Questions tagged [html]

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the markup language for creating web pages and other information to be displayed in a web browser. Questions regarding HTML should include a minimal reproducible example and some idea of what you're trying to achieve. This tag is rarely used alone and is often paired with CSS and JavaScript.

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Select tag is not rendering inside table but can see in the view source

I am having a strange problem where I put a HTML select tag in a table inside div. In view source I can see the tag is showing view source but not rendered as HTML .Attached is the fig Where could be ...
GustyWind's user avatar
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1 answer

Trying to shift over horizontal menu bar

I'm doing some work on this site and I've been trying to get the menu at the top centered. The relevant CSS for the site is here and, as you can probably see, the highlighting of the menu is weird and ...
The General's user avatar
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2 answers

PHP include in a different place

I have the following markup: <?php include 'admin/assets/includes/adminBoot.php'; ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Test ...
CaribouCode's user avatar
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2 answers

using DDL - change 'Select' to 'Null' when viewing drop down

Using MVC I am displaying a list 'DeliveryRunList' through a drop down. 'Select' being the option the user sees, if the user clicks the drop down and selects 'select' as their choice, it will store ...
John's user avatar
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3 answers

How to use ng-grid with ng-tree in angular js?

I am trying to implement a ng-grid along with tree functionality in Angular js. But I am not clear how to add dependency in it. If I am using only tree , its working fine , but when I am adding grid ...
user2519644's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

jQuery offset() not working as expected

I'm completely new to stackoverflow please forgive me about formatting of code. My issue is i've created a customized right click menu, which will be displayed on the 'tr'.All the 'tr' are dynamically ...
chatur's user avatar
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1 answer

How to integrate image preload code into my current code?

When my cursor is on link that changes background image, that image dissapears and reappears. I know that heppens because I have to preload images if I'm using them in js. So I found this and I want ...
Strubsi's user avatar
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2 answers

Wordpress - displaying last posts custom way

I'm new to wordpress. I have a task to display last 3 posts, but not with a usual way. Post divs will have different sizes. This is my html code. <div class="latest-posts"> <div class=...
Yaxmax Gyada's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

W3 Validation error - table background image - says no attribute for background

I have lots of errors on our homepage, and I'm working through the list, however there seems to be an issue that is difficult to get around... I am using this for the doctype: !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "...
Nico Nicholas's user avatar
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1 answer

Am I using fgetc correctly?

This is my PHP: $file = fopen("1stock.js", "c+"); $number = fseek($file, 20, SEEK_CUR); $fh = fgetc($number); fwrite($file, $fh -1); My 20th character is a number I want to do that number - ...
maxisme's user avatar
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0 answers

iOS positioning and virtual keyboard

I have a website which has 7-8 rows of divs with position:static. When I tap into an input field (which is a part of div) focus comes on the input and the virtual keyboard appears .The divs now ...
user1439792's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

jQuery 'each' shorthand

Is there any way I can short hand jquery each? or is there any alternative in writing jquery each which is shorter than the code below? $('someElement').each(function () { functionName('value1', ...
Jetz Ki's user avatar
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2 answers

New line for some images with links and text beside each of them

I have some images which has a text and 2 links beside each of them you can see a live example at: so I need to add some new images with text and links beside them ...
Omar El Akkad's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Disable <a> click without the help of jQuery/Javascript [duplicate]

Is there anyway to inhibit the click handler on a tags in HTML without the help of jQuery/Javascript? disabled only works on button and input, but I've chosen to use a tags in my code. I suppose I ...
Anriëtte Myburgh's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to access the variable in iframe which contain another html?

I'm using iframe test in my test.html. Another test2.html file is loaded in that iframe test, i need to access the variable's which is used in the test2.html. Is there any way to access that in the ...
Karthi Keyan's user avatar
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12 votes
9 answers

How to not make text colored within a href link but the text is also within div?

