Questions tagged [hsqldb]

HSQLDB (HyperSQL Database) is a relational database management system. It is written in Java.

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93 votes
1 answer

Huge performance difference when using GROUP BY vs DISTINCT

I am performing some tests on a HSQLDB server with a table containing 500 000 entries. The table has no indices. There are 5000 distinct business keys. I need a list of them. Naturally I started with ...
Martin Dimitrov's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Delete multitable HSQLDB

Are the multitable DELETE statements supported by HSQLDB? I've done some searches on Google and in the forum, but can't find a topic that deals with this point.
manash's user avatar
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2 answers

Delete multi table without join

I have two tables T1 and T2. C1 is the primary key of T1, C2 is a foreign key of T2 that references the column C1 of T1. I want to delete the rows of T2 that verify a particular condition. A simple ...
manash's user avatar
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2 answers

Data from HSQLDB table into two dimensional array using Java

I am trying to get data from LivEx table as list, and then save that data into two dimensional array called array. My method is returning object[][]. I made up this code from googling here and there ...
Precious's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Can't create schema on initialize-database if hsqlbd is on server-mode

I have Hsqldb 1) in memory <jdbc:embedded-database id="idtSimulatorDataSource" type="HSQL"> <jdbc:script location="classpath:hsql/idt_schema.sql"/> </jdbc:embedded-database&...
Dmitrii Borovoi's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

run hsqldb from code suspend clients

Well, I need to create hsqldb in server mode and connect to this server from another client (f.e. from runManagerSwing.bat). Here are my code: public static Server server = new Server(); public ...
Dmitrii Borovoi's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Can't find dependency? spring-modules-sandbox

Well I need to create hssldb before application context load. I found how to do that with spring-modules-sandbox
Dmitrii Borovoi's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

HSQLDB run from code connect from another client

I need to create Server of HSQLDB from my code, run it and connect from another application (for e.x. by runManagerSwing.bat) Here are my code: HsqlProperties p = new HsqlProperties(); p....
Dmitrii Borovoi's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Maven assembly: include JDBC

I'm trying to build a single .jar file from a Maven project which includes every necessary dependency. Therefore the .jar should run on a computer with missing libraries. The in my pom.xml: <...
FloE's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Unit test MyBatis with HSQL instead of Oracle

I would like to unit test my MyBatis persistence layer using an HSQL in-memory database. The real application uses an Oracle database. This worked fine unitl we started adding auto incremented numbers ...
Luwil's user avatar
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1 answer

Starting hsqldb database manager from the jmx console with jboss 6.0

While using a database server login module for authentication in jboss 6, I found it very useful managing principals and roles with the hsqldb database manager gui. This can be invoked via the JMX ...
S3lvatico's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

hsqldb - "Could not load properties from file" on ubuntu

I'm trying to run hsqldb on ubuntu. I changed the runServer.bat to original runServer.bat: cd ..\data @java -classpath ../lib/hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.server.Server %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %...
mikeklein's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

specifying Column Length for columns of @Type(type=xxx)

In order to remove few special characters coming from my host database tables into my application, I had to create my own datatype. @Column(name="LAST_UPDATED_BY", nullable=false, length=24) @Type(...
phewataal's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to access database from command line

I have a database built in base (.odb). I would like to open this database using a command line sql client, such as sqlite3 or psql. Can anyone tell me how to make this work? I am ...
ewok's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Start hsqldb server through maven exec plugin failed

I try to start an hsqldb server for developpement use. I had hsqldb dependency : <dependency> <groupId>org.hsqldb</groupId> <artifactId>hsqldb</artifactId> <...
Antoine's user avatar
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3 answers

Adding image as BLOB in HSQLDB but something like ":hsqll:jdbc:client@f3t5h" ends up in the table

I am trying to add an Image as BLOB in HSQLDB. But in the table I find something like ":hsqll:jdbc:client@f3t5h". Is anything wrong with my Java code below? My retrieving code is like this that i ...
NavinRaj Pandey's user avatar
0 votes
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Strange behavior by using the keyword of HSQLDB

I have a strange result when creating a new table in HSQLDB. From the documentation of HSQLDB, "user" is a keyword, normally, we can't use this value for table name or column name, unless it is double ...
NARU's user avatar
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HSQLDB not throwing correct type of ConstraintViolationException with Spring JPA/Hibernate

