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While executing Insert Statement in Snowflake getting error

I was doing Badge 3 in snowflake university and getting error. ESS-DABW Badge 3: Data Application Builders Workshop: Lesson 5: Pending Orders App Improvements 🥋 Perfecting the ORDERS Table ...
Abhishek Kumar's user avatar
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Insert an auto incremented ID from newly created row in Table_A into Table_B as a foreign key [closed]

I have 2 tables Table_A, Table_B. Table_A has an auto-incrementing Id column. I insert one row into Table_A. I would like to get the Id generated from this INSERT and use it as a foreign key in ...
StinkyChan's user avatar
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Snowflake - Simultaneous inserts into the same table - Will they be in multiple independent partitions OR 1 common partition?

In Snowflake, I am planning to run multiple INSERT statements into the same table simultaneously. An example could be batch INSERT 10 million records for 1 date, and batch INSERT 10 million records ...
Kai's user avatar
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How is the insert operation in a B-Tree O(log n), should it not be O( log 2d -1 ) where d is the degree of the B-Tree

A search operation in B-Tree can be O(logn) because we can perform a binary search on the key we are looking for at any node. When inserting a key in a B-Tree node which isn't full and is the leaf ...
Shubhang b's user avatar
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DynamoDb Pk and SK uniqueness : guarded by lock but 2 VMs time can be out of sync? Making sure combination of Pk & Sk are unique

We have a entity Item which has these attributes: product type subId typeOfPublish semver (when this was released) dateTimepublished and a few more The key is : product type subId typeOfPublish They ...
tgkprog's user avatar
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Powershell insert CR in massive array

I have a massive array of string characters that I would like to insert a carriage return every 10 characters. For example, if my string array in Powershell is: all_str_data = ...
Matt Pittard's user avatar
-1 votes
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Unable to add a column named 'Investor Type'

I have a dataframe which has 500 rows * 454 columns. I want to add a column that says 'Investor Type' after every column that says 'Description'. So the data frame column labels look like this: Annual ...
Kartikeya Balasubramanian's user avatar
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Security.stripInaccessible() remove a field that I need

This method is removing a field that I need to make the upsert, is a field that isn't writable but is stuffed in the code. if(customFee.orderFee.Quote__c == null){ customFee.orderFee.Quote__c =...
César Pulpón Pozuelo's user avatar
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Foreign key constraint violation for referencing timescale postgres table

I have postgres timescale table that stores sensor measures. The table has composite primary key with the id int incremental column and the dateTime column(it was required to be composite in oreder to ...
Adzhiew's user avatar
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Can I mass insert one column of data from an Excel file to a table using existing data from the same table and using a select statement?

I am trying to insert new data into an table using existing data from the same table as reference. For example: Insert into dbo.table1 (column1,column2,column3,column5,column5,id) select column1,...
Gandalf the Grey's user avatar
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How to INSERT 6 VALUES simultaneously in column named salary in Table named employees TABLE has 6 employee ids in emp_id column

I have these values(mentioned BELOW) which i'm trying to insert in (newly made) salary column of employees table. Salary column is INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 25000. 37000, 32000, 35000, 45000, 55000, 37000. ...
Hamza Iqbal's user avatar
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How to determine the Optimal Approach for Inserting Multiple Elements into a Binary Heap?

I have a max binary heap implemented based on a complete binary tree. I need to insert multiple elements into the heap, where the current heap array has a length of n and the new elements array has a ...
alan's user avatar
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Inject Javascript on a webpage in only parent/main window

I need to showcase a demo of a feature to my product manager. Demo works on an external website (one of our customers) because of some configurations on that website. I am using Requestly Chrome ...
Ben Hurley's user avatar
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How to continuously insert new HTML into an HTML table using PHP

I am trying to develop a work tracker where I have a form at the top of my page and it inserts into an HTML table once submitted. I have achieved this however, I can only insert one row on the table. ...
tDeanKR's user avatar
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Adding a numeric value to character in an Insert statement

I would like to replace a character value with a character +Numeric value in an Insert statement e.g. REPLACE(b.Tax, '.', '') + a.TaxR as TaxR where tax is numerical value. How can I do it? Thank ...
Yehuda's user avatar
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Will Insert Into Command preserve order in Spark3

Would like to know if the columns will be inserted into the Hive table in the correct position when I use insert into the target table select * from the temp table created in spark. I am trying to ...
Meena Arumugam's user avatar
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How do I run sqlite INSERT INTO queries from a txt file in Flutter?