How can I make text NOT blue colored when I make entire div as a link? So in the following snippet: <a href="/link"><div><h2>LINK</h2></div></a> I want to make ...
Blaszard's user avatar
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2 answers

Cross Browser Jsonp request issues

Okay so I have a php function func4.php that i need to acces it from any server: <?php include'includes/connect.php'; $results = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM `c_clicks`"); while ($row ...
Rodrigo Lessa's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

jQuery unwrap removing more than one parent

I have an html structure like so <aside class="l-region l-region--sidebar-first"> <div></div> <div></div> </aside> The two divs inside the aside do have ...
Mark Weston's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How to conver HTML + Javascript to PDF using PHP

I'm trying to convert a HTML page which contains Javascript (that formats certain information after the document is loaded) to PDF, using PHP prefarably. The javascript code will look something like ...
user2767976's user avatar
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data-ajax="false" not working properly in jquery mobile

I am attending to passing the query string values when mobile page change event and retrieved the values as i expected. But When i Click the Back button go to the previous page at the time current ...
Ben10's user avatar
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border-radius not making image circular in Safari in div with padding and border

I have a <div> with an img inside. Structured like: <div class="gift"> <img> </div> The div has this CSS: display: inline-block; overflow: hidden; width: auto; vertical-...
David Ingledow's user avatar
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3 answers

CSS Image caption text with float

Im having a CSS problem. I want the paragraph under the image to be an image caption. So it should be under the image. Am i explaining it correctly? What am i doing wrong? (You can copy the code down ...
Daarwin's user avatar
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4 answers

How do I align items in a td?

This is a part of my table. I have a button and 2 images in the td. I want to move them to the center. How do I do it? I have tried padding, margin. But they doesn't work. <td align="center" style=...
Anusha Honey's user avatar
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1 answer

my Accordion Tabbed Pages going wrong

i have a content and inside the content i want to put some settings of the user account, so they can change their information.. here is my code CSS *{ font-family:Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif} ...
Obink's user avatar
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3 answers

Not able to set overflow: hidden; on a div

I am not able to set overflow: hidden; on div wrapper for this script. Please look at this js fiddle. My aim is to display 10 cells (200 px in height) on the page and ...
GibboK's user avatar
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5 answers

Multiple buttons CSS issue

So I have a YouTube API that pulls a playlist... If the results are more than 15, it breaks 16-30 into page , 31-45 into page three, etc and has 'next page' 'previous page' buttons for navigating. ...
Chase Westlye's user avatar
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1 answer

BigVideo.js |End video on the last frame

I'm using BigVideo.js to play a video in the background of a landing page, and I'm trying to get it to end on the last frame, how do I set the poster image to be the video's last frame? Would this be ...
Rahul's user avatar
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1 answer

jQuery - Dividing tables into varying lengths of sections

I have a big table, here is a section of it: My goal is to make each section collapsible and uncollapsible by toggling all section rows apart from the Sum row and moving the section heading to the ...
Jazcash's user avatar
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1 answer

how to submit GET form with jstl parameter

i have following form it does not show jstl parameter in url after submiting <form action="Contactus.jsp?param1=${value1}" method="get"> <input type="submit" value="${btnregister}" id="...
Developer Desk's user avatar
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2 answers

Multiple Copies of Image Fader

The following code fades a set of images in individual div's that are within the "slideshow" div and works perfectly. The thing is that it only works for one set of images. Just wondering if there is ...
Tim Reidy's user avatar
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5 answers

CSS - overwriting issues when styling links with a specific class under another class

i have been having trouble styling this group of links with the provided code, what is the correct way to style a link whose have a certain class to it or do i have an alternative with out setting ...
WeTheBrains's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

wkhtmltopdf: Is it possible to merge PDF files?

Using this library wkhtmltopdf, is it possible to merge 2 pdf files. I need to generate a report and merge the report with some attached documents. Generation of report is done, converting from HTML ...
user1236048's user avatar
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what is in background of html submit form?

