Questions tagged [h2o]

Use this tag for questions about the H2O in-memory machine learning platform. Where relevant, add language tags like [r], [python], [scala], or [java].

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h2o, how to get internal trees when binomial_double_trees is True in python

I'm using the h2o package in Python. When binomial_double_trees == True, I want to know information about internal all trees for a class. This is my parameter: h2o_rfe = H2ORandomForestEstimator(...
김영현's user avatar
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H2o.explain confusion matrix

I am trying to understand how the confusion matrix in h2o.explain is generated. If I use the following code: h2o.explain(model@leader, test_set, include_explanations="confusion_matrix"), is ...
Statwonder's user avatar
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Azure Functions with python runtime. H2O Module not available error

I am trying to create an Azure python function which uses H20 module. When I tried to test it locally I am getting module not available error even though I have specified it in requirements.txt and it ...
The6thSense's user avatar
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AttributeError: 'H2OFrame' object has no attribute 'to_html'

I just installed the most recent version of h2o for Python. And it generates the following error: import h2o h2o.init() h2o_df = h2o.H2OFrame(some_df) the error: Traceback (most recent call last): ...
user1700890's user avatar
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How can I save the explain() output for H2O models

I am trying to save the output images (graphs) I get when I use explain() in H2O models. Currently I am just saving the SHAP output using the model.shap_summary_plot(test, save_plot_path=`shap_summary....
Shubham Goel's user avatar
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Why does H2O import_file fail with col_names argument?

It is a strange error when I use the col_names= argument in h2o.import_file. However, setting the column names by a separate line works fine. import os import h2o h2o.init() # It shows ...
rozyang's user avatar
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Trying out the h2o autoML option preprocessing = ["target_encoding"]. How to handle and check performance in the unseen data?

Trying out the h2o autoML option preprocessing = ["target_encoding"].The test performance did improve. How do I apply similar transformation on the unseen/ out of time data to check ...
Payal Sengupta's user avatar
-2 votes
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Does anyone else experience an 'h2o malware' issue?

I ceased using h2o a few yeas back when I discovered a malware issue. After obtaining a new Mac, I decided to give it another shot and install h2o. The problem still persists. I use VirusBarrier ...
123blee's user avatar
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H2O AI with own python machine learning model integration with snowflake

i have a few questions regarding H2O AI. As per my understanding, h2o AI powers Auto ML functionality. but need to integrate my own python jupyetr ML model. so my questions are, Can we use H2O AI ...
johnson's user avatar
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Freeing up resources while running loops in h2o

I am running a loop to upload a csv file from my local machine, convert it to a h2o data frame, then run a h2o model. I then remove the h2o data frame from my r environment and the loop continues. ...
chipsin's user avatar
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Getting error while using the H2o AutoML model for h2o stacking

I tried using the 2 best models from AutoML and used one of them as Meta learner for stacking. Named the new model stack_test. Code that I used is: stack_test = H2OStackedEnsembleEstimator(base_models=...
Payal Sengupta's user avatar
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Aggregating Max using h2o in R

I have started using h2o for aggregating large datasets and I have found peculiar behaviour when trying to aggregate the maximum value using h2o's h2o.group_by function. My dataframe often has ...
chipsin's user avatar
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H2O | ExtendedIsolation Forest | model.explain() gives, KeyError: 'response_column'

I have been struggling with this error for a few hours now, but seem lost even after reading through the documentation. I'm using H2O's Extended Isolation Forest (EIF), an unsupervised model, to ...
Sebastiaan van Dijk's user avatar
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Is there a way to create a factor table for spline terms using GAMs in Python's h2o

I have fit a GAM model in h2o with several gam variables (P-splines) using the h2o.estimators.gam package. I'd like to get a table with the factor loading for every level of each gam variable. For ...
Carver Coleman's user avatar
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H2O Mojo model always return the same value for prediction

I have trained a stacked ensemble model with automl() function provided by H2O ( R. Once the model is trained, i have exported it to .zip format with the download_mojo() function. I have ...
ierrandonea's user avatar
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h2o-pysparkling-2.4 and Glue Jobs with: {"error":"TypeError: 'JavaPackage' object is not callable","errorType":"EXECUTION_FAILURE"}

I am try to using for predict a spark dataframe using a MOJO model trained with h2o== in AWS Glue Jobs, how ever a got the error: TypeError: 'JavaPackage' object is ...
MaxReis86's user avatar
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h2o neural net structure. Or: How do you convert an H2o model into a Keras model in R?