I have a txt file with sql INSERT INTO queries and values. I'd like to run them all at once in Dart/Flutter with the sqlite plugin. Is this possible? INSERT INTO article (id, name) VALUES (1, 'Banana')...
Elijah Loola's user avatar
-2 votes
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Checking rvalue insert result for std::map gives unexpected results [duplicate]

Test code snippet below (CHECK is macro from test framework and works fine): typedef std::map<int, double> M; typedef M::value_type VT; const VT v0; M mm; CHECK(mm.begin() == mm.insert(v0)....
Alexander G.'s user avatar
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InvalidOperationException was unhandled - C#

I'm coding a button to insert data into a table in a SQL Server database. When I debug, I get this error: InvalidOperationException was unhandled. It was highlighting the line sdadap.Fill(dtab); I'...
nandana2 nandana's user avatar
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How to insert multi valued field in a table using access vba

I'm writing a program by using MS Access VBA. In this program I have textboxes that I fill them out and once I click on the button it inserts the values which are in the textboxes to a table named &...
Abu Ali's user avatar
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SQL - insert rows preserving overall number of duplicate values

I have a table, say, Product (Id, Name): Id Name 1 'one' 2 'two' 3 'three' I have a new version of data that is needed to update the table, with possible duplicate values. For example: Name '...
Victor Khotin's user avatar
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2 answers

How to insert string (or character) into another string at specified index position from the end in bash?

Here implementation of similar function but for which index position is specified from the start of the string. How looks implementation of general function for which index position can be specified ...
Anton Samokat's user avatar
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Insert with values from existing table

I need to move some values based on expiration date, but unfortunately because the tables are not one to one in number of records I receive an error message when my query is run. I need SQL to be able ...
tcoady's user avatar
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statement.executeUpdate() can't be used to insert multiple records in Oracle [closed]

With below code I am able to insert multiple Records in H2 Database. But with Oracle this doesn't work. Is there any other way to use normal SQL to INSERT multiple statements like that. //INSERT ...
ivoronline's user avatar
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How do I dynamically insert a column of data into the middle of a html table which uses both rowspans colspans?

I've got an existing large table that has multiple rowspans and colspans. Ideally it would be rewritten from scratch to not use one large table, but that isn't an option right now. By adding classes ...
gee's user avatar
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-2 votes
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How to insert string (or character) into another string at specified index position in bash? [duplicate]

There are similar questions: Insert characters Into a string in bash? Insert a character at different indexes in a string But they ask to solve some specific problems, not to get general solution. ...
Anton Samokat's user avatar
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How to fill Powerpoint table from Excel data

I have an excel data that contains range from A40 to G1330, but the actual range is from A40 to G63 because the remaining range has formula but the cell is empty "I applied the formula IFERROR ...
Abu Ali's user avatar
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I'm having a problem with insertion in a singly Linked List on python

So, I was coding a linked list in python using classes and after succesfullly defining and running all of the methods I setted up for the class, I decided to create an "insert" method, where ...
Pedddrym's user avatar
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Current code is not adding the 4 columns into multiple Workbooks as needed

I am new to VBA coding, but I have repetitive tasks at work that are tedious and I would like to automate. One such tasks is taking ~60 files one for each county in my area and adding an instruction ...
O C's user avatar
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Insert commands work according to the terminal but the values are not imported in the datebase. What do I do wrong?

According to my Terminal, I inserted values in my database succesfully. I used : db.execute("...") But the table in the database does not contain those values. They are set NULL but initally ...
user40089's user avatar
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How can I insert an element into another for specific parent class only? [duplicate]

I have similar problem as mentioned HERE but need to add <span class="my-class" and </span around whole text inside h1, also need to add this for specific parent element class only: &...
Gresyl Eruas's user avatar
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Insert data from CTE to table in Teradata

I have a script with a series of CTEs. I want to update a database table from the final CTE, but I can't seem to do that. How can I update a db table using data from my CTE? Simplified example of what ...
Emma Keefe's user avatar
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VBA Insert data into next blank row from different worksheets

My objective is to be able to list all of the requests of users on the Status worksheet from different user-entered worksheets (BTW, not all worksheets are required to be entered by users.) Example of ...
momo's user avatar
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Update on duplicate with condition to check only ONCE to reduce I/O operations

