Questions tagged [heap-size]

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can not modify build process heap size in idea 2023.3

i was building project and stucked in parsing java,then build fail because of 'java: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded' try to increase build process heap size,found that i cannot ...
user24421101's user avatar
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Setting Heap size and other related parameters in cassandra

I have a cassandra 5 node cluster with 256GB memory. I am facing some performance issue on read operation so I decided to increase my heap size as it was using the defualt. I updated cassandra-env ...
Dinesh Chandra's user avatar
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I am running a julia script on a hpc cluster and getting an error when I use --heap-size-hint

I am new to Julia and this is my first post here, 398188] signal (15): Terminated in expression starting at /user1/jay.pandey/start_again_copy/start_again/dup_for_check/writing_to_disk.jl:8 ...
moonshine's user avatar
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IBM WEBSPHERE 9 application server very slow on windows server 2016

I'm newly using IBM WEBSPHERE. We have a websphere application server which is very solow and we need sometime to reboot the service and even the server. Could anyone please assist with checking the ...
Mes_jsn's user avatar
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Estimation of Maximum Heap Size PyCharm

I want to estimate my maximum heap size in PyCharm for a full-stack App. How can one get a sophisticated first good guess? Of course it depends on the specific application but can I get something like ...
GaTe's user avatar
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Jenkins Pipeline job with "OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space"

At the launch of the job Jenkins Pipeline,I get a Java heap space issue as shown in the screen shot here As u can see in the screen shot , i'm using ansible to connect to windows ( success ) I've done ...
YR1998's user avatar
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Updating Java Heap size while deploying/installing keycloak using bitnami/keycloak

I keep getting a OutOfMemoryError while deploying/installing keycloak using bitnami/keycloak in a Kubernetes pod. 2023-02-09 17:33:49,316 ERROR [org.jboss.threads.errors] (build-19) Thread Thread[...
nafi's user avatar
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I am trying to create a table from 2 views connected by the minus operator returns erro ORA-00600: [KGL-heap-size-exceeded]

I can't create a table from a view consisting of 2 other views connected by a minus operator. I can create a table from a view that uses a table and a view connected by a minus operator. Is this a ...
TGM's user avatar
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Wrong Heap size is obtained when using different values for MinRAMPercentage and MaxRAM Percentage

I have a 1 GB container with Memory Limit = 1 GiB in K8S. I am using Java SUSE. I am setting the MinRAMPercentage and MaxRAMPercentage values as follows: bash-4.4# java -server -XX:MinRAMPercentage=64 ...
Thomas Enblom's user avatar
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is there any way to increase heap_size in weka 3.7.13 for executing the big data like 10 millions instances?

I am facing following issues in the weka 3.7.13 ;Latest version were not working on my system. inital heap =128MB ; Current (used)= 808MB; max available = 913MB; i set maxheap=2000M in runweka.ini , ...
rimsha Tahir's user avatar
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64-Bit Java won't use >2GB RAM

I'm having some issues running minecraft on my PC (specifically, some demanding mods). MC issues aside- I'm noticing that Minecraft/Java Platform does not want to use more than about 2,900 MB of ...
Sawyer's user avatar
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Why is my (smaller) project running so slowly while my bigger project runs fine? [duplicate]

So I wonder if someone has any idea why my City game runs so much slower than my BlackJack game. The Blackjack game is a much bigger program, but runs smoothly. The City Game is much smaller, but I've ...
dwlakes's user avatar
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Set heap size for customer java application

I have a java application for our customer, delivered as a single jar file. A new feature ends in an OutOfMemoryException - the detected problem is the Heap Size, which is set to low. The customer don'...
HarleyDavidson's user avatar
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Defining Java Heap Size for All Users on a Windows System

I am relatively new to Java we are running Java 8 JRE Update 211 32bit on Windows 10 PC and Server 2019 and I am trying to define heap size for all users who login to the PCs/Servers. I know the Java ...
S.Mahmood's user avatar
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c++ error on start 0xc0000017 (process exited with code -1073741801) with big heap size [closed]

I'm trying to create c++ program in Visual Studio 2019 that can use more than 4Gb of heap size, I created a new "Hello World" solution, selected x64 platform everywhere, and set 4300000000 ...
Igor's user avatar
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Running external Java Process with ProcessBuilder and give heap size