I have a Spring based JPA2 app with the Hibernate provider on HSQLDB. I'm trying to elegantly handle exceptions but am finding I am getting hibernate exceptions not JPA ones. For example: import ...
SilentICE's user avatar
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A data migration issue in HSQL, the new database does not contain few tables

I am currently responsible for migrating data for our application, for upgrading to new version.I am trying to migrate from HSQL to HSQL, later we will move on to other combinations. So I have a ...
Mohit Dhuper's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Backspace, left/right arrow in HSQLDB SqlTool commandline tool in UNIX

I'm trying to use sqlTool as an commandline oracle client in unix. In interactive console when I try to delete something with backspace or try to move left/right on sql string strange characters are ...
ygk's user avatar
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Selecting from a HSQLDB table with a BIT column

I have a table with a column of data type bit. > CREATE MEMORY TABLE Dummy (name varchar(10), flag bit) > INSERT INTO Dummy VALUES ('foo', 1) > INSERT INTO Dummy VALUES ('bar', 0) > ...
dogbane's user avatar
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1 answer

Change Hypersonic DS to MySql DS

I try to switch an existing (and well deploying) application to MySql instead of Hypersonic. After I follow all steps from JBoss tutorial my application fails in deploy saying: org.hibernate....
dfpodx's user avatar
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33 votes
7 answers

HsqlException: data exception

I am using hsqldb version 2.2.5 in my application sometimes I am getting org.hsqldb.HsqlException: data exception: string data, right truncation. So I want to know what are the possible reasons ...
Anil's user avatar
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how to embed javadb or hsqldb into java application with hibernate using netbeans?

I successfuly embedded javadb in my application using the classpath ,but here's the problem : I want hibernate to be able to work with the database,but I always get an error in netbeans sayng "enable ...
Walllzzz's user avatar
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Recommended method to load application drop down / look ups / reference data in Spring

What method do you recommend to load application data such as list of medications or countries or states or other typically reference data into a database? Currently I'm using spring and an in ...
user48545's user avatar
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Large sample database for HSQLDB?

I'm taking a database class and I'd like to have a large sample database to experiment with. My definition of large here is that there's enough data in the database so that if I try a query that's ...
Maltiriel's user avatar
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2 answers

GenericJDBCException in HSQL

I have an entity called ProdTransaction. I am saving two records of type ProdTransaction. Both the two inserts succeed when run independently. I mean //alone works
Sripaul's user avatar
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Cross join not recognized in HSQL

I am using HSQL ver 1.7. There is a part where I have a HQL like the following String hql = "from ProductInv prodInv where in (:prodList)"; prodList contains list of product ids ...
Sripaul's user avatar
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1 answer

SQL on CSV using HSQLDB JDBC Driver

I have a pregenerated CSV file on which I need to run SQL queries. I've been looking at different open source solutions (e.g. CsvJdbc, xlSQL etc) but haven't really found anything satisfactory. ...
Varun Achar's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

SequenceGenerator problem with unit testing in Hsqldb/H2

I have tried using both Hsqldb and H2 for unit testing but facing problem with sequence generators. Field declaration looks like this. @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator="...
RandomQuestion's user avatar
3 votes
7 answers

What to do to make the HSQL driver working?

I'm currently learning some database tricks in Java and I found this nice book I'm reading. At some point, it encourages me to try a manual database connection with the following class: import java....
chntgomez's user avatar
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how to set log level to error for engine info

11:11:57,792 [ INFO] [ENGINE:763] [main] - open start 11:11:57,801 [ INFO] [ENGINE:763] [main] - open end 11:11:57,812 [ INFO] [ENGINE:763] [main] - checkpointClose start 11:11:57,891 [ INFO] [...
Anil's user avatar
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2 answers

How to support support SqlServer's ".." in HyperSQL?

tl;dr: I am trying to unit test some SqlServer queries which state the db name but they do not seem to work in HyperSql. We are using Sql Server in production and I am trying to use HyperSQL as my ...
Sled's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How to comment in hsqldb script file

