Questions tagged [homebrew]

Homebrew is a package manager for macOS and Linux that provides an easy interface to install many packages. It has been built to play nicely with your existing system and not interfere with it. It has been built entirely on top of Git and Ruby and is easily customized to suit your needs. Debugging help with Homebrew should at the very least include details of the output of `brew doctor`.

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12 votes
2 answers

j, jco, jc or jo don't exist after installing autojump on Mac OSX Yosemite

I installed autojump on my Mac OSX Yosemite with brew with brew install autojump Now, I can't use it because when I try to use it: jc asfg -bash: jc: command not found jo asfg -bash: jo: ...
VaTo's user avatar
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How to install R kernel for IPython on OSX?

As described in this tutorial, I try to install RCurl doing >install.packages('RCurl') After selecting a mirror, I get: --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this session --- Warning: ...
ilciavo's user avatar
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Installing ODEPACK on a Mac with C++ Code

I used homebrew to install R on my mac. My question is we have an example code that uses dlsode as a call, programmed in c++. When I compile I get linker errors. How would I properly link the ...
seedooedoo's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to install tig docs via Homebrew?

I installed tig via Homebrew and tig works okay, but is there are way to also cleanly install its man pages via brew too instead of from source (i.e. avoiding make install-doc as described at https://...
k1eran's user avatar
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Is there a way I can find what HOMEBREW_CC/XX was set to when I installed a package

Some of what I'm doing is very compiler dependent. Is it possible to check if, for example, the boost formula was installed with the gcc-4.9 or clang compiler? What I'm looking for might look like ...
kilojoules's user avatar
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PHP 56 installation via Homebrew

I've used PHP56 installation via Homebrew on my mac for some time now and I am just now getting this error when attempting to run php: dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib ...
alex-phillips's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Homebrew upgrade to Python 2.7.10_2 causes packages to fail with 'image not found'

Following an update of Homebrew using brew update brew upgrade --all that results in the updating of Python to 2.7.10_2, pip (and many other scripts) fails with cffi.ffiplatform.VerificationError: ...
orome's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

Specify 'PATH' environment does not work when running Gradle 'exec'

I tried to call npm in my Gradle build. The npm is installed via homebrew into /usr/local/bin. The gradle will fail to find npm when executing it. However it always failed after I added PATH ...
Kane's user avatar
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How to create a brew formula with jar file?

I have two files: a jar file and script to run the jar. I want to run it through the Home Brew. What should I do to make it possible? Should I create a tar.gz file?
JohnWinter's user avatar
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Homebrew cant find otool or clang

I am trying to install Python 3 using homebrew, but it fails with an error. When I run brew doctor it says: Error: Failure while executing: /usr/bin/otool -L /usr/bin/install_name_tool How do I ...
Finlay Ekins's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Homebrew install g++ 4.7 not working

all over the internet you can find explanations where people forget to mention something. Could you please give me a complete explanation on how to install g++ 4.7 on my os x yosemite? I used the ...
user3182532's user avatar
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93 votes
8 answers

Trouble install node.js with homebrew

I'm trying to install Node.js with Homebrew (I installed it previously without using brew, and I've tried deleting all of those files). I've looked at previous questions asking similar things, but I ...
mlinegar's user avatar
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Confusion creating brew formula - cmake cache specifications, depends_on layout options

I am attempting to create a brew formula to streamline installing DAKOTA on osx. In order to install DAKOTA, I need to run a cmake file configuration file. Here is my attempt at creating a propper ...
kilojoules's user avatar
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0 answers

database missing? homebrew install and uninstall

ok so I did something very wrong but im not sure how to fix it. I am on osx yosemite and am very new to rails below are the commands I typed into the terminal **Anna$ psql** **psql: could not ...
Anna's user avatar
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1 answer

OS X 10.10.4 Yosemite, has the default PATH changed?

Today I had to configure a new macbook, running 10.10.3 out of the box and immediately upgraded to 10.10.4. After installing homebrew I went to configure the default PATH, and opened /etc/paths. I ...
tompave's user avatar
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How to install pystring on mac

I've got a noob question. Anyone knows how I can install pystring on mac? I need its library and header. I tried installing it via brew but does not seem to be available there.
Yasin's user avatar
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Homebrew's php-config returns wrong extension dir

I'm creating a Makefile to compile my own PHP extension and install it into local PHP installed from homebrew. So... here's the deal: ➜ weeaboo which php /usr/local/opt/php56/bin/php ➜ weeaboo ...
Konstantin Bodnia's user avatar
1 vote
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How to abstract ant-contrib cross-platform?

