Questions tagged [intellij-14]

IntelliJ IDEA is a popular IDE by JetBrains. Originally created for Java, it currently supports a lot more languages, including: JavaScript, Groovy, HTML, CSS, RSS, R, Haskell, PHP, Ruby, Python, Scala, Clojure, Kotlin.

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How to instantiate a tool window on every opened IntelliJ window programmatically?

I'm working on a plugin for IntelliJ which consists of a tool window. My current approach it so instantiate it via: <extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij"> <...
Michael Sparrow's user avatar
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IntelliJ [Jakarta EE Webservices plugin] Generate Java Code from XML schema using Jaxb produces a "error=206, The filename or extension is too long"

When trying to generate jaxb classes from an xsd in IntelliJ via the menu Tools > XML Actions > Generate Java Code from XML schema using JAXB (provided by the plugin Jakarta EE Webservices (JAX-...
Loïc Gammaitoni's user avatar
-1 votes
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Unexpected Token - why is it happening and how to get rid of the error

I made a gui using javafx and scene builder. My current task is to call info from a class so I can display it in my gui. I initialized 3 objs in an array, and now I am trying to create the objects, ...
Anish Patel's user avatar
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Debug: Error running 'bot' Argument for @NotNull parameter 'module' of com/intellij/openapi/roots/ModuleRootManager.getInstance must not be null

I clonned a repository from GitLab, when I first tried to debug the script in Pycharm, this error message was being thrown: "Error running 'bot' Argument for @NotNull parameter 'module' of com/...
RafaWiz's user avatar
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2 answers

java: error: invalid source release: 15 SpringBoot application

I'm building a simple springboot application with IntelliJ. This is my pom.xml file. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns="
bircastri's user avatar
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How to Handle (Ghost) Duplicate Files and Use Drag Move in Intellij Language Resource Bundle?

Created Strange Files: Language Bundles It's Causing Problems: Renaming Issues, Drag and Drop Not Working, Files Staying in the Same Directory in Finder In IntelliJ, I See It Twice as Shown in the ...
Hansjörg Hofer's user avatar
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IntelliJ Run Button Resulting in Class Not Found Exception (Mac)

I recently started using IntelliJ IDE for one of my college classes and whenever I try to run a Java program using the Run button, it results in an error that says: Error: Could not find or load main ...
Chase's user avatar
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Intellij Http Client - use function() import from external js to initialize an inplace variable

I am currently transcribing a postman collection to intellij http client and even though most of the stuff did work I am currently stuck at a specific problem where I need an inplace Variable @...
QA_Chief's user avatar
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How to exclude one of the variants of dependency while building Gradle projects

I have included the below dependency in the build.gradle file of my gradle project to work with VertexAi LLM Libraries. implementation group: 'dev.langchain4j', name: 'langchain4j-vertex-ai', version: ...
Sachu's user avatar
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Ktlint-gradle - create/override lint rules

I am using the Ktlint-gradle library in my Android project. I have recently upgraded to Gradle version 8.2.0 and ktlint version 12.0.3. Post upgrade, some of the linting rules have changed and I'd ...
Alon's user avatar
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Certificate error while running JUnit in Spring Java application in IntelliJ

I am getting this error while running JUnits in Spring Java Project IntelliJ for some of the JUnits only, which is making real connection with external system with URL PKIX path building failed: sun....
KJ21's user avatar
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I get a red INFO line in IntelliJ when running Karate with Cucumber Reports even though test passes

picture of console output showing red info line EDIT: I found the code that creates this red INFO line in my IntelliJ console - public List<Feature> parseJsonFiles(List<String> jsonFiles) {...
FrancisE's user avatar
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Creating a file object only works when I use an absolute path [duplicate]

I want to let the user input the file name, and be able to read through that file. I then get the error that the file is not found. The file is in the same module, and I want it to work without having ...
Nicolas_Arias3142's user avatar
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Programmatically Set Default Project SDK in IntelliJ

I am trying to setup IntelliJ and maven project on multiple machines. I used Powershell to programmatically install IntelliJ on the machines and download the maven project repo. I also ...
user22962339's user avatar
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Not able to start Intellij

I downloaded latest version of intellij and installed it, but somehow I am not able to start it. I tried to search a lot but not able to find the solution for it. I am getting below stack trace while ...
rns's user avatar
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IntelliJ Plugin fails at loading dependencies from gradle project

I am developing an IntelliJ Plugin. Currently i want to load all dependencies from the Gradle Project i am inspecting. Therefore I use this method: ExternalSystemUtil.refreshProjects(new ...
Nils Baumgartner's user avatar
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VisualSVN with Intellij

I'm trying to check out my repository using subversion through Intellij. I've installed tortoisesvn on my computer and I have visualsvn installed on a server. I believe I have everything configured ...
HDWomack's user avatar
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Does anybody knows how to add Ivy dependencies into a java web project with IntelliJ?