I'm trying to figure out what really happens when html submit form button is clicked. I suppose it generates some kind of http request (similar to ajax get or post call) which has data in http body ...
Filip's user avatar
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(JQuery) I'm wondering why this code doesn't work? [closed]

I have narrowed it down to the line that declares the 'position' $(document).ready(function(){ var sliders = new Array("#left","#middle","#right"); var links = new Array("#fLink","#...
Tom's user avatar
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1 answer

Using bootstrap-select

I am supposed to use bootstrap-select to give a user a choice of titles e.g. Mr, Mrs or Ms. Here's the select HTML: <select name="adultSelect" class="selectpicker adultTitle_"> <option ...
Skytiger's user avatar
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get Object name which is been selected on canvas

how to get object name which is been selected or active on canvas , how can i read attributes of object in fabricjs??? objcopy = canvas.getActiveObject(); i tried , canvas.getActiveObject().get("...
anam's user avatar
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Trouble: QWebView with local html which includes local JavaScript

I am developing an application which loads a local html inside a QWebView in this way: ui->webView->setUrl(QUrl("qrc:/index.html")); and the page is correctly loaded but not the ...
JuanDeLosMuertos's user avatar
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Nav bar issues with jquery,css,html5

got this problem, I'm using jquery as changing to my nav bar witch means, when I'm changing pages I load into #maincontent div the other pages info. and problem is that I want to set css rules to ...
Dagan Bog-Computers's user avatar
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Javascript and CSS cause a text box to go away, I want it to stay

So this is either a CSS issue or Javascript but I need your expertise. I have a site built that has the youtube API on it. The YouTube API requires that you authorize yourself to start the pull. ...
Chase Westlye's user avatar
22 votes
2 answers

`-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch` broken for initially offscreen elements in iOS7

Seeing as GM seed has been released, we can talk about it now! Looks like in iOS7 "-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch" is broken. touch events for elements that are initially off screen do not fire (...
Nick Hingston's user avatar
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0 answers

POST array from multi select missing its closing bracket

This is a really strange problem. I've got a form with a couple of fields, of which one of them is a multi select that looks like this: <select name="age_group[]" multiple="multiple"> // ...
silkfire's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Using PhoneGap FileWriter.write for "big" files

I have a problem in my PhoneGap app. I would like to write a file of 15 MB. If I try the OS pulls more and more memory and the app crashes without message. I can reproduce this on android and ...
4Str4ngeG4me's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

how to filter a word in regex?

I am new to regex and I need to filter only the starting and the ending breaks from the following line: <br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><p>hello<br/>asdsadas</p&...
Ikthiander's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

jQuery custom sort in span?

I have a complicated system in PHP, and if i make it in PHP i need to run it though 10 different tables, which is pretty brainkilling. Now i found a solution for custom jQuery sort, but cannot find ...
jesper's user avatar
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2 answers

TTF fonts not displaying in dynamic SVG

I have a file called svg.php which puts some TTF text on a curved path and aligns it center. This file displays the TTF font perfectly when I type in the address localhost/AJAX/svg.php?initials=FOO &...
user2767779's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

google considers html meta tag created with javascript?

Suppose i have following code in body element Will google serach bot consider this meta tag for search optimization? var a=document.createElement("meta"); a.setAttribute("name","description"); a....
Ankit_Shah55's user avatar
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NSIS Installer showing HTML Dialog

Is there a way to show my users a HTML content within the UI of the installer? Without me writing my own UI for each of the dialogs?
koby meir's user avatar
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3 answers

Undefined index: command [duplicate]

These are my codes And i'm getting error Notice: Undefined index: command in E:\xampp\htdocs\Shop_cart\products.php on line 17 Javascript: <script language="javascript"> function ...
Ramesh Yadav's user avatar
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6 answers

Place holder not working in textarea

I am using this code to display placeholder: <input type="email" name="email" value="Email" onfocus="if(this.value=='Email')this.value='';" onblur="if(this.value=='')this.value='Email';"> <...
BigTech's user avatar
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3 answers

jQuery Mobile Click Event

This might be the simple but I want to get in to core of this query. I am using jQuery Mobile Latest build for one of my project. There is a problem with the response on the click event of a button. ...
Akki619's user avatar
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