Is there a preferred method for calling ant-contrib from your build scripts in such a way that platform differences won't get in the way? I originally prepared my build from Ubuntu, but when running ...
Alexander Trauzzi's user avatar
4 votes
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brew install : undefined method `desc'

I try to install some softs with homebrew. But I get the following : >>>brew install irssi Error: undefined method `desc' for Formulary::Formulae::Irssi:Class Please report this bug: http://...
vmonteco's user avatar
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Installing Octave: Bad Interpreter: No Such File or Directory

I'm trying to install Octave according to the instructions here: using Homebrew. I have the XCode command line tools installed. I checked and I also have ...
anon_swe's user avatar
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A way to copy names of nginx modules used, from an already installed remote server

I'm trying to replicate nginx installation of modules from a pre configured environment on AWS. Basically I want to get all the additional modules installed along with nginx on a remote server, and ...
Vrashabh Irde's user avatar
0 votes
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Warning: vim-7.4.712_1 already installed, it's just not linked

Disclaimer: Complete Noob I just started using OS X for the first time. Decided to start using vim. I installed vim with YouCompleteMe. However, when I realized I did not have the appropriate version ...
user3063666's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

brew link error libpng and libtiff

I tried installing elixir using homebrew and I got the following errors ==> Pouring libtiff-4.0.3.yosemite.bottle.tar.gz Error: An unexpected error occurred during the `brew link` step The formula ...
Wasswa Samuel's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Can't load installed PHP version in Apache (Homebrew OS X)

Ok there was question like that but situation was different - I want to use build - in OS-X Apache (2.4) and PHP installed by Homebrew (5.6). So I put this is httpd.conf LoadModule php5_module /usr/...
XSorcery's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Using Homebrew python instead of system provided python

I used Homebrew to install python, the version is 2.7.10, and the system provided version is 2.7.6. My PATH environment variable is set to /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin", so my ...
gdeamont's user avatar
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0 answers

Permission denied to homebrew trying to acces /tmp

PROBLEM SOLVED, SEE BOTTOM OF POST FOR SOLUTION I'm having issues with homebrew and persmissions. Some brew commands try accessing /tmp, which it doesn't have permissions for. For example, I try ...
hjorthjort's user avatar
0 votes
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How can I install valgrind on MAC 10.7?

I am running in the problems while I am installing valgrind. So, I uninstall everything and I am looking for good tutorial to follow. please help me out. Sincerely -salem
Salem Alqahtani's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

OSX - Start and Stopping of Nginx error

I install nginx via home brew and when i try to start or stop it i get the following error ➜ ~ sudo nginx -s stop nginx: [error] open() "/usr/local/var/run/" failed (2: No such file or ...
Harsha M V's user avatar
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86 votes
3 answers

How do you uninstall rbenv on macOS?

How do you uninstall rbenv on macOS? My version of rbenv is messed up, and brew uninstall rbenv isn't working because brew relies on ruby.
williamcodes's user avatar
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Can I install MacTex on a machine with Homebrew without permission (or other) issues?

I currently have a working MacTex 2014 installation and Homebrew installation on OS 10.10.3, and am about to install MacTex 2015. But I'm concerned about permission issues. Both packages install in /...
orome's user avatar
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1 answer

I'm not signing my RPMs, but they have signatures anyway. "Header V4 RSA/SHA1 signature: BAD"

I am building an RPM using sbt-native-packager on my Mac which can't be installed on RHEL 5 machines because it has a V4 signature. The result of rpm -v --checksig on my Mac: Header V4 RSA/SHA1 ...
2rs2ts's user avatar
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Node and npm installation using brew

I am doing some setup whcih required me to uninstall earlier node and npm setup, and install again using brew. But when i uninstalled it, and then installed it using brew install node, it gives me an ...
Avnish Gaur's user avatar
3 votes
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Homebrew update error: Failure while executing: git pull -q origin refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master