I didn't figured out yet how to run a external Java Application with a specify heap size in a ProcessBuilder. The ProcessBuilder is just that simple as it should: ProcessBuilder pb = new ...
Givou's user avatar
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Can't increase heap size IntelliJ Mac – changed idea.vmoptions+restarted

I'm on MacOs 10.13.4 (High Sierra) Using IntelliJ 2020.3.1 (Community Edition) I've tried increasing the heap size but failed. I've tried these two things: Changing through the dialog box Help->...
lemoncactus's user avatar
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mechanism that prevents OutOfMemory exception before it happened java [duplicate]

How can we predict or check if an OutOfMemory error will happen before creating a new instance? This mechanism must tell me that if I were to create one more object then an OutOfMemory error will ...
oday ashour's user avatar
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How to detect the heap size from within a Scala program?

I have a graph with about 6000 nodes (pedigree). The program should determine all ways between two given nodes (relationship). Depending on the position of the start and destination nodes, the number ...
Hans-Joachim Buschmann's user avatar
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Setting Java Heap Size for Spring boot project with embedded tomcat deployed as docker image

I have a spring boot REST application with embedded tomcat deployed in a docker container. My deployment YAML file has the following values set - resources: limits: memory: 2.5G requests: ...
Mousumi Hazarika's user avatar
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Heap blocks size is different in !heap commands

Why !heap -p -a gives correct size but !heap -i fails. Is the block corrupted.? Image upload failed from Android app so uploaded it to reddit -
Ron's user avatar
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How to increase the heap size in WEKA?

I am learning WEKA, I want to increase the heap size. I did Q&A researches, most of the answers showed that heap size can be changed in RunWeka.ini, but I couldn't find RunWeka.ini and also ...
xuan's user avatar
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Ask about GC process on Websphere?

My system has 3 servers per Node, we have 02 Nodes, and set HeapSize 16Gb for each JVM -> It meant totally we have 06 JVMs to serve service online. We have 02 layer: layer web published via web ...
khanh duy's user avatar
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Strange profiling results regarding heap size and surviving generations

I am writing a simple program for simulating Texas hold 'em. I wanted to test running it in a loop for a long time to test any performance or other issues. I ran the program for four hours and what it ...
abbalaggi's user avatar
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Stanfordcore Nlp invalid maximum heap size error

i have the following error when i run the command java -mx4g -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer -port 9000 -timeout 15000 in folder of stanford core nlp i have installed java ...
Khalil Saqib's user avatar
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Longest repeating and non-overlapping substring in a huge string

I used this program to find the longest repeated substring in a string. I found it on this link( This program works ...
David Čadež's user avatar
2 votes
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how to extend HEAP SIZE of jMeter 5.1.1 on Windows 10

I have problem with Heap Size in jMeter and I need to increase the heap size. I try change in jmeter.bat but in console (when I open gui mode) the displayed info is still default option. How can I ...
RaV's user avatar
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Why did Java chose Xmx and Xms naming convention for heap sizes?

As per online description following are properties used in Java linked with Sizes: Use -Xmx to specify the maximum heap size Use -Xms to specify the initial Java heap size Use -Xss to set ...
fatherazrael's user avatar
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Out of Memory error in Netflix zuul (AWS) even I gave 6 GB -Xmx

enter image description here I have added -Xmx to 6GB but still I am getting this error. When I am trying to upload a large file in Springboot application via Zuul. I can able to upload upto 600 MB ...
MURALI's user avatar
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Jmeter gives java.lang.OutOfMemoryError beyond 2000 threads, even after increasing the heap size to maximum

I am running load test on my target using concurrency thread group. I have also increased the heap size to 6GB. Now when I run the script, beyond 2000 threads it gives Failed to start thread - ...
Sanjay Bhatia's user avatar
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Heap Size of a Java application is changing frequently [duplicate]

Allocated Heap Size is fluctuating for the java app. I am observing in JVisualVM that Heap Size of my application is fluctuating very often. I am observing decent GC activity as well. I am of ...
KUMAR SAURABH's user avatar
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Datastage Heap Size

Can you please help me, because am stuck with a problem of heap size. I am using a jdbc connector to connect to a PostgreSQL database. I have about 7 million data into my table. I had to set my heap ...
kunaliX's user avatar
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increase-memory-limit command not found

I wanted to increase the heap size of my node project. So I installed increase-memory-limit package. But when I execute increase-memory-limit in the terminal I get an error of "increase-memory-limit:...
J.Jeyanthasingam's user avatar
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java Xms command for increasing heap size not working correctly

Ubuntu Server hosting some WAr apps is getting several heap error meessages like follows. This server runs tomcat8 and was working perfectly, now and without any changes on code side server is ...
Chanafot's user avatar
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Native Memory Increase

I have a question because couldn't find anything relative in android documentations. When I run an simple app (a generic project from Android studio or a google example app) in Android Studio I ...
Nick's user avatar
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How do I know when to tuning Heap size when using G1 GC?