I've got an old project with Ivy and want to import dependencies from enterprise repository with it. Does anybody knows if this is possible with IntelliJ IDEA. I want to be able to deploy locally with ...
cagoscra's user avatar
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Trouble Fetching GitHub Pull Requests by Date Range in Java Using OkHttp

I'm working on a Java program to retrieve pull requests from a GitHub repository within a specified date range using OkHttp and the GitHub API. However, I'm encountering issues where the code doesn't ...
Lungelo Thabethe's user avatar
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Searching IntelliJ project does not yield expected results (not a duplicate, I looked)

I am searching for a string within my Golang project within Intellij. From the 'project' side bar I right click on the project name and select 'Find in Files...' which is the same as CMD + Shift + F, ...
Centdesk67's user avatar
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In my Cucumber framework, Why Examples is repeated as each step in Intelij IDE Console

enter image description here I want each steps of a scenario outline need to be shown in the console.The values I pass through examples can be shown inside the steps. which is working for other ...
Ajish Anto's user avatar
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Unable to increase Java heap memory via IntelliJ

Problem: I run a WSL AlmaLinux with 15_000M allocated RAM, and launch my Java application via IntelliJ, on a OpenJDK 64-Bit. I need to increase the max heap memory available to my Java application, ...
Grégoire MARIE's user avatar
8 votes
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IntelliJ: Disable "TS80006: This may be converted to an async function."

In WebStorm, How can I disable the warning (aka. "quick-fix"): TS80006: This may be converted to an async function. By 'warning' I mean the function name is underlined, and I see the ...
kca's user avatar
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How can I fetch only a new remote branch with intellij

I want to fetch a single remote branch that exists on the remote and not on my local machine instead of fetching the entire repository. Basically, the equivalent of git fetch <remote> <branch-...
Emeka Elo's user avatar
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IntelliJ - Cannot build gradle project in software, but works in terminal using gradle wrapper

When I build my gradle project in IntelliJ I get the error "password verification failed" and "org.apache.http.ssl.SSLInitializationException: Keystore was tampered with, or password ...
Serena Campbell UK's user avatar
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Intellij Projects thinks it's using gradle

I have this maven project that i'm implementing. Usually, my projects builds with maven and there is a relaod icon from maven that pops up when I make changes inside my pom.xml. Recently, I imported a ...
Charlo Poitras's user avatar
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Artifact folder not appearing in 'out' directory in Intellij when trying to make java project executable

I was trying to make my java project in Intellij executable, I did everything correct step by step, but theres no artifact folder in out after adding artifact, anyone can help? Everything seems to be ...
newbie123's user avatar
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Why the error 'class file has wrong version 61.0, should be 57.0' produces only in IntelliJ and not in STS?

Why does the error class file has wrong version 61.0, should be 57.0 Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpath. only produces in IntelliJ. I read about ...
EnthuCoder's user avatar
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IntellJ and WSL2 groovy console freeze

I'm trying to use intellij groovy console to test out some scripts. I have install groovy both on my windows machine and inside of WSL2 with sdk command. I have restarted my machine but everytime I ...
McFrank's user avatar
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Could not find the Run option in IntelliJ for Spring Boot Applicaton

I could not find any way to run the Spring Boot Maven application in IntelliJ. Maven clean, maven install and Build Project is working fine. But Run option is not showing and could not add the Main ...
Praveen RL's user avatar
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How can I change the template for kotlins toString() code generation in intellij?