When I try to run brew update, I see: error: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge:, then a large list of packages, and then I get the error: Error: Failure while ...
Flobin's user avatar
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Unable to use installed font with ImageMagick

I am using OS X 10.10.3 and installed ImageMagick using Homebrew. I'm trying out ImageMagick to create a dynamic image generation script but I'm getting a font related error message. This is the ...
JungleJap's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

ImportError: : Symbol not found: __PyErr_ReplaceException

I use homebrew install python 2.7.10 and usr/local/bin/python is linked to the python 2.7.10. But when I run my python code, an exception occurs as below. But when I use IPython import numpy it goes ...
BoscoTsang's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Graphviz Dot failing to remove overlaps due to missing library

I am trying to run the following dot command from the command line: dot -v ~/Documents/FlowGraph/ -Tpng 'Documents/FlowGraph/sampleOutput.png' -Ksfdp -Goverlap=false but it is ...
bkbeachlabs's user avatar
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Install older version of rvm on OS X Lion 10.7.2?

I have on old xserve that's stuck on 10.7.2 Lion. It cannot be upgraded higher (e.g. 10.7.6) because any higher than 10.7.2 causes a system crash due to the RAID card on the machine. This means I'm ...
Robert A. Decker's user avatar
0 votes
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How can stop Homebrew installing Postgres as root?

I have a Postgres permissions problem, every time i brew install postgres it does so as root user resulting in permissions denial on initdb, createdb and or anything else i try. I sudo chown the ...
jbk's user avatar
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After Yosemite upgrade, cannot download new tools from Android SDK manager

So, it fails with the error: File not found: /temp This is happening after upgrading the Mac OS to Yosemite and only if you have installed Android SDK via homebrew Any pointers?
Nazneen's user avatar
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Why is brew not compiling boost correctly?

I'm on Mac OSX Yosemite 10.10.3, and brew install boost is not compiling boost correctly. For example, running g++ -I/usr/local/Cellar/include -x c++ -E /dev/null -include boost/version.hpp &...
user45254's user avatar
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3 votes
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MacroPy installation fails

Trying to install MacroPy with pip on Python 3.4.3, but I get an arror: $ pip3 install MacroPy Collecting MacroPy Downloading Complete output from command python ...
fferri's user avatar
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How do you compile Mesos on OS X Yosemite

I followed the directions outlined here: I checked everything out and then ran: $ xcode-select --install $ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent....
thed0ctor's user avatar
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Brew unlinked kegs in your Cellar

When I run brew doctor on my terminal I get this output: Warning: You have unlinked kegs in your Cellar Leaving kegs unlinked can lead to build-trouble and cause brews that depend on those kegs ...
Mehmet's user avatar
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Diagnosing npm’s “invalid” error in package list

When I do npm list --global, one package, phonegap, shows as invalid. npm ERR! invalid: [email protected] /usr/local/lib/node_modules/phonegap No other packages have any errors or problems. I’ve ...
duozmo's user avatar
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Geoserver homebrew automatic launch OS X 10.10

I have installed Geoserver with homebrew on OS X 10.10. I can not find any launchagent file. So I tried to make my own and put it in ~/Users/myuser/Library/LaunchAgents. I called this homebrew.mxcl....
Asle's user avatar
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after brew install of php56 can't find php extensions

I just did a brew install of php56. Then wanted to enable some extensions like php_pdo_mysql and php_mysqli, so I went to my php.ini file and uncommented the relevant lines, for example: extension=...
bryant's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

How to compile PHP with OpenSSL on OS X 10.9?

I'm trying to compile PHP 5.6.10 from the source, and I encountered the following problem: Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "_PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC", referenced from: ...
user1692333's user avatar
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See what options I used when I installed a brew package

How can I check which options I installed a brew package with? For example, I have homebrew gcc installed. Is there someway to check if it was installed with the --multi-lib option?
kilojoules's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Installing OpenCV with Brew never finishes

So I'm trying to install opencv using Homebrew but it isn't working. I used brew tap homebrew/science and then brew install opencv What happens is: ==> Installing opencv from homebrew/homebrew-...
jazz's user avatar
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libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException

I have developed a program in opencv python on linux and now I am trying to run it on mac. But now I am getting the following error on running it. I installed opencv using brew. /Library/Frameworks/...
Amal Vincent's user avatar

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