping algorithm given by ClipTriangle(triangle, plane) { d0 = SignedDistance(plane, triangle.v0) d1 = SignedDistance(plane, triangle.v1) d2 = SignedDistance(plane, ...
Pyrettt Pyrettt's user avatar
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DirectX distorted/stretched triangle render

I'm currently making a simple DirectX engine to brush up some of my graphics programming knowledge, but currently I've been frustratingly stuck for a while. I'm trying to render a simple triangle with ...
RenzoDP's user avatar
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Accessing values from grid::unit objects in R

Are there any functions to access the values in a unit object from grid package in R. I am trying to access the locations of certain points from a complex grob to add text labels to them. For example, ...
Crops's user avatar
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Accessing every cordinate on a plane in random order, uniquely efficiently in time and space

I currently have a program where I need to access every pixel of an image in random order. My current approach is to store all coordinate combinations and shuffle them, but this leads to too much ...
yuta y's user avatar
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What's the difference between PBR (pointed based rendering) and GS (Gaussian Splatting)

Over 20 years ago, there was a wave of "Point-Based Rendering" (PBR) or even "Point-Based Graphics". It started with two interesting papers, both published on SIGGRAPH 2000, "...
redpearl's user avatar
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How do I rotate a uv texture on a sphere without tilting it?

I'm trying to change the direction of the front face of the uv texture on a sphere, but in the process I'm somehow "tilting" the textures, and I don't know why. I'd like them to not be ...
thabnir's user avatar
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Data is missing after order by a column

I have to generate a graphic of median_rate by year of measles contamination. I noticed the data goes missing after this line: filtered_data['state'] = pd.Categorical(filtered_data['state'], ...
daniel_dezan's user avatar
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Identifying Unknown Code with ANSI Escape Sequences: Possible Use for Graphic Rendering?

I have the following code and would like to know what kind of code it is: P30;1;1q #0;2;4;5;6 #1;2;6;93;1 #2;2;55;3;8 #3;2;91;82;4 #1~~]{o!4?~~!4?~~!4bBB!4?w{MFBBF]{o???[}bbr}!4?{}EBBBE}{_???...
Marcus Herold's user avatar
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SDL2 Program Breaks Every Time I Try To Render Something

Every time i try to render a rectangle or line to the screen then the entire screen turns black and my background color won't work anymore. #include <SDL2/SDL.h> #include <SDL2/SDL_image.h>...
Noah Lundie's user avatar
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Unity crisp graphics and 1pixel width gaps with different screen resolutions

I am trying to make a puzzle game but I wonder how to get crisp graphics. For example how does a game like “blocks blast” (which is written in unity) achieve its graphics, are they using sprites or ...
Wiljan van Ravensteijn's user avatar
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What's the point of having a single vertex attribute?

I notice that the size parameter for gl.vertexAttribPointer() can be 1, 2, 3, or 4. What is the point of having 1 attribute per vertex? Is it for rendering lines? If that's the case, then wouldn't the ...
zacoons's user avatar
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Minimizing and simplifying a 2D triangle mesh

Goal: I have a list of lots of triangles on a 2D surface, represented as std::vector<QPolygonF>. I want to transform this list into another list of triangles that have the same outline, but no ...
Aykhan Hagverdili's user avatar
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C++ - Creating curvilinear gridlines of a 2D cartesian plot using Qt

I want to create a plot with gridlines like so: with just the grey lines and not the background. I also want the graph to be adjusted according to different lengths of y-axis and x-axis like so: ...
Alan Z.'s user avatar
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Creating an Alluvial plot with ggplot

I am trying to create an Alluvial Plot in R for longitudinal gene expression data. The code works fine and I kind of get what I need. My problem is though, that I would like that the color code for ...
user26837610's user avatar
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DirectX 12 Recording The Front Buffer

I'm building an example DX12 application that utilizes FSR3 and DLSS3. Both of these techniques use frame generation, and as far as I can tell, the interpolated frame is presented in a separate swap ...
Deniz da King's user avatar
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How to deal with horizontal edges in polygon scanline algorithm?

I'm trying to implement a scanline polygon fill using the even/odd technique, but horizontal edges have me perplexed. There are a number of similar questions on the site, but the answers are either a ...
Mark Reed's user avatar
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PNGDecoder in LWJGL returning few negative values

I am using PNGDecoder to decode a png that is a height map. Howerver, when I am just printing the values returned in console I see few of the rgb values are returned as negative -128, -128, -128, -1 -...
Jitendra Tiwari's user avatar
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why event datagridview RowPostPaint output image in row header becomes blurry in

I'm Trying to use event datagridview RowPostPaint but output image in row header becomes blurry and there is a white color on each side of the in image with If you look at the screenhot, the ...
dlaksmi's user avatar
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why does the difference quotient where h = FLT_MIN always equals 0? How can I add the smallest number possible to a float?

I am trying to find the slope of a Bezier curve using the difference quotient: ( f(x + h) - f(x) ) / h In calculus we usually use limits where we assume h is infinitely small and we evaluate the ...
stuck_zipper's user avatar
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Bounding box of a transformed circle

I'm trying to calculate an axis-aligned bounding box of a circle that is transformed through a 2D affine matrix that can contain any operations (translation, rotation, scale, skew). I think that good ...
HankMoody's user avatar
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Why computed prefilter radiance map looks different in opengl api comparing to dx11?

I've got a shader that computes radiance texture in my DX11 renderer and I want to port it to opengl. //this ifdef is only for the showcase, it's not in the original shader // because version ...
Gerrard's user avatar
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No displacement or deformation after simulation in python polyfem

I've been trying to get material deformation for a while in python polyfem, and it just doesn't happen. As far as I know, it should just works. The examples and docs says it return a deformation , but ...
Self learning student's user avatar
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Auto adjust exposure via OpenCV with checkboard reference

I want to set the cameras exposure time so that it is ideal for the calibration process and since I need the checkboard pattern anyway, I think this would also be a good object to use for Exposure ...
Jakob's user avatar
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Associating B-Spline Coefficients to Control Points

From the seminal paper by Hughes I learnt that any B-Spline curve (or surface) can be described by a linear combination of B-Spline basis and control points, i.e. C(x) = \sum_{i=1}^n N_{i,p} B_i ...
ARessegetes_Stery's user avatar

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