Questions tagged [iccube]

A JAVA in-memory OLAP/MDX server coupled with a modern Web/Tablet Reporting Javascript solution.

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Where can I set and retrieve the environment variables used by icCube?

Within icCube there is reference to several variables, like $install, ${EXAMPLE} etcetera. Where can I retrieve the values for these variables, and where can I set these? Is it also possible for me ...
Arthur's user avatar
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How to create a Sankey in icCube?

I tried to create a Sankey diagram using icCube reporting but everything I try is not working... I did not find any sankey example in icCube demo... No more on the icCube documentation... Can ...
Bertrand Miot's user avatar
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IcCube - Treemap with Parent/Child dimension

I currently try to build a google treemap chart in IcCube. Do I do this using a Multi Level dimension and defining every Level of drilldown separately (as shown here and here), everything works fine. ...
UlrichWuenstel's user avatar
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icCube MDX on distinct count in relation to same dimension in axis or filter

I have the following MDX statement on the $Monitoring cube: WITH MEMBER [Measures].[Unique Users] AS distinctcount(([User].[User].[User L].members , [Measures].[Open Report Count])),...
Arthur's user avatar
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icCube reporting custom widget rendering when no data

I created a new widget in icCube, working as desired when there is data... But when the underlying MDX returns no data, I need to tell it to the user or to show something else... How can I catch the ...
Bertrand Miot's user avatar
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icCube - WebApp always displays all reports

Follow-up question to this. I am currently trying to set up a Web Application to display reports on an intranet site, using the intranet login to authenticate users, passing the authorization process ...
Torsten N.'s user avatar
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icCube - Web App unable to get resources from icCube server before external login

Follow-up question to this. I am currently trying to set up a Web Application to display reports on an intranet site, using the intranet login to authenticate users, passing the authorization process ...
Torsten N.'s user avatar
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IcCube Reporting, How to format amCharts Bubble axis?

Let's take a simple MDX: with member Axis1 as '0.1', format_string='Percent' member Axis2 as '0.2', format_string='Percent' member value1 as '2532' select {Axis1, Axis2, value1} on 0, [Periode]...
Bertrand Miot's user avatar
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is it possible to read a HTML source that produces a json output in icCube?

I am trying to read the following output from a HTML source (source is updated each 30 minutes): {"un":"Watt","tm":"2015-11-21T15:57:00","dt":60,"val":[" 510"," 504"," 504"," 498"," 498"," 498",...
Arthur's user avatar
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icCube - How to do Authentication for icCube using an Apache web server

I am currently in the process of writing a WebApp to access reports from our ICCube-System. The Application page is hosted on a server different to the IcCube-server. The server is currently a local ...
Torsten N.'s user avatar
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How to give Perspective access without Cube access?

in a Cube, I have a calculated measure [Nb>4] depending on a measure [Nb], filtering only the values above 4. We don't want users to see the underlying measure [Nb], so I defined a perspective ...
Bertrand Miot's user avatar
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MDX calculation with children and parents (contribution to total)

I got a cube with cadastral information of some neighborhoods of a city. One of the measures is 'cadastral value': the value of the land of a neighborhood. Now, the city is divided into districts and ...
Gustavo Moreno's user avatar
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Different results from static and dynamic sets

Using icCube 5.1.2, dynamic sets and members are defined the same way static sets are in the advanced/scripts section. The results computed in the MDX IDE are different. How is it possible? -- ...
Jim Lajungle's user avatar
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iccube create category member selecting from a hierarchy, excluding from another one

Using IcCube, I need to create « pre-selections » that I’ll include in the reports so that my users they don’t need to go selecting many many parameters to get their most used selections. I created a ...
Bertrand Miot's user avatar
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MDX : combining data from different tables

How can I combine data coming from different tables. Let's assume I have 2 tables: First with sales: id shop id product date amount Second with stocks: actually, with the same structure id shop ...
Oleksandr Voytsekhovskyy's user avatar
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MDX : Comparison to same period of previous year

Let's assume i have easy table with sales data like: id shop id product date amount Can you help me to write MDX query for calculated member to get current period sales ratio to same period of ...
Oleksandr Voytsekhovskyy's user avatar
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icCube connecting to Excel 2016