I'm using Mysql query like this: INSERT INTO test (id, name, customerId, timestamp, status, lastTimestamp, testId, testCapacity) values(1, 'test1', 2, 1717415401000, 'SAFE', 1717415401000, '...
Vijay Rajpurohit's user avatar
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Solr complains about missing uniqueKey id, but it's there

I know there are many posts about a missing uniqueId but in my situation, it isn't missing. The code I send to solr via curl is: `
Warren H. Prince's user avatar
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can't find the correct versions of Wayland inserts for QT6

To all: I am running the following: Windows11 Pro WSL2 Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS from PyQt6 import QtCore 6.7.0 from PyQt5 import QtCore 5.15.8 I can make this run string work: QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xdb openmc-...
Ron Lavera's user avatar
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SQL: How to use a SELECT statement and VALUE statement at the same time within INSERT?

I would like to use SERIAL as the ID for a newly created table but populate it from another table. My table looks like this: CREATE TABLE dimCustomer3 ( customer_key SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, ...
Dev_Reka's user avatar
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DB2 Trigger on Table - Insert new record in same table on create

Good morning all, Trying to create a trigger for db2 so essentially copy a field (trace number) change the type (trace type) on it for a specific client. I've got the SQL for it (though I'm sure there ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Insertion in distributed data tables for multiregion click house deployment

Say I have two regions - DC1 and DC2 . Let's consider that I have 9 nodes in DC1 and DC2 with 3 replicas in each DC for 5 shards. In this case , if I trigger an insert statement to a distributed table ...
Ananth's user avatar
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Oracle: How to define a trigger that inserts one more row into the same table after each insert?

Say I have a m to n table like this, which makes entries from a table tab reference other entries in the same table: CREATE TABLE m_to_n ( ID_1 NUMBER(9,0), ID_2 NUMBER(9,0), PRIMARY KEY (ID_1, ...
Athshe's user avatar
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Create a trigger in SQL which ignore rows insertion acocrding to criteria [duplicate]

I would like to create an SQL trigger which insert new rows in a table with conditions. Here is an example of my sql table content : The goal of this trigger is to check that any new inserted row ...
yiyipioup's user avatar
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Lock formula code affecting other vba codes not to run properly

I have a workbook with 5 sheets which are full of formulas and I need to make them safe uneditable. I have found through Stackoverflow a simple code that protects formulas and it's working good but it ...
Ramadan Moussa's user avatar
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Simple Postgres Table Insert Think I'm Using An Array

Oracle veteran here, new to postgres. As an example, I have a table defined as (col1 varchar(10),col2 inteter,col3 varchar(20). I issue this statement from the Query Tool in pgadmin: insert into ...
user24714292's user avatar
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Date script failing when imported from another page

I am using a date script on my website as part of my footer composition. The code should produce the following (example): © 2004 MYWEBSITE.COM All Rights Reserved The script works fine in composition ...
Q-Tip's user avatar
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Populating N-ary Tree with Depth first then left to right constraint

I'm trying to implement a function that populates the n-ary tree with these top two priorities (in this order): 1. Insert at the maximum possible depth. 2. Insert from left to right, as such an ...
hakken's user avatar
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Deadlock when running SELECT x WHERE y FOR UPDATE

I'm using MySQL version 8.3.0 from a Docker image, with the default configuration. I simplified my use-case to a table with just 2 columns. What I want to achieve is to block simultaneous transactions ...
sowiq's user avatar
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pass arguments to jq when inserting key not interpolated

When I run jq --arg md "blablabla" '. +={'content': "$md"}' blog.json in blog.json { "foo": "bar" } I get { "foo": "bar", "...
somenxavier's user avatar
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SQL - inserting a combination of set and dynamic data

I need to insert a combination of set and dynamic data into a table. For example, I have a table called "Sports" and wanted to insert the set value "Soccer" to the column "...
cleanuseless's user avatar
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Python Linked List Problem inserting node into Liked list by index number

I'm attempting to insert a node into a specific index in a liked list and although I have it working for index outside of the bounds and index at the front and the end I can't seem to insert a node ...
john uribe's user avatar
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C# Windows Form Add Button Not Adding Data and Closing Form

I have a KhachHang.cs file with code: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks;...
Nguyễn Ngọc Hồng Hòa's user avatar

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