In Oracle's G1 GC document, G1 GC does not recommend tuning JVM options because throughput and latency are stable.
Pyohwan Jang's user avatar
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Setting heap size in Java

I am trying to run a Java tool in Linux Ubuntu system and I keep getting the following error after the program imports 12% of the data: Fata Error: Exception in thread 'Thread-l" java.lang....
Masih's user avatar
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pig script failing with GC:Overhead limit exceeded

I am running one pig script on around 1 gb of data which involves several groupby and foreach statement. here is sample pig code: ab = GROUP y BY(y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, ...
ROHAN VADJE's user avatar
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what is the best way to change Heap size of Jmeter which gives :OutOfMemoryError

I am trying to change the size of my jmeter(version 4) heap size from set HEAP=-Xms1g -Xmx1g -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m to more as i have system with 64bit, 16GB RAM but unable to change it. i have ...
Balwinder Raika's user avatar
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How to increase java heapsize for ubuntu system?

Hello I am running a toolbox written in java from python. I am using Ubuntu. I launch the toolbox using jvm from my python file. However when I increase my data size the program crashes with the ...
sudsa's user avatar
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Java core dump - free heap size not consistent with allocated heap

One of my Java application crashed resulting in a core dump. Java Heap Information -Xmx (Maximum Java heap size) : 1368m -Xms (Initial Java heap size) : 684m -Xscmx (Java class data sharing cache ...
Redhat's user avatar
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java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Requested array size exceeds VM limit in eclipse in Amazon Cloud

I want to do performance testing of large files using java in Amazon cloud. Task is to transform one file format to another and write the output file java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Requested array size ...
Naveen's user avatar
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Java - Invalid maximum heap size

When running project from IntelliJ IDEA I set VM options -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Xmx=256m -Xms=256m and get the following error Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. Error: A fatal ...
naXa stands with Ukraine's user avatar
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How to specify more than 64 mb memory for an application?

largeHeapSize = true increases heap size to 64 mb. But my application requires more memory than 64 mb. I have searched and didn't found any solution. I have got this in android developers site. Is ...
Razon's user avatar
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Not able to set JVM heap size on AWS Elastic Beanstalk Java SE Platform

I have a Spring Boot app deployend on Elastic Beanstalk using a single EC2 t2.micro instance (1GB RAM). I need to increase my app's JVM Heap size but I'm not being able to do so. The things I have ...
Francisco Hanna's user avatar
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GC overhead limit exceeded Android Studio

When I run my project, The next error shows up. Error:Execution failed for task ':MyApp:compileDebugJavaWithJack'. > java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: But I am ...
Happy's user avatar
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Changing Heap size of Jmeter at Run time

I want to change the heap size of jmeter at run time. Can you kindly suggest how I can achieve it I used the below command, but looks like whatever heap I'm setting not effective. I used: Runtime....
Sylvia Lobo's user avatar
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Increasing Java Heap Size on Neo4j

Does anyone know how to increase Java heap size one Neo4j? I'm loading a csv file into Neo4j Database and I can't load it because I need to increase Java Heap Size... I checked that I have more than ...
Filipe Salgado's user avatar
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Maven Invalid maximum heap size error -Xmx4g on mahout-math-scala_2.10

I am trying to install mahout through maven but i get Invalid maximum heap size error: heap size error --- scalatest-maven-plugin:1.0:test (test) @ mahout-math-scala_2.10 --- Invalid maximum heap ...
user3087940's user avatar
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IntelliJ IDEA: Abnormal build process termination after heap size change

I've been trying to allocate 256MB array, which produced Java heap space exception. I've tried this solution and it didn't help. So I've been looking for another similar problems and found this. ...
John Mellor's user avatar