I get the following warning when I open a xlsx spreadsheet, connected to iccube, in Excel 2016. It works in Excel 2013 but not 2016. Excel cannot connect to your database with the driver you ...
Paul's user avatar
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ODATA as an icCube data source

I am trying to load open data from the Dutch government. The data comes with a specific format that is specified in the pdf document you will find when searching on "Handleiding CBS Open Data Services"...
Arthur's user avatar
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icCube: add calculated measure - average stock per date

I Have only one cube and several data tables. One of them named Stocks and have a next fields: Date (mapped to Date dimension) Company (mapped to Company dimension) Product (mapped to Product ...
Oleksandr Voytsekhovskyy's user avatar
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XMLA/SOAP command from a bash shell

I need to call the management API from icCube from withing a bash shell. What is the easiest way for sending a SOAP command like : <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <soap:...
ic3's user avatar
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Adding complex measures in MDX

I have successfully added basic sum/count/etc.. simple measures, but have no idea how to add more complex one. Let's assume that data structure represent tracks with goods and have next structure: ...
Oleksandr Voytsekhovskyy's user avatar
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icCube - XMLA authentication/authorization not working as expected

I am trying to limit user to see only one schema over XMLA. For that i have done: created separate role without full access check Created separate role without full access check In Applications tab ...
Oleksandr Voytsekhovskyy's user avatar
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PDF export from icCube reporting with custom widget

PDF export for custom widget doesn't work from icCube reporting. Server engine version is 5.0.3 and reporting 5.0.3 (6:2163). We didn't see any error message within the logs, the process remains ...
Ruzsa Balint's user avatar
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icCube memory - how much is needed?

We've our data in a relational database and are wondering how much memory will icCube need. Let's assume my data is taking 10Gb in my database. How can I know the amount of memory needed by icCube ?
ic3's user avatar
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icCube - set serie color for 2 dimensions in the columns in a amCharts combo chart

I have got the following dynamic chart (see attached picture). For the sake of reproducability I have created a very simple chart based on the standard icCube's sales model. The idea is to have two ...
Arthur's user avatar
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IcCube - List of Reports

In my system I would like to set up a Table of Contents for my users, meaning a list of all the reports they have access to. In /icCube/doc/ic3report I can see the structure, but I can nowhere find ...
UlrichWuenstel's user avatar
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IcCube - Using Perpectives

I have a schema and a report using this schema. Now I would like to show in this report different parts of my data to different roles (e.g. different partner shops should only see the data concerning ...
UlrichWuenstel's user avatar
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Pivot table widget in icCube - hover to show same information as in IDE

In the icCube MDX IDE, you can hover over a member and you will get the information for this member, such as: name key uniqueName and - properties, such as ic3Color, or custom defined ones. In the ...
Arthur's user avatar
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icCube Schema Refresh Time - last "real" data load

The SchemaRefreshTime in icCube shows the last date/time a schema has been refreshed, including a load from an offline cube. This could give the strange situation that you "restore" an old situation ...
Arthur's user avatar
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slowly changing dimension in MDX/OLAP

I have got an OLAP cube that has purchased per date, per vendor and some other dimensions. Below a sample of the data. The vendor is identified by the unique id VendorID: Date CCID GLID ...
Arthur's user avatar
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creation of a set on measures raises an error in icCube

In schema Sales, I create a set which gives result if it is defined within the scope of a statement. The following code is in the MDX IDE: with set [facts] as {[Measures].[Amount], [Measures].[Count]}...
Arthur's user avatar
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IcCube - Formatting problems

I have two problems regarding the formatting of my table: All of my Dimensions are completely uppercase. If I launch the query in the MDX IDE, I get results as expected, but in the reportingtool (/...
UlrichWuenstel's user avatar
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MDX - icCube - How to get a percentage of the Top x on the total using Categories

Following the post on dynamic topcount/toppercentage (see here ) I am looking for an additional row of information showing the % of the Top X in relation to the Total. So, something like create ...
Arthur's user avatar
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Argument type mismatch error using the DaysBetween() function in a calculated measure