I want to comment a query in .script file, how do I do this? I tested with #,--,({}),<--! -->,:: nothing worked. I get ad exception about unexpected token.
Anil's user avatar
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2 answers

Data is not saving in MEMORY table of HSQL

I have created a MEMORY table in HSQL. But the data is saved and accessed only in the running of my Java application.In HSql FAQ they said that, ...the default, MEMORY tables are persistent. The ...
Sanjeev's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

The cached table is not cached but in memory when using hsqldb

I am trying the cached table feature of hsqldb version 2.2.5 . Just using JDBC batch insert into one table, the odd thing is if I run the my test alone, although I used the create cached table, but ...
Clark Bao's user avatar
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2 votes
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Error using HSQL - 2.2

I am getting the following error when used with HSQL-2.2. java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.hsqldb.DatabaseURL.parseURL(Ljava/lang/String;ZZ)Lorg/hsqldb/persist/HsqlProperties; at org.hsqldb.jdbc....
Teja's user avatar
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3 votes
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HSQLDB shutdown from Ant / command-line

I am trying to write an Ant (1.8.2) script to shutdown HSQLDB (2.1.0) from the command line - basically I need to be able to shutdown HSQLDB from a Windows batch file - after searching the web it ...
rapt's user avatar
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@Generated in HSQL DB

Assume that in a database table there is a non-key column called RECORD_ID which is auto-generated/sequenced in database. Now in my entity for the table above, just above the field for RECORD_ID, I ...
Sripaul's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

how to connect to a file based HSQLDB database with sqltool?

I have tried to follow the instructions in chapter 1 of the HSQLDB doc and started my server like: java -cp hsqldb-2.2.5/hsqldb/lib/hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.Server -database.0 file:#pathtodb# -dbname.0 ...
jonalv's user avatar
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Hsqldb-How data will persist when process crashes

I want data should commit in hsqldb data file while process crashes without logging to log file. I set one command "SET FILES WRITE DELAY FALSE" But it needs log file enabled to persist the data.As ...
Anil's user avatar
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99 votes
11 answers

View content of H2 or HSQLDB in-memory database

Is there a way to browse the content of an H2 or an HSQLDB in-memory database for viewing? For example, during a debugging session with Hibernate in order to check when the flush is executed; or to ...
jplandrain's user avatar
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2 answers

How to define a date interval in a compatible way?

I am trying to construct the SQL query, that should be executed as is both on HSQL (v2.2.4) and MySQL (v5.1.36) server (if it can run also on DB2 v9, that would be wonderful bonus!) The query is: ...
dma_k's user avatar
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3 answers

which jar be responsible for parsing hibernate.cfg.xml?

I met a configuration problem like below: when I am executing example by hibernate tool After I have write <session-factory> <property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class">...
parsifal's user avatar
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Does iBatis have any analog of Hibernate's `hbm2ddl` for integration testing with in-memory database?

I'm considering adding integration tests to a Java-Struts-Spring-iBatis-Oracle legacy application. In the past I've used HSQL as an in-memory database for integration tests for applications that used ...
Eric Wilson's user avatar
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problem with hsqldb database specificaly table dropping, using hsqldb/hibernate with my maven project

I am very new to this. And I am trying to configure a net-beans Maven project with hsqldb and hibernate. I have set up the database and I am able to save some data to the database. I am using the file ...
Precious's user avatar
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1 answer

JRuby and HSQLDB: randomly missing rows

I have the following codes: # my db connection is here: # @connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:hsqldb:file:../db/rdata", "user", "user") #the method recieves ...
Dante WWWW's user avatar
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Is there a Ruby implementation of HSqlDB?

Is there such thing? Actually, it doesnt need to be specifically HSqlDB, I just want something similar. The main feature I need is the capability to create tables based on DSV text files, like you ...
filippo's user avatar
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Exporting In-Memory HSQL Database Content as SQL During Maven Build

During a Maven build's integration test phase I am populating an in-memory HSQL database based on the performed tests. Afterwards, I would like to capture this state by exporting the database content ...
Thilo-Alexander Ginkel's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to get only repeated records in a table?

I couldn't figure out how better to ask this question, so my searches became desperate. I have a table with three columns(Column1, Column2, Column3). There are lots of records consisted of different ...
Yasin Okumuş's user avatar

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