So I wrote a script that takes the weights of a h2o model and plants them into a keras model. I then found that the results from running the model through keras do not match up with h2o. Here's the ...
Ingolifs's user avatar
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Retrieve loss for each epoch in Python H2O

I would like to plot a loss vs epoch graph from a deep quantile regression model in H2O. I'm using the H2ODeepLearningEstimator but can't seem to find a way to retrieve the loss like in Keras. https://...
mj_whales's user avatar
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How to get all base model from a stackedsamble in h2o

I used H2O's automl on my dataset, and the top model is a stackedensemble model. I like to get all basemodels with it's parameters of this stacked model. How do I get this models?
seb2704's user avatar
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Error when using random effect with h2o.glm in R

I would like to use h2o in R for glm regression but with random effects (HGLM, seems possible from this page ). I do not manage to make it work yet, and get errors I do not understand. Is here my ...
denis's user avatar
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Error when creating H2O context using RSparkling

I am running Spark 2.4.4 using Yarn and interfacing using RSparkling and Sparklyr As per these instructions I've Installed Sparklyr Called the library for Sparklyr Removed any prior installs of H2O ...
TheGoat's user avatar
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Trouble getting H2O to work with Sparklyr

I am trying to get H2O working with Sparklyr on my spark cluster (yarn) spark_version(sc) = 2.4.4 My spark cluster is running V2.4.4 According to this page the compatible version with my spark is 2.4....
TheGoat's user avatar
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how to prevent h2o.init() creating libxgboost4j_gpu*.so files in temp directory

when running h2o.init() (using the latest package version) from r, it is creating libxgboost4j_gpu*.so files within temp directory which take significant amount of space and pile up (when run several ...
martin_hulin's user avatar
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Error using H2O (from Python 3.9.10) and XGBoost backend on MacOS (Monterey, Apple M1)

I am currently trying to use H2O from Python, and I encounter some problems on my Mac OS with XGBoost. It seems like H2O does not find it anywhere. More precisely, the next simple snippet import ...
Clej's user avatar
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h2o cross-validated results can't be replicated

I have been trying to replicate the results from cross-validation from h2o by hand, but I'm puzzled on why the results are different. In my understanding, if a fold_column is specified, then cross-...
Theodor's user avatar
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70 views fails to query openLDAP passes 'cn' instead of 'uid'

I configured h2o application to use openLDAP configuration referring to the link: Added userNameAttribute=uid to ovreride '...
Pankaj Mahadik's user avatar
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XGBoost model failed due to Closing connection _sid_af1c at exit

We use XGBoost model for regression prediction model, We use XGBoost as grid search hyper parameter tuning process, We run this model on 90GB h2o cluster. This process now running over 1.2 years, but ...
Nalinda Perera's user avatar
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h2o AutoML - retrain stacked ensemble from autoML - preprocessing the data

I am using h2o autoML on python. I used the autoML part to find the best model possible: it is a StackedEnsemble. Now I would like to take the model and retrain it on a bigger dataset (which was not ...
Gabiboubibel's user avatar
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Not able to predict with gamma distributed GLM model in H2O

I have just computed a gamma GLM with the h2o package in R. When I'm trying to predict on the test set I get this error: Illegal argument(s) for GLM model: GLM_model_R_1644680218230_95. Details: ERRR ...
MariusJ's user avatar
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Poor Out of Sample Performance in h2o randomForest

I am running a randomForest model using h2o in R. The exercise is a binary classification problem in which I have approx. 5x as many ‘1’s as ‘0’s. Because the dataset is a time series (approx. 50k ...
DaveTheRave's user avatar
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weights with glm() versus weights_column with h2o.glm()

I want to make sure the weights_column arguments in h2o.glm() is the same as the weights argument in glm(). To compare, I am looking at the rmse of both models using the Seatbelts dataset in R. I don'...
mapleleaf's user avatar
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h2o modelling in R

So I'm about to write my master thesis, and doing some data modelling/scoring in R, where I have some issues. I have been given a ReadMe file to follow with older versions of R, but did not seem to ...
JBerggreen's user avatar
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How to import an algorithm built in Python to H2O?