When working with java files inside of intellij, you are able to auto-generate the override for the toString() method by using Code > Generate > toString(). From here you are able to go into ...
backward forward's user avatar
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Unable to see my project file in the IntelliJ folder structure

I installed the IntelliJ IDEA, while installing I got a dialogue box related to folder structure, but I denied to access it. Now I created a new project JavaApp but it is getting disappeared when I ...
abhinash mallick's user avatar
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what is "master/ (empty set mark)" in pink at IntelliJ package?

enter image description here what is "master/ (empty set mark)" in pink at IntelliJ package? should I delete it?
hakagoo's user avatar
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Error in maven clean install in intellij. I tried everything possible, but I am not understanding why this error comes on jenkins build

I am getting build error. I tried installing a newer version on intellij, but still getting the same error. Not understanding what is happening.I am ruuning intellij 2022.3.1. and this is a maven ...
akhila np's user avatar
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Intellij Git fetch fail for URL

My project use I can use git clone and fetch with Source Tree. But I cannot use git fetch with Intellij. Intellij show error Fetch Failed Cannot determine the organization name for this ...
Tung Vo's user avatar
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Change Layout for IntellJ Git Merge/ Resolve conflicts to 1 page vertical view

When I merge java code in intellj it seperate things into 3 tab vertical window with a tab for local changes, result and develop. This uses up a huge amount of screen real estate and is impossible to ...
nightwolf555's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why I get this error NoClassDefFoundError: org/springframework/security/web/context/SecurityContextHolderFilter?

Im using IntelliJ. Im currently building a project about Spring Authorization Server ver 0.4.0 In my pom.xml, I have these dependencies; 1.SpringBoot 2.6.14 2.SpringBoot starter security 2.6.14 ...
jetpack's user avatar
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Why is my JUNIT 5 not working Im trying to create a tester but I get "cannot resolve symbol `Assertions`? I Did it in root source code and then fix

( I don't know if Im supposed to put the jar file somewhere in my path or if I can place it anywhere currently Its not directly on my path maybe thats why its not ...
Mr.Trollo's user avatar
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Why use terminal to start jar and idea to start are inconsistent

Using idea to start the springboot program cannot get the value of the automatic configuration class For example, the following code,PassConfig.getKey() is null: private static final String ...
dejin's user avatar
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Does anyone know why my message is not showing in Logcat

I have this code in main val password = Log.d("Message", password) // password = "12345" but i cant find this message in Logcat I tried to reset ...
HTO Android's user avatar
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Intellij restore deleted file (new file not in version control yet)

I deleted a file in InteliJ and want to restore it. What I tried: Edit -> Undo won't help here because I had to many actions after my mistake of deleting the wrong file File -> LocalHistory ...
timguy's user avatar
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Debugging an Erlang code with Makefile in IntelliJ

Setup: OTP 26. IntelliJ 2022.3.1 with plugins Erlang 0.11.1162 and Makefile 223.8214.6 Code under preview: The test suite ct_netconfc_SUITE. We could run it from CLI using the command make ...
Bhuvan's user avatar
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Intellij - New Module from existing Sources : nothing happen

I am using . I have created an emty project with jdk 17 and I have downloaded a project from spring initialzr, I have tried to import it inside my project but nothing appear after clicking of File -&...
khalid tounoussi's user avatar
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Compilation Error with Maven on Intellij: Module not found: processed.jcommander

I was developing some small program using selenium and javaFX. everything was going fine, when i tried my code on selenium on a project and on a JavaFX project separatedly. When i put the code ...
Fernando Afonso's user avatar
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Importing a specific folder from a GIT Erlang repository in IntelliJ

IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2.2 Erlang plugin 0.11.1144 SDK: Erlang OTP 25, erts-13.0 Folder To be Imported: I am able to import the complete project ...
Bhuvan's user avatar
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Generating a String which matches given regex using random-Method of GENEREX

I am trying to generate a String which matches a given Regex using the random-Method of GENEREX. Target: as defined in the random Method -> random(min, max), the String is supposed to have between ...
flepponier's user avatar
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IntelliJ Erlang "Unresolved macros"

Setup: IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2.2 Erlang plugin 0.11.1144 SDK: Erlang OTP 25, erts-13.0 Project Imported: Issue: When I mouse over some macros, I get the ...
Bhuvan's user avatar
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IntelliJ Erlang "Cannot find declaration to go to"

Setup: IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2.2 Erlang plugin 0.11.1144 SDK: Erlang OTP 25, erts-13.0 Project Imported: When I mouse over some variables, I get the message &...
Bhuvan's user avatar
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Encounter sbt.librarymanagement.ResolveException

I am fairly new to scala & sbt and encountered an issue when attempting to compile my scala project and have 1 hypothesis as to why i am seeing the below error: the path to the dependency on my ...
stephen's user avatar
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Problem with code browsing Erlang code in IntelliJ

I have installed Erlang plugin in IntelliJ in Windows 10 as explained on the Jetbrain site. I am looking for typical Code browsing features such as finding Call hierarchy, finding references, and ...
Bhuvan's user avatar
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