Questions tagged [holochain]

Use this tag for all questions related to both the Go-based prototype and the Rust-based official version of Holochain. Additionally tag with `holochain-proto` or `holochain-rust` if you need to be specific.

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Wasm directly on holochain?

I am looking for having a basic OS running on holochain, as it would possibly allow more computations/services to run directly from it, including from existing code designed for other platforms. I ...
jeferson lemos's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Holochain: how to query instances with the production conductor?

When running a holochain application using the production conductor (i.e. with holochain -c hcconfig.toml), How do I query the instances from the front-end with @holochain/hc-web-client (v0.5.0) ? I ...
Nicolas Marshall's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Origin of files `holoclient.js` and `` in holochain application?

In, how are the files ui/holoclient.js and ui/ obtained ? Also, is there any official documentation about that that I missed and is this still ...
Nicolas Marshall's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

For holochain rust, when does it make sense to break an app into more than one Zome?

So let's say I have an app with two resources User and Messages. Currently, these resources are in their own zomes, where each Zome has only one entry. But now I am thinking about moving everything ...
Akritrime's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

What are the step by step actions needed to upgrade a holochain rust back end from 0.0.1 to 0.0.2?

I started by reviewing the Api notes and comparing them: What I have done so far: Preparation: Downloaded and installed 0.0.2, and then updated the bash_profile ...
Jonathan Haber's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

In holochain-rust what is the best way get and show a list of all users?

I am wanting to show a list of all users for a particular app in holochain to enable an active user to make an agreement with someone. What is a best practice for getting a list of all users given ...
Jonathan Haber's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What is the best way to import data into holochain from another source, like mongo?

MongoDB => Holochain Rust DHT How to import, if possible If I am using a different app backend, like mongo, and I get my holochain set up correctly and configured, is there a way to get the data ...
Jonathan Haber's user avatar