I am using icCube 5.0.1 and in the process of upgrading to 5.1. I am attempting to use the Builder to create a Calculated Measure using the following formula: DaysBetween([LastReportingDate], Today())...
Bart's user avatar
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icCube: wsdl document for the xmla layer

Is there available an URL to a WSDL document which describes the icCube XMLA services? How to access them and how to use its methods? Thanks in advance!
Zoltán Antal's user avatar
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IcCube - Facts Table not completely matching Dimension

I have a facts table and a dimension table from two different sources. They are connected with an offer_id. But in the facts table there are offer_ids not found in the dimension table and vice versa. ...
UlrichWuenstel's user avatar
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icCube use mdx colors bug in amcharts combo

I set useMdxMemberColors to 'yes' in the widget and the colors do not change. The mdx colors are defined in the builder like this: I think this is a bug, but if not, is there a workaround or am I ...
Tom van den Berg's user avatar
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Changing icCube result cache configuration

I'm trying to increase the cache value from 16 MB to 64 MB but the log always shows 16 MB. I've tried different values from 2 MB to 512 MB. What is wrong with my configuration file? Is there a size ...
Jim Lajungle's user avatar
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Histrogram in MDX with icCube

How is it possible to do an dynamic histrogram using MDX ? For example, our schema is based on web visits, we've the number the sessions and the number of click-outs. We would like to have the number ...
ic3's user avatar
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Javascript synchronous request to icCube

I need to combine the results of 3 MDX requests named mdx1, mdx2 and mdx3 before displaying them. How do I wait for the 3 processes to complete before calling the display method? Is it possible to ...
Jim Lajungle's user avatar
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How to go from rows to a hierarchy in icCube

I want to create a one-column hierarchy from multiple columns using mdx. I got this result: from the Sales cube with this mdx: SELECT { {[Measures].[Amount]} } ON COLUMNS, { [Customers].[Geography]....
Tom van den Berg's user avatar
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Navigaton strategy - drilldown on children - does not retain ordering in icCube

In the icCube Web Reporting you can set a graph and chart to respond on a click row/column/cell event and inidcate what must be done when the widget receives a click. In this particular case I have ...
Arthur's user avatar
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Can you make the bubble size and color dependend on a MDX measure in icCube amChart widget?

I am trying to make a dynamic chart in icCube, in which bubbles are sized and colored in accordance with a specific data field in the MDX result set. Example MDX result set: (the x/y coordinates have ...
Arthur's user avatar
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format_string in icCube does not format null values

I was trying to display values that are null as 0 using format_string. I currently have the following: WITH MEMBER [test] AS null, FORMAT_STRING = '0.#;Neg (0.#);0.00;0.00' SELECT [test] ON ...
Tom van den Berg's user avatar
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icCube Reporting AmChart balloon text fromatting

Working with an amchart bubble in iccube reporting, If I leave the default balloon behavior, I get Which is almost what I want... I just want to replace x, y and value by their parameterized axis ...
Bertrand Miot's user avatar
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Single Sign using the SSO Waffle icw Identity DotNet Framework 2.0

In icCube config.xml it is possible to use the SSO Waffle. This only works for SSO for windows users logging into the Windows environment. Is it possible to make the SSO Waffle work with a web module ...
Arthur's user avatar
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How to install a new JAR into icCube

Is there any way to add a JAR to icCube install to make it available to MDX JAVA integration, JDBC data source, etc...?
Marc Polizzi's user avatar
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Connect icCube with Reshift

in icCube 5.1 there is no Redshift as list of supported JDBC connections. How to create a data source in icCube on Amazon Redshift ?
ic3's user avatar
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automatically scaling dashboards based on a resize event

The live dashboard demo for icCube shows dashboards that scale with the size of your browser window. At the moment, though, after you resize the window, you have to refesh your browser first to see ...
Arthur's user avatar
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Creating Mongo/mapReduce data source in icCube

I would like to create a MongoDB/mapReduce data source into icCube (, The below script works fine from ...
Ruzsa Balint's user avatar

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