I have a requirement to add new algorithms built in Python/Java to H2O and making it available in Flow UI. I have not found much information other than these old posts
python dev's user avatar
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H2OModelSelectionEstimator deprecated?

Is the H2OModelSelectionEstimator deprecated? When I run the code from h2o.estimators import H2OModelSelectionEstimator I get the message: ImportError: cannot import name 'H2OModelSelectionEstimator' ...
lostwanderer's user avatar
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H2O driverless AI deployment with Snowflake clarification?

I see Snowflake has a partner connect through which I could activate the H2O Driverless AI and access Snowflake from there. I also see that H2O Driverless AI can be independently deployed on any cloud ...
Roshan Fernando's user avatar
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h2o build fails with java 15

h2o version: h2o- (rel-zizler) Java version: openjdk version "15.0.2" 2021-01-19 (installed with: FROM adoptopenjdk:15-jre-openj9-focal) I want to build an XGBoost model using Java ...
sandoronodi's user avatar
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H2O Stacked Ensemble Prediction ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException

Using the h2o package for R, I created a set of base models using AutoML with StackedEnsemble's disabled. Thus, the set of models only contains the base models that AutoML generates by default (GLM, ...
Jdclark's user avatar
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How to join two frames' rows in H2O?

I am implementing my own algorithm in H2O's Java source code (under package h2o-algos). How can I join two frames' rows (i.e. vectors) in H2O given H2O Java methods? For instance, given two Frame A ...
Huy Ngo's user avatar
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How to specify the H2O version in Sparkling Water?

In a Databricks notebook, I am trying to load an H2O model that was trained for H2O version I have installed the version of Sparkling Water which corresponds to the Spark version used for ...
James Adams's user avatar
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Are products affected by log4shell vulnerability?

My question is if Open Source H2O-3, Open Source Sparkling Water and Driverless AI are affected by CVE-2021-44228 and CVE-2021-45046.
Michal's user avatar
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Is R-Package h2o affected by log4j-vulnerability? (and how to solve)

A vulnerability of log4j became public. Amongst other packages, I am using R shiny and h2o packages. I already found out, that shiny is not affected by the vulnerability, since it uses log4js(see ...
Jonas's user avatar
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Uninstall H2O in Windows 10

As my plan was to exclusively use H2O's web GUI, I installed H2O following these steps: I got a ...
alex's user avatar
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How to define a threshold from generated H2O Autoencoder / Anomaly Detection Model for Inference in Java API?

With the latest version of hex.genmodel java library, we can get the MSE value. But I need to define the threshold value to identify the anomaly from generated H2O Poco class itself. Even a ...
Niroshan K's user avatar
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How to implement new methods into pipeline using H2O?

I'm new to machine learning and H2O tools, and I'd like to know if there is a high-level H2O interface that allows us to implement new methods into a pipeline. I know we can build models thanks to ...
Marbota's user avatar
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Killing xxx because the cloud is no longer accepting new H2O nodes

plz help~ i create h2o-stateful-set which set replicas: 3, then i run a h2o automl job, it works well. but suddenly one of pod breakdown, i use kubectl delete pod h2o-k8s-1 to delete this pod. the ...
dhr's user avatar
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H2O single node Vs cluster

I have recently started learning about H2O AutoML. I am wondering which one of the following options works better. Single node with 6GB of memory or a cluster of three nodes with 2GB memory each. ...
python dev's user avatar
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How to set memory the master node more than workers nodes' memory in H2O?

In my algorithm, master node needs more memory (say 20GB) while the worker nodes need much less memory (say 3GB). However, as far as I know, in H2O it is only possibly to set the master node the same ...
Huy Ngo's user avatar
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Lime Model Explainer in Python vs R

I am trying to convert some R code to Python. The code builds h2o models and uses Lime for explanations. The Lime modules in each language seem to be quite different. What would be the equiavlent ...
Jacqueline Schafer's user avatar
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Relevel factor with spaces in H2O

I'm using function relevel() to set base level in column of my dataframe and getting this error in case column's values consists '+', '-' or ' ' symbols (mostly there are more, but I've tried this ...
Grigory Skvortsov's user avatar
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Overcoming compatibility issues with using iml from h2o models

I am unable to reproduce the only example I can find of using h2o with iml ( as detailed ...
user1809593's